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"All my swords got deleted... how familiar" edition
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Aw, he's trying so hard not to put his claws right through.
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threads may get accidentally deleted but swords will never die
Even if swords try to die, saniwa will pour money into their resurrection from the forge!
We're so back
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Cute girls
Another day, another sword
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10th Anniversary is coming soon. Your sword is looking stylish for it.
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They made sure to put the boyfriends next to each other!
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The boy.
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That event was such ass. I almost hit the final reward just trying to get a drop that wasn't Yagen, Ishikiri, or Koryuu over and over again. Unlocking the special drops was absolutely useless if they never spawn as a round.
I was lazy and only got 100,000 pumpkin points for Unshou because I couldn't obtain him earlier. After that, I stopped.
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Happy pocky day, heheheh, to me.
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