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post them boys who canonically have social anxiety. they deserve as much love, support, and encouragement as they can
I dunno any other timid characters so heres another spooky Allister. forgive me
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>Youngest of his profession
>Doesn't get jokes and takes them at face value
>Gets roped into dumb shit
>Stilted talking
Mika is literally me!
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>master of stealth because he can't socialize
>Can count 3 minutes from his head
>Possibly has mild autism
>Barely speaks
Maybe not cute in the usual sense, but I think Houston is neat!
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Sunny definitely has social anxiety as well.
>they deserve as much love, support, and encouragement as they can
fake as fuck you don't care about them unless they make your dick hard
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>you don't care about them unless they make your dick hard
This and caring about them can exist simultaneously
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Read Shinobi Undercover. It's a new manga about Yodaka, a really cute ninja who is more socially anxious than all of /r9k/ combined but despite it he is given the ironically cruel task of joining a school to befriend and protect a high profile target.
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What an asshole. he could've at least told the guy Extraction Team was on the way.
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You don't though, pretending to is utterly disingenuous.
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i read the first two chapters of negative-kun and gyaru boy like three years ago, but didnt realise the rest of the series got translated back in march. i love hana-kun...
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these are all out of order, i highly implore you to go read the actual series
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I really like shy boys
Is he shy? Haven't played his game
He starts as a cute shy boy but turns into an edgy (but still cute) trainer after being repeatedly upstaged by the player
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kagehara is so diabolically cute
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I want to swordfight him with my tongue (and penis) while he plots a way to kill me.
i want to finger his tight hole while he whimpers and cries into his crusty jizzstained kirigiri daki
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Oh that's a good one. That's a good one.

I want to bite his neck and stroke his cock through his detective attire while he is sitting down at the breakfast table. That way when he stands up, he has a big dark cumstain on the front of his pants.

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