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Previously >>3929490
Beware of spoilers
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I love this artwork very much.
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It seems that Metaphor hype either dwindled extremely fast or I just had my expectations too high (or I'm not looking in the right places as everywhere seems dead in discussions)
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bit of both

MAYBE being a GOTY nominee will garner more sales.

It reminds me of NieR Gestalt. Released the same month as FFXIII I believe. And as a result, it went completely ignored until Drakengard 3 where it was already cult classic status.

This year's been full of massive launches and paired with Silent Hill 2: R and Persona 3: R, I think its attention has been massively stunted
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Like general discussion? /vg/ and leddit are still active. I dunno where else people would go for discussion nowadays x/twitter was never really a place for normal discussion to me. I guess there is tumblr.
Fujos are pretty productive with fanfic and art imo but there's a lot to divide attention with mouthwashing's popularity, people content with persona/smt and of course gacha fujos. And then grok AI splintered people into different sites. And anecdotally I've seen people say they will wait for the expanded version because of atlus's history
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>mouthwashing's popularity
I hadn't heard of this game once until suddenly some fujos I follow on twitter became obsessed with the burn victim and rapist. The things that become shockingly huge successes with fujoshi never seem to be things I'm interested in.
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I think it's fine, we can't expect a huge hype right away. This is a new IP and it needs time. Plus it is better to have steady flow than a fast paced hype. GOTY is possible and a Royal version isn't out of question or DLC if they learned anything. I know they wanna focus more on DLC but Metaphor is still one of the oldest in dev so maybe they regret leaving some things out.
The /vg/ thread is a bit so-so currently because of the meltdown the VGA nomination is taking a toll on the rebirth schizo but otherwise discussion is very sporadic. Tumblr is also pretty deaddish from what I see, so I suppose most people just talk to close friends or locked accounts on twitter.
Maybe I understimated that there's a lot of things that are getting people's attention on.

I really hope there is some DLC teased or announced in the future. I'd be happier if the game's lifespan could be extended a lot more, even if it's maybe too "early" to announce DLC
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Episode Aigis was announced very soon but I feel like P6 is next and then we have to wait since they are always autistic about marketing for only one game.
There just isn't enough yaoi with hot guys to get attention right now.
I love these cats
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These ones, specifically
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How long do you think it will take before Bas stops being excluded from merch if ever
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Maybe when him being a party member isn't a spoiler.

I know he's on the box but so is Eupha. I'd give it a few months, perhaps a year max.

Kind of like how they marketed Adachi and Akechi waaaay late after release. IIRC I don't even think Adachi was included in vanilla P4 Ultimax.
Adachi is a different enigmatic case, he's a villian and wasn't exactly expected to be as popular as he ended up. That's why the notion of marketing him wasn't thought of.
Akechi was definitely odd, since he was absolutely made to be marketed but I still remember when they'd straight up remove him from box art then kek. And I'm still sad Maruki never got his marketing chance.
They fucked up Basilio's own status by making him wield a weapon (Fidelio doesn't) and the fact that Fidelio is completely absent from the box art. If they had placed them together, it'd at least generate the sense to the player "I wonder who'll join us?? Or will they join together??"
They're kinda shooting themselves in the foot though because he's getting a steady popularity and I'm surprised they still market Grius even though he dies less than 5 hours into the game.
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I have little hope. My favorite characters are always the ones I find in spoiler jail. I'd kill for a Bas scale though.
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>#1 Glodellfag is also into Gideux and Bardon
Is it just the ears?
nah it's the patheticness, she is also is huge Mishimafag. I really liked how she made her hair now like Glodell now.
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More's motherly hips...
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I fucking love my mother bro
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uoh shota More
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After seeing some nip fujos equate this scene to Will taking Louis's virginity(of being undefeated) I enjoy the penetration art even more
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and he is always so happy and praising us. I wish we will get a bond if a re-release happens. By his logic when we win ultimately he should kneel to Will when he has no chance anymore..
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Louis is such a tolerant man letting Zobra run around in such a sexo outfit
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desu most of the men in metaphor are whores and dress in sexo slutty fits like they're inviting tons of dirty old men to railed them
soejima i fucking kneel
Sauce anon? I can’t find it on twitter nor chinese webs nor bsky
unfortunately, it seems like they privated their twitter account. fortunately, my history still has their @
the last thing i remembered is they have cleared metaphor and a 主モア shipper, written on bio iirc (maybe they changed it now idk), just warning. and sure i'll give you the @ tho
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Sometimes I doubted Soejima but I have to kneel, too. Same with Hashino regarding the story.
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>be sole lover of shumoa
>new artist deleted tweet and locked account
NOOOO... He feels so unloved it makes me so sad.
There was another artist that drew such beautiful Louis that deleted completely
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it's always such a shame, what kind of Louis pics was it? Maybe I at least was fast and saved them...
It was actually one of the first Louis artists that had spawned, they also drew a ponytail Louis they deleted >>3925339
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Ohno this one, I remember them. Quite a shame but I saved them.
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I still would prefer top Will but I'm not complaing here either:
NTA but I think you should talk to them if you desperate Will/More so much you go crazy bro
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I know some japanese so I definitely could but I think @ing somebody completely locked with 0 post and no following(s) would scare anybody even if my intentions are pure.
I hope they don't get too shy, if they get over it I'd probably hype them up
Kek but do your best I’m rooting for you. Don’t forget to reports whether they accept to open their feeling or not
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I need a wholesome doujin where they both act like clueless virgins and Will is the top
I have to admire artists who go all out on their favourites who aren't really popular
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I miss him every day
I wish it was me...
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Why are the dark circles under Louis's eyes only in his 3d model
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Yeah a bit odd but I love both depictions of him equally. I could see that the dark circles would make him uglier in the portrait or look like too much makeup.
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Scritching Basilio's sacrum
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Fucking cute
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I have not played persona games before do they have guys who dress as slutty as Zorba or is that a new thing for the designer?
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Source pls?
Have to be logged in to see
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Definitely new. Even the sluttiest persona male (which I dunno, would probably be Joker? P4U Akihiko?) still look relatively tame. Zorba's design is something that feels so foreign to Soejima yet so right.
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Will manhandles this
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What a lucky bastard
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13 days to see if they announce anything like dlc for the game awards nomination
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Let's hope for the best. A goty win would also be great and the chances are there.
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>offers to show Will his true form one day
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I like to see artists running with the childhood friends AU
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