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Previous >>3944754 →

Other /m/echa also welcome
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One of the few good things to come out of Earthspark is that it made more people aware of the kino ship that is MegaProwl
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gods bless shenxing
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Any of you have a ship you can't stop shipping no matter what? It's picrel for me.
>>3947068 →
Might've been a different writer since there was never one single writer for the Cybetron/Earth story (unlike MTMTE/Lost Light). And I agree with you, the robots should really just be bi, but with Starscream's popularity among female fans I think they avoided it for that reason.
>>3947102 →
>>3947114 →
>>3947116 →
I am the opposite because 90% of the time I enjoyed Roberts' writing the most, but I do feel like shipping/romance hindered his grander plots/writing at times. And I understand that maybe he was trying to show that hey, two very unlikely people can still get together, but eh. Dratchet is just... not it imho.
>>3947104 →
That's hilarious. I actually love Prowl and I really liked his IDW iteration as well. I dunno, I never really hate/dislike a character anymore as long as they serve their purpose in the story. Instead I hate on writers/the company for shafting stories/characters. That's funny as fuck though nonny, I hope you're not being harassed too much by stupid Prowl antis.
I love rarepairs so much. Recently got into Megatron/Jazz and there's almost no content of it sadly.
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Also highly based
Faction-swap AU ships are a no-brainer but never seem to be popular outside of OPScream for some reason
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>turns your mentally ill robots into vampires
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>>3947187 →
>IDW Deathsaurus is genuinely underappreciated
He's a great character and one of the very few proud Decepticons with leader skills who isn't outright evil.
DS's tragedy is that his subplot seems to be axed. Maybe it's because of the cancellation, but it seemed to build up to one with him planning to defeat the black consortia and oppose the galactic council. It could have been great.
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>Any of you have a ship you can't stop shipping no matter what?
It's basic but WaveWave, those two have always been my favorite cons and I like seeing them together.
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>ship you can't stop shipping no matter what
Basic bitch stuff, but I don't care man, its a very versatile ship if you just run with it and come up with whatever you want
Those unimaginative faggots on twitter can piss themselves all day about "le no canon basis le no chemistry", I'll be here thinking about these two until the end of time no matter how many detractors exist
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>can't stop shipping
KnockScream in Prime.

Flamboyant Homosexual and Homophobic Homosexual.

KO will flirt with anyone but I just love how their shared pettiness and power lust compliment each other.

OpBee for the Autobots. In every continuity. I see them together and all I see is the best pair of the series.
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Dropped hard after season 1. I read through posts Hasbro backed pedaled all the LGBT pandering by not bringing it up again, but the dumpsterfire was already ashes by the time they tried to put it out.

Between the humans, identical Terrans (all good, all agreeable, all very very dense) and children trying way too hard to be Noah and Elena (Rise of the Beasts human pair and Noah literally gets the same type of tech) the whole cast is fucked outside of the Decepticons. I like Elita One. I hated her being a college age dudebro. It's like all the writing was passed around in a board room through people who don't know what a Transformers is.

Best action animation for the brand and it's locked behind having to watch that mega trash as there isn't a "just the fight scenes" edit on youtube yet. The only people I've seen praising the series in earnest focus on THAT scene and don't mention anything else. So Hasbro got their tumblr win.
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>>3947029 →
>I liked Arcee a lot more than her G1 pink "woman" look.
I admit I hate that too. I disliked both to be honest. Actually, I don't like any of the fembots of this franchise. Well, some of the IDW2 ones were fine, the rest is always just written as "the woman" (usually smart and then either badass and better than the men or annoyingly feminine/motherly).
It's a shame because some of the designs look pretty good (especially Megs') and the animation is good, I like Breakdown/Bee but I don't care at all about the damn Terrans or school problems and they get 80% of all the screentime.
Might watch some episodes of s2 for the Decepticons and Prowl like >>3947196 said if I ever find a mega to download the stuff from unless there is a torrent somewhere.
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>usually smart and then either badass and better than the men or annoyingly feminine/motherly
This is why I like Windblade so much. She's trying her best and is out of her league but I still want to see her do her best. After G1, the series has been struggling to write a single woman without looking like they're trying too hard. A problem that can be solved by just hiring competent writers. Writer's strike happened at the height of the franchise after the 80's, so that could have severely done damage. In a way, it did. Oddly enough the best female characters are in the baby series. Danni and Whirl never come off as trying to be sweet. They're good people with their own agency. Air Razor and Black Arachnia I liked a lot in WFC. For the series' many faults, they were cute together

I think Earthspark Bumblebee is one of his best G1 designs. I know a lot of people hate the human faces, but I think it really works for him.
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Idk what is it about the design, but Earthspark Megatron is activating my "GETPREGNANTGETPREGNANTGETPREGNANTGETPREGNANTGETPREGNANTGETPREGNANTGETPREGNANT" instincts like nothing else
I need him fisted and pounded over every surfave available
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He's basically a redesign of MtmtE Megs who looks cool as shit. The ES version is just a bit more dynamics and Roche was always one of the best TF artists IMO.
It was actually his Wrecker comics that got me into TF to begin with. LSotW has absolutely everything I love about TF.
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Maybe an awkward question, but do any of you do text RP still and where the hell do you find other adults to RP with?
>Faction-swap AU ships are a no-brainer but never seem to be popular outside of OPScream for some reason
What do you mean with faction-swap AU? Like, one character hopping faction for another? SkyStar does that routinely, and I guess there's SoundJazz though there's less faction-hopping there.
I like almost any Jazz ship, he's a great character to uh, well, he's very versatile. I think Jazz and Prowl have a very interesting dynamic because they share some similarities, but are also complete opposites as well.
I'm gonna be real with you, I thought Knock Out and Starscream had more chemistry together in Prime than Breakdown and Knock Out. I'm honestly kinda disappointed that they're not together in any other continuities.
>Prime than Breakdown
I did not understand how people shipped them so hard when KO admitted to thinking Starscream looked attractive. Maybe it's because Breakdown was his assistant, maybe because him flirting with OP was seen as him liking bigger bots. But the stupid key fight they do was where it actually clicked for me.

I'm a BreakBee fan because of Earthspark. The least popular pairings always have the best set ups.
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I meant commander swapping, not just crossfaction stuff
Like OPSound, MegaJazz/Prowl
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MegRod, SoundOP, ShockOP, MegaBee, OptOut and MegMag are the only ones I've seen any content for but none of them are particularly popular compared to StarOP.
That's what I was talking about
The ao3 search pages for MegaProwl is like, 3 or 4 pages compared to the 30+ in OPScream
Is this the power of uwu-fying Starscream again
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I think, and I hope no one here takes offense, that many fic authors nowadays are just... uh, not that creative and don't want to think outside of the box that much. When AO3 first popped up its exclusivity meant it was largely a place for quality fic, but as more authors have entered it - particularly younger authors, I find that the quality of fanfiction has plummeted deeply. Transformers is no exception, I've seen it in many fandoms, but the amount of fanfiction published that is mostly; cheap, quick and lazy pornography, blatant self-insert (You/Reader), incredibly dull fluff-centric drabbles, tumblr headcanons published as fanfiction and almost all of it being very, very poorly written, makes me think that authors aren't really interested in writing about interesting dynamics, they just want to goon.
Mate, I've been eyeing that MegaProwl page since like 2014
It's never been populated
And no, I think the quality of fanfiction is still the same. I spent just as much time scrolling past garbage or mid tier fluff/vent/spite/pwp stories on ao3 as I did on ffnet back then. Good longfics or high quality one-shots have always been rare.

Actually its less time scrolling on ao3, since the tags very easily reveal which fics to avoid

Theoyher commander swap ships just never got as popular as OPScream for some reason, and I still think I'm attributing that to people uwufying Starscream, since he's almost ALWAYS, as other anons say, a battered housewife running away from the big bad decepticons to OP
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I wish the other series would have been more inspired by Windlade/TAAO's writing. She was even flawed and IMO somewhat self-righteous at the start, but she developed and eventually realised that, changed and became a good, responsible politician that the thugs learned to trust and respect.

We can be lucky that Scott was unwilling to make compromises because if the things I heard were true hasbro/IDW urged her to make TAAO a crossover and she said no. This is why the series is one of the most self-contained and IMO best comic series we have gotten so far. It helped that the art was superb as well. I wish it was acknowledged by more fans. I didn't like Windblade at the start and while I like Starscream I wouldn't call myself a fan of him. So if even I enjoyed every minute of that comic it means it must be good.

