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Other /m/echa also welcome

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Where's the robots mang
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Wee bit of robot gijinka
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This might be a long shot, but do any of you have any art saved by this specific artist? They were known as smirkierthanthou back in the day and I loved their artstyle a lot, really appreciate if any of you have anything saved.
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iron birds on fortune
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Whoever made this could have at least tried to edit the caption so that Prowl isn't getting called a girl
are you a hand model?
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Nah just a pale twink.
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Has anyone got a copy of Hot Motor Oil or know if there's any sellers at conventions?

I cannot believe one of the actual lead artists got away with making official porn that somehow didn't circulate online instantaneously.

Given this fandom, probably intentional.
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snu snu
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I can post the images I have saved, it's all soft-core so it should be safe to post here.
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That's all. These were all taken from Milne's personal twitter.
I love the TLK/One crossover trend happening now.

holy based anon. Thank you!

Now if only Sarah Stone could release their private collection. Their twitter's 80% monster simping, there's gotta be a few secret TF works in there.
Holy based
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Holy kek the Galvatron piece
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I wish he had sold them online.
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Since when did online tf fandom idiots become so common?
Did basic fandom decency fall to the wayside during the eternal summerfaggotry of covid or something?
Since when did all these pearl clutching children start complaining and self policing to justify lambasting every ship they dislike? Over their headcanons no less? Especially on the artists' own original posts?
is this about OpBee? Because this feels like OpBee.

I blame covid and the massive increase of electronics allowed in schools. Kids are given tablets and use AI to learn about the world. Leading to insane amounts of media illiteracy and genuine illiteracy. You can make a tiktok about how you, a child, are morally superior for liking a wholesome ship over nasty gross adults. And somehow, adults agree with it.

I wasn't even aware of these bad ships until the rise in complaints against them. Especially coming off of decades of MegOp that was in no way healthy until tfone. Maybe Earthspark.
That's every fandom now, sis.
I thought this bullshit was solely confined to shounenshit where every 13 year old teenager is drawn like a 19 year old or some shit
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I'm blaming covid because most of these dumbfucks are people fresh out of high school, or senior high school kids, age between 15-20, with jack shit to do but complain about things they made up in their heads to get upset about
Aka high school kids that went through puberty under covid, and seem to have no regard for any established fandom decency
You know. I never got the appeal of ShockBlur. I mean, I get it, secret spy and intelligence agent and all that. But I don't get how they got so popular when Longarm didn't really do much outside of the bootcamp arc. Yet somehow is high up there in terms of 07 ships. I could see more of him with BB or even Arcee over blur.

I also did not consider going through puberty during covid. Which would drastically effect how someone develops especially when they may be at the most sexually confused point of their life. No way to go outside and see how many people genuinely do not even think of cartoons outside of Frozen ads.
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Shockblurr is mostly popular for the forbidden fruit aspect desu, though some people just find it cute while ignoring the noncon parts
Esp since it ends in literal attempted murder
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I know there are pieces in the books that haven't been posted to his twitter because I've heard people talk about certain artworks that I didn't see when I went through it. I don't have the books myself and I want them very badly, but I don't think Hasbro will allow him to sell them online and he has been MIA for a few months now after a surgery which is worrying, but I hope he's just recovering and will be back soon...
I use tiktok and if I have to see one more post about how shipping Megatron and Starscream makes you evil because its ABOOSIVE then I am going to shit myself. THAT'S WHY I LIKE IT! I LIKE THAT THEY BEAT EACH OTHERS UP! Also yes, this is every major fandom nowadays, you might escape it in more adult-oriented fandoms that don't appeal to Gen Alpha and younger Zoomers, but any popular media has these pearl clutching children in it.
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But anon you can't like anything problematic! You have to write a 5 paragraph essay on how you don't condone abuse in real life now with a additional video applogy :(((

Man I love Tarn x Megs.

One sided yandere fanboy x creeped out teacher is a rare one these days. I am so very upset Tarn is written as a basic, bland rapist or shipped with Kaon or Pharma. He reeks of absolute failure as a top and has that problem most cold male characters have.

