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This is maybe a little loose of a thread idea, but we need to re-populate the board, and I have so much art saved from this era that I never look at or post anymore
The pre-Free! period, I guess
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Anyway here's Zetsuen no Tempest, which I remember liking quite a lot
Blonde yellow coat high boots is hot-headed and impulsive, brown hair hair clips is introspective and misses his dead girlfriend
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Ano Hana was very popular in its day, there was a bit of homolust between Jintan and the evil crossdressing guy I think(?)
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Cencoroll was 2009 apparently but, close enough
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At the start, K seemed really new and fresh and exciting, but it never went anywhere interesting
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I loved Oscar
Farewell, homocop ;_;
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I sincerely can remember nothing about Akise or Mirai Nikki generally
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The (very cute) brother from OreImo got a surprising amount of solo and homo art
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I love how this artist draws faces, incidentally
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Shin Sekai Yori was briefly notorious
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These two guys briefly had a bit of hype because they were voiced by Daisuke Ono and Kamiya Hiroshi, at the same time as Durarara was airing and everyone was shipping their guys in that one like crazy
This one had a fun OP
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Kimi to Boku was bad, but I liked it
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Based thread OP. Will contribute when I get home
This show was so big at a point. "Take Off" is still on my daily Playlist.
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I don't know about new but it was fun while it lasted. It had two best boys too.

Yuno memeface is the only thing I remember.

>briefly notorious
That's definitely the word for it.
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Kish is way too early for a 2010s thread but I won't complain.
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Looking back I forgot how weird and borderline vomitorius the fight choreography was sometimes.
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One version started in 2009 but Murata is the right timeframe.
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This seemed really cool to me at the time, the entire ambience of this show
It probably helped that this was the first time we saw the fully developed GoHands style, they hadn't run it into the ground (Hand Shakers, W'z, etc) yet
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>they hadn't run it into the ground (Hand Shakers, W'z, etc) yet
Yeah, fair enough.
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I'd say it still has a pretty dedicated following considering the anime continued and is continuing this year.
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This was a nice stroll down memory lane.
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I adore these two
I could fill up a Barakamon thread by myself
I agree though, looking back on it now with a cooler head, it's all a little nauseating
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Naota OG
He get's plenty of fanart still. Well, it's mostly because he makes cameos in Haruka/Mamimi art, but still I wouldn't say he's forgotten.
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my first anime crush if i'm being honest
I never saw the anime but I remember not stopping watching the kiss scene
You should give the anime a shot. It's kind of similar to The Giver if you've read that book before. Although I don't think you should watch it for the gay since the best part of the show is the monster people IMO.
2010-11 was the last great burst of Soulful art.
im glad your faggot board is dying. just merge the board with /lgbt/ and then relocate the board to reddit already. everyone in this thread should unironically kill themselves
I'm not one of those people who watches something just for the romance, but it doesn't really appeal to me. I might give it a chance someday.
The artist of this one seems to be someone named 胃がちゃん, and their Pixiv ID is 2817109, but I can't seem to find anything else about them.
Pixiv ID 64705

I think this is Phi-Brain: Puzzle of God?
Pixiv ID 1389757
Pixiv ID 3046053
You got it. Only about 20 anons watched it as it aired.

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