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Ugly cat edition

Reminder to please abstain from posting burnt nugget Curly

Previous thread: >>3928871
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Weirdly enough, some nugget Curly made its way into last thread without issue so I have no idea what the metric is here
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I made this rough sketch of Swansea
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Based, poor guy needs more art
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best dynamic
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Cute and canon
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Ironically, it took Jimmy making Curly worse for Curly to fix Jimmy.
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I bet Jimmy collects waifu figurines and they're $10-20 prize figures with the occasional pop-up parades(since he can't afford scales). He definitely has bi-cute bunnies on his shelf.
He's probably a self-proclaimed lolicon on the internet who makes edgy jokes about cunny.
He argues with fujos online about how fictional bromance isn't gay and anime doesn't pander to their faggotory, but he secretly jerks it to trap porn and tells himself feminine men are basically women so it's not gay.
Literally me
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>/trash/ thread died
Damn, I've got so many nugget lewds to post
I'll start one, wasn't sure if there would be enough interest
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Based, thank you
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Get your fresh nuggets here: >>>/trash/mouthwashing
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thanks for alerting jannies to the covert gore retard
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Delicious Nuggies.
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Anons alerted to it last thread and nothing happened, dumbfuck
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Kek, that's beautiful. Loved that show. Sauce?
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haha imagine sucking daisuke off while he's stuck in the foam
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All the Jimmy bashing is reaching Harry Potter fandom circa 2009 levels.
Care to elaborate?
Who did they bash?
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People would make the character they disliked the most into parodies or kill them off randomly. Depended on what was going on in the books but everyone got hit at some point, Snape for very easy reasons. Granted none of these characters ever raped anyone but people have in GOT and I swear they don't get nearly as much hate.

It was often needlessly over the top too and other characters would cheer. It was stupid.
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Agreed, it's annoying as fuck.
>Jimmyfags in shock that people don't like a character with zero likable traits or redeeming qualities
>"but he's interesting!"
>literally just go on /pol/ to see hundreds of this faggot in action
Pick Me's are so annoying
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>unironically thinks fiction has equal value to reality
You'd fit in perfectly on /pol/!
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Nothing in my post even implies that
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Almost forgot this board was 70% women, until I remembered because you all keep replying to bait and bringing in drama from other sites,
Control your hormones, ladies.
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To be fair, this fandom is uniquely on another level of insufferable
>Asian artists getting dog piled by whities for not making Daisuke full on brown
>other well meaning artists getting dog piled for actor AU's, "infantilizing" nugget Curly, Anya keeping the baby AU's, genderswap AU's, etc.
>"this is a series that shouldn't have a fandom, anybody who makes content for it has no media literacy"
>"if you ship Jimcurly then I assume you didn't play the game and hate women"
>"If you like J*mmy then you deserve to get raped and should kys and also if you have been raped at some point then you need to prove it"
>"ummm why is nobody talking about how Curly is literally worse than J*mmy and deserved worse than what happened to him??"
>"Swansea is a papa to Daisuke and Anya squeeee"
>"sorry you had to draw Jamantha xD"
>"there are only 3 (2 if the person is woke enough to realize Swansea didn't give a shit about Anya) characters in this game, you can ONLY like Anya and Daisuke!!"
>all of this is unavoidable when looking for art
Utter cancer, I legitimately want to lose interest in this fucking game so I don't have to see this shit because I won't feel compelled to look for art of it anymore
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Curly my beloved they'd never make me hate you in slightest. Yeah he slightly was at blame (I have whole ass hyper fixation rn and opinions about him) , but some people ignore his previous deeds and how good of a person he actually is. He's way more interesting and good character because he's flawed. It makes him very realistic. Although I hate how people always ask not cardboard characters, that they need complex characters. But when it comes to actually grey and complex characters, they'll scream about misogyny (I'm female anon btw) and start hating him though he had worse and undeserving fate from all of them.I have many thoughts about him lately after knowing about mouthwashing.
Some people just get too serious about Jimmy, yeah he's horrible psycho asshole but he doesn't exist (he's not real). If some people find him hot I'm fine with it.
>Asian artists getting dog piled by whities for not making Daisuke full on brown
This pisses me off so much, it is always SEA artists who get called out for this and I guarantee the accusations are from white/black bitches. Nothing like bullying actual Asian people over your stupid fictional character.
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The people who want you to take games like this one 100% seriously and can't have fun are the most deeply unserious people. Breaking Bad is an extremely serious show, considered one of the pillars of fiction and the fanbase shitposts and writes fanfics nonstop. People ship the only two dudes in The Lighthouse(2019). I guarantee if a classic beloved film was released today you'd get shippers and fanfic writers too.
It's almost like understanding and appreciating a work's deeper messaging and creating horny/lighthearted fanart or headcanons are not mutually exclusive.
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I also love how accurate you described fandom. Although I suggest you not leave, there's still amazing artists that would draw incredible pieces (especially to Curly)
Funny how half of them hating Curly, yet keep drawing hot pre crash curvy body and post crash cute nuggets (sometimes realistically amazingly horrifying ones too). It also amuses me that some angsty sad serious fanarts kept overlooked by, shit post fanart of Curly
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>white/black bitches
no one black over the age of 14 gives a shit I assure you. If they are, they're desperate pickme's who want woke points for whatever reason. Black people notoriously don't give a shit unless they're a self-hating minority that for some reason seek approval from blue hairs.