That being, no one sees past the mask they put up and think he's domineering when he's the universe's greatest bitch. His confrontation is probably the best we'll ever have because fans sure don't like to draw it or write it under the context of Tarn being mentally, exceedingly weak.

need more wire interfacing. Everything's valveplug and I'd like to see less man pussy and more wires getting crossed.
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>need more wire interfacing. Everything's valveplug and I'd like to see less man pussy and more wires getting crossed.
Those are a lot harder to convey visually desu
Fanfics are where the alternative robosex porns are, usually
I initially hated it because if I am into robots why would I just slap a penis and vagina on them? But as I grew older and my sexuality did as well, I've slowly warmed up to it, but I prefer it they treat it as a mechanical function rather than just, cock and vagina. I also don't mind the hermaphroditism because again if they're robots (who are mostly male anyway) if they're gonna have sex organs, might as well go crazy with it. But I wish more writers and fanartists gave it that mechanical/technical edge. Pure tech-fucking is still the goat though.
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I find that each individual artists preferences tend to change and morph with time
A lot of them will start with softbody art, because its easier to learn. Though some of them will stick to it, I noticed quite a few eventually git gud at drawing mecha bodies, and would then transition to drawing much more mechanical looking organ analogues, like Cres or anoanzi on twitter
Fics are still where its at for the craziest tf sex fics though, especially for internal POVs
Also, imagine the day we finally get to peek at Alex Milne's true robotfucker spank vault...
HMO volume 3
Someone uploaded a page on bluesky awhile back
Picrel from instagram I think
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This is why I hate it.

It isn't mechanical and I've read actual male/female pairings where they'll say 'clit' and treat it as futa on cuntboy. It's disgusting, I hate it. I've switched entirely to tactile wireplay because I cannot find a single writer who actually writes it as a mechanical hole. And I'm really not into Jazz/Prowl which heavily limits how much I can find.

Artists will draw an exotic pussy. Puffy lips and all. I would be a lot more accepting of it if it wasn't blatantly just het porn.

I love full on mechanical body art. I understand why someone would want to do just humans in costumes because outside of studying mechanics I highly doubt it's easy being able to draw every single piece of a car on a bipedal form.
I get why you feel that way because artist/writer intent is so blatant at times, but I'm also more lenient because they are aliens so I don't care as much. 90% of smutfic on AO3 falls into this though, it's mostly just het porn with extra steps.
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This is why you gotta write your own porn
Be the change you want to see in the world
Make these robots get off to having gas station pumps shoved into them or having their internals clipped with jumper cables
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You're giving me ideas anon. Gas pump interfacing is a stupid tag but I'd definitely write that.

It wont come soon, but if I'm motivated, I'd be open to any pairings people would like to see. Personally I'm a big OpBee (a lot of Bee I love him so much) fan. I cannot get a grasp on Ratchet x Anyone because he's so wildly different between G1, Prime, IDW ect. Even that toddler show Rescue Bots makes him a completely different character.
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I have a very simple and hilarious tip for writing weird robot sex
>how would the bot react to having X done to their Y
And you'll realise you can sexualise just about the most mundane parts of the most random shit in the world
kek. I found this one OP fic of him watching industrial cleaning videos like porn. And it was honestly, the best given multiple continuities show they really, really enjoy humans cleaning/buffing them.

I'd love to read and write more works like that, but treating them like cars and jets always makes for better entertainment. I blame IDW mostly, because they put such emphasis on human actions like kissing or groping.
How would you like to know that there is a veritable section of the fandom that regularly draws and writes Megatron gun sex porn
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>implying I haven't bled that part of the fandom dry
Honestly, big fan of gun Megatron as a concept because he's the leader, the villain of the series and he turns into an object that can't function without someone holding him up. Makes me wish Tarn's transformation addiction got attention in the comics because that's prime real estate for focusing on cybertronians who like the feel of transforming or being in their alt modes.

It kind of got a spotlight with the mono... I cannot remember their name. But bot mode only purists. Which implies there must be the opposite.

