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It's a metaphor for cute boys
last thread >>3925301
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I finally made a lofter and have a lil haul to load off
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Rare Neuras
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thank you for scouring the Asian web for all this work anon. Seems like the word is spreading. Soon we may even get the elf nazi, and Alonzo.
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This artist's Wills are getting progressively lewder
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How do we even handle spoilery art here. I have some art that has major plot spoilers at parts but they are nice
Becuase there are no spoiler tags on /cm/ and the game has been out plenty long enough for people to beat it, I vote that we allow spoiler images, but put a warning in the next OP.
I figure it's fine to just post spoilers too. Anyone coming to lurk on a board that doesn't allowed spoilered images should know what to expect
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Sounds reasonable, finally I can post this cute shota
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I kept away from the internet until I beat the game because Metaphor's in a really, really weird spot where it's got story breaking spoilers but also isn't as popular as it should be.

So spoiling it doesn't feel like spoiling Persona 4. It's more like NieR where spoilers would legitimately ruin the ending of the impact but culture about spoilers has changed from waiting months to "been a week, it's old."

That said, next OP should definitely come with a warning because I want to see more of the endgame boys.
Atlus themself did some of the spoilers I really didn't wanna know about, I'm still glad I didn't watch the last trailers shortly before the release.
I wonder where will metaphor land when it comes to it's final popularity? I don't see it reaching P5 levels of accessibility in the long run but I think it'll be more popular than SMTV in some capacity, a weird middle-ground.

I saw the second image the artist posted to accompany this and they screencapped a tweet of nakamura and sugita and it made me realize they really knew what they were doing when Atlus made them kek I hope more people pick up on them
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I foolishly watched the last trailer out of hype and it ruined so many endgame scenes and made it easy to tell where the plot would go. Never again
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I'm thinking, genuinely, middle of the road between SMT and Persona.

I know almost all of my fanfic mutuals would probably like it if they had a guide, because the timed events and being able to legitimately ruin your save playing blind isn't for everyone.

Could see a lot more traction if fans for better or for worse- just get louder.
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The waifus are weaker than in Persona I'd say but the guys sure are helping to set that off. Generally I see everybody playing it talking about it fondly. I just hope Atlus doesn't drop all the moment P6 gets announced.
I wouldn't call them weaker. Simply, less obviously made with the neet otaku audience in mind.

Hulkenberg is top tier as a character, not so much a love interest. And your actual given love interest is one sided obsessed. It's a hell of a lot more grounded all things considered and casts like this need a push more from fans to get devs to really promote more.
The time management in Metaphor is so much more forgiving than any previous Persona game.

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