I remember that there was some annoying as hell drama back then that made a large part of the fandom afraid of reading it or hating on Scott for no reason.
The problem is that a lot of fans get into fandoms through derivative works, aka fics, instead of the source material. This is particularly obvious with MegOP that got largely popularized on AO3 by the fics of that AO3 admin whose name I always forget. She started with the G1 OP/IDW Megs content soup where Megs is the troubled, wild boy and OP the neutered goodie-to-shoe. Thing is that fans copied it and if you looked up MegOP before TFONE 80% of the fics or something were the exact same and it was almost always G1 OP/IDW (TFP) Megs.

A lot of writers simply copy what others did before instead of making something new. ProwlJazz is another good example. It's a crack pairing but has more fics than everybody else and the source is solely headcanon based. But at the same time you don't see much OP/Jazz or other ships that would actually make more sense than Prowl.
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>I remember that there was some annoying as hell drama back then that made a large part of the fandom afraid of reading it or hating on Scott for no reason.
I skirted by all fandom drama by simply not even caring about the series. Seeing how it's affected everything is like walking through a black mirror episode for how uncanny things are. Even worse when seeing how much was hasbro failing to sell a character
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It was tumblr-only drama like always. And it's always Starscream fans that headcanon him as victim, as other the anon has said. I never used tumblr much so I only overheard part of the whining but from what I got they were mad because Starscream was pictured as the bad guy in that comic (he actually was the bad guy) and were mad that Windblade was framed as good (because she was actually good and tried to do right).
Starscream was even handled way more fairly than in many other series and getting some great development that eventually made him a decent guy, which only shows that people always hate certain comics for no reason or just because some other fan has said it's bad because a third fan has told them. I am glad I don't see these people anymore after I left tumblr behind completely in favor of twatter. At least I only hate the stuff I tried to watch or read and eventually dropped.

It's the same reason for why they seethed about CV too by the way. Because Starscream was portrayed as evil guy. Even though it was funny as fuck.
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>source is solely headcanon based
This is ome thing Im surprised so many people can't get behind, because when you wonder about it, the only thing that separates canon from headcanon from a legacy franchise like TF, where there's been so many vastly different versions of each other, is the endorsement of the parent company.

The IDW1 and Skybound writers have practically the same starting point as any other fic writer of their time, so I will never bregrudge fans who mainly got into TF through fanworks, because lets be real here: this whole franchise is about making up a narrative to justify smashing your toys together.
I derive more enjoyment from the absurd and wild AUs than those who try too hard to adhere to or even fix the broken and disjointed mess all major connected universe comic books always fall into
So yeah, content soup is the way to go for me, especially when it generated so many (actually good) JazzProwl longfics that are practically novels pulled out of absolutely nowhere
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I'd even go as far as to say that TF fanfics are basically their own subset of the fandom by this point

When someone's AU inspires someone else to make a derivative of it, and on and on, does that not in itself give the fanworks as much credibility as the official works? I think they're just as valid as any new show or movie that comes out in the context of a franchise where everyone and their mom is making shit up all the time
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I think femScream writing is the worst and hate the perpetual recycling of writing Megatron's militant force as a bunch of overly horny14 year old girls.

That said, I wish there was more Rescue Bot appreciation because the few times I've read fanfic of them, you can feel the care and love for the character writing
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Fair enough
Some of the reoccurring tropes are pretty annoying
Depends. Most fans are bad at making things up, see how godawful OCs always are. I can't see the appeal for Jazz/Prowl and other cracks either, for the same reason.

That aside I can't enjoy fanfics if I don't know the canon characters before. Maybe there are fics out there that start like an original novel and elaborate on the worldbuilding, lore and characters on top of being well written, but I haven't seen it. The lore heavy fics I love expect you to know the series they're based on. And without proper worldbuilding a story is meaningless to me, since it's half of the reason for why I like TF. What I like are AU that are What IF scenarios because as much as I like the different comic runs (not a fan of any of the cartoons) they're all flawed, so the optimal solution is to base an idea on them but make it better or fill the holes the canon has left, like for the many side characters (I prefer the secondaries over the main cast so I am heavily into that).

It's like the MegOP fics I talked about. Attracted as shitton of fans through fics, not canon. But Astolas'(?) fics are awful IMO. There are just too many fans writing characters as the same, bad ooc archetypes.
>fanworks as much credibility as the official works
Only if there is a concrete framework and lore to work with. I never met a good fanlore that wasn't based on canon. So it depends on what you mean with AU. e. g. if you mean fanlore about IDW1 Nova Prime's life, his reign, the golden era and his relationship with Cyclonus or Galvatron or Damus' life then I agree it's 10/10. But this is based on a canon story (certain IDW issues) and fans only fill the holes. I hate continuity soups. It's just fans picking things because they like it and mix what doesn't belong together. And I don't like randomness either. Like, IDW Starscream as Autobot can work. But only if he's the Autobot's Proteus. A moral version is ooc and useless IMO, since it's basically an OC.
This is my view on things.

I'm making up lore to make my fanfic work, but most of the time, I'm scraping concepts from other sci-fi fiction. I'm a Three Body Problem fan and considering the Quintessons, I think they could exist in the same universe as the Trisolarans.

I personally use Three Body (The Chinese novel NOT Netflix') as a basis for any time I want to give humanity a chance because of the tech invented in the story. But to acknowledge netflix just once, see the nano fillament-wire scene. It's censored in the Chinese drama, but it's the kind of weapon I'd include as a countermeasure. The science and physics aspect of the universe has always been a big favorite of mine. One of my favorite aspects of Animated was how with Megatron's head, humanity jumped centuries. So imagine what other aliens might offer.

I have an obsession with anthropology and science.
Oh I agree I wish more fanlore would focus on the world, space and the Quints or Cybertronian cities. It's a great groundwork and you have so much freedom you can basically create your own world but are still based on canon at the same time. I rarely see some fanfics that do this and take place in Tarn (the city) for example and explore its militarist culture. It's interesting.
I also love politics and I am a massive pre-war fag for TF. Some of my favorite fics are about pre-war times and politics and they're so fucking cool and creative. The cartoons and the comics have both given us a shitton of hints and facts about Cybertron before the war but they rarely ever let us explore that world outside of a few flashbacks, so it's the perfect playground for fanlore IMO

It's also interesting to explore everybody's life before the war and how and why the characters might have changed after peace has ended or how the pre-war dystopia has shaped them.
I am strictly a post-war fan because no matter the story, the effects of the war make the climate tense, and a sandbox the size of a planet.

Pre-war I'm not too crazy about but IDW gave me the best Orion Pax. I love him as a cop. Archivist, eh. Not bad, really cute. Miner, also, alright. But Cop OP feels so perfect for the leader he tries to be. It's the perfect position of importance enough to be seen and acknowledged but doesn't put him in a literal who position. That's Megatron's job as a miner turned gladiator. I don't usually seek out fic during that era but it's the best for me, that said, post war while taking those backgrounds into consideration is just- so sweet.

There will always be parts of their occupations that persist in how they approach things that I fail to see in mostly everything. A post war story keeping in mind a cop like Prowl is something easy to build up on. As one of the 20 Rescue Bots fans, it's why I adore the series so much. It's not dark, but how they approach Earth and history feels grounded. Like, they are simply choosing to not speak to the humans about the life they came from but it is in everything they say or do.
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Just bought MP-52. What the fuck are you guys talking about here?!
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Wasn't following Tf news for a while and didn't know they finally made a Xaaron toy. I will get that. Waiting for this for ages.
Xaaron/Impactor is another one of these strange pairings I love that are only a thing in Asia. It doesn't make sense, since all of these ships are from western comics. In this case Marvel, even. But I feel like the unusual pairings are generally only popular in JP/KR/CH for some reason. Everytime I browse western art all I see is MegOp, MegaStar, JazzProwl, Dratchet and maybe Cygate and KO/BD. I am technically a MegOp fan but somehow lost interest the last years in favor of other ships, namely Senator Shockwave/Orion, which is the only pairing I am currently into that the west is drawing as well (rarely, but still).
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I agree that most people suck at making OCs or interesting AUs, but that's just fanfiction in general. A lot of these fans are just trying to express their love for the franchise without much thought put into it, hence the sheer number of fluff fics clearly just written for fun. Only like 5% of fans ever set out to write proper epics imho, and even then, at least half of those tend to be a little eehhhh. But I won't judge; its fanwork after all. I'll just pass on them

I'll just list some of my favourite AUs that have different premises altogether without trying to rehash IDW here
>The Ascension
Prowl centric, self contained middle ages/medieval style AU, heavily focused on character drama while basically borrowing only charactes and setting from the franchise
>One day at the time
Somewhat inspired by Keferon's mecha AU, but takes a much more human twist (understandable if not into it), and is surprisingly enjoyable
>Nor is he Early
Best pre-war/avoiding war AU longfic I've encountered so far. A 1 in a million fic
Short self contained fantasy journey story with some slight cosmic horror elements, Jazz-centric

