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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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Post cute guys from various countries. Historical nations welcome too.
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Brasil x Argentina is pretty cool, but why do they both have "I'm surprised I just got aggressively kissed" face?
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Countryhumans are okay too
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That artist in particular has drawn a lot of cute ship art between them. I do recall a comic where they slowly become acquaintances and them eventually boyfriends. Argentina is portrayed as the top, of course.
>latin hetalia
Holy Kino
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Can't forget the old CountryLove template.
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>argentina is white
Cute twink, I'd buy him before he gets sent to kyiv.
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As I learned happens with the women of the Sahel, sexual exploitation of populations increases when those populations are thrust into regional insecurity, especially in times of warfare.
In this very year, as in many of the years before, for safe passage out of wartorn Mali, women who had already lost everything -- their homes, their families, their meagre material possessions -- lost yet more at the border, as their lives were held hostage by the guards, released in exchange for the loss of yet more of their dignity

fuccc is this countryhumans wish dot com hetalia bullshit man do yall think im some zoomer teenage girl with pleb ass taste
hell nah man gimme that real shit man where my fckn hetalia at man
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Pixiv ID 5471187
Japan cute
Usuk :3
This reminded me of my cute Brazilian-Argentinian amigx from Discord... I miss him

"argentina is white" is a meme back from when 4chan was actually good

le shiggy donatello
Brown like the river.
How is it a meme, it's just a statistical fact that they are a clear majority over there
Need some Argentina x Chile
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Pixiv ID 2342224
Revolting. Brazilians don't deserve anything nice.
That's a girl
Polish national dress is cute af
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Don't question it you fucking newfag. Your ruining the joke just by asking about it.
Really? A girl in brazil? That's male Len.
Even the brazillian miku is probably a tranny and is hiding a 5.5 incher in "her" shorts.
At this point, I'm pretty sure newfag just means someone with a life.
And what joke? I initially didn't wanna google it because I thought it'd be a waste of calories for my fingers to type it in and for my face to squint at the dumb shit that I'd be seeing, and upon your prompting, I found that I was right, so again, I find myself asking, what joke?
Based on your inability to get jokes, your probably autistic and don't have a life.
I mean, I get the joke, it's just not very funny.
Is it one of those "had to be there" kind of things? Do I have to have been 12?
im autistic
If you don't get the joke, then you don't get the joke. Stop trying to force yourself into it, you fucking autistfag. Maybe that'll actually help you socialize with people.
But I'm not forcing myself to like it?
It's the kind of thing I'd be, like, embarrassed to laugh at, why would I try to enjoy it? I get the joke, it's just not very funny.
I wasn't forcing myself to like it, I was trying to put on the barest modicum of politeness? My intuition told me you'd be like offended or something if I didn't think it was funny, and I guess I was right, because why else would you react like this?

I mean, you could tell me you're not offended, sure, but it's not like I'd have reason to believe you. This whole response comes off as triggered, and kinda defensive.
Like, what is an "autistfag," and how is that different from a regular autist? And why do you keep "no, you"-ing me with the whole "not having a life" thing? That got old a couple replies ago,
Either you're super triggered for some weird reason, or are socially maladapted enough to think it's acceptable to be rude to random people online just because, and either way, proof is in the pudding for social maladjustment
This is GSR on action people.
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Kek go lurk some more you fucking thinskin newfag
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krauts owe me sex
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please curse like a normal human being, you sound retarded
4chan was never good
Go fuck yourself. Sick of all of you zoomer retards posting such garbage on this board. It's bad enough that we have to deal with people posting children's flavor-of-the-month cartoon shit and now we have to deal with you morons. Not sure why this place doesn't hold the same standards as /c/.
scanned thread for a Canada twink, I'm disappointed
4chan used to be one of the most fun, creative, and exciting places on the entire internet

/b/ gave birth to the first generation of worldwide internet culture
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Not exactly twink, but there
Have you considered asking me to be less retarded while not also posting countryhumans content?
You'd make a much stronger case for yourself, I think
Low traffic boards can't afford standards, especially when they have otherwise wide appeal.
And it's not like they're squeezing out good content. There's no competition for content-space on this slow-ass board. You don't "have" to deal with anything, anon.
Find the threads you like, hide the ones you don't, be a little less unhappy with your day
buy me owo

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