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Why was the last thread deleted?
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Mods purged the board by accident
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LOL what the fuck. I didn't save everything in the last thread, I'm so mad...
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I only saved the 2D's
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You could try giving the archive a shot, but it's so overrun with spam and popups, it's difficult to even navigate
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The only one I know of is archive.moe, is there one I don't know about that actually saves the images?
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Living with Murdoc would be like the Trip&Virus route, huh
It's just that one, but I swear I was able to access and save art on that archive once
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The image server was based on fireden but everything was shut down thanks to the imgur debacle. So now all those images are lost. Really sucks.
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>imgur debacle
quick rundown?
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The archives got their images wiped because Imgur (where the majority of them were hosted) changed their policies (gay)

So now there's no rude content allowed and lo-and-behold all the images were taken down. And it's really sad because that is how I saved most of the really good images from /cm/ that I have.
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For the Anon who asked for the source of this picture in the purged thread, here you go. https://x.com/kumobabe/status/1721923754903937113
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god I love him
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He'd make the loveliest wife.
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he needs to do this more
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Sometimes I feel nostalgic for the Song Machine era even though the rollout was a disaster
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It was a disaster?
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The album itself is good though.
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Feel like pure shit just want him back x
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I love him
Hewlett and Albarn don't get enough credit for accidentally creating the perfect example of gap moe
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What did he mean by this
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Delayed music video releases, failed reddit Q&As, the Valley of the Pagans video having to be re-edited because Rockstar Games hadn't actually allowed them to use GTA for the video... The album is good but that era was a bit of a mess
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oh man, i had completely forgotten all that. it really was messy. one thing i remember is the official lyric videos having so many of the lyrics wrong. still a nice album
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All in all, I definitely miss the art from that era. This one and 2D and Murdoc in David Bowie's outfits are some of my all time favourites
Wish they'd stop being coy and just admit Murdoc and 2D are fucking already
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You and me both anon
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What are your favourite 2doc fanfics?
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The ones I write. :)
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Who are you on ao3?
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I don't have one...
Why is he so cute
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I really hope we get at least a single next year
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You can argue messes from Plastic Beach on. They've always had an organization issue from early on.
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Yeah that is true, the Plastic Beach era itself is also a result of many fuck ups
I'm upset that the online game was left unfinished and there's not even any archive of it available because of how they set up the website.
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I love this artist.
Hong Kong is their best song.

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