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A thread for the handful of high quality sausages in the otherwise clam filled Wuthering Waves.
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I'm actually a little surprised that Lingyang isn't more popular considering he's the token (for now) shota.
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Is he not shota enough for the shotacons?
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wuwa needs more shotas
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shota legs
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Wuwa's npcs are honestly high quality.
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hopefully there are more cute shota npcs to look at. it's unfair that the only shotas we get are npcs. who knows when wuwa will release another shota...
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Considering how seemingly reluctant Kuro is to add male characters at all (which I guess is par for the course but as long as they don't pull a HI3 or Snowbreak, I'll deal with it)...
I'm not going to get my hopes up for another playable shota being added any time soon.
I don't think it's completely off the table though just... we're going to have to be really patient.
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he's real
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cuntboy Scar is so (obnoxiously) prevalent in fan works that it's kind of a (pleasant) surprise when I see any fanart that even implies that he actually has a dick.
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I didn't even notice the bulge when I first saw that artwork. It was only when I downloaded the image that I noticed it. Here's more Scar bulge
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need to squeeze
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New thread >>3945430

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