These are basically the types of fics I was thinking of when I said authora should just think of something and run with it. Things that are fun to read first and foremost, that don't just retread old ground for venting
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That's usually because the eastern/non-english(including the slav and the latin fanbase) are usually a lot less monolithic where TF is concerned, so they tend to just ship whatever they want while western fans, usually american, are always the ones complaining about "this ship makes no sense!"
In fact, Id even argue that our of the mainstream ships you listed, I've been seeing a lot less JazzProwl art from western fans kn recent years because people kept complaining that their ship "doesn't make sense", because, yeah, like ThunderSound or KupHide, JazzProwl is, in fact, a crackship
Hell, I know quite few japanese artists who are especially obsessed with drawing ThunderWarp while this pairing is all but absent in western spheres
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>Mate, I've been eyeing that MegaProwl page since like 2014
I've been reading fic since 2001. I wasn't trying to compare current AO3 to older FF.net either, I was comparing today's AO3 with early day AO3. But if I do compare it to FF.net I can still say that there were way less smut-oriented fanfiction "back in my day", and that the over-consumption of smut among younger readers nowadays are making them creatively bankrupt. My whole point is just that large amounts of today's fanbases will not look at the media beyond surface level and as such will only ship what is blatantly presented.
I'm not too familiar with the phenomenon of people getting into a fandom through fanfictions, but I'd love to hear more about it. That has never made any sense to me, I don't understand how, so if anyone has any thoughts on it, please elaborate.
One of the fun things, imho, about Transformers is that we have so many iterations of it that you can pick and choose what you like. I don't think anon is entirely wrong in saying that a fan-made iteration of TF can be just as "valid" as a canon one, but personally I can't get deep into fan-made iterations because I want my fanfiction to be based off of a finished/ongoing story with more than just ideas thrown around. Picrel is something I like the art of, but I wouldn't read fic about it because it just doesn't have enough lore for me.
>swindle and smokescreen
I love this artist so much. I rewatch Energon Party too much for my own good.

>over-consumption of smut among younger readers nowadays are making them creatively bankrupt.
I had discussion about this with someone about the state of an entirely different but very old fandom. Back when it was exclusively FFN superiority, the fandom had so many ideas, crossovers and unique storylines.

There wasn't a focus on ships that made sense either. But that era of fanfic died and it's all main pair, main pair, main pair and canon rigid fics instead of the time the protagonist got sent to Silent Hill. I seriously miss SH crossovers. I'd personally love for fantastical series crossover content like, say- Drakengard. Because a drakengard planet in the TF universe would be insane. But then that would require a lot more than 20 fans of drag-on dragoon.

>personally I can't get deep into fan-made iterations because I want my fanfiction to be based off of a finished/ongoing story

I usually read Prime based fanfic because it's just this most of the time. I like a solid basis of a character's motives instead of an OC. Because I'd rather read an OC instead of a nonsensically horny variant of Soundwave. Speaking of. >>3947465 big fan of Opwave in IDW's continuity.
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kinda unrelated but can I just mention how much i dislike this artist and how popular their work has gotten? I hate how they turned starscream into an oversexed girl
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Just block them anon
i did i just needed to share my hatred for a moment
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Welcome to my hate of soft-faceformers. Someone popularized One's designs with just making them uwu people with no hard edges and it turned into how everyone draws them.

I think it's because they have industry presence that boosts their relevance. Imagine hating Sarah Stone. Which some people do. But their work ends up being a standard and copied again and again.
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Soundwave moe
I am huge fan of fics that explore the setting a bit or make up lore. That one ShockOP long fic was fantastic because of that, same as the Zeta + Orion fic (I cannot remember the authors but there aren't more than like five Zeta fics on AO3) as well as a few others, namely Enfilade's Deathsaurus/Damus-Tarn fics that often elaborate on Tarn's with pre-war life or private life.

Speaking of original content heavy stuff the unfinished fanfic of Malkova was fantastic with a lot of own ideas and uncommon ships. She wrote it after the cancellation her IDW2 series. Sadly it was never finished AFAIK, I hope her problems got better. It depresses me seeing her being broken, she is talented as fuck and I loved IDW2.
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>including the slav and the latin fanbase
Exactly my experience. I always get along with Russians in the fandoms I am in and just as the Asians their tastes seem to align way more with my own compared to the US and central Euro countries. They also seem to like darker things whereas the west is more fixated on so-called healthy pairings and mainly drawing fanart about domestic things, genderbending or bots with human tumblr faces.

There was this Decepticon week(?) I think it was called some years back. You know those events where you draw one fanart about a certain theme everyday. I spontaneously decided to participate a week before and drew a bunch of stuff. When it started only like 5 people participated but holy shit it was fun. At least two of the others were Russians and we posted a pic every day and got a ton of new fans and mostly became fans of each other. Not sure if any of them is still active now but they were talented as hell and in the end even Ramondelli and a few others have noticed our stuff. Good times.

Speaking about Ramondelli, I am the minority again but I a huge fan of his stuff. I love heavy atmospheres and the ideas he has.

Just noticed this post. This is what I mean with "human faces". It's not just them, a lot of western artists do that and I always disliked it. And yeah, I categorically ignore everybody that turns male bots into girls.
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I especially love stories that take the pieces thet like in a completely new direction or straight up make up a bunch if new lore
One of the few fics I enjoyed immensely that did this was Ride Eternal. I'm a sucker for well-presented worldbuilding in general
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>porn faced giant thighs turned into a girl
>everyone loves it
>nobody sees how misogynistic it is

I want to kill myself.
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>want to write favorite pair(s)
>actually have to write
Fuck man.

I'm unorthodox in my concepts and have never written a 'hit' fic and it's a lot of work for little to no readers. I want to write MegOpchet. I like one sided adoration and obsession. I especially go nuts over spark sexual interfacing. But I can't even get 500 words in without wanting to fall from my chair.

Gas Pump interfacing anon, thank you for that idea. But writer's block is one hell of a bitch.
The irony is that those artists are always the most outspoken self-acclaimed wokes but I regularly see them doing what they accuse others of.
This is why I like post-war series. They open new possibilities and you can basically do whatever you want with the big sandbox marvel and G1 have left us. My one problem with TF is that the war is still the main focus of most series and it determines a lot of developments and outcomes and who is siding with whom.
This is slowly changing though. After IDW1 played around with pre- and post-war settings and did some cool shit with it others follwed suit. You got Cyberverse and ES for example. I am not a huge fan of ES but still. And IDW2 and TFOne are largely pre-war.

I think that even the war can be interesting but they need to do something unexpected and new IMO. Probably even change the dynamics and leaders. Like letting Orion be the underling of another Prime for a while during war. This technically happened in IDW1 where Zeta reigned for one million years after the start of the war. But it was never shown outside of a few pages so it doesn't really count.
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>>3947698 #
Don't worry about readership anon, hit fics as a concept are just popularity contests half the time
That's what everybody does
Personally, I feel like 80% of what I write are just shitposts, and never make it into actual fics
So I just write whatever garbage haunting me at the time and launch onto some corner in the internet. If the shit you write resonates with people, people will come, even if its just 2 or 3 people who spam emoticons

As for the actual writing (for just straight up porn, that is), I find it helpful to write individual actions or gestures in a scene whenever it struck my fancy or if I got stuck on the prelude dialogue, so that I could piece them together with less stress later on. Even individual floating sentences help.
>This "gasoline" fuel, as the squishies called it, was much colder than he expected. Breakdown suppressed the urge to rattle as the chill streamed out from that nozzle probing into his refueling valve.
And then I leave a space, because I have another thing in my imagination to put on hold
>The attendant was using both hands now, trying his best to dislodge the nozzle of the pump, tugging and twisting it to no avail. Breakdown could feel his internals sparking from the harsh friction, begging to sweet Primus for Knockout to finish with whatever it was he's doing already, because no matter what the bruiser did, the metal along the insertion just. Wouldn't. Uncrumple. Holding the pump nozzle fast, unyielding.
And then I fill in the blanks later
Different things will work for different people, but that's how I do it

Conversely, try watching actual old school porn movies with narratives and see how they link each scene together kek
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I second this:
>And then I leave a space, because I have another thing in my imagination to put on hold
I do that too, with art as well. If working on the thing seems hard right now I write or draw the parts I feel like doing right now, let the muse overcome me and rush through it, leave everything else out instead of halting your inspiration by pondering over details.
>fill in the blanks later
It's effective, and I do it for my paid work. But fanfic is one weird beast where I write my first draft like my final. It's bad practice to correct while working but I tend to focus on making it 10/10 from the start and I 200% hate what I wrote later.