Keep in mind that those types think Okinawans and gyaru are black too. The level of stupidity they display should never be met with anything but blocks. But I am in agreement that it's so bad it makes me want to drop the entire thing. Just scrolled passed untagged trans daisuke.
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For any aspiring indie dev that doesn't want an audience of puriteens to ruin the fandom just do this: add a random explicit sex scene in your game preferably in the first hour, filters 99.9%
I highly recommend just blocking/muting everyone who starts(or even brings attention to) discourse. The tumblrites will still exist but you don't have to see it. Curate your own space.
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>add a random explicit sex scene in your game preferably in the first hour, filters 99.9%
Works for GOT.

I'm in a lot of fandoms from ye olde anime years to modern /v/ and any games that have open sex, female nudity, or openly sexually explicit dialogue cut almost all of them out. They tried with Kaine from NieR and that didn't pan out after people kept correcting them she's a hermaphrodite. And FF16 has a surprising wealth of shotacon incest with a 15/10 pairing as the game starts with a woman jumping on a man to make out with him in less than the first hour.

It's a shame because that's incredibly limiting especially if the fandom doesn't take off and the only other deterrent is if the fandom is just old enough to fight them off by sheer dudebro force. Tales of games are a fujo hallmark but you wont catch puriteens fighting over Luke from ToA because majority of players self insert to romance Tear. Wish /cm/ had spoilers but he'd be a modern fandom magnet for discourse
The media literacy shit drives me fucking crazy. It's extremely funny to meme on dark material, and it literally has no impact on the original narrative nor does it embody everything that the person took away from the narrative.

Also, drawing a cute art of a character in a "good au" fluff or fix-it can make an equally valid observation about the canon events because it reminds you that in another universe things did not have to go this way. They were not inevitable. Circumstances aligned so that a tragedy happened. And it makes the canon events hurt even more. Idk, I find the "good au" or fluff artworks poignant in that way.
pretty much sure if it wasn't for rape. It wouldn't get as much discourse and popularity over it. Because some stupid ass users saw rape culture and misogyny in it, it gained their attentions as well. Mostly of them just to one same opinion of Anya being victim, baby Daisuke, caring daddy Swansea, enabler Curly and Dead Jimmy. I wonder if Curly was woman, would it changed their opinion and views on him? What we could do actually is support and focus on better artists, that doesn't get into arguments too much and just enjoys the game making their silly aus,comic, amd drawings.
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damn I think nugget thread died, we need a new one
I don't think it can hold up against traffic without several people posting all day long, despite having way more art than Curly as an ikemen.
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I think the people who hate him like to think they'd do the right thing in his situation, but that just isn't true. I guarantee the majority of us have at least one toxic person in our lives, be it family, friends, or coworkers, that we give a lot of leeway or deference to in order to keep the peace. And we aren't trapped on a ship in space working for a company that will punish us if we complain to HR. They also seem to completely ignore that Curly regretted his actions and knew he was wrong/blamed himself for everything, which clearly indicates he's fundamentally a decent person capable of change. Contrast that with Jimmy who learned nothing from what happened and still insisted he "fixed it" by the end.

