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spooky edition

previous thread >>3920368
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gangimarine has been unleashed.
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my sides. official promo picture from gigo
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i wish sataisa shippers would just leave instead of scream about how sumiisa being pushed is unfair to them, as if the ships are even comparable to begin with
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I was wondering why ccchiko, no, aikawa, etc. weren't uploading any art recently I guess they were busy with the anthology
They just announced that the second Anthology's artists were all fans, so a real anthology doujinshi (while the first also feel like a doujinshi but the people involved are pro).
So you gonna get a lot of shipping drama because a lot of fans like sumiisa
Imagine Obari sliding in ur DM to ask if you want to draw something for him lol
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I saw the list and wow a lot of familiar names who draw R18 with same pen name lol. >>3926266 is one of them
The thing is that sataisa is about as canon as something like isahibi, hell there's even more basis for isahono, yet they think it's somehow equally canon as sumi(bure)isa? That they should stop publishing sumiisa stuff because it's just as unofficial as sataisa in their minds? It's so stupid.

>Imagine Obari sliding in ur DM to ask if you want to draw something for him lol
Obari was only listed as supervisor for the spargaizer comic in athology A, and I doubt he's involved in picking artists for this one. It's all the publisher.
Yeah, already saw few people clutching at pearls because it's bad that fujoshi are making "official" stuff because they don't want BBB to be officially perceived as a "fujoshi show" or "aimed at women".
While I kind of get that BBB be more "neutral" so anyone can approach it is a reasonable stance, the rest is bs
i always had the impression that saitaisa folks were chill and staying on their side knowing that their shit was fanon so there was no real clash between ships in comparison to non-human bravern/isami
> I doubt he's involved in picking artists for this one. It's all the publisher
I was joking since more than once he said that he kept an eye on people making doujinshi kek and let's not mention him liking sumiisa fanart

Anyway, I got both physical and digital version of the anthology A
I bought the digital from bookwalker, there is a decent way to share it without having to screenshot each page? (sorry i'm noob about this kind of stuff)
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>i always had the impression that saitaisa folks were chill and staying on their side knowing that their shit was fanon so there was no real clash between ships in comparison to non-human bravern/isami
maybe you're thinking of the people that are OK with any ship? the strictly sataisa people are not chill, they were crying when bari's circle account posted sumiisa stuff and now most of them are crying about the anthology
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what i have in mind are people who probably are more of a satake yume, so they ship both isami and alakai with him and are in friendly terms with sumiisa
anyway i just hope people are not going to be nasty against artists because they were chosen.
I feel stupid thinking that wasn't necessary to clarify that. working under cygames/a publisher of course they had their ideas and manuscript approved and checked.
Also because a lot of sumiisa artist were picked doesn't mean they gonna draw BL or shippy sumiisa manga only lol
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didn't see the others explicit announce the subject of their work but found these two so far
>12-page comedy manga featuring Captain Satake and Senior Sergeant Plumman.
>story about Miyu-chan and Hibiki-chan
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some people have a really old fashioned view that any association with BL fanworks must be hidden and never touch the outside but literally most of the show staff are happy with fanart and doujin activity and have gone on about it in interviews etc. when likes were visible most of them were interacting with fanart/doujin. it was funny to see kamokamen go from smith + lulu family stuff to sumiisa + lulu family in real time lol.

but desu the whiny people are just being loud and more people will buy the anthology for the artists going by how quick their toranoana books disappear.
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this what happen when you get old people as your viewerbase kek but jokes aside, some are being very dramatic for no reason aside being salty. people were salty when the first bravern-only event was held this summer and 100+ circles were only sumiisa and idk is like being mad at T&B fandom that kotetsu/bunny is the most popular ship