I genuinely hate my straight smut pieces because it always feels so empty. Yes I get my idea out, but I'm not happy with it unless it's got like, 6k words of world building. That no one ever reads. I write for my audience moreso than myself, because it's more satisfying to write something I know people will enjoy. But I also cannot bring myself to write giga slop like high school AU tier nothing pieces. So into the niche I sit and stay, putzing in my document for weeks until I can manage 1k words.

It honestly is not helped by the lack of what I want to see being there for inspiration.

I simply do not like how most TF writers write. And those I do like have done perhaps one fic for the fandom and they left 8 years ago. No inspiration, no drive, writer's block intensifies. Vs my work in other fandoms.

If TF writers wrote the way people draw, then I wouldn't have to feel stuck so much.
I want to complain about high school AUs, and to an extent, coffee shop AUs

I know that this is usually slop written by actual children and young adults, but I can't help but ask: is this really rhe fucking extent of your imagination? Your blorbos holding hands in the most mundane scenario possible? I thought most people write to indulge in escapism. What part of writing a bland and unrealistically idyllic version of IRL bullshit feels satisfying. I went through the "magical academy" phase for all of 1 year, and then I quickly realised that I was just regurgitating shit I've already seen before. I was fucking 12. High school AUs don't even have the worldbuilding jank and cringe of magical school AUs, and coffeeshop AUs don't even have the shitty high school drama. This shit is fuckinf slop through and through jesus mother of fuck I hate these fanfic tropes so goddamn much
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In fact, every time I feel especially desperate for some content featuring my favourite obscure characters, I immediately hate myself for thinking that these slopfics could nail any character properly to scratch that itch, because all you'll get is flanderisation.
Every time I read the main pair interacting and being all cutesy with extremely flat dialogue, because character voices in dialogues are a lost art for most TF writers it seems, I'm constantly expecting one of them to be a political dissident or a serial killer or a fugitive or some shit.
The equivalent of screaming WHERE'S THE LAMB SAUCE at the fucking screen
And then I throw in the towel, close the tab, take a shower, and drink some tea
I despise coffee shop AUs
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>I'm constantly expecting one of them to be a political dissident or a serial killer or a fugitive or some shit.
And here is my issue.

I cannot read anything that isn't in the voice of the character. And my gripe with fiction is how I don't read Soundwave talking. I'm reading a high school girl's voice. I'm not reading an actual entity older than the planet Earth, I'm reading a 20-something from North Dakota. Author voice is inevitable. It's just how it works out. But I get so tired when there's not even an attempt at emulation.

I prefer Prime fics specifically because somehow, they all write Megatron properly. Even at his goofiest (the ads for the series are literally insanity) there's a tone of voice everyone just gets right. A shame that the same cannot be said for the rest of the cast sans Knock Out (a gay stereotype and not the queer rep they think he is, ironic.) and Bulkhead. The lug. The oaf. The highly intelligent idiot.
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>I can't help but ask: is this really rhe fucking extent of your imagination?
Same. And why even latch onto series about wars and war criminals if you want fluff? I am not even against fics with some optimism. But it's so much more satisfying when it happens in the context of the actual setting in the form of am alternative route instead of an outright AU that ditches the whole identity of the series.

I believe the cause of such fanworks is indeed lack of creativity. I follow hundreds of cool TF artists with creative ideas but if you ever joined a discord you will inevitably realise that there are tons of artists you have never seen because they suck. Not so much the art itself (I love amateurish art too if it's funny or creative) but the motifs are so damn lame that nobody care (happy domestic life with ooc Seekers and tumblr faces).
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I ship Tyrest/Staa Seibah
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>artists you have never seen because they suck
I look at the Latest tab for tags and the flood of tumblrface, bland portraits taking up the full span of results is bizarre.

I agree, amateur art isn't bad. But it's just boring.

I don't claim to be a good artist myself, but I did learn the basics and flat, bland poses were discouraged.

I look at the most Kudos/Bookmark fics out of curiosity sometimes, and I don't understand what's so good about the writing equivalent of hands behind back, no background, looking away from viewer posing
I noticed I said I a lot and should really expand the text box so my spacing doesn't look like ass.
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>I look at the Latest tab for tags and the flood of tumblrface, bland portraits taking up the full span of results is bizarre.
Same. They never make it onto my "for you" timeline or the "retweet" timeline where the like 800 artists I follow share others' art. It's like discovering a new bizarre fandom with a fandom.
They usually encourage themselves to not draw correctly or robot which is weird as hell to me. It's fine to just have fun with fanart and post sketches and all that, but what's weird is that I see these types of fans stating that TFs should just be drawn like humans and that poses and colors don't matter.
Even if you draw for fun, isn't it natural to enjoy improvement? Not even for others, just for yourself. I am so happy whenever I finish an artwork for which I've left my comfort zone and see that it's better than stuff I drew a year ago.

It's fine if they like their style but desu I am not a fan of TFs that look like human cosplayers and I see a lot of art like this. I mean soft, human bodies and faces and just a few tiny tacked-on boxes on the shoulders to make them seem like bots.
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I feel nothing but pride when I show a friend my fanfic and they tell me it's my best work. Because I intentionally try to do better and better each time. Drawing was never something I could really do right, and I don't have the patience or skill for good video editing either. Contributing to the fandom is fun, however, I personally don't see giving your weakest as a contribution.

Pixiv pre-westerners was like this. People did not post bad art- ever. Not unless they were children or had a style that was, well, bad but overall well composed. There was understanding of what they were conveying. Drawing for fun and for yourself is great. But, the attitude behind being lazy, incorrect and celebrating imperfection sounds like the actual heat death of art.

Semi-related. I think it is father funny when people post valveplug anatomy that's 1:1 with futanari. TF porn is basically futa but mechs. I am always eager to locate and find artists who only draw dicks because there's an irony to pushback against male fans and cooming to Arcee only to draw bare bones coomer anatomy.
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>Pixiv pre-westerners was like this. People did not post bad art- ever.
Oh my god, yeah. I miss it. I don't use pixiv for anything but Japanese fanfics anymore since the art part has lost all value. It's legit only used by those who post things they can't show anywhere else (namely loli porn), AI spammers and just bad artists. I think it started around 2014 or so. Not sure anymore. It was around the time they added an English version for the website but the quality dive isn't just to blame on westerners, even the Japanese started to post crappy art you would have never seen there in the 00s.
>Drawing for fun and for yourself is great. But, the attitude behind being lazy, incorrect and celebrating imperfection sounds like the actual heat death of art.
Fully agree. Art was always more than just putting something out for the sake of it. It was always yearning for higher ideals, beauty etc. It's extends to headcanons and representation I think. Today a lot of people demand representation and even anime do it with how hard they're pushing talentless otaku/fujo MC that are totally (you). But I don't want to see ME I want to follow characters who are cooler, better and more charismatic than myself
>pushback against male fans and cooming to Arcee only to draw bare bones coomer anatomy.
I have a severe allergic to Arcee coomer art where Arcee is literally just drawn like a woman with kibble particularly because people on 4chan will only ever bring uo that one dogshit comic about Jack Darby motorboating TFP Arcee with a dong as big as his entire leg
There is good porn of feminine looking transformers (I can never get over gendered robots; they're either agendered or hermaphroditic to me), but that shit aint it

Anon's stance about avoiding discords still stands though. Fandom discords tend to be severe echochambers that practice a lot of toxic positivity and panopticon cultures, and tend to implode the moment some major drama happens (rust bunnies lmao). I've actively chosen to stay away despite receiving invites before. I'll stay in my corner of le interwebs with my few mutuals, where even if we talk about some fucked shit, its still all public.
>I am not usually one for "callout" posts, but I have grown increasingly aggravated seeing certain people in leadership not be held accountable for their words and actions. So I’ve decided to come forward with very clear, chronological evidence showing what leadership of the Rust Bunnies Zine said outside of their project server which contradicts the positive image of their beha
What the fuck is wrong with people. Why do they have to put on this stupid ass, I just learned debate in freshman high tier voice.

I personally always consider making a discord or fan group but then remember that I wouldn't allow over half of what people make and drop the idea.

