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Now that we've recovered from the nuclear blast, I'd like to bring attention to the next edition of 4chan's divegrass soccer. For those not in the know, the 4C is a CPU vs. CPU simulation in Pro Evolution Soccer featuring various boards. The players represent facets of each board's culture.
>Anything I can do to help the team?
please consult this handy pastebin link above. Thanks for your attention and please look forward to it.
Good win in the Friendlies against /o/.
And now the poll. Please vote who you want in the team along with some suggestions if you will. Thank you.
This thread feels a bit dire with the Autumn Babby coming up. What are we planning for that one? Any new kits or aesthetics?
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Is there any new roster changes or new flavor of the month boys
Bumping to say we will definitely have new faces in the team. I'll keep the poll open for the last time for today. See you all in a few weeks!
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Thank you for voting everyone. The results are in.
Here are the players that will not be in the next cup due to a lack of votes.
>Belial (Singularity's Temptation)
>Hokuto Ijuuin (My Cute Idol Boys Have Unionized)
>Josuke Higashikata (Part 8) (Yet Another JoJo Thread)
Thank you all for voting! See you all in another week!
Will Scara become part of the team?
The roster is not final yet but considering some anons asked for him and we have 3 players out. There's a good chance you might see him. No promises though ;)
Sidon over Link himself? Really?
Link has ties to other boards, we're obliged to find workarounds.
We're playing tomorrow in the Autumn Babby qualifiers against /fa/. Should be the second match at around 10:40 AM Pacific.
Fuck yeah, time to style on some stylists.
Match is on, if anyone misses it it should be in the archive though.
Ugly match, but ending on a draw's not the worst thing. Based Hooni for pulling off that equalizer.
Sad game against /xs/.
Eliminated by /h/. So many missed chances in all three games.

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