I haven't read Phase Three of IDW and I kind of don't want to, but I think about it whenever I consider what sort of robot body lore I'm missing.
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>I haven't read Phase Three of IDW and I kind of don't want to, but I think about it whenever I consider what sort of robot body lore I'm missing.
Nothing much lol, its a clusterfuck
Just pick and choose the aspects you like and run with it. Smash your toys together like a true caveman. Make shit up as long as it makes you horny
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This is nothing new, but mainly a tumblr and trans fanart-artist thing. I avoid tumblr and only go there to dump my fanart and leave again. I hate musk but the recent twitter changes have made a lot of the annoying people go back to tumblr which is nice so I can keep ignoring them. The good fans are mostly Japanese and Chinese.
The ship hate was really bad around 2017 or so when every second tumblr user considered MegaStar, OPMegs and a bunch of other ships and characters (including my favorite bot) toxic and whatever. Nowadays I don't see it anymore but that might be because I am only active on twitter and almost only interacting with Asian fans.
Funny enough, I only see this shit on the few times I stop by twitter to repost artworks, since I never lurk beyond a few blogs on tumblr
Wasn't really fandom active in 2017(ao3 lurks only), so Im finding it especially annoying rn
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I can't really use tumblr anymore since the majority of Asian artists I love aren't active there. My twitter add-ons prevent that I see anything but the stuff the ones I follow post. I follow over 1500 artists but no drama in 5+ years aside from a few Chinese fans being dramatic over the wrong shipping order and one (1) certain western person causing trouble but I ignore her.

Westerners that get mad about TF pairings are stupid because IDW in particular is a series about dictators and war criminals. The fact that they are okay with this but not a problematic pairing proves that it's just about personal preferences that they hide between a moral guise. They should just be honest.

I don't care about most of the popular pairings that are everywhere and yet I am chill and barely see them because I don't follow the artist that post them. It's that easy. I also mostly draw IDW villains and villain/villain ships and the fact that I never got a call-out is proof enough that the whiny fans will ignore you if you ignore them.
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I've been poking around the Chinese side of the fandom and it doesn't even feel like I'm seeing a different side. It's 99% bottom Meg. valveplug and genderswaps with dommy mommy Megop.

I find myself between the sex negative chat spaces for English users and trans headcanon zone where there is no distinction between a valve and a vagina. I don't know how Japan does it because they do not tag anything and seem to hide themselves. I want to follow more fans who talk about the plot and porn, just without pussy unless it's Scorpinok. Canon womb and all that.

Whoever you are anon please, more Tarn. Getting real bored with soft, sweet Tarn and love it when a tryhard tries to have a pissing contest over who's edgier with Overlord.
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>Getting real bored with soft, sweet Tarn and love it when a tryhard tries to have a pissing contest over who's edgier with Overlord.
kek Don't get your hopes up too much, I also draw stupid shit sometimes, though I love edgy Tarn and Overlord. Actually, Overlord/Tarn is one of my favorite ships.
Villain/villain is usually very funny but it seems to be underappreciated in the west. Love Tyrest/(IDW) Star Saber and Proteus/Sentinel as well. I hope that we will get a series with a shippable Straxus one day. That guy looks badass, is evil and has an interesting role, could be cool. The nice thing about OL/Tarn and other IDW Decepticons is that they're both gunning for Megs but failing to get his attention. They're a great match. Apart from also being mentally ill yanhomos.
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That's why I like them so much. A hall monitor and a teacher's pet trying to score a free pass.

Tarn/Kaon seems to dominate for some reason.

I like evil pairs when they're both openly evil, which is why I didn't like Knock Out and Breakdown in IDW Gen 1. Fans hyped them up, posting their kiss everywhere. I expected them to be how they are in Prime cranked up on dark energon. Evil doctor and his evil nurse. Nope.

For a series where Prowl is considered "good" and the actual heroes of G1 are turned into bloodthristy insane people (Arcee and Elita One are especially their own brand of insanity) the fandom is bizarrely averse to leaning into it outside of Shattered Glass. I don't like Shattered Glass. I like Goldbug, he's a great take on what IDW did to bumblebee's story. But as a whole, it's too "easy." It isn't that I want them to be evil all the time, I just like seeing evil characters act in their element.

Goldbug had an inferiority complex the size of a Metroplex. It's character writing like that which makes seeing him act like that guy from goodfellas satisfying.
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>I haven't read Phase Three of IDW and I kind of don't want to, but I think about it whenever I consider what sort of robot body lore I'm missing.
I'd say read it, but be prepared for a shitton of convoluted messes, rushed storylines and writers who keep undoing each others' work. You can use this to navigate what you need to read for phase 3.
I don't see it much on twitter or tumblr, but the MegaStar hate is HEAVY on tiktok. I haven't seen any other ship get this much hate.
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>Fans hyped them up, posting their kiss everywhere.
The kiss is from IDW2 not IDW1. They are more openly evil in IDW2. They basically start a coup and seize a colony.
I actually think that IDW1 Prowl is hot for how broken and lawful evil he is. Maybe you could argue he's lawful neutral, but I think that you can consider him genuinely gone when he decided that genocide of the cybertronian species would be the answer (though he isn't completely wrong). I love Zeta for the same reason. A formerly optimistic, funny but slightly manipulative bro who becomes a comical LARPer Prime who doesn't believe in his own role and gets gradually more radical as the war progresses until he becomes the fanatical Templar Knight he roleplayed before.
Old fans complained about evil Primes in IDW1 but I think they're way more nuanced than they give them credit to. Nova is also interesting. The typical hero of the golden age who will be written off as imperialist despot in modern times.

