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the vinland saga thread died, post vinland saga men
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vinlandbros who is your favorite character
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Björn and Einar best boys
I miss ragetard teen Thorfinn
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Askeladd from the side reminds me of Ewan Mc Gregor a little .
God, I want to fuck Baldy so bad
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Someone help him...
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Imagine giving Björn viagra, as a joke
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Pixiv ID 39782528
pixiv id 1985356
Thx sauceanon
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Einar, my beloved...
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I want to hug him...
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I love schizo beefcake
God, Einar is so pretty...
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Modern Askeladd would get arrested for tax evasion and then he would be hunted across fhebwhole country for killing IRS agents and the cops sent to arrest him
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funny hat
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>massive focus on eyelashes
this artist is female isn't it
have you seen the DSL yukimura gives to Canute
It's not only the lips, the eyelashes also count. Most male artists don't consider them at all when men are drawn, that's why I asked
>Karli: my dads are weird
Season 2 Canute scares me a little, ngl
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From the thumbnail I thought he was holding a guitar at first
>fury of the stoooorm
>shreds guitar
Modern AU with Thorfinn as a emo guitarrist would be cool (he still has a 100+ kill streak)
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>really love the headcanon of Thorfinn and Einar together
>AO3 has barely any stuff to read
Well fuck me I guess. I guess Vinland Saga just doesn't tickles the fujo audience that much
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Vinland saga mostly attracts normies and yumejoshis
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Snake my beloved
Please Yukimura sensei...I need to see him again
Canute a cute
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here's more snake
did they fuck? yes or nah?
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Thorfinn belongs to Einar
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No, but Snake was definitely fond of him
>you're unbelievably soft-hearted
>this was an actual line between them
Maybe some smooching the homies goodnight type of stuff is on the table
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I would let Björn do unspeakable things to me, holy shit I want him so badly
is bjorn top or a bottom?
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switch, but he definitely a sub
Bjorn is whatever Askeladd tells him to be (100% bottom)
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I know he's a walking disaster, but hear me out...
Farmland Thorfinn is for sweet and tender lovemaking
Garm is cool, but for lewd for sire he isn't

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