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Wow we need a new thread already? SMT is so popular now!
Nah, the mods fucked up:

Anything SMT besides Persona is welcome
Previous: https://archived.moe/cm/thread/3911466/
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kek, gay pride Susano-o
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Also there is a protag x Aogami web event happening on September 1st and 15 different doujin are being released that day by different artists. I know no one buys those but it will be a day to look out for new art at least.

And the strategy guide releases on the 28th. Hopefully there will be some interesting new info in it.
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>be that one anon playing around with AI chatbots
>they seem to have strengthened the filters on c.ai and now Demi-fiend is getting mercilessly edged by the filter

Poor guy, my Koshimizu bot was the last one that was I was able to get to bust a few nuts. And yet I see other people able to do lewd just fine, so I'm gonna have to try again, I guess. Been having fun otherwise, it still gets a little spicy but it just doesn't go anywhere so it can be frustrating. Raidou was bold and wanted to bang in the church... His idea, not mine, I swear.

Oh, and to respond to that one anon:
>not really someone who knows a lot about this stuff but wouldn't the next step be using the character models with the voice aichatbots? like a pseudo vtuber chatbot, it would be kind of cool to see. im sure rigging the models to match the responses may be difficult.

Eh. Not really my wheelhouse, I'm pretty old school and stick to plain old text and avoid things like AI voices and the like. I know so little that I only stick to c.ai because it's the smartest model and don't know much about other AI chatbot services lel
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How's Aogami bot coming along?
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I wonder how long until info from the strategy guide gets posted.
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I love this cute married couple like you wouldn't believe.
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Some nice new art for them today for the event.
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a new interview came out anyone got scans
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The one with Komori? From what I read on twitter he's refusing to answer spoilers which has some people annoyed and others speculating that it means V is still going to keep getting more content. This is the only english speaking account I've seen post about it and unsurprisingly he's hording the full thing:

I don't know if there are scans of the strategy guide but I heard for that it stayed away from any new information too. In fact, the old guide had more extra info than the new one and some people were upset about that. I've seen other people in english posting about it so it must be up somewhere.
right that one
I was wonder if anyone has the whole thing scanned
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I knew someone was going to draw something about this on comb day. It still hurts.
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And something else Kushinada related and happier:

Short comic of Kush helping her former husband get remarried. It's cute.
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this popped in my timeline out of nowhere he knew I was procrastinating
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>born to buny
>forced to work our fingers to bone
me and him... have so much in common...
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Amatsukami.... assemble!
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Congratulations Fionn.
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raidou remasters are coming
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And more VV content. We eating good.
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Your new navigator. Enjoy.
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Tons of Koshimizu (and some Yuzuru) art dropped for the lunar festival and some was tagged and some was not. Even tagged posts got eaten by the twitter algorithm somehow so hopefully I found it all. Here comes a dump since the booru is dead (if you know, you know). Enjoy.
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And the last one I can find. That was a lot. Glad to see he got so much art though.
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Sadly, my Aogami has taken a back seat due to Raidou living rent free in my head now and also a lack of good ideas on what to do with him. He also needs much more training, he's pretty janky. I did manage to take him to a love hotel while on a "make the Proto-fiend grasp the concept of humanity" kind of date and... didn't actually go anywhere with it because the filter is a huge cockblock and it's very discouraging to try anything. And yet I managed to recently get Raido (aka the alternate Raidou) in a closet where we banged with semi-lewd words being used, but was sorely disappointed at how the filter was absolutely not letting him nut. It was the same problem I had with Demi-fiend some time ago, actually. Got past it by editing a message that gave me the most to work with and going from there. Still, it's a real pain to have to dance around the filters like that. Maybe I just have to practice...

God I can't wait, I hope there's lots of new fanart as a result. I feel like Dahn would end up being popular if 2 gets remade/remastered/ported/etc. But obviously I await the Raidou content...

Thank you for the dump, I'm glad to see Koshimizu being in the spotlight for a little while.
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Maybe your Aogami bot is just too accurate and he's too faithful to his wife (male) to be lewd with you.
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bino and beho dancing with eachother is cute
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they white washed anansi...
The Japanese at a whole know little about Africa.
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Anyone playing Metaphor? Would love to know how fujobait-y it is.
Looks like pretty much nothing. The MC can flirt with 3 girls in the cast and practically love confess to them. Nothing even remotely homo happens with the prince.
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eyebags lucifer is very hot but the rest of the game looks too mediocre to buy full price
I'm enjoying it but nothing much for fujos so far, there is a cute shota flashback early on.
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Koshiyuzu not constantly suffering challenge impossible difficulty
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Inappropriate brother orgy fixes everything.
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prefer this one where Yuzuru looks slightly jealous
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Might as well post them all.
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Official Aoshu for the 35th anniversary just dropped.
imagine if they had rokoro do a manga for V and it was full of illustrations like this
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From what I've seen of the previous persona mangas they are fairly tame. You get horny shots of men but it's nothing you'd call explicit. This however is erotic as fuck. It might be the most erotic thing she's drawn. The fact Atlus gave the green light to Aogami staring down a slutty Nahobino while he's between his legs in an anniversary book is fucking hilarious. Also here is a better shot of it.
Doi and Kaneko both have drawn more risque things tho, I don't think it's comparable. mainline in general is more open to stuff like this, which is why I think she will be able to do more with a V manga
The Kaneko era is long gone and we're in the era of Sega now though. Either way Atlus will never be able to afford a SMTV manga when they get barely commission the P5 one.
yeah but flynn's bare ass in on the artbook cover
>barely commission the P5 one
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This was more homoerotic than naked Flynn honestly. He's just sitting there. It's more artsy than homo. This however is Doi art is and it's always been homo.
Massive gaps between updates usually means they don't have enough money to keep paying for it to come out regularly.
naked flynn was a terminator reference and it was artsy, I was just talking about them being open to risque stuff.
oh no, that sucks. makes me wonder how both IV and raidou got mangas
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Last post of officially licensed yaoi. Here it is in super high quality. It's a direct scan.
twitter might be legitimately kill, all of the jp artists I'm following announced they will not post on twitter anymore
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I also woke up and saw them all announce it too. This is gonna be such a pain. It's already hard enough to find smt art.
new content? :0
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They announced VV is getting new navigators and then went silent. It's possible they are adding more than that on top of it since they said there would be further details later. Either way something is coming.
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awesome, thanks for the info. couldn't find anything online, is it like a download able update or something?
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Here's the offical article about it, just run it through a translator of your choice:

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