The skybound comics are fun to read so far but I miss interesting characters and fun dynamics. The only well-written bot is Optimus so far but he doesn't have any sort of dynamic with anybody because the series is too focused on action to develop any.
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Tiktok is the shithole of the internet, I would never go there. How do they even post such opinions with everything being video based? Do they actually make videos, with their real faces, and say shit like "this pairing is problematic?". Is that website even used by anybody older than 14? I think you should just ignore those places. I doubt they ever post anything of value. I have recently seen someone linking "fanart" from tiktok and it was just a jittery video of a drawn pic and retarded music. It legit made me wonder if the users are retarded and don't know what photos and png are or if they are so desperate for tiktok clout to post a video of an image there instead of just posting the image elsewhere. In any case I will keep ignoring them.
My job makes me use almost all social media platforms and tiktok is no better/worse than any other, particularly since it's algorithm based. I was also just curious about the state of the fandom at large, hence why I found the information. Anyway, a lot of fandom posts are usually just photos with text overlayered or a video of a still image/clip with an ai voice/text overlayered. Very rarely do they use their own faces to talk. Some also use the slideshow feature to post their art.
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>Anyway, a lot of fandom posts are usually just photos with text overlayered or a video of a still image/clip with an ai voice/text overlayered.
This is extremely alien to me. It's like a species trying to communicate with text but not being aware that you can just write and post it normally on websites that aren't video-based.
The fact that tiktok hates on it only proves to me that this is a phase some kids are affected by since tiktok users are mostly teens. The MegaStar hate on tumblr was massive a bunch of years ago but it eventually ceased, probably because the fans simply grew up.

It's particularly weird because all the shit they get mad about only exist in their head. Starscream is neither trans or female nor is he traumatized or a victim of abuse. I and my friends might as well be some because we punched each other in the past lel
Anyway you can tell they just assemble their own personal canon because a lot of SS fans got mad about the beating scene in Cyberverse and boycotted the series. But none of them talked about (or knew) why SS was beaten up in the first place. Megs had a very good reason to do so, it's not comparable to a housewife getting punched by a drunk husband, what the hell-

It's also a series about evil war machines. Of course do they punch each other.
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Earthspark straight up uses Starscream in an abuse/molestation allegory episode. Hashtag (the robot girl) gets mind raped by Mandroid and bonds with him over it. It's so heavy handed you'd think Omega Supreme was trying to be 'subtle'

MegStar is one of my top pairings because it can be read as abusive, but it can also be read as one sided on both sides. You can flip it around, mess with dynamics, but Scream's got a binary role of "beaten housewife" or "sexy bottom." That's it.

The housewife beatings could arguably be said for IDW because, well, look at him. He's curled up and all he's missing is ruined make up. And before Megatron even knew the situation he sped to their location with the intention of beating the fuck out of him, because he simply wanted to.

This fandom has a habit of making no distinction between continuities however so it could be a mix of Armada and IDW wiki reading paired with what they stitch together.

Ah. I don't have much of a desire to read IDW2. The romance stories in G1 wore me down. It felt like the writers were really pushing for homoships exclusively for fan points. I only caught onto it when not one pair was male/female (that mattered) outside of Spike and his harem of women. Noticing pandering is never fun, for me. Taints the experience and I start viewing it as how much is meaningful, how much is there for tumblr celebration blogs. It isn't complicated, or realistic. It's just kinda there. Cyclonus/Tailgate reminded me so much of Lapis/Peridot. The ship one writer wanted and had those few awkward Steven Universe episodes surrounding it.

