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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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New thread for Steins;Gate's best boy.
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Y chromosome and a penis, so he's a boy. 41% yourself in anger tranner. lmao.
Boy* who will dab on your and all other tranny freaks’ graves.
This is how I like my boys the best. Delicately cute and sweet.
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He would be the perfect bf
Ruka was the boy who made accept that i liked cute bois.
Too much? Plz don't delete or ban me mod sisters
The poor boi deserved more attention from Okabe in season 2. The show seemed colorless because of no Ruka x Rintaro slow burn romance development.
I need recommendations for some good slow burn romance femboy anime.
Cute yet hot...is still cute, right mod sisters?
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Ruka is probably the saddest character in the series. Unanswered love hurts like a mother.
Cute little thing definitely thinks about handling Okabe's stick.
he could do much better than rintaro
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Okarin would be a great husband though. As long as he isn't depressed, which should be the case in the good timelines, the guy will manage to make you laugh every day, whether intentionally or not.
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Also sorry in advance because that's the Luka from the wrong timeline, not like anyone will take notice but here is otoko da butt to make up for it.
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Cute, dainty, slender bois, in bikinis, might be the lewdest thing to grace our beaches...
>be shark
>see this in the water
>ohh boyy
Boi nips are alright, right mod sisters? They're just so adorbs and sooo cuuute!!! Look at themmm!!
*bites delicately*
I like this, who drew it
I got this off tumblr some years ago, with only one hand at my disposal, in a what was yet to be termed "a goon sesh". So don't know, sorry. But try downloading the "Search by Image" addon and do a reverse image search.
Toss it into sauceNao its better than google usually

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