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Instead of robotboy, Professor Moshimo sent tommy Robotgirl on learning to be a real girl.

Would the series be the same or different than the original?

I think it would be familiar but with a few changes
For example Robotgirl's personality being different from Robotboy she is more bubbly and if Tommy doesn't do/give something she wants she will give him puppy eyes
One thing I think would be different is Robotman instead of him being a huge jerk to Robotgirl he would act more like a militaristic older brother who wants to train her to be better
Wait if she wants to be real girl, wouldn’t she ask tommy about romance and boys?
Another thing would be Tommy dealing with people bullying him for having a pink doll and a pink heart thing Donnie would be the one bullying him the most
I think Deb would support it and love Robotgirl maybe because Robotgirl reminds her of a doll she had
If Robotgirl was the main character maybe the show would be remembered more like My life as a teenage robot is
I think Tommy would either go to Lola for help or just avoid the question
What about that valentine episode with the arrows, instead of Gus, she looked at tommy and fell in love with him?
Asking his mom would be out of the question due to the reason being obvious.
Thinking about writing a script or fanfic about a hypothetical First episode of a Robotgirl series here is a teaser
>Robotgirl Season 1 Episode 1 "Her name is Robotgirl Part 1"
>Tommy: "I don't get it this can't be Moshimos newest invention"
>Lola picked up the tiny doll from the box
>Lola: "Aw I like it is like a robot doll"
>Gus: "Told ya it was too good to be true man maybe this was just a prank"
>Tommy is examining the pink heart necklace
>Tommy: "No something tells me there is more to it"
>Tommy presses the center of the heart something appears to have activated
>The doll begins to shake suddenly it seems to transform into a slightly taller form the eyes of the doll opened
>Lola: "Yeep!"
>Lola lets go of the doll and rushes next to Tommy and Gus both of whom cannot believe what they are seeing
>The doll looks around the room and then locks eyes with Tommy
>The doll smiled and then began to hop its way to face Tommy
>Robotgirl: "Hi me Robotgirl you must be Tommy it is nice to meet you"
>The doll offered a shaking hand Tommy stared at her for a few minutes before returning the gesture
>Tommy: "Uh hi it's... nice to meet you too?"

is this show actually worth checking out?
Well is a slice of life + comedy-action show
Gus is a 50% 50% type of character you're either gonna like or hate
Don't expect big plotlines
It's a fun show to watch casually I recommend checking it out at least
Yeah it has some actions and some funny moments.