It's the "he deserved worse" that always gets me, did these people play the game? I can't think of a more nightmarish, painful situation to be in than what Curly goes through, at that point death would be a mercy.
Damn, I've saved up so many nugget lewds today alone, it sucks that there isn't a slower board to share it on. I'm guessing /y/ isn't an option either?
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>Just scrolled passed untagged trans daisuke.
You have my legit condolences.
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>The people who want you to take games like this one 100% seriously and can't have fun are the most deeply unserious people
It's all the more ridiculous when you notice that Wrong Organ themselves love making silly shitposts for this game. I've legit seen people be like "I'd be appalled if I were WO and saw how insensitive the fandom is for my game about rape culture". I can't imagine being so joyless.
It's the goddamn constant stream of Curly art that keeps me coming back like a drug. Having two different flavors of him to enjoy is not helping the addiction.
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I guess all we can do at this point is pray we lose interest or outlast the myopic puriteens/tumblrinas as they eventually find another indie game to latch onto and criticize.
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Some people tend to forget that knowing the outcome, it's actually very stupid to say that they'd do better. Of course Curly didn't know that Jimmy was such a psychopath, that he was ready to die and kill others just because he didn't want to take responsibility over Anya's child and being jobless jealous loser. I assume they had very toxic friendship, especially even in small dialogues, it's easy to see how Jimmy keeps blaming Curly. That unfortunately goes under his manipulation and feels guilty and responsible. I do think that Jimmy could be sometimes nice and actually being normal human being (q&a make look it that Jimmy just close friends of his). It's just confluence of circumstances that made situation so horrible. They're in space, with company that don't give a shit about them etc.
I hate the fact people keep saying shit like enabler as if Curly greenlighted Jimmy's wanting to crash the ship and raping Anya. I hate that people forget that Curly was the one who actually tried to save everyone, rushing into cockpit, sacrificing himself. But noo, they almost wanna still hear his pathetic amends and sorry from amputated disabled skinless paralyzed person, they still for some reason wanna see him suffer. Curly didn't deserve any of that shit this people keeps putting on him. He had way too much more than enough to make him learn his mistake
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>I assume they had very toxic friendship
Their friend groups are built from the ground up to function like fascist dictatorships.

I was 20 before and fell in line with anti-sex sentiment and your social circle will turn on you immediatly if you wrong think a single time. No second chances. They don't even say anything you'll just open sky- I mean discord and see you've been removed from all their friends lists and mass blocked on twi-x.

Sadly my own social media circles lean in heavily towards JRPG and it's rare you find anything western outside of say bg3. Because my interests in fandom revolves around discussion and dumbasses are making that so hard I'm whining about it here. Sorry.

Semirelated, there's a dedicated anti blockist on blusky which culls a significant number of them, but the person running it is only one person and I don't think they have anyone to give them names. Because this would be a great time to go down the list of Latest and just add every 15 year old that crops up.
I realize the same second I hit post you meant toxic friendship in game between Jimmy and Curly.

Sorry I'm retarded.
+add on that. I kinda don't like how people project themselves onto Anya making her cold towards post crash Curly. Like some of them look malicious, which Anya obviously isn't. I'm not fully against it, like Anya can have intrusive thoughts too. But words about our worst moments don't make us monsters is really telling, people ignored. I feel like people make Anya unknowingly evil enough like Jimmy. She isn't like Jimmy to purposely abuse and neglect Curly.
it's okay anon it's normal, I kinda feel retarded as well sometimes wehen acting stupid
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>people make Anya unknowingly evil enough like Jimmy.
Funny isn't it? They'll have a character act like an unironic sociopath and not hesitate to just kill people even without the act happen in the first place.

