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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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Post cute boys drawn in styles that don't necessarily fit the anime style. Comics, old book illustrations, cartoons, retro advertising, mascots are all welcome here.
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Boys in this kind of art style are adorable! x3c
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Finally a home for my king, Pierre Joubert
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>will never take a naked little boy in in your little grave yard watch shack to warm him and his kitty up
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thanks for this thread anon!
variety is the spice of life.
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good album
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Wouldn't this be a "not anime" thread?
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Which one Anons?
Start with the little one.
Top middle/left look familiar. Are you the anon from the dragon's dogma 2 threads?
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Top left and top middle
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素 張/rogner5th on artstation
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if it's supposed to be wayne it has to be the spiky hair, anything else would feel wrong
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just an excuse for u pedos to post children
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I was in those threads here and at /v/ posting shot characters, but that's just a coincidence lol.
I don't see the resemblance with the drawing I just posted though... Well, maybe a little?
In other news, the sky is blue, more at 7
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as always, forgot to attach the gigachad image
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A good boy has good posture.
First one looks too young; last one looks too old

Gimme all the ones in between plz
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Top left and bottom right
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Good. FUCK Mary Hammerman.
I think thats Marv not Mary
interesting thread, keep up with the great work!

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