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Proper OP Edition.

Previous: >>3933526 (RIP)
Girly shota: >>3914429
Kemoshota: >>3931716
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Alright you made a nicer first post, but now there are two shota threads just because you wanted to feel special or something.
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The other thread is garbage and should be ignored.
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Does someone have the translated version of pic related?
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It looks like it's just identifying each object in his sleepware.
Yes, but there's a translated version, I don't have it saved though.
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Found this with Google Lens but it's smol
He just needs a tie
Got you covered.
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The bear is a water bottle?
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Japan favors two types of uniform templates: gakuran and blazer. During autumn/winter/spring, both feature a jacket over a white button down dress shirt and specified dress pants. The jacket is usually ditched during summer, which is what this picture depicts. One of the key differences is that the blazer often includes a tie since the blazer is an open jacket. The gakuran, based on Taisho era military uniforms, is a closed jacket with a popped collar, so no tie is paired. As such, this depiction of the summer uniform is likely for a school that uses gakuran, hence the lack of a tie. I personally prefer gakuran over blazer because the jacket looks so cute on shota.
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>No Ken to cuddle while I sleep
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Pretty cool
can I put his human feet and paws on my face at the same time?
Winter uniforms are better. They look way cuter in them.
How would Ken do in prison?
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Whats the matter with the other thread and why was the old one deleted
old one got deleted because someone was posting femoiids
High level bed warmer.
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Poor white boy tier.
You both know he'd get traded around for drugs and cigarettes and by the time he got out he'd be a slutty cock hungry twink that was getting fucked by truckers in the parking lot for 15$ to feed his heroin addiction.
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Do you think that young guys esp if they're cute don't become toys in prison?
He is a child
That costs extra
Pretty well since he would be under my protection from day 1.
Anon, why are you in prison?
Is prison really that awful?
There’s no chance of him just meeting a cute guy to settle down with?
I killed a person that was mean to a shota. Nowadays I protect the shotas that end here.
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I've never been to prison but consider the following, you have no rights, you are confined in a space with gangs, rapists, murderers, predators, psychopaths, guards that don't care about you, you're surrounded by drugs as one of the few possible ways to forget how much your life sucks, and once you finally get our you're still fucked because no one will hire you, and you aren't truly free because you have to live in a designated area, be gainfully employed anywhere that will hire you, so probably minimum wage bullshit that treats you like garbage because they know they can because you have to be employed, your privacy can be invaded by your parole officer at any time without reason, so even when you're "Free" you're still a prisoner.