Why would she pull a Swansea and axe murder him? Especially in their headcanon AUs where the rape didn't even happen. Which I see a lot of and they're all the same. Why didn't X (violently murder) Y?
>other well meaning artists getting dog piled genderswap AU's

Why is that? I guess it's because it goes against the Metoo view that all rape allegations are real from these people and there is a FemJimmy because it would imply that she raped MaleAnya to receive child support from him and accuse him of rape. Maybe that would explain why I haven't seen much genderswap art of the characters.
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The "Anya abusing or hurting Curly" content is so fucked up, placing two victims against each other while letting Jimmy, the one who actually did all the harm, not face any consequences is bizarre. Even more insane since, again, Curly is already suffering a fate worse than death. Absolutely psychotic behavior.
Curly is an extremely nuanced character, and the fact that retards keep lumping him in as the same as Jimmy while screeching about media literacy shows these people are incapable of critical thought.
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I'm kinda disappointed that most of their arts are Curly with such painful and pitiful poor state still feels guilty for her asking her for forgiveness. Curly would probably do that, but I think people forget that he's captain, a natural leader. If he could've talked, I assume he would not only say sorry, but also cheer her up and make her feel better in bad mental state she's in. That would've made situation way better, maybe preventing her from kys.
They're both understanding towards eachother enough, to talk it all out. People instead think of keep blaming Curly on his mistake and putting salt on his wounds. as if Curly's mental state after the crash, seeing how he can't help others as a captain, say the right reassuring words, wouldn't break completely after seeing everyone's deaths, can't struggle against Jimmy's abuse, and helplessness. I would consider myself heartless if I would wanna abuse post crash Curly even more, it's really really bad, almost personal hell that he never deserved.
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though I love how some people dgaf and especially asian artists post hot jimcurly art ships (even au)
Having now little head canon that Curly's actually into old western aesthetics, giving that his in-game belt model. He's such a basic yet lawful man. Weightlifting, (fishing, old cowboy aesthetics) making him seem very kind and simple person he is (while not working) A true chad you could say.
it would probably happen hopefully, making fandom less toxic annoying
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>wouldn't break completely after seeing everyone's deaths
That's pretty much what his laughing signaled to me, it was his breaking point in witnessing how bad everything has gotten and how wrong he was about Jimmy. Really appreciate the "How Fish is Made" DLC revealing that he blames himself for bringing Jimmy on board. But no, he's irredeemable and everything that happened after the crash didn't happen and people are incapable of growth and our worst moments do define us.
>mfw I just saw someone argue Curly didn't let Anya lock her door and that's why she got raped
I'm gonna lose my mind, I swear to Christ.
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>mfw I just saw someone argue Curly didn't let Anya lock her door and that's why she got raped
At this rate I'm going to take up chugging mouthwash.
>Really appreciate the "How Fish is Made" DLC revealing that he blames himself for bringing Jimmy on board.
heard that in one analysis video, it's good! For me his laugh was more like Jimmy's hallucinations that his mind shows. As if mocking how pathetic and low Jimmy is, that even disabled Curly laughs at him how he failed everything
>But no, he's irredeemable and everything that happened after the crash didn't happen and people are incapable of growth and our worst moments do define us.
I personally don't like the interpretation that at the end Curly still forgave him. Again it's still Jimmy's completely gone mad hallucinating ass. For me it showed that Jimmy even to death believing Curly would forgive again, would take the blame, would take responsibility as always, even in that crippled state. Jimmy not letting Curly die actually is not the best solution. He was the most in pain and yet again Jimmy puts his responsibilities to him again, not letting poor nugget die, not facing any consequences at the end just shooting himself, getting away again, while Curly have to watch and take it all. Even if earth would find him, it's really sad to think om top of that, Curly still has to pay for his recover and etc
almost as if Jimmy manipulated them. Like seriously I 100% sure Jimmy would say that, and put blame on Curly not watching after them. As if Curly isn't a human that should sleep and do his duties too. Jimmy knows about how to make that cocktail to put Swansea into sleep, I assume he did similar to Anya, so she wouldn't struggle too much and wouldn't scream while she's sleeping. Also I kinda more think that He did that to her, not because he's creep to women. But more wanting to bash on Curly.
