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MegaSen edition
Previous >>>3920216
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Blendtinel Prime edition
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My pingas is rock hard now
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Sex https://x.com/tsuyu_tf/status/1845519553448792216
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I need him pregnant yesterday
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He really reminds me of Proteus in a way. I associated him with the other Sentinels so far, but thinking about it these two are both the petty, peacocky, colorful manipulators of society of their respective universes.
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Needs fisting
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Sentinel might be sexy but baby Megatron is so cute
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I wonder what the animators think about the Sentinel ahegao backshot edit lmao
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Yaoi hamds
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Prowl getting dp'd in fanarts soon
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Jumper cable
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This is a scene from the novel btw. Maybe I will read it at some point
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Do any of you collect the figures?
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Had a bunch as a kid, gave most of them away to my baby cousin. I regret it because one of those was the original Armada Unicron. I still have an Animated Soundwave (minus Laserbeak, I lost him sadly) and some 3rd Party stuff. I want to get the Studio Series TFOne Sentinel whenever he's out.
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Too poor to afford any
I plan on getting a couple of TF One figurines and a couple of Chinese knock-offs
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current deceptichud collection

That Unicron's pretty cool, a shame. I was thinking about getting the Studio Cell one. The Homelander robot comes out early 2025, think I've seen some promo irl pics already.
ShowZ has good 3rd party stuff, that's where I ordered my G1 Gun Megatron.

Anyways, back to your regularly scheduled robutt fagslop after this.
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Not collecting. I only buy figs of the characters I like the most. Bunch of third party too since MMC had some top tier toys of my favs and some of them didn't have any official ones to begin with. Have two kuro kara kuri too they are fantastic and IMO worth all that money.
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I don't fully understand Blitzcracker or Astrowarp but they're pretty cute
I'm guessing it's the pair the spares thing or did they actually interact a lot in G1?
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They didn't interact at all in G1 aside from Blitzwing killing the two, Astrowing and Skycracker make sense though lol
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He's so molestable
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What's the deal with Prowl and the Constructicons, I don't read the comics
Scrapper dies and the Decepticons reformat Prowl into Devastator's head
The Constructicons follow him around for a bit after that, and it was fucking hilarious
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