Yeah, I'd assume it's not just "that bad", that it's much worse, I've never been, and I'd rather die than go.
He really wants to pee...
My mouth is available
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hey long time i dont use 4chan but can you faggots recommend me some manga for shotacons? not porn doujins, like actual manga, ive been reading a lot of stuff lately but i miss looking at shotas
>new shota game announced
I hope it's good. Looks alright from the trailer.
There is also Starlight Re:Volver. I will try it out for Vivi.
Never mess with shotas. Their wrath can be terrible.
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What would you do if your little brother was a bloodsucking monster that couldn’t be killed?
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I read the first chapter and feel bad for both boys. I hope the manga doesn't make treat them too harshly.
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One of my fave artists atarted to only upload their nsfw on fanbox...
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oh wow, didn't expect to see my art on here
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Hug and protect shos !!
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Tickle and tease shos
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Cute. I wonder what he's day dreaming about.
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So much joy and happiness contained in one smol sho <3
I hope if I were an older brother or dad that my instincts would kick in and allow me to play along with my stupid kid brother or son just having fun wearing a cape and playing pretend instead of me just cringing. I bet they would, I'm sure being an older sibling or parent changes you so that you can just let them have fun and enjoy youthful silliness without it being cringe.
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Torturing mouseboys
While catboys are vicious, vindictive, and oft times cruel creatures, naturally equipped with hearing able to detect the beat of a heart at 3 miles, smell able to detect even the slightest secretion to give away the location of their prey, fangs needle-like to pierce armor, and claws razor sharp but durable to shred tanks like paper, they primarily hunt humans that masquerade as catboys. Mouseboys are playthings for them, but they care for their playthings, fakers like human boys that pretend to be catboys are unforgiveable sinners and meet the swiftest of punishment, they get the treatment of "I'm going to sit on your lap, start purring, and if you dare to get up, you get the claws, if you dare to pet me in any spot other than the exact right spot, you get the claws, if you touch my belly, you get the claws."
Gonna ram my human cock up their feline ass until they like it
Don't torture mouseboys.
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I wish I had the balls to be as based as this man
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>he doesn't know
His power level is too high
How can people just work with this guy and not think anything of it? I like shos obviously, but that guy just seems like a massive weirdo.
He's so open to his fetishes that people around him no longer find it surprising. Even his own mother (yes, he lives with his mom) jokes about him being "irredeemable" during streams.
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What would you do if you found out your little brother had been seducing your friends?
Man I wish we had the japanese approach to life. More surreal, whimsical, in tune with the present and less stuck up about stupid moral shit. Western civilization is unbearably hysterical at times
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Ben 10 is an underrated shota imo
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I think in terms of Western shotas he gets his fair due compared to others. He just has to share the spotlight with one of the most overrated Western childhood crush characters with Gwen.
I've actually been trying to make 'Ben-shaped' or shota-fied versions of his aliens for awhile now.
Me in the middle
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Seal. :3
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lick lick lick lick lick lick lick
Even those retarded Latin Catholics are more chill with aspects of sexuality compared to puritan northerners.
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do we love Chilchuck here?
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>I hope the manga doesn't make treat them too harshly.
It's clearly a suffering manga
Sho waiting for you to come snuggle with him :3
I prefer Thistle tbdesu. Poor boy just needed a bit of love.
Yeah he cute
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Ryota Killed His Brother
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Sniff and lick shos
I need tsubaki so bad
Is that the boy's name?
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Yeah, he’s from the series Shota x Oni
It’s a cute series with just over 100 chapters. SFW but a little bit suggestive. Tsubaki is the top
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Need him in my bed
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I would definitely let this cute little vampire bite me
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bratty faggots boys
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wtf why did you steal their pants?
So cute
I love Wool.
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Is your dog sho well trained?
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I want to eat Rex's little wee wee
>I've actually been trying to make 'Ben-shaped' or shota-fied versions of his aliens for awhile now.
Can you post them here or in the /co/ boys thread?
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I would, but the one I posted is one I got done in a drawthread, so actually good.
But, here's all the ones I've drawn myself so far in one pick so I don't take up multiple posts, in the order of when I drew them, with Ripjaws being the most recent. I've been meaning to finish up the OG 10 already, plus I already feel like I need to redraw someone of these to be better.
What are these? Also, I want one to hug.
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would you adopt a shota Ukrainian? Reminder you have to keep him pure
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what if you found a shota dragon in your doorstep. they are very dangerous
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Raise him with lots of love
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Good boy doing his stretches. Yes, stay limber and flexible for me.
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...to play basketball, right?
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Wrong game, though what we'll be playing does involve balls >:3
He knows being flexible is....healthy
>would you adopt a shota
>Reminder you have to keep him pure
It will be difficult since boys tend to lewd themselves, but still YES.
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No, but there will be lots of tackling involved...
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I'm starting to get worried...
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Don't worry, anon. It's all in good fun. He and I play this game almost every night.
I'm such an awkward loser, I want to off myself (◞‸◟;)
You'd make shos really sad :(
Who is gonna feed your basement sho when you are gone?
It must be really hard for you but please don't do it anon. You are not alone. We are all struggling in this world, but we can all hope for a better time to arrive someday. I love you
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You wouldn't be able to enjoy shotas anymore
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Thinking about the same thing so I can be reincarnated as a shota
Fun fact: Cute shotas can protect you from evil spirits.
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let's see how much of a pussy you guys are. Do you let a shota artist draw the cover of your book, yes or no?
I have copies of Made in Abyss and a figure of Reg.