Hear me, like he treats her bad but he does it with everyone else. If he would've been more weird about her, he should've probably trying to harass her again or shit like that. But no, he doesn't give a shit about her, heck he fears about baby more than her death itself. I'm not into too much curlya shipping, but maybe, just maybe. In Jimmy's delusional mind, Curly and Anya had some sort of chemistry. Making him envious and jealous, so he wanted to own captain's girl before he could do that. It also to gaslight Curly into thinking guilty that he wasn't there to stop that.
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my slightly last comment until tomorrow, I need go to bed. I would probably return after I wake up
Last ask, what would you do or interact/say to/with Curly pre crash? I would probably ask him for one hug to say the least rn
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I would ask if I could motorboat and suck on his titties. His blush would be adorable, I bet
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A lot of the arguments against Curly are really radfem-esque.
It boils down to how they think all men are the problem because it's inane to their nature to be violent and objectify women.
It's akin to how hardcore "retvrn to tradition" types think with men and women being biologically inclined to commiting specific acts so men can't help but rape. Radfems only argue it's why all men should be enslaved instead.
Don't get me wrong there's definitely a cultural issue where lots of men-even well intentioned ones- downplay how bad rape is(even when they're the victim). Curly is "part of the problem" in the sense that he lives in a society.
Also something I just want to bring up; did anyone think about how Jimmy's treatment of nugget!Curly seems to imply -or at least be metaphorical for- sexual abuse? You have someone like Jimmy, who belittles women and only seems to respect other men. He probably thinks the worst thing that can happen to a man is to be treated like a woman. Jimmy can also be read as having some fucked up complicated feelings for Curly that he exerts violently. Being compassionate is out of the question, that would mean being vulnerable. The only way to get what he wants is to defile Curly and have complete control over his autonomy. Poor Curly was just a regular dude, one who didn't really understand Anya's trauma, didn't think he would ever experience her pain and he became the next victim instead.
I think JimCurly yaoi is very deep and compelling actually. I hate that all shippers get dismissed as "gooners". I don't want them to be a cute happy couple, I want pain and drama.
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Curly, we are all victims of capitalism, even you. The higher ups see you as expendable and don't care about you, the job market is in shambles and even you might be stuck unemployed for months. The proletariat must rise. Turn the ship back and lets kill those Pony Express execs
>did anyone think about how Jimmy's treatment of nugget!Curly seems to imply -or at least be metaphorical for- sexual abuse?
It absolutely is, the noises Curly makes when he has the pills jammed down his throat (pretty sure you hear something close to fabric coming off the second time) and even rearranging his insides so you can force feed him his own leg, are all very suggestive. If nothing else, the sheer level of defilement and loss of dignity Curly undergoes is as close to rape as one can get without full on rape itself. Think it's pretty much universally agreed that Anya doesn't like feeding Curly pills nor listening to Jimmy feed him pills because it reminds her too much of her own experience.
This is also why there was outrage over the genderswap AUs because these people think it "cheapens" the events if Anya was a man raped by a woman. Because men can't get raped.
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If Mouthwashing was the same except Jimmy was a girl, holy shit fem!Jimmy would get 3x more fan art, a dramatic increase in horny art, lesbians would be clamouring over "evil woman". There'd still be a bunch of "ummm, Jimmy is a rapist? Why did you draw that?" but a fem!Jimmy wouldn't be reduced to Rapist McRapeman within the fandom.
>I think JimCurly yaoi is very deep and compelling actually
Unironically agree. They both have interesting feelings toward the other and already had a complicated, difficult friendship, what we see in the game is the culmination of all of that baggage alongside grappling with/denying that their death is inevitable and imminent, in Curly's case that his body is irreparably damaged in a way that would change his entire life even if they did survive, and near the end, on top of the pain Curly is already suffering, they are also suffering from lack of food and water and the only thing to ease that pain at all is mouthwash. I have some empathy for Curly trying to help his friend, without realizing the danger he's putting his crew in; he seems to have some idea of Jimmy's criminal past and I can understand the desire to give someone with that past another chance at getting out of that life. I get the vibe that they were childhood friends, who likely took different paths in life/were given different opportunities, and Jimmy most likely spent a loooong time seeing Curly given opportunities that either weren't available to him or he didn't have the skill or dedication to work for. There is also something to be said about understanding the way deplorable people think; radfem socmed would have you think anyone who rapes should instantly receive the death penalty, but the truth is that the core of a lot of sexual violence are men who are damaged by their upbringing and never taught either directly or by example to respect women as people. There's something tragic about that, because it means these are men who will never be able to form a true friendship with their female partners or any women around them, not to mention never achieve self-actualization, but god forbid you try to express those feelings without twelve teens jumping down your throat screaming "rapists don't deserve empathy!!!"