Skybound is awesome! I want to see how it ends and I'm hoping it wont end in a cancellation. I'd like more focus on strategy and actually attempting to end the war. Not "oops Character wouldn't listen and everything that happened an issue ago was in vain." for the 20th time.
I was fine with the canon ships of IDW1 but ironically not interested in any of them. Maybe Needlenose/Horribull but they were barely relevant. Cyclonus is one of my favorite characters so I was indirectly glad that the Tailgate plot helped keeping him relevant but I could never view these two as anything but a mentor + protegee. The good pairings are the ones that are only hinted or related to crazy villains. Could never see the chemistry between Drift and Ratchet either.
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God Earthspark was a fucking mistake, at least it gave me another sexy Soundwave
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>This is extremely alien to me. It's like a species trying to communicate with text but not being aware that you can just write and post it normally on websites that aren't video-based.
The thing about tiktok is that it's becoming an all-encompassing platform for teenagers/young adults, so they're doing what they can on it to get their thoughts across. I don't think it's negative to use all the tools a platform offers, though I do think the overall effect of rapid-fire short-form content is extremely deliberating on humanity. The reason I keep updated with tiktok is because it is fascinating from a sociological point, but also because it is where the youth is most present and seeing what they're up to is informative, even if most of what they do is... questionable.

As for MegaStar, >>3946994, and you have the right of it both. They've projected onto Starscream the persona of a beaten housewife and completely ignore everything else about his character. I am guessing it's because the character of Starscream rarely gets any depth that LASTS in any of the source material. Earthspark and IDW both attempted to flesh him out, but in the end it leads nowhere, so there's a gap in the media to represent the character as more than a joke/"victim".

I feel you super hard on this one. I was hoping for Drift/Rodimus, but then the author basically said "they were just fwb lol and rod's totes cool with drift getting with ratchet instead". I thought Blast Off/Onslaught was interesting, but we never get to see the fallout. Also I knew it'd never happen but MegRod is the hottest thing in the universe to me.
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My problem with ES are the MCs. I am generally not a fan of toddlers but here you don't have one or two but five, plus the two human kids. It's too much and they all have the same morals, agenda and nice personality so what tells them apart is just that one personal gimmick the rest of their personality is based on.
I will never understand why the fandom hated Cyberverse. S2 and s3 are by far one of the best TF related cartoons IMO. But I always end up liking what the majority dislikes and disliking what's popular it seems.
I still need to watch Cyberverse, I've only seen the scene of Megatron beating the shit out of Screamer which was pretty cool. Even at its worst it can't be as bad as Earthspark and its horrible attempts to relate to the mentally ill.
It really should have been a Prime 2.0 with the Maltos as the human connection, because cutting the kids and three additional Terrans who added nothing would only improve the quality of the entire series. Or at the very least, make the kids someone to protect and play with as the day ends.

>Also I knew it'd never happen but MegRod is the hottest thing in the universe to me.
They have such an insane set up that goes nowhere. Rodimus wouldn't be Rodimus if Megatron wasn't there to start a planet wide genocide (multiple) and there he is- captain of Rodimus' ship. That he purchased. Rodimus likely feels his presence more than anyone on the ship, and was always an interesting protagonist. To me anyway.

I WISH I could see more of them in fan work but I suppose I'll have to remain content with IDW. All the chemistry is there. The confrontation with Tarn is probably the height of my enjoyment in the comics because for all the wrong Megs has done, Rodimus knows he can do right.

Also someone from tumblr put the idea of biolights being sexually appealing into my head and I cannot look at either of them the same anymore. Especially not rebuilt and pre-captured Megatron.
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To be honest I dropped Prime so it wouldn't have made things better. Hate the designs and the kids as well as some of the bot characters, namely Arcee or whoever that fembot was supposed to be. I mostly like the comics.
>Hate the designs
I liked Arcee a lot more than her G1 pink "woman" look. She reminds me of Aqua Kingdom Hearts who's also my favorite character from her game, so there's my bias.

Character wise, Prime was always great when it was not focused on the kids. Miko- the girl, literally gives Bulkhead brain damage an episode and while it does solve a problem later, she's never remorseful of how her actions negatively impact others which is why I dropped it before watching S3.

They had a lot of great ideas ruined by the inclusion of human characters (not Fowler, Fowler's awesome) and you can tell the writers were trying to skirt a line between being for kids and Bay. The way they speak, animate, and act never leans hard into one side or another for too long, which is why Earthspark could have neatened it.

