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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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404 Error edition.
Previous thread: https://archived.moe/cm/thread/3905873/

Some free resources for simple online (and mobile) generation:





I had to say goodbye to my beloved cat recently and thought making some AI images might help with the grieving process...it didn't but I managed to generate some nice pictures at least.
RIP your cat
One cat gave birth to 4 little kittens, one day the mother cat went out and never came back, my sister tried to take care of the baby kittens, 3 of them died, the last one is alive and well, still at our house, I think his age is 3 to 5 months, not really sure.
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It's always sad when the little ones simply don't make it. But, usually the ones who do make it go on to live long, full lives.
That was the case with my cat. He was the only one of his siblings to make it after a dog attack. The poor kitties were only a few days old. But he survived and stayed with me for 18 years.
Anyway, sorry for the blogging.
I will try to post a pic of it later.
Slow threads in a slow board, it's fine.
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Here he is.
Aw, cute. I wish him a long, happy life.
prompt pls?
Cute lil fella
>Heavy Brush Strokes, minimalist Manga, Ink Pen Drawing, blurred,handing a medical potion fl to viewer,looking up to viewer,parted lips,o face tired,daring, cute healer elf teen boy,his blonde ringlet hair frames his flat sternum,purple eyes,white capelet and hood,his frilled dress fits him like a glove,white boy briefs, big pink bow on chest,healing magic aura,androgynous,bratty smug smile. setting is a fantasy village with blurred wooden buildings in the background, cloudy,
Thanks bros
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trying to mess with text to video:
but it just seems to make the background move
anyone know any scripts to cause movement of the face or body?
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What's the prompt for him?
>a young man with blonde hair and violet eyes, floating in cyberspace, white bodysuit, somber, blank eyes, cinematic, holding hand out to viewer, bishounen, noise, dynamic lighting, Tetsuya Nishio
>try frosting.ai
>type in "hot emet selch" for shits and giggles
Very nice. Thank you.
Pull your pants up dumb boy
browner boys?
Is this ai free?

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This one is especially cute. Gives me Takumi-kun vibes.
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Save this shit somewhere, 10/10.
Hell, moar.
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NTA but I tried to recreate this but with photorealism and they started acting like retards at the end lmao

that's seriously cute

Lederhosen are so underrated boys wear

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