>mfw I just saw someone argue Curly didn't let Anya lock her door and that's why she got raped
THESE people haven't played or watched the game. They saw someone on Twitter say "J*mmy is the guy who raped Anya and bandaged guy is an enabler" and ran with that with no other context. The ones who say there should be a game with only Daisuke (by far the least interesting but most "morally pure" character) and Anya because they're the only ones you're allowed to like are cancer
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Too many people unironically confuse "empathy" and "sympathy". I despise IRL rapists and if I ever meet one I will instinctually deck them, I don't fault victims for hoping their assailant dies in a fire. But I still think we should fix the root causes that pushes people to become rapists, and the system should try to rehabilitate criminals as best as possible.
Besides, misogynistic men treat other men like crap too. Look at the type of audience those "manosphere" dudes cultivates, where men will harass other men including their peers for being faggy, too weak or feminine. They objectify men too but for completely different reasons(men are an obstacle that need to be taken down, women are currency and their feelings don't matter). It's a competition to be the "alpha male" where everyone else is irrelevant and in the end they're completely alone. Really sad way to live.
>radfem socmed would have you think anyone who rapes should instantly receive the death penalty
The problem is; radfems genuinely believe men are biologically evil so they don't think reprehensible behavior is learned and can be un-learned. They speak in progressive terms but they're ironically super conservative in their gender essentialist views. It's weird because you'd think with more of the youth believing the "gender is a social construct" meme, we'd at least move away from acting like men and women are completely different creatures incapable of understanding each other.
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>there isn't a guro board
Absolute bullshit, burnt Curly deserves a slow board to post freely!
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Serious question, how difficult would it be to force Jimmy to crossdress? You already have his gruff appearance which would prove a challenge to make pretty, he'll also actively fight against your attempts to put a dress on him. Do you think Curly could talk him into it or at least calm him down?
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Nugget Curly is THE dictionary definition of a cute male.
>Do you think Curly could talk him into it or at least calm him down?
I feel like Jimmy would just manipulate Curly into wearing the dress instead
I guess I agree too on that. I love how there's one au, where's Jimmy was the one who's getting turned into a nugget. It showing that Curly crying and saying soothing words to him, to make him feel better, while Jimmy still blames Curly. I want fanfic adaptation of that. (Unfortunately probably can't post that, because of nugget Jimmy, but you can check on @sarahpdraws, post I'm referring to)
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love how most of the comments on Jimcurly ship drawings, are just "wanting to be on Jimmy's place" obviously indicating how either Curly is too much tempting or being probably no different from Jimmy
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Careful with that image anon, think you should delete it before you get banned for nsfw
>>>>>blue board
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sorry I usually don't comment on 4chan or sit here too much, so I don't know how exactly censor works here anyway
Anyways, hate how people scream about media literacy are just painting grey moral game into a black and white one. Ignoring Anya, Swansea and Daisuke bad sides and mistakes, yet over infantilzing Curly's.
Also what's y'all opinions on aus where Curly made it to earth where he recovers? like where he gets surgeries and prosthetics and such.
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Well, more proof that people haven't played the fucking game or dissected it enough is that Swansea gets to join Daisuke and Anya in the pantheon of uwu babies, despite the fact that getting drunk left Daisuke and Anya far more vulnerable and he knew about her getting raped but only did something once Daisuke died. The only comments Swansea makes towards Anya are negative, he does not care for her anywhere near as much as Daisuke. But of course you can't like a flawed character so these retards have to pretend that Swansea would totally kill Jimmy if Anya told him instead and he's their wholesome dad. Never mind that this logic puts onus on Anya for not telling the "right" person, which is fucked up.