Skybound does exactly that by settling for an older teen audience and sticking to it. War vet and war vet bonding is exactly what Earthspark tries to do, but can't be too dark because baby show. I can imagine Hasbro is always trying to lean on G1 and Bay, but it isn't working and they wont let the writers do their own thing. Tonally, I'd say Animated got it just right. It chose kids 6-12 and it stayed there. Also Sari is best human connection.
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I hope that ONE will teach them that it can work without humans, or at least without kids. Seriously I always end up liking the humanless series the most, be it certain IDW1 and DW series, IDW2, Cyberverse or ONE.
Forgot to say that while I was happy to see Cyclonus happy, Tailgate is such a fucking gross looking character and it might be shallow as all hell, but I couldn't get behind the ship because of his appearance.
I fucking love their dynamic together in MTMTE as well because it shares a few similarities with MegaStar, but less angsty and more fun/chaotic. They have such a massive potential for a passionate clash or a more slow-burn build up depending on how an author wants to build them. I am still disappointed we didn't get more content with them in the comic itself, I really felt like that could've been a crazy good pairing, but I am guessing Hasbro said no. I... actually still don't understand what biolights are, care to explain? It gets mentioned in fic a lot.
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Cyberverse felt too reliant on being a comics fan to me. Which is why it and WFC didn't kick off the way they likely hoped. Cyberverse isn't bad, it's just banking that you already like Windblade and know her role because it isn't shown with the urgency of her comics. She, and a lot of the other characters, appear and they act like you're supposed to know them like when new Autobots showed up in 86. For all the depth they attempt to give to Bumblebee they rip it away when the show decides to be Arcee and Grimlock's show, or Hot Rod's series. It has the exact tone of MTMTE hopping to a separate plot and for the casual viewer, that is not only a hard sell, but also not going to bring in new money. Which is what Hasbro's always doing. Attempting to bring in new income.

Movies for adults, TV for all ages. All to sell merch that only one audience is buying. Rescue Bots Academy is human free for a good 70% outside of rescuing people. It's good good voice acting, a casual story- but it's also for 4 year olds. The Bluey genre of cartoon meant more for parent fans than anyone else. And it does its job by bringing in new money since Rescue Bots preformed well enough to warrant a sequel with two full seasons.

I love the cartoons, but I recognize where and how Hasbro cripples their own series. One is a step in an unsteady direction because if it isn't bringing in people who will buy toys, then it isn't going to sustain them. One feels like it's trying to reboot and catch teen-early 20's viewers. Not bad, but blockbuster flops to appeal to their intended audience isn't safe. Kids are safe. Annoying, but safe.

This tl;dr is brought to you by a heavy interest in business, retail and viewing media less like a consumer and more of a company. I love TF, truly. I just love brand integrity more.
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>biolights are
You know how on specific designs they have thin strips of light on their bodies that don't really do anything? They appear to be either decorative but don't really have a function?


Biological for their species like t-cogs. Megatron's are purple. Rodimus' are red. Not everyone has them, but people will include them in smut. I believe it's a fan lore term because I can't recall it being mentioned in any official capacity.
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>while I was happy to see Cyclonus happy, Tailgate is such a fucking gross looking character and it might be shallow as all hell, but I couldn't get behind the ship because of his appearance
lel me too. It doesn't help that his behavior seems very bratty and I don't like ships with kids. I know he isn't a kid, but he looks like a toddler and behaves like a very young teen so I never managed to get into him. WhirlCyc would have honestly been a so much better ship.
Well, I guess it's almost canon with them waiting for him and planning to live together. But I would have preferred them without Tailgate. Or Tailgate fulfilling the role of the student or kid for them.
Tailgate's human avatar is literally a toddler. I know it isn't an accurate reflection of who they are since Cyclonus is a masculine woman and Whirl is a gun toting 12 year old girl. (except in Rescue Bots Academy) I think Tailgate being an object of affection should have been played more into a fiercely protected and cherished role minus romance.