Really, I'd just like a mix of /cm/ and Chinese twitter. I don't ship the boys exclusively as much as I stick to BL and I know the OpLita shippers would constantly be on edge around the MegOp shippers. And the WindScream shippers might outright hate the MegScreamers.
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>there's an irony to pushback against male fans and cooming to Arcee only to draw bare bones coomer anatomy.
I noticed that these two things are always pushed by the same fans. It's not even typic for TF, it happens in every fandom with western fans. Condemnation of male fans and sometimes even the concept of masculinity itself, in relation to the characters (in extreme cases this will make them headcanon 2D men they love as women, trans or cuntboys) but in the same breath they draw the porniest artwork of female characters you can imagine. Both with cowtits and deformed hips and thighs.
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>4chan will only ever bring uo that one dogshit comic about Jack Darby motorboating TFP Arcee
Fucking lel
I was already talking about this to other fans years ago. It's probably the only fanart you get for this ship so it's getting posted by the same few anons over and over again. I mean there are also posters that claim the fembots and het ships had most of the fanart for transformers and aren't aware of the fact that 99% of the content is about the male characters, including thousands of doujinshi. Bubbles are a strange thing.
A good way to avoid those fans in the western TF spaces is to stick to the fetish TF spaces lmao
Because surprise surprise, the people who complain the most about what kind of porn people get off to and how immoral or misogynistic X is always tend to be antis that treat robots as just "male human with extra steps, but genderswapped" in their porn
The kind that call themselves "freaky!" but go "ewwww" the moment you show them OpBee
Kek those are the same people who claim "women don't like transformers" and seem completely ignorant of /m/echa fujos despite Voltron being such a massive cancer just a few years ago
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>and tend to implode the moment some major drama happens (rust bunnies lmao). I've actively chosen to stay away despite receiving invites before. I'll stay in my corner of le interwebs with my few mutuals, where even if we talk about some fucked shit, its still all public.
Oh yeah everytime. I had one good small server I enjoyed but it became useless because everybody turned into a lesbian there at the same time and all they draw now are anime girls so I have given up on finding good TF discords. Instead I got my ass up and learned more Japanese and talk to them instead. Much better. They're the ones I retweet from the most anyway and vice versa. I am in another fandom too where I had to talk in JP because I am literally the only western fan artist for the series. I am not perfect yet but google translate helps double checking and you can google grammar if you aren't sure. The grammar is thankfully easy so I mostly just need to google kanji.
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>but go "ewwww" the moment you show them OpBee
One of the reasons I don't even bother with popular pairs is because the more niche, not only does quality go up, but so do discussions.

When I say I want MegScream, I want this page. I want this version of them. The Megatron who was eager to get to his base for the sole purpose of beating the light out of Scream's eyes. When he didn't put up a fight, he simply talked to him so he would fight and he could get something out of it.

Nobody ever draws this Megscream
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>that one smutfic where Optimus and Megatron knock up each other's past selves in a foursome
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The worst sin about the crime of uwufying Starscream is completely ignoring the fact that Starscream is at his best when he's an absolute motherfucker of a shithead who deserves everything coming his way

SSfags however always ignore this and project their victim complex onto him whenever they can just because they saw that one video essay or tumblr post about Armadascream

Just look at TFA or even TFP Screamer
You just want Megatron to punt him across the entire galaxy for being a snivelly little bastard

The ideal MegaStar to me is where they're portrayed as a comical boomer couple or evil advisor and suspicious monarch that absolutely fucking despise each other but don't ever get a divorce due to stupid unexplainable and unhealthy codependency (or straight up apathy)
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Tomino noticed that decades ago. He realised that the fandom was kind of divided between boys who were primarily interested in Gundam toys but not the content of the anime and girls who were into the anime and its characters, but less interested in the toys. They rather wrote fan letters asking him about the characters, world and story. Even though it wasn't intended the anime was for the girls, the toys for the boys (hey that rhymes).
> because the more niche, not only does quality go up, but so do discussions
Yes and there is no anti behavior. When I started to draw IDW Sentinel I was worried at first, because the fandom equaled him to real far-righters among other things. I drew. Nothing happened. I kept drawing and nothing ever happened. It's too niche so the loud people don't care because they only follow a bunch of mutuals that post the same stuff as them and probably just block if they see me.

They don't dare to attack someone who doesn't engage with them anyway. The solution is to not care and just post what you like no matter what it is and never apologize for it.
Sorry I am retarded >>3947800, forgot to quote >>3947795 for the greentext.
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Holy based anon
You're doing god's work

I'm not a fan of how they handled IDW Sentinel, and I feel his colour palette could've been better with some blue (I am biased due to TFA), but his design is greay
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>When I say I want MegScream, I want this page
Bless you. Roche makes the best yaoi.
I was sad how shunned and hated that comic was. I think it's not even hated for real but that its haters are just aggressive enough with their guilt tripping to make everybody else too insecure to post it. I hope this will slowly change now that we have an influx of new fans thanks to TFO and some annoying old fans that eventually moved on or went silent after earning backlash.
It's a great comic and I wish more people would make fanart for it.
>Yes and there is no anti behavior.
I've been getting deep into djd hype and there's moral grandstanding over who you ship Tarn with.

Ewwww no Nickel is a mother figure!

Personally, I favor him being a loser for Megs and trying too hard to seem cool but Kaon/Pharma are the tumblr approved ships. Never seen him with Tess, Helex or anyone else. Vos is rare but I've seen it. Damus as some dom daddy is so silly when in his own comic he admits to being too big of a pussy to watch his crew.

Coming from battle shounen, it's bizarre how that can happen. Seriously, I've seen more dadson incest in an anti majority shounen series than I have standard ship packaging for this.
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>Ewwww no Nickel is a mother figure!
Absolute shit taste. Nickel/Tarn is kino

The thing about Tarn is that no matter who you ship him with, there's always potential for a good dynamic because his character premise simply lends itself to such interactions (he'll always be a bottom bitch though. Unless its Pharma, then its up in the air)

I also know one eastern, I think korean, artist who is obsessed with drawing Kaon/Vos, and always shows them doing fucked up things to Dominus Ambus together when its not a fluff sketch, heh
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>Damus as some dom daddy is so silly when in his own comic he admits to being too big of a pussy to watch his crew.
Agree. One thing I loved about the identity reveal when it turned out that Tarn was NOT Roller is that it made me come up with the headcanon that he behaved like Roller because Damus desired to be like him. This is way cooler than Tarn actually being Roller and it makes so much sense. Roller was closest to Orion while Orion mostly ignored Damus for having no presence. If you read the panels with them you see how Orion is talking to Roller about Megs' manifest without noticing that Damus is interested as well. He never looks at him. But Roller? Roller is the big cool dude that everybody relies on. Orion's best friend.
Of course would a tiny little weak guy desire to be like him. I believe that this played a role when he chose his new body. He wanted Roller's body type. And he then behaved like Roller, drank with plastic straw, like Roller, was a big badass, like Roller. This makes me believe that he also had issues with Optimus. Maybe he wanted to be his best friend when he was still Damus. And later he wanted revenge. Tarn/Optimus would be an interesting pairing, but I have never seen it outside of Cyberverse content.
I read that it was last minute retconned to not make Damus Roller because fans were predicting it and I really liked the idea of Damus being a rampant drug addict turned Megatron worshipper. Because it's a strong narrative and not often used. I don't know how true this is, but western creators are a lot more prone to sacrificing integrity to one up their audience.

I like to write Tarn as a church boy. Megatron HATES organics sign and all. I hope Hasbro includes him in more media even if he's toned down because every series deserves a Phantom Troupe/Akatsuki/Four Heavenly Kings.
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>I like to write Tarn as a church boy
We might be twins, because that's what I plan to do with Damus/Tarn in my AU
What is a church boy? A kid that goes to church alone?
Kek. Trust me, we are not.

I have a major preference for robot-human relationships. I just so happen to also really like abusive mech ones.

Term for people who are obsessed with their religion, generally will hound people about their worship, how they practice it, and are devoted exclusively on a surface level. They obsess over their identity as a good and devout person but will be the first to break literally each and every rule when it suits them. Prone to violence and threats over the slightest provocation.

It's okay when THEY sin, because they're going to pray later. It's okay because they think it'll actually help. It's never their actions that are bad, it's the other person's fault for making them get to that point.

See Judge Frollo as a popularized example. Tarn is that kind of person. Whipping out his authority when it best suits him, when someone offends him, ect. But at the end he tossed it away because he thought he was his lord's favorite so he would get a pass. He even made excuses as to why Decepticons weren't over instead of facing the truth.