talking about interesting stuff, anyone read/saw anthology A?
>when I get the anthology i'm going to burn it
this is as pathetic as male otaku breaking all their stuff when they find out their waifu isn't pure
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i'll laugh my ass-off when all the manga on the anthology is going to be the classical all-characters gen material, with some comedy and few serious stories and no disgusting men fucking.... not like anthology A.
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don't know if everyone knows about it yet but the easter egg (Isami's neck) in anthology A made me shit bricks lol.
that + on-page gay sex is definitely more direct/graphic than anything in B will be.
wouldn't call it easter egg, but if you can make 1+1 it's clear that it's part of the joke and it's so funny.
but i think the biggest offenders to the usual annoying complainers is bravern=smith confirmed in every story that are connected to the after-story novel
the only one who is a bit weird it's the first, you can see the first pages in the sample, where bravern is eating curry and smith's captain is alive (and not everyone liked it)
Saw a sataisa person so mad they've started accusing obari of lusting after underage female fujo artists because he let the anthology hire people that draw homo sex browsing the sumisa tag on bsky.
i don't believe, they can't be that unhinged (also i don't think any artist is underage). link, screenshot?
>but the easter egg (Isami's neck) in anthology A made me shit bricks lol.
I'm afraid it's real
miyu and honoka are having a confrontation as fujoshi (sumiisa shipper) and honoka as yume (isami-oshi) and hibiki is in the middle as neutral friends. there is a panel that shows smith and isami fucking (can't post because even if it's hidden its shows that) and isami has a bite and a hickey the neck.
at the end, when miyu and honoka comes together and find common ground (i vaguely understood that, could be wrong), they ask hibiki go out with them but she refuses saying she had an appointment already few sec after isami shows up wearing episode 1 suit and he has a hickey in the neck (opposite side of miyu's fantasy) and i guess i can post that page...
like anon said few post above the mood not serious and a very unhinged short comedy story but it was so unexpected they would show both things lol
well, i guess they can definitely be reported for harassment. that sounds mental, you can't be butthurt for something like this
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Ain't it kinda odd that Isami was totally into a giant robot stripping him down and taking advantage of him?
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When did you realize that Bravern was actually a (stealth) bara anime? For me, it was this scene right here.
When Smith was talking about admiring macho men in tight suits within the first 30 seconds of the show.
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so it's bravern and isami watching a movie, bravern gets heated talking about it (watching the movie a second time with isami on a couch?) that he slips with his smith voice and he get embarrassed? cute
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this is literally just smith with red hair
sumisu is prettier
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Interesting. One of the sumiisa artist on their side account wrote an extended explanation about the anthology, like when they got contacted how things worked etc
>The plot and storyboard were supervised once, then the main artwork was checked by Cygames, and then the finished manuscript was checked by Cygames again. The Cygames check took about 1-2 weeks to check back. It wasn't specified who checked it. The only person whose name was mentioned and who requested revisions was the screenwriter, Koyanagi-sensei.
and of course what is not allowed is "過度のBL表現" so was fine if it was a hint to the extent that it's in the main story.. but if i didn't misunderstand what she wrote, since she couldn't do sumiisa in such way she decided to do a bravern/isami shoujo manga
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wow, that sataisa person is so mad about the one fujo artist who uploads her r-18 stuff directly onto twitter, she looked up what date she had booked for the hotel collab and called them to let them know a digusting immoral fujo that draws gay sex for all poor and innocent children to see is going to be staying at their hotel at that date
can y'all just report this account for harassment and warn out jpn fujoshi? idk you can be as much as upset as you want, but this is mental. making a sockpuppet accounts to complain about riba/shipping/anti is silly but whatever, but this sounds a totally different kind of mental illness
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i hope they just threatened to and it didn't actually happen because wtf.
that account is now full of rants about r18 art corrupting society.
btw someone has made a block list for all those burner accounts
Funny this whole drama triggered a bunch of bad apples, if they leave the fandom we all win i'm just bothered by the ones who decided to stay out of spite and harass other fans.
It's a pity that we can't help because the language barrier.
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Wouldn't even call it drama. Commercial "doujinshi" anthologies existed in the 90's and 00's and a bunch of people showed their copies of T&B anthologies made by fanartists/doujinka and they were sold in bookstores (picrel was a 94's parody anthology https://x.com/mandarake_mania/status/1417730863064772613)
Which trigger the questions: are these people who are very upset are male fans or butthurt shippers that are using the "these artists make lewd art and post them on twitter dot com" just to provoke some reactions?
Because I honestly find more problematic the way the publisher used the official illustrations to make people pre-order not knowing the content
there are different groups of people mad about different things:

A) fujos that believe all things fujo must be kept hidden and separate from official staff and merch, because gay sex is abnormal and all the poor men who watched bravern because it's a robot show should not have to be subjected to homos (this seems to be the majority complaint)