Cylonus has always been shown as loyal no matter the cost to his body or well being. I like that about him. But the ship felt like a crackship they let the writers go along with
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>I am still disappointed we didn't get more content with them in the comic itself
Didn't we kind of get quite much? I always considered it a pretty big hint that Rodimus was still holding Megs' badge after so many years until he eventually put it onto a grave that says that everything was meaningless without love. It felt like they have bonded a lot and that the ship is pretty likely and I am not an active shipper of them.
Oh! Those are sexy and I can definitely see them as a decorative sex-appeal kinda thing that's just for visual effect among their kin. Though, if you're like an assassin or a stealth-robot, they'd be kinda counterproductive wouldn't they?
He looks like a toddler and he acts like a brat. I get why Cyclonus likes him cuz it's clear they care a lot about each others, but no, Tailgate was just ugly. The secondary main ship after Chromedome/Rewind should've been Drift/Rodimus, Megatron/Rodimus or Brainstorm/Perceptor imho.
Sorry, I meant strictly suggestive content. I know I was coping, but still...
>pretty likely
But have there been any pairings that were subtle?

When they openly decided to write romance, kisses, hand holding, the only pairings left to metaphors and ambiguous silhouetting have been Megstar and MegOp. If it was official, they'd have, well, made it official. Which is why it could be disappointing.

as >>3947052 puts it, there's not really much there between them when you look at all the blatant couples. I know it's het but I was always a huge fan of WindScream. But I tack it up to it being an active decision to keep them apart because Starscream can't be happy and Windblade needs her lesbian chance with her criminal girlfriend.
>Windblade needs her lesbian chance with her criminal girlfriend.
Author of Windblade stated that Chromia was always supposed to be just her sister. I think they never went with WindScream because I don't think the fandom would be very happy with heterofying a character that has been whored out in gay relationships since the 80s.
That's interesting. I believe it was Ironhide who said Chromia looked at Windblade the way he or someone looked at OP. I never really saw them as sisters but I also read her comic in the collection which skipped multiple side comics that were technically apart of the story.

Also lel. I think of any people should be bi, it'd be the robots. I ship Knock Out with the entire cast just because he has that come one come all energon.

Starscream got a human romance in Armada with a girl. Different continuity, but still, it's happened.
>I was hoping for Drift/Rodimus, but then the author basically said "they were just fwb lol
DriftRod definitely felt a lot more organic as a ship even going just by premise alone, considering that they're peers while there was always this "kind doctor uncle and street brat" gap between Drift and Ratchet that is usually pretty platonic (unless you're specifically into the agegap)
But well, there's a reason to take James "rEmEmBEr, nO HeT!" Roberts' opinions with plenty of salt. I never enjoyed mtmte or lost light for this very reason. As interesting as some of bis ideas are, I just couldn't get into his tone or writing style, and especially after I learned of his pandering tendencies. As if the very same lgbt communities he was trying to represent was just his poochie, like fucking Bendis
On anon's petty dislike of Tailgate, I too have a very petty reason to dislike this ship myself kek
To start of very simply, I am a prowlfag. Born a prowlfag. I was a wee lad of 14 years old many eras ago, and I had only watched the Bay movies, TFP, TFA, and some G1
When I wasn't watching those, I was mostly browsing fanfics, probably too much fanfics to be healthy for a little fujo (you can see where this is going already).
I had no idea what IDW was, and no idea who these fuckass characters were. So my first introduction to Chromedome and Rewind was through a spitefic where Prowl was written as Just Some Asshole for the writer to dunk on as a 1 dimensional absuive scorned ex. At this point, my main characterisation for Prowl was, and still is to an extent, fanon Prowl, who is a stiff, overly formal, autistic paper pusher with some grey decision making moments, a numbers guy. Not this emotionally incontinent table flipping guy who keeps screaming and stomping around with this bastard cop persona that these handful of fics seemed to favour, just so they could have an "everybody clapped" moment.
And those fics? They seemed to always be Chromedome "woe is me" fics.

And that's why to this day, I still harbour a distaste for the IDW1 version of them
No, I don't care how heartbreaking or le doomed their sweet, sweet war criminal redemption story is
Fuck em lol
Also doesn't help with how many Chromedome fans I've seen being antis too
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This is why I don't like it. It reads like showing off a Poochie. When two same gender characters aren't kissing, the audience should be asking, where's the same gender characters kissing?

Kind of like how China forced major movie studios to include strong, competent Chinese characters that would always win.