Church boy.
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I never read the comics so I feel kinda lost in the conversation that's going on in the thread but I agree with the general sentiment
Oh nevermind that makes sense. Didn't know that specific term though, thanks.
One thing I liked about IDW was how it casually made characters religious. Like Flywheels (the Scavenger dude that was a worker at Grindcore before and got shredded by Tesarus). I like identity related traits that don't define characters. Tarn is different, but I was reminded of it.
Agree, Frollo and Tarn, it kind of fits.
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>preference for robot-human relationships
Ah, robosexual ships. Not my thing, but I salute you anon. Godspeed
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>robot-human relationships.
I hated this until recently. Then Bravern happened and it gave me another degenerated fetish I really didn't need but got anyway.
Religion for a race that has their souls just available on their person and their creators still being alive is interesting because at that point, who do you pray to?

Especially if you can live forever.

The next best thing is what makes you feel good. I like how on Caminus they have a highly religious society and the bots that knew OP since the start of the war are mostly confused because they remember him being "that cop from before war times."
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Religion and cults are about more than afterlife and god. A religion is basically a narrative that superimposes reality to give it an additional meaning and coherence.

You don't suffer anymore because of a series of meaningless coincidences or bad luck, you suffer because it's part of the invisible grand "plot". This is why even technically atheist movements like the NS and Stalinism had cults and events that weren't distinguishable from a religious cult.
If you go to Naples today you will find Maradona shrines and paintings of Maradona with halo and miter everywhere in the city. I don't think that anybody legit believes that a corrupt football star could bless them or get them into paradise, it's the narrative that counts. Maradona incorporates the symbol of the poor boy that grew into a star, became hero and led a country to victory (in football). People try to be one with him or adore him because they think they'll be successful if they have his spirit or they simply believe that heroes have something supernatural about them and can be befriended/adored even after death.
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I don't know why TF /cm/ threads are so active right now but I love it. I always felt like it was a waste to just dump pics on /cm/ without using that opportunity to talk about the series or characters.
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As long as an anon is talking consistently, it seems to help.
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posting this here too because co is full of gaylords who dont get it

>a few weeks ago
>reading tf fanfic
>come across a beautiful, moving, wonderfully written piece of work that blows my fucking mind
>look at the authors page
>512 fics written
>nr 1 spot is american idol RPF (55 fics)
>wow how crazy haha
>time passes
>find new tf fic (one of the most kudos'd fics)
>once again be left reading one of the most moving, wonderfully written, harrowing, beautiful, sorrowful, melancholic, tearwrenching fics ive ever read
>google their name
>jaw drops
>theyre the FOUNDER OF AO3
>co is full of gaylords who dont get it
Unless you get lucky with a 3am thread /co/ is a shit place for discussion.

Though, that is a reoccurring thing with AO3's founder. People have found paperbacks of their works. Which you could assume would destroy the stigma against fanfic, but no. Fanfic's only written by kids and horny straight women.

I personally dislike emotional pieces (it's the autism) and have the unfortunate predicament to what I like either being written awful or by a flood of published writers. It's one of the other.
Didn't wanna quote every single one of you so I'll just blogpost myself a little about fanfiction too:

I've wanted to write stories for Transformers for ages, but I've unfortunately screwed myself into a self-sabotaging corner over the years. I won't bore you too long, but I have developed excessive anxiety around original writing. I can roleplay for whatever stupid reason, but sitting down and writing fiction is nigh impossible for me. My body and brain locks up and I get massive anxiety spikes. It sucks, but I am trying to work it out.

I've been fiddling with my own version of Transformers for the past few weeks. My own continuity/iteration if you will. I've managed to write down a few pages in google docs with very basic, dry information about the state of Cybertron, its cities, infrastructure, commerce, residential areas, etc, but I am now sitting here miffed because I have no one to share it with at all. None of my friends are into Transformers and I've no idea where to find a community that isn't made up of teenagers or porn-obsessed shippers. (I don't mind shipping, I do shipping myself, but I want more out of the franchise than just shipping). If I were able to actually publish works I could've potentially made friends with other authors, but alas I am sitting here gritting my teeth in frustration instead.
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That was actually this astolas or whatever the fuck she is called that I talked about in >>3947374
I never liked her writing and ship dynamics and I am allergic against continuity soup but everybody else is a fan of her.

Agree that /co/ is garbage though. There is a timeframe of like 5 hours a day or so when the few spergs (I am sure it's just among one to three guys for Transformers) are sleeping and you can talk about any continuity you like without triggering political statements you don't care about or get replies that call you a zoomer tranny for having a different taste.
What particularly annoys me is the equaling of any sort of emotion in a TF story with wokeness. As if anybody ever wanted to follow soulless characters and as if G1 had bots that were free of emotions.
Would it help if you posted the fic anonymously on AO2 or created a new account without avatar for it? That helps me when I am too anxious to post something with my old or main account.
You can post anonymously on AO3. I do.

You just have to set your story to Anonymous Collection and you can comment and reply to people, they'll just see it as anon fic.
My problem is that I can't force myself to write it in the first place. Or rather, I can't get myself to write prose fiction, but I have been able to write dry lore, but have no one to share it with.
I never roleplayed so not sure if it's what I think it is. But if it is you could write a pure dialogue baseed fic for example. Liken outtake of a call between two characters or something that's just a character's inner debates or thoughts on the world without interaction with others.
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>love One
>want to see more One
>all the art is basically humanformers
>transwashed Meg
>yuri yuri yuri
>Twitter whiners genderswap TFOne Megatron to project their issues onto him while lambasting hetporn artists for drawing disproportionate and stereotypical women

Imagine not doing it for outright fetish reasons. No, I am FORCEFEMMING the robots because it makes my dick hard. We are not the same
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Chinese lesbians superior
Trans tit scar OCs inferior
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Really? Maybe I don't notice it because I am too much of a Sentinel fag but I see a lot of great art for him.
I agree I hate the same shit as you. SOMETIMES I see humanformer fanart that is good enough to be cool, but 95% of it is meh and just want it to be an occasional joke, not regular fanart.

That said the western Starscream fandom is very cursed. Almost every trans-, yuri- or mush face fanatic I see is either a Starscream or a Rodimus fan. They aren't even among my absolute top 5 but both deserve so much better.
>when red SS and Prime SS are your favorites
It hurts anon.

I don't mind his body being thin or feminine. I like the take on his form being different to show how aliens can, you know, transform

But for fuck's sake. I have yet to find more than one or two artists lately who remember that he's a male character. I love fanfic with him, I love him so bad in Windblade's run it's unhealthy. And it sucks when I want more of that conflicted, sociopathic, failure being reduced to 'big top make me horny uwu.'
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>. And it sucks when I want more of that conflicted, sociopathic, failure being reduced to 'big top make me horny uwu.'
And it sucks when I want more of that, and he's reduced to.

Mixed my words oops
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The problem is that a lot of fans aren't fans of the canon but fanon, so they only know SS as the insecure uwu and love him because of that and won't bother with canon or read/watch it but interpret it their way.
This is one of the reasons for why I consider myself lucky for being into less important characters. All fanart is canon-derivative work because they aren't popular enough to form encapsulated fandoms and individual artists and writers can still influence the perception of them. Sunstorm is my favorite seeker.
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>I never liked her writing and ship dynamics and I am allergic against continuity soup but everybody else is a fan of her.
No worries, everyone has their tastes. I personally liked her writing in the fics I've read, but after having read more of them I do see some of your complaints in the other post - particularly her dynamic between Megs and OP is very repetitive. Regardless, I was just so shocked because I never paid attention to this kinda stuff and Transformers is so niche, it was just very baffling to me. I was also wondering, what is continuity soup exactly? When people make fic based off of combinations of continuities? For example the base setting being... Animated, but they use Megatron's IDW origins?
As for /co/, I mean it's 4chan so of course most of the users on /co/ are going to be immature manchildren, but there are sometimes nice or funny posts.
HOLY FUCK I'M SO TIRED OF YURI. This is going to be a bit of a tangent, but I've noticed the trend of turning male characters female and then yuri-fying everything because there's a lack of yuri in fandom. And I get wanting to see more lesbian content, but am I the only one who feels like this new interest is largely disingenuous? Most of the fanart and fanfic I see is so fetishistic, it's so blatantly male-gaze-y or it's so far in the opposite direction that it becomes just kinda grotesque. I tried to look through the humanformers tag on AO3 (I'm a big loser who likes humanformers) and over half of it was yuri or trans/nonbinary shit.
>For example
Yep. Starscream's the best example because consider every version of him. But also the fanon version.

