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A thread of worship for the Blessed King of Longing.
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Post 5
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dom griffith x sub guts is the purest
The only time as a Berserk fan where I wished I was Guts.
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>bought expensive glass dildo
>start medication soon after that kills my libido
>months pass and I've never used it, feel like I've wasted money
>read Berserk
>think about Griffith and all carnal feelings rush back to me
>finally use it to imagine him penetrating me
Thank you Griffith...
stop making black and white ops theyre impossible to find by sight on the catalog
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That's hot. I achieved a prostate orgasm one time when I was fingering myself thinking of Femto fucking me.
My apologies, Anon.
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I want him so badly it's actually pathetic
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reminder that Guts, in his post-Eclipse piss and vinegar phase, was so mesmerized by the resurrected Griffith that he forgot his murder boner for the man

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