B) the "what if a minor looks up one of the authors and sees GAY SEX? think of the children!" crowd

C) artists that are jealous they didn't get invited and other people concerned the anthology will create a hierarchy among bravern fanartists

D) jealous sataisa shippers who are using any of the above reasons as an excuse to make a stink
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The A/B points are kind of pointless since the director and other people of the staff encouraged fanworks and often people found Obari liking their stuff, even porn. Usually this kind of distance works in any normal situation.
About children lol Obari directed a bunch of hentai, and Angel Blade was very popular. Why no one is worried about children googling the director name that's associated with futanari porn?
Also this kind of side material is not aimed at the general public but fans, who is going to buy a book that doesn't have anything to do with the source and it's just fanfiction?
I can understand some hags being livid because x artists from y ship were picked etc it's the most sane reason to be mad about this.
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this is just to lure people in thinking that BBB is a normal anime
but i hate this is a lottery
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Need them wearing nothing but only those straps. And the gloves and glasses.
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Smith is best nerd!
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the regular bravern thread on 5ch has turned into an anti thread and the yaoi thread is 80% constant whining about reverse shipping and shit like attacking artists for drawing smith blushing because it's not manly, these people are so pathetic
I noticed one of them was starting to give anti vibes even before anthology b announcement. i guess it started because few anons were bothered by obari having side account
the only thing that conform me is that it's just a bunch of people constantly whining, especially the ones about reverse shipping.
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5ch is 90% just whining about people on twitter or fanartists, all their problems would be solved if they just blocked people they don't like
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*comfort lol
anyway, i wouldn't be bothered by 5ch that much or measure the status of a fandom using those threads, people use them for venting and being gratuitously mean. differently from animan (anon bbs) there is no moderation so anything goes
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wanted to ask on /m/ but maybe here is better, please vote for bravern here, we are second place atm
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TY!! and source of that, if you don't mind?
(sauceNAO doesn't give me anything)
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thx obari for dropping the jacket/cap lore also on twitter
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pictsquare sumiisa halloween event, the venue admission is free (no need to make an account)
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How do you all still access melonbooks? Is it only blocked for Euros? After some other places have made it impossible to buy with Visa I am kind of out of luck regarding dj which is annoying as fuck if you like a series that gets so many.
It means extra fees but Zenmarket/Japan Rabbit/FromJapan are reliable for buying doujin.
I don't know if the person with スミイサ in their username on twitter browses this place, but you need to remove it because all of your tweets and replies show up up when people search sumiisa. You've probably been blocked or muted by more than half of jp bravern fans because of it. Just put it in your profile instead.
just bought once on melonbooks even if was region blocked on my side. but since i always used proxy services the new changes doesn't effect me much.
kind of hate people putting characters/ships in the handle/username clogging the search. people should be aware of that... and that person, if we are talking about the same one, posted a copypasta about weird non-human shit on the eng side and jp fans got confused thinking eng fandom doesn't understand b=s or other bs. embarrassing.
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I really hate it that there is always one person having a character or ship name as nick. Like I don't hate the people, but I hate the fact because usually it's done by users that make like 50 text tweets a day so your results are just this posters' timeline.

The one who is really to blame though is twitter for not giving you the option to exclude user names. How is this not a thing?
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Yeah I used Zenmarket and proxy services but they are useless since I cannot access the website. I don't mean blocked from ordering, but literally blocked. Cannot browse or see anything it's basically showing the sadpanda for me, but I at least know how to circumvent the real sadpanda.
I guess I will cancel my card subscription to get American Express instead and hope that toranoana allows this. Does anybody with Amex order from toranoana and can confirm that it still works? It's not mentioned so I am not sure if it's usable or if it was never an option in the first place.
You better all remind me when they release the second anthology in 10 days. If I remember correctly. But I think I do for once.
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i use a cheap vpn when i have to browse region locked jpn sites, like yahoo or melon.

anyway, Bravern booth at AGF
from the comments of the people who went there: the booth is big, the cardboard cutouts takes most of the space
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>Isami's little blush
too pure for this world...

(also they did say they will do mail order for the AGF stuff later, probably through the Animate store)
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If anybody's interested, I made a Bravern thread on Fujochan (/f/ board).
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New thread >>3929753

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