If I see art that only has those 3, I assume the artist is either a retard or 15 years old.
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>Also what's y'all opinions on aus where Curly made it to earth where he recovers? like where he gets surgeries and prosthetics and such
Makes me depressed because realistically he probably would never get found and instead unfreeze after 20 years and die slowly/painfully in space.
Kinda makes me sad too. Cause realistically after the crash Curly wouldn't probably make it even 2 days, dying from lack or water, food, medicine, no clean place that would make him sick.
I just can't find screenshot of official q&a where wo actually said that they actually found him. I just hope he somehow finds strength on continue living, to see peaceful life. (Headcanon that he would go back to his family and friends, playing with his niece and nephews)
downsides of the situation. That he would probably have to pay big amount of money to pay for recovery, crashed ship and etc.
I just imagined if Daisuke's parents for example or other relatives of the crew would try blame on him, killing their closed ones, while Curly have to apologize. It'd be so sad
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I like to think Curly gets rescued, if only because the station where they were to deliver the shipment of mouthwash never arrived and they raised hell about it so ships nearest to the Tulpar's last known location were dispatched to search. Although in reality Curly's probably screwed, to go with the tone of the game if nothing else.
Given the capitalistic nightmare that they live in, most likely Curly would not get any compensation or medical care from the company. Hell, he'd probably get charged for presumably trying to crash the ship and kill everyone. He also is never going to work again due to the extensive disability. I think dying in space would be a mercy.
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what's y'all opinions on ships though? like Jimmy x Curly, Curly x Anya, Swansea x Daisuke etc etc. Just wanna hear you out all.
I think he wakes up in twenty years and slowly dies in the pod. Maybe the power is out by then and it’s pitch black. Can you imagine?
A mercy would be the oxygen/temperature is out when the pod shuts off so he just never wakes up from cryo.
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They genuinely don't bother me. Honestly, I can get behind any ship or rare pair as long as it's well-written and doesn't totally fly in the face of established lore.
The definition of proship.