I dislike low hanging fruit. Which is why I tend to go for the ships no one makes content of or has a narrative appeal. But I admit, I am the anti-fluff kind of ship enjoyer. I dislike domestic, sweet and traditional love. And in a series where everyone is miserable, dying, and has tried to kill each other multiple times, it's rather painful to see it not embraced by its fans.
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Oh fuck I didn't know others agreed. The chemistry between Drift and Rodimus made much more sense than that of Ratchet and Drift I think. And just as with Cygate I simply cannot see them as lovers but rather relatives or mentor/student. I think that every pairing needs a common ground and with Ratchet and Drift I cannot imagine why they would even befriend each other, let alone become lovers, I cannot even imagine them spending their free time together. I mean such couples exist in real life so it's not unrealistic. But it's not appealing for me. DriftRod felt organic so I was surprised that Rodimus shoved Drift away and it never became a thing.
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>Which is why I tend to go for the ships no one makes content of or has a narrative appeal.
Fucking based. I am drawing and digging Proteus/Sentinel, Macabre/Kroma and others because of this. All I need are cool/intriguing characters and roles and fun or interesting dynamics between them.
>But I admit, I am the anti-fluff kind of ship enjoyer. I dislike domestic, sweet and traditional love.
Same here. I sometimes enjoy a few slightly optimistic scenes but I don't like fluff. It's why I cannot get into canon yaoi, it's almost always fluff, domestic and romantic. Even if the ship is abusive it's too romance focused for me to be interesting. I prefer shit like dictator/enforcer, leader/lackey or just villain/villain whatever they are. It helps that villains have a much wider range of personality traits than protagonists too. Makes it more varied and interesting.
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What are your opinions ln Deathsaurus/Tarn?
I feel like while OverTarn is top tier trashy hatefuckery, DTarn might actually have a shot of having a good balance between heavy drama, extremely unhealthy dynamics, and mental illness
But virtually no one outside of ShenXing (and Enfilade for fanfics) does anything with this ship
NTA, but I loved it the moment the two met. They are decepticons at their peak. Mistrustful, always having a back up, and still care for their own. (see Nickel's existence regardless of what he did to Kaon.)

These are the ships I crave. The chemistry presents itself the moment they meet and you have a reason to start thinking- wow they're awful for each other, and that's why it can work! Deathsaurus could probably calm Tarn down if he actually tried to talk Tarn out of his hate for Megs. He understood him, but he had his men to care about. It's why Nickel leaves too. It is when characters can read below the front they put up that I think they can make incredible pairings.

Overlord getting over his obsession and recognizing Tarn's weakness is something I immediatly latched onto. I don't ship because they are similar, I like them for their intelligence and seeing the other in front of them. Deathsaurus felt like a real attempt at showing a leader. Tarn is a groupie with an addiction. Whoever comes up on top is a fine choice when you start messing with their dynamics like dough
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Oh I like it a lot. Bless Enfilade for making this popular. I especially love when this (or other pairings or just Tarn-only fanart) implement his past as Damus. Tarn is such an interesting character if you think about all the things his past is implying. Enfilade and others (myself included) headcanoned Damus to be a musician related theater or operas because of his obsession with the Empyrean Suite. This is a pure headcanon though, since it might also fit Tarn to like classic music simply because it's what villains do and he wants to be the villain. This is also great.

Less of a headcanon is that he got empurata'ed, so he most have been considered a political enemy. The question is whether he was or not. Damus/Glitch came off as so innocent to me that I always headcanoned that he had accidentally messed up machines with this outlier ability and that the enforcers assumed it was sabotage so they tortured him for nothing and he became a rebel as a response to that and the following alienation instead of always having been one.

I drift off. I just think that there are many interesting implications if you think about Tarn's former self and the self he is LARPing as "Tarn".

ANYWAY I love Tarnsaurus. This is what I wanted to say. Initially.
What the fuck is with the art of Bayverse Prime molesting D16
There is a gimmick account that has daily crossover posts and TLK+One sparked its own thing. Because Bayverse is the largest with the most arguably attractive body (hourglass+massiv e chest+Peter Cullen) with his whole insane war criminal mindset and D-16 is young, inexperienced and sweet pre-Megatron era.

Plus Chinese artists love bottom Meg and Bayverse.
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Based taste, anons
Glad to hear that there are others who see this peak ship for what it is
IDW Deathsaurus is genuinely underappreciated
And also about Tarn actually being a very interesting character: man he got done dirty by Jro at the end, because that guy could not stick a landing for gods sake
What a fucking waste of a good character concept
snu snu is funny
>>3947189 →

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