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thread for all your waifufagging needs. dump your husbando folder and even tell us about why he is the one for you if you'd like
this is clear from dramatical murder, my husbando
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he's an android with a lovely singing voice
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he's a huge fan of fluffy animals. I sometimes daydream about him and my dog getting along
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he's known to hide behind a mask for fear that he looks unnatural or disfigured, but he's the most beautiful man I've ever seen. inside and out
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anyway, I hope to see or hear about your husbandos. it's fun hearing someone light up when talking about things they love
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clear is builded for my dick exclusively
additionally, so is mink
my dick only
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it's 1000 days since my shinobu obsession began and his ninja clan event was released
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always cool to see another clear lover. always cool to see any dmmd lover actually!
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this cutie is a ninja? are his eyes normally like this?
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Hayato Jin from Getter Robo
When he was first introduced in the manga I didn't feel much for him but as I read more of the Getter saga I started liking him a lot more
I felt really bad for him at some points (Especially in Go if you've read it you know) I like his other incarnations too but I have a soft spot for the manga version of Hayato
His unhinged side is probably GODLIKE in bed
The trannies at /a/ deleted 2 waifu threads today. To remedy the lack of Gen, I post him here and on /r9k/. Gen is smart, funny, cute, loyal, and I love him.
those are some manly sideburns
> I read more of the Getter saga I started liking him a lot more
you're not alone. I've seen a lot of anons who realized midway or afterwards how much they love their waifu/husbando
>His unhinged side
bonkers boys are some of the best
>The trannies at /a/ deleted 2 waifu threads today
the heck happened over there? /a/ waifu threads have been a staple of the board
I knew he would be one of my favorites from the first opening, but he turned out less insidious than I imagined in the best way. he's just a witty guy who wants a cola. we all know that feel, gen
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haven't been this obsessed with a character since my teen years
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>sticks out tongue playfully
I already got an inkling of what's he's like, but feel free to tell me more about him
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It's my husbando's birthday! Would everyone please wish him a happy birthday? And A-1, give this cutie and his friends a third season already. Come on.

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