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Raidou's new game, offical announcement one of these days edition.

Anything SMT besides Persona is welcome
Previous: >>3913742
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And some 3rd anniversary art.
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raidou 3 trust the plan
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my balding communist husband
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raidou will establish communism in raidou 3
File deleted.
>most nahobino thirst artists fucked off in 2023
>baleeted pixivs
>can only find westerners
Don't do this to me Japan. Please drag the fujos back. I'll even take basic Yuzuru/Koshimizu.
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Swapping images because I had doubts about Mara.
VV brought several new aoshu fags back though considering how much content they got and finally a happy end. It's somewhat less then I expected since there is actually dialog in the game saying the MC is in love with Aogami. I was expecting parades through the streets with that info but Japs are scared of spoilers so barely any of them drew stuff about it.
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I don't think poor anon realizes how rare it is and how it's being usurped by MC x Koshimizu cuck shit.
it was rare even when V came out, if I had money I would commission the shit out of them
I will get rich someday and commission a shit ton of Koshiyuzu mark my words
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A lot of Aoshu art has come out and I haven't posted anything in a while, so here is a mini dump.
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commission, image too big but it theem
like the way aogami is drawn
I knooow she drew him so mmm *chef kiss* You have no clue how hard it is find find anyone willing to be paid to draw his complex ass.
Aogami penis is always appreciated.
patterns are a pain in the ass but all is worth for Aogami biceps, been a fan since the first trailer of V
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He is so pretty oh my
Cant you even see his undies in game
Very easily.
Cant wait to get to him then
Taking pervy upskirt pantyshots of a Ancient Irish hero
you get him as a nav and from there you have his undies on the screen all the time
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Fuck ya
Erm.. is there a mod that makes him look good and not a tiny headed noodle limbed freak?
Do not bully.
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are mastema nips blue?
I meant that the art here is good but the in-game model is what i described "tiny headed noodle limbed freak" and it makes it impossible for me to play a game that otherwise would be perfect for me

I tried some mods but so far nothing I found makes him look like a twink or femoby should, just a big cock futa mod and similar
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perhaps not like his lips, but a dark blue for sure.
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I don't know what to tell you anon. Most people that play V for the gay shit or the designs don't have the same complaints you do. I don't think you're going to find a mod that just tweaks the proportions slightly so it doesn't bother you.
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the mobile game does not count
I like how the proportions are all fucked up, reminds me of old manga
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demons that turn you into a top
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Posting this here for posterity. Don't mind the Kush.
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Anon, if you're gonna post one of my drawings here, at least post the Luci one.
I don't think so either, which is why I bring it up here as a reach... apparently the new version came out on PC relatively recently so maybe there is still hope.

I don't know any manga that had all 3: tiny head, noodle limbs, no hips or shoulders.
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kek this is the entire game in one picture

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