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Dante and Leon prettiest capcom's boys
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>prettiest capcom's boys
For me, it's this drunk slut
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Leon a best
capcom only?
All Vidya men allowed
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What game?
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Octopath Traveler
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Was feeling nostalgic and popped in Bully for the first time in a while. Forgot how much I love Gary and his cartoonish sociopathy.
Too bad the game never actually lets you kiss him, it might have mellowed him out.
Is that fucking James Sunderland and Harry Mason?
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My beautiful heroine addicted wife.
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olberic sexo
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I miss my boys
EIKE :33333333
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Saddest platonic love story ever told.
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>Silent Hill fandom still alive
how in the fuck
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Well, there is the SH2 remake coming out soon.
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Yes but James is ugly both inside and out and Eddie looks like some weird combination of Chris Farley and Vincent D'onofrio
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Bringing my CoD boys into this thread
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Pit is best boy
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Love me my crispy psychopath (and sad that we'll probably never see him again)
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Pit Sexo
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>this semen demon has canonically had sex with men for money
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Unless you mean for the game which is Eternights
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More Call of Duty
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Pyramid Head molesting James is always a classic
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Why is he so pretty
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(A few days late but) 10 year anniversary! Yay!
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moar pls
Thought it was Leon for a sec
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I need him carnally
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Call of Duty once again
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I'd like Capcom to bring back Donte the arrogant white-trash himbo.
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Dante is ugly
Ugly bastard carried by fanarts
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Nature is healing
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Who are they?
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Harry and James from silent hill 1 and 2

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