The character of SS is not G1 man baby, Animated Diva. Prime schemer. Nor is he Armada's actual abuse victim (you can hear him quietly crying as Megs beats him in an episode.) He is all of them, at the same time, with G1 to Prime's design, with all of their backstories and fanon lore. Seeker Lore, seeker trines, Vos nobility. All shit I've never seen in the cartoons at all but because of made up lore about the Seekers and how most people get their lore from Chris mcfeely and the tfwiki, you don't have a character tied to canon anymore. You get continuity soup.
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Ah, I see! I don't know if this counts as continuity soup, but I am okay with mixing lore from the various universes if it benefits the story. Some continuities have very little lore, and if the story takes them somewhere where there's no information in that continuity, but there is information in a diff. continuity then I like it. The mixing of character traits, though... I don't care for that, to be honest. I have my own feelings on how I feel Starscream should be done as a character, but sometimes I feel like these writers cling way too hard to Armada when almost no other iteration is anything like that at all. One thing I've noticed that isn't just a problem I see with Starscream is that the character are often influenced by what I assume is the author's own emotional age, and often they come off as teenagers. It's really, really annoying to read a fic and the character starts slitting their wrists and crying about whatever when it's supposed to be a story about soldiers in a war. Emotions are okay, but I often find that they are portrayed in a very juvenile way in fic.
I failed to mention, it applies to the continuities as well.

G1 and Armada are separate universes. But some fanfic, especially if it's based on IDW, will smash them together. So imagine Alexis and Miko teaming up if they throw Prime into the mix.

I'm not a fan of this, personally, because I like my fiction contained. I like it when the story flows in the time period it's meant to. Sam and Bay Bee wouldn't meet up with Noah and Mirage, Gen 1 characters wouldn't meet up with Cyberverse characters. I dislike work like this, so I end up using the fandom filters meticulously.
>For example the base setting being... Animated, but they use Megatron's IDW origins?
Yes. It's very popular but I can't get into it at all and I am not a crossover fan anyway. My problem is that every continuity and character has their own specific identity so it cannot be mixed. Megs and OP have a good chemistry in IDW and they're so obsessed with each other that the comics themselves make gay allusions to them. But IDW Megs doesn't know G1 OP for example, so there is no dynamic between them because the different OPs are whole different characters, even if they share some traits.

It's the same for why I hate genderbending and such. If a character is genderbent they aren't the same character anymore so I am disinterested.

That aside consistent world building is very important to me so my autism filters me to begin with. The existence of dockworker OP makes no sense in the IDW1 world, it would change the whole narrative.
I don't think I've encountered the specific examples you guys are presenting, but I was thinking more in the line of; let's say it's a Prime-verse setting, but for whatever reason the story takes them to Vos. Let's say that Vos isn't fleshed out in Prime, so the author uses the lore from IDW to describe Vos. I think this is fine. I've personally never read fic where characters from different continuities end up meeting, or where the already existing lore is replaced with lore from a different continuity --- wait, no, I have read G1-earth centric fic that use the IDW lore, though IDW is also "technically" set in G1. Maybe I've just been lucky!
>Let's say that Vos isn't fleshed out in Prime, so the author uses the lore from IDW to describe Vos
I don't mind this, but the problems start when they don't compensate for anything else.

We know Megs was a gladiator that wanted to use his words. Just like in IDW. Using IDW as a basis for the government is great. They take a whole shovel to using ideas instead of a clean selection of what they need. I know that it's extra work, but I cannot stand the feeling like I'm reading a shoddy crossover

I'm also picky about character portrayal and lore so I know I'm a minority. I knew when I sorted by popular and thought every single result was barely readable
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Yeah and most don't even take the good shit or flesh out the setting, they just take what they need for their very specific romance from other continuities. Like the MegOP mush anons mentioned: the authors want Megs as the untamed evil beast and OP as the maiden. Problem, IDW OP is nothing like a maiden, he isn't weak, he isn't passive and he certainly isn't ukelike. So they get his backstory from elsewhere. This is what's so annoying about it. And I don't like crossovers to begin with.
>I know I'm a minority. I knew when I sorted by popular and thought every single result was barely readable
Same. And it gets the worse the more popular the characters are. Senator Shockwave or Star Saber have good fics among the most popular ones, Starscream's, Rodimus' or Optimus' most popular fics are most likely ass.
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I'm not his biggest fan but I can't believe such an easy sex appeal character is so widely ignored outside of his human avatar. Not only that, he's got to be the easiest ship bait. I expected him to compete with MegOp for how he develops in the comic. Outside of cheap valveplug there's more Megabee I think.

His role in Animated is small, but if ShockBlur got so much traction, I don't get why RodimusxAnyone didn't take off.
I've tried sorting by most kudo's and most bookmark'd and out of the top 50 maybe like, 5 fics were what I'd classify as "good". This was without filtering because I was curious what passed for the most popular in this fandom. Most of the popular ones are just extremely long works that have had regular updates over time, so I guess they only became popular because they were always present in the tags since they updated frequently. Then there's all the smut oneshot collections that are filled with almost nothing but garbage writing and repetitive scenarios.
Since I am a basic bitch Starscream fan who has tried to read anything with him that is remotely related to him... holy fuck so much of the top fics are terrible at his characterization. All the MegaStar fics ignore the violence, betrayals and murdering between them. The SkyStar fics just turn him into an emo boy. The TC/Warp/SS fics either turn him into a horndog or someone who lashes out at everything until TC waggles his finger and then the three of them become the most romantic couples ever. Haven't read much StarOP yet to make a statement, and I avoid StarBee.
Because the majority of the fandom only watches the movies or cartoons. They might read MTMTE/Lost Light, but most don't have the patience to wade through 13 years of IDW comics. I really wish we'd get an animated adaptation of those comics, but they'd be so watered down and so lackluster (plus parts of the source material is messy as hell), so I doubt it'd even be that good... I will never not be mad at Hasbro interfering with a story and forcing the author to retcon, rewrite, or reintroduce characters and plots so that they can sell a new toy.
I agree about adapting MTMTE. The rejected Helex brain make out panel makes me think the original series was a lot more horny and a lot more sexually violent and the soft romance we get is probably after a lot of interference to tone it down to something, in short, boring.

Can't think of the mech, but the manipulation of Tailgate I think. The bot trying to seduce him was extremely forward until Cyclonus stepped in, and I don't actually dislike plots like this. But even within the comic, it felt like there was a lot more than just suggestive touching because of how touchy they can get.

We'd have all of the violence but almost all of the writing would need to be translated for TV unless they tried out Netflix again. Netflix encourages hyper sexual gay series' but then the problem becomes selling toys and general audience. Because like every show that came before, it'll be cancelled, screeched about on twitter, and further run the company into the ground.

I'm not a TC/Warp/SS shipper myself, preferring TC solo, but Starscream in any ship is a girl, emotionally immature, or horny as mentioned. If, by some chance, I get into writing one shots for the series, I would gladly write them per series. This thread alone is tugging me in that direction because it just isn't fair. Even shounentard garbage has a good fic or 20. This is just bad comedy

I did like Animated Skywarp specifically because of why she exists.
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Fuck I can't post pictures someone post Pharma for me
Would be nice to see him be good for once :D
85% of StarOP fics are just what you described most SkyStar to be, but even worse btw
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>If, by some chance, I get into writing one shots for the series, I would gladly write them per series.
Do it anon. I am artfag but I recently decided to finally give fics a try as well since neither my favorite TF nor my favorite anime pairing has fics. I promise you the majority of fics out there is probably worse than anything you could ever write. Nowadays I see a lot of fics that are literal summaries because the authors have never touched a book in their life. Note down the elements and scenes you want to be in the fic and slowly fill the holes and connect them. It's fine if the first draft is has shitty prose, after you have the general outline you can always edit until it's good.
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I saw a tweet about that panel from Roberts just a few days ago and it seems both he and the artist were the ones to be like "hmm, maybe we shouldn't", so I don't think they were told not to but... they probably weren't gonna be allowed anyway. Getaway was the guy trying to manipulate Tailgate.
Most Autobot/Starscream fics are that it seems, shame!
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I wish more fics and art would explore Pharma's split personality after Adaptus took over his body. Or Adaptus' split personality since it's mostly him with remains of Pharma.

Thank you Anons I love Pharm
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>art is tagged valveplug
>no valves or plugs
>have to navigate pussies
>just want gun blowjobs with megs
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imma b real w u 99% of tf porn is vaginas and penises now
I absolutely hate it but bless those 3 artists who keep up the anal game.