I don't care.

I do care when trying to find the pairings I like or new combinations that get obfuscated
by screeching 15 year olds. Personally I'm partial to one sided Jimmy/Curly as Jimmy being a jealous freak while Curly has a thing for Anya or a friend back home just lands right for me.

It's stated that everyone's got a life outside the ship so I'd like to see more of what went on back home influencing their behavior. I mean, Anya's not stupid. She has to know how attractive she is. I'd like to see her using her smarts to navigate being in a bad relationship with her boss while her jealous coworker essentially makes her job abysmal.

I just really like fucked up power dynamics..
just saw some yt video about Curly, and it conclusion guy said that overall Curly deserved all that. That's diabolical, I can't..just, that's fucking delusional he literally doesn't even say it's half of Jimmy's fault, saying it's all Curly's.. I have no words, really just no words. I'm just disappointed that this kind of people exist and are in a fandom. How did this game attracted this kind of people?
I want Curly to get reconstructed as a full-body cyborg but he's brainwashed into being a killing machine for the military.
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I of course ship JimCurly, but I also find Curly/Anya cute pre and post crash.
Jesus christ, is it because Jimmy is written off as cartoonishly 100% evil and treated like an animal that Curly is responsible for that retards put all the blame onto Curly and become bloodthirsty? Do they not realize they're playing right into Jimmy's narrative?
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I love to imagine silly interactions in crew before crash and drama. Overall I liked this thread, I finally felt heard and kinda good that I can share my opinions and see other in this thread. Can't wait to discuss more things in next thread.
>Do they not realize they're playing right into Jimmy's narrative?
I think no. It's baffling how people say Curly is blind amd stupid into trusting his friend (that he had toxic friendship for years probably), yet themselves believe in Jimmy's unreliable motives and manipulations without knowing.
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How much you think Jimmy crazy for Curly? like I feel like his life is almost completely about Curly only. His interests and hobby just copy of Curly's, even having similar haircut. He wants to be like Curly, to be Curly. He's both envious and hateful yet feels admiration and love. Wanting his approval, feeling love that Curly's probably only person that treats him well. While also hating probably how Curly treats him (in his mind, kindness could equal to feeling pitiful), thinking probably he could neglect him when Curly is close to other crew members. I have feeling that Jimmy is completely obsessed over him, but hiding it and just trying to stay cool and not letting his friend know real intentions.
Also this gets over boosted when Curly turned into a nugget. Basically making Jimmy most of the dreams come true. He's in captain's place, having so called power and position. yet making Curly vulnerable enough to do whatever fuck he wants. He could still feel probably sad and guilty that it's his fault on Curly's conditions too, and realizing what a psycho he is, and it's unfair how he treats Curly in return. He probably rapes nugget, but in next hour lays in bed feeling guilt again.
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>this kind of people
At least get your grammar straight before you go bring drama from other websites, ESL/underage-chama
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Is there a reason some artists draw Jimmy brown-skinned? Was there a lore drop that he's romani or some shit? I can't unsee Heathcliff from limbus company.
Jimmy is kind of dark skinned in game. I've seen some say it's racist to make him dark kek
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He seems like an amerimutt to me t b h
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Artists have been endlessly screamed at online for whitewashing so I think they naturally assume if a skin tone is a little dark, they make it a little darker, just to be safe. He DOES have slightly browner skin than Curly, and his model is really overrendered which makes him look darker. Definitely darker than Anya and Curly and probably Swansea too.
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Plus shippers really like contrast for their ships so seeing as Curly is pale with purple-y undertones, ppl like that Jimmy is a little darker with warm undertones.
All of the characters models are rendered a little weirdly and also most of the game they are in a dark orange lighting. IMO they were designed to not look two bright/dark in that lighting and that's why they're roughly all the same colors. They're probably all supposed to be white except Daisuke.
Unrelated but I like the headcanon that Curly is Canadian
Let's see...
>Ableist to use the pet buttons for Curly
>Racist to use dark skin on Jimmy (lol)
>The game is misogynistic because le rape culture
>Transphobic to not make Curly or Daisuke a troon
>Muh evil capitalism via Pony Express
What else am I missing?
At what point can we accuse them of being anti-neurodivergent for hating Jimmy and his BPD insanity?
>was gonna post a cheeky Canadian nugget but image limit
Is it because he likes winter sports?
>Muh evil capitalism via Pony Express
This part is actually true though and downplayed by the fanbase if anything.
Fanbase is honestly retarded, people even thought Curly was getting a promotion despite the game spelling out that Pony Express was shutting down and firing everyone,
It was a bit homophobic of Curly to not notice Jimbo's increasingly queer mannerisms before the crash.
Mouthwashing has a lot of similarities to The Lighthouse(2019). Both are about how the guy with the lower rank gets angry at the guy with the higher rank even though the latter also in a shitty situation. He continues to scapegoat the sole individual instead of directing his anger at the system that brought them there. Also when they "swap positions" he becomes full on sadistic in a vaguely homoerotic way. Both ridicule capitalist ideas in absurdist ways and have not-so-subtle commentary about abusive tendencies that mainly exists between men, etc...
...Both have a small portion of the audience believing none of this would've happened if the two guys kissed.
Sorry I keep bringing up the kino movie. I think it's required viewing to truly understand Jimmy.
The people making mouthwashing OCs who also work at Pony Express really makes me lose my mind, like POLLE SUCKS AND EVERYONE'S LIVES SUCK, Daisuke only has the attitude he does because he comes from money, but you wanna make a cute little OC to work on the ship? Okay...
I love The Lighthouse and ship those nasty men too but also yeah it would have fixed nothing lol. Little Tommy was a garbage person and he would have absolutely raped the mermaid if he's gotten hold of her for real. Although I do think he felt some guilt over Ephraim, he was doing a lot of work to repress that, and it never overwhelmed his bad tendencies. Great comparison.
Mouthwashing also reminds me of The Terror (2018 tv series, but also a novel by Dan Simmons). Basically a supernatural historical horror retelling of the Lost Franklin Expedition where two ships were lost trying to find the Northwest Passage. 130 guys trapped on ships stuck in the ice and eeeeeverything there wants them dead.
>mouthwashing OCs who also work at Pony Express
Tbdesu people make Lobotomy Corporation agent OCs for fun when those little guys are traumatized as hell and canonically, almost all of them die brutally after day 50. It should be fine as long as the artist is aware they're making a tortured wagie OC.
Speaking of, none of the Tulpar crew would survive a fucking day in The City, except Curly would be a Grade 5 fixer NPC who jobs to a HE level distortion.
New bread >>3931691

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