This is way less sus than those.
It's not the same as letting an shota artist draw something under your name. Imagine letting everyone you know you have a Reg neo
Oh, I thought you meant only buying the book and owning it in general because I speed read the post.

I wouldn't care personally, but for a lot of people it would probably depend on the artist. NOEYEBROW is by far the safest shota artist you could work with. The average joe normie in America probably wouldn't know enough about the shota scene to understand how shota pandering the art is at a glance, and even then people like the Omori dev survived getting cancelled despite being a blatant shotacon in the past and doing shota pandering art, successfully sweeping it under the rug with a post that doesn't even deny it.

This is all ignoring if you're Japanese or selling it in Japan, since they wouldn't care at all since it's common for hentai artists to do official work, even loli/shotacon ones.
Me too!

Let's hope we both manage to! :)

(I wish I lived in a country with readily procurable shotguns.)
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>see tum
>protecc and ToT
>repeat process
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Tsubaki is incredibly cute! (˶ˆᗜˆ˵)
Whoops, I didn't mean to post that pic. Whatever it's fine.
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What's wrong? Naota is cute
He is, but I was talking about Tsubaki in that post.
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It's hard to view Naota as a shota. His arc in FLCL is all about him growing up.
I think 12 is still shota aged. Big shos are shos too and deserve lots of love.
I don't know how that changes anything, growing up is a major part of the shota experience, Naota especially, because his biggest flaw is that his desire to be super mature and grownup ironically makes him look more like a child.
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Naota is a classic Turn of the Millennium shota character. He is peak brat but highly relatable given how shitty every around him acts; he is often the only adult in the room while being the only little kid.
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Thank you for letting me know there was a new chapter.
Of course. Even them doing lewds wouldn't stop me.
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Yeah, growing up is the final part of the shota experience. They did too good a job having him mature throughout the series. He's basically an adult by the end. Who wants a 30 year old in a 12 year old's body?
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That'd be ideal, honestly.
I had started watching FLCL a few times but never got further than episode 2. It was all just so weird and hectic to me. Maybe I should try it again with a somewhat more mature mind.
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Have fun with your millennial-brained boywife who won't stop complaining that he'll never own a house and how much his back hurts and how good Half-Life 2 was.
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12yo isn't even that old for shos, 14yo is the oldest shota age.
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He's still a fussy, bashful kid at the end. What they actually did too good of a job with is making him too real. His ennui, naivety, arrogance, insecurity, moodiness, confusion, and his bumbling, embarrassing attempts to act mature are all done so well and in just the right amounts to create a startlingly faithful representation of how many boys his age feel and act. But that's the exact opposite of what a lot of shotacons want. I think for most shotacons, the appeal is an idealized boy/boyhood. So a boy like Naoto that's decently likely to remind you of how you felt in your real, imperfect childhood (but not the cool kind like a tragic character) just doesn't scratch the itch.
But it does scratch mine. So I love him.
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>But it does scratch mine. So I love him.
Same. I love all aspects of shotas honestly.
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15 can count to a degree since it's still middle school in Japan, but it's basically on an individual level at this point. Picrel is a 15 year old shota.
Best new smol-males of 2024?
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Obvious picks.
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rare boi
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How many of you are men vs women? Where do women shotacons hang out? Crystal cafe?
Why do newfags always ask this? Most of us are guys
Same. Naota is one of my favourite anime boys. He's cute and believable.
its like 80% men I'd say. there's women in the /a/ fujo thread that like shotas though and that thread is prob closer to 70/30 in favour of women.
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I love them so much
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That's how shotas are nowadays.
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