There are only about 4 on the whole internet but I appreciate them.
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I should scan my ShockOp doujinshi one day. It's really good.
Ty imo there needs to be more weird goon cable shit ESPECIALLY WITH PHARM
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>cuddling canon
>drugs canon
>physical touch canon
>kissing has an effect
>Overlord has fetishes everyone knows about
We need way more cables and wires and chemicals.
Most women aren't into anal
A lot of tf porn is hermaphroditic or penis in vagina (or even just straight up vulvas) because it's far easier for women to imagine horny scenes that aligns with things they actually get horny over
So I quite disagree with prev anon's comment about male-gazey fetish TF art, because those are actually pretty easy to spot
Female-gaze fetish TF art may seem to be very classic hentai trope oriented at first glance (tits, thighs, ass, small waist) because a lot of women DO actually get off to those things. The only ones who complain about such shit are virtue signalling hypocrites. That's why even when a lot of artists draw spikes, they tend to be, to put it simply, "prettier looking" compared to the average hypercock you'd see on paheal. That's the female gaze for TF porn
Women like pussies and cocks, assholes not so much

And then of course there's those who get off to abstract mechanoid porn concepts, like all the gratuitous robogore and altmode sexing, but most people just like seeing their blorbos getting fucked in the pussy
You really need to dig deep to find people specifically into the fringe shit, because those tend to be harder to depict visually vs literarily (example: field play and hacking kinks)
>Women like pussies and cocks, assholes not so much
Tell that to quite literally the history of BL, doujin media and fanfic.

Unrealistic asses are a yaoi staple including them lubricating. But the fact is, these are male characters. Alien or not. Cuntboy has always been a niche even for JP artists and while futa's been widely embraced, it's still majorly separate from yuri and f/f pairings. Because if you dared to draw or write anything different, you'd probably be chased with pitchforks by a mob.

Also, not every person looking at it is looking at it as porn. I'm not. I love Hot Motor Oil for the specific purpose of showing what sex could be like for an alien truck banging an alien gun. The emotion science matters more than being relatable. See, as I mentioned, lubricating assholes for ukes and the ravenous sexuality's of semes. And so many artists don't even bother with both, it's just male on woman with how they draw the bottom and impregnate them. And, well, gross
That's because BL typically features humans, anon
A/b/o is one of the workarounds to the anal thing, and even then, you often see people complaining about female authors describing anal sex very similarly to vaginal sex
Alien robots just gives an excuse to bypass this one hurdle for a lot of women, trust me
Assholes are often called boyholes or boypussies, even when its not cuntboy material, for this reason

Though I do agree that a lot of horny TF art underuses the freedom to mess around with erotic alien robot concepts
But you have to understand this, most people's first instinct is to slap human (or exisitng animal) genitalia onto their fixations when they get horny for it.

Like grug humping crotch on rock when grug sexualise rock
Whereas for us, we'd be getting off to the rock getting chiseled or whittled down by ocean waves or being jackhammered
That's what if feels like when I write about Soundwave getting charged up whem trying to respool an unwound tape that's caught up in his internals, while masquerading as a human-sized boombox
>bypass this one hurdle for a lot of women, trust me
Why are you speaking at me like I'm not gemale nor have I been immersed in fujo shit forever? Women aren't unanimous in their interests, especially when it comes to shipping. A vocal minority influencing fanon isn't unique to this series, but you're treat it like it's how it's supposed to be and some godsend for women to be able to write vaginal sex.

Artists and authors aren't blind, nor do they lack the means to imagine more than what they have. Otherwise male drawn and written porn (yes it has it's inaccuracies) would write women as men by default. Your argument doesn't hold when you reverse it and especially doesn't hold given these are aliens. More options should be encouraged. Not some fetishistic rule that women love pussy so much, they must get off to what they own.

A good trait of just about all Asian social media is how strict they are with tags and labels. The bad trait of NA social media is some bizarre need to hate them. It would be a lot less bothersome if I could simply ignore it. People used to label cuntboy, but for this fandom, it's a default. Something that's consistently censored and labeled among JP fujos.

If no valve or plug, it should not have a valveplug tag. BL is boy's love. You think people weren't humanizing and sexualizing Gundams or sentai genre villains? If it's a boy, they can make love and preferably with boy parts.
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>like I'm not gemale
>tfw gmail
>More options should be encouraged. Not some fetishistic rule that women love pussy so much, they must get off to what they own.
I didn't say that it was a rule, I said that it's a trend
Its not /truly/ about the bits they fuck each other with even in traditional yaoi, its the fact that the /characters/ are /male/, that is the appeal
Otherwise its just gay porn

And on writinf women as men:
That's where male gaze and female gaze comes into play. Surely you can very easily tell when the yaoi is drawn or written by either men or women 8 at least 85% of the time

And on the valveplug tagging shit:
From my experience, most artists don't even consider TF pussy to even be cuntboy, because the "alien robots" thing does a lot of heavy lifting
The robots are "male presenting" and that's what matters, the bits and the position is just preference
You can feel grossed out by prevalence of hetporn in TF as much as you want, but I still stand by my point about why the trend exists in the first place

On that note, it just suddenly dawned on me to wonder: where did the phrase "valveplug" even originate from in the first place? "Valves" have been used as analogue for "vulva" in fics published in like 2003 as far as I can recall, but surely "valveplug" predates tumblr?
And also about asians being anal about tagging:
Maybe on older websites or doujin sites, but I've seen countless nsfw artworks by japanese, korean and chinese artists who don't tag their shit, especially not with cuntboy
>inb4 whitey
I am azn, I can also read what they're posting just fine
valveplug probably came from the same place as the seekers. A single line in an obscure advertisement or product listing one person used and it went on from there.

I'm just glad it hasn't been made official.

Trends are trends, but this one hasn't been contended with, thus making it the standard the way Jazz Prowl is. Oddly enough there was blatant Jazz Prowl bromance in the 07 cartoon and it wouldn't surprise me if one of the writers was a shipper.

I come from the m/m background of giant seme and whimpering uke fan art vs VN and other media specifically company made. TF as a whole isn't my age old fandom. I've always been aware of it, in the sense that everyone in my yaoi fan communities had an interest in it. I'm late, but it had a starting point and porn beforehand hit different notes likely lost forever in the FFN purges. In those older fandoms I was in, tags were rigid, specific, and you generally didn't just walk into being trans flashed. I know, you didn't ask for my life story, but this is context for why it's so bothersome.

I simply want there to be segregation of interest. It's nice, easy to sort. Valveplug for graphic pussies, whatever the fuck for male anatomy. Even AO3 can't be trusted because there will be "vaginal sex" in the same fic as "non-sticky sexual."

Ah shit image limit.
In Ao3, anal porn will be tagged exactly with anal sex, though it'd be a gamble if it includes a cunt somewhere in the mix
The main point here is that due to lack of canon clarification, unlike traditional yaoi where everyone has a dick and asshole, TF doesn't have exact rules on what the robots fuck with
That's why most, including me, don't even consider valves in "male" mechs to be transgender porn, because the consensus so far is, as said before, hermaphroditism
If that results in a fair number of trans persons flocking to it because they identify with it, then what to do
You can't unwrite the shit written on livejournal or the FFN stuff that's survived to this day

And just a correction, JazzProwl isn't considered a standard, not like MegOP, its just popular with a lot of people with its own fanbase. Like how "the Marauders" as a group spawned its own fanbase independently from Harry Potter through fanfics amd blogposts alone. They're their own things altogether
Well at least, JP isn't considered a standard anymore since like 2019
It almost was one as a juggernaut back then

>>3948676 →
But they do still get background tagged a lot, so there's a lot who still see them together as a "default" I suppose
Which is very annoying
I'll reply in this thread so not to drag arguments into the next one.

>So I quite disagree with prev anon's comment about male-gazey fetish TF art
I wonder if that was my comment, but I was talking about the porn made by men for men like the Arcee/Jack comics, not the yaoi with extra steps.
>Tell that to quite literally the history of BL, doujin media and fanfic.
Mmm... but in all of those cases, especially the early ones, the bottom was almost always feminized and the butthole was miraculously clean, self-lubricating and essentially just acted like a pussy. I wouldn't call the herm art for TF futa either since there's no tits.
>Women aren't unanimous in their interests, especially when it comes to shipping
No, but there is always a majority or a minority and there is clearly a popularity of pussy and dick.
>Otherwise male drawn and written porn (yes it has it's inaccuracies) would write women as men by default. Your argument doesn't hold when you reverse it
Not everything is reversible. Female and male sexualities are very different.

For my own take. I personally prefer "pussies" over "buttholes" even when it comes to robots because I can sort of jump enough hoops to come to terms with robots having sex organs if they're going to be having sex anyway, but I can't really justify them having assholes like we do because they do not expel waste like we do. I'd prefer a purely mechanical/alien form of sexual play, but if there's genitalia involved I can personally sort of... come up with a cope that let's me accept it. I just can't do the same for asses. Also "aftport" sounds retarded.

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