If you want to see the show, here is the link: https://m.wcostream.tv/anime/robotboy
No. Robot boy is better
I really need more art of robot boy fucking Tommy's mom.
There was already an idea like that >>143272914
So instead of that let's say Tommy is the one who got struck by the arrow
>Gus: "We let's run for it, man!"
>Gus runs away leaving Tommy and Robotgirl behind
>Tommy: "Hey wait for us!"
>Tommy and Robotgirl ran but an arrow struck Tommy
>Tommy: "Ow!"
>Robotgirl: "*gasp* Tommy"
>Robotgirl grabs Tommy and flies taking cover behind rocks
>Robotgirl: "Tommy you okay?"
>Tommy looks at Robotgirl hearts appearing on his eyes
>Tommy kneels and takes Robotgirl's hand Robotgirl stares confused
>Tommy: "Okay? I have never been better honey"
>Tommy kisses Robotgirl's hand
>Robotgirl just giggles at the gesture
>Robot: "Hehe Tommy is acting silly"
>Gus: "Uh sorry to interrupt the couple BUT THERE ARE BAD GUYS TO DEAL WITH REMEMBER?"
>Robotgirl: "Right Robotgirl will handle it-"
>Tommy gets up and puts his hand on Robotgirl's shoulder
>Robotgirl: "Huh?"
>Tommy: "Forget about them how about we go see a movie?"
>Robotgirl gets a little flustered
>Robotgirl: "That. Does sound rather nice"
Glad you like my idea but if she WAS hit by the arrow, wouldn’t it turn her love for tommy into hate or something?
I would ship them.
She turns into a nagging girlfriend and a tsundere
>Tommy: "Robotgirl are you alright?"
>Robotgirl: "Oh Tommy finally asks if Robotgirl is alright it only took him what? 7 months since we met"
>Tommy: "Uh I'm sorry? Look can you beat Kamikazi so that we can go fix you"
>Robotgirl: "Robotgirl do this Robotgirl do that why doesn't Tommy do something for Robotgirl for a change?"
>Tommy: "Oh come on Roll don't be like that"
>Robotgirl: "No Robotgirl is tired of this Robotgirl always does the hard work and what does Robotgirl get? Nothing more than one miserable thank you"
>Dr. Kamikazi: "Yikes they are reminding me of the times my parents argued with each other"
>Gus: "Ditto dude"
>Tommy: "Fine how about this you beat Kamikazi and I will do whatever you want"
>Robotgirl: "Robotgirl will want to go on the love tunnel with Tommy and then go on the ferry wheel together and then have a tea party"
>Tommy: "Deal"
>Robotgirl turns to face Kamikazi but then she turns back to Tommy"
>Robotgirl: "Don't get the wrong idea Robotgirl doesn't want to go on a romantic date because she likes Tommy or anything"
>Tommy: "Oookay..."
>Dr. Kamikazi turns to Lola
>Dr. Kamikazi: "Ugh women I am right?"
>Lola kicks Kamikazi in the leg
Some may think it's some self-insert shit but I honestly think the dynamic of the two would be cute
Also, I think Lola having a one-sided rivalry with Robotgirl would be funny
Wouldn’t the dynamic require that Tommy be a girl?
Tommy is getting both blacked and clanked.
Nah If Tommy was a girl It wouldn't be diferent from the dynamic he and Robotboy have
So Tommy and Robotgirl would have a different dynamic think of It like a Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz type of dynamic
If she was hit by a new program, would it make it worse if she was turn into a yandere and stalker?
I could imagine robot girl and Lola doing a truce with each other when tommy reaches adulthood and decided he wants kids. Until they decided to double cross each other.
Well yeah, I mean.
What's little Tommy gon do?
What would happen if tommy and robot girl have kids and they wanted her to be an aunt? One of their kids called her “auntie” with them looking at her adorably. She was immediately convinced.
Survive the night.
he's gonna lay down and enjoy the show
She kind of already did with Robotboy
They mention it in the series pitchbible that she doesn't like RB for that reason
For some reason, I just thought of “the boondocks” with what your wrote.
Is her father an african politician? what with his accent and attire.
That reminds, how would the parents of Gus and Lola react when robot girl is in love with tommy?
>the parents of Gus
They are Amish, that would be like heresy for them.
A Robotgirl series does sounds fun.This AU will be similar to Robotboy show, but different. And like you said, she wants to learn to be a real girl but also experience girl problem. I also would think that she'll fall in love with Tommy and maybe have friendly rivalry with Lola.
instead of Jackass, all the villains call each other cunts
woah calm down, Satan
Speaking of villains
I imagine Constantine and Robotgirl being frenemies
And Bjorn having a robot that is a female version of himself
How would you guys rewrite some episodes? Like the "Knockoffs" episode for example
She would be his sister. Like that 80's sitcom, Small Wonder.
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>Dr. Kamikazi: "Ugh women I am right?"
>Lola kicks Kamikazi in the leg
It's for known for the Shipping between TommyxRobotGirl and TommyxLola
Rewrite of the plot of the episode "Robotman"
Instead of being sent to Tommy because Moshimo didn't think Robotman would be safe with him, Moshimo sends Robotman to Tommy so that he can get familiar with humans
The conflict of the episode starts the same but it goes differently because Robotman makes Robotgirl train to the point of exhaustion they fight at the end but after Robotgirl gives a speech about how she will be stronger in her own way Robotman gives up out of respect

The ending is Moshimo taking Robotman back to run a few more tests to prepare Robotman for his purpose protect the world from big threats from outer space
>Robotgirl: "Robotman turned self on how you do?"
>Robotman: "Self-activation of course just one of the many features that make me superior to you face it little doll you are outdated"
>Robotgirl gets intimated but still wants to confront Robotman
>Robotgirl: "R-Robotgirl doesn't care Tommy and his friends still need Robotgirl and Robotgirl will always be there for them"
>Robotman: "And how do you expect to help them when you are so weak?"
>Robotgirl: "Robotgirl will get stronger!"
>Robotman: "Will get stronger huh? Do accept the hard work that will come with getting stronger?"
>Robotgirl: "Yes!"
>Robotman: "Very well we will start training tomorrow morning rest now little doll because tomorrow we are gonna train till your circuits overheat"
Honestly I would see that as tommy getting a harem. Each of them embody the “dere” types except they are evil. And want tommy for themselves due to having some similar bits of the original.
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That would make a lot more sense.
And yet funny for having her fall in love with tommy.
Oh then I have an idea of how the episode would go
>Tommy, Gus, and Robotgirl are hiding behind a shelf
>Tommy: "Aw man there is a jillion of evil Robotgirl knockoffs"
>Gus: "Yeah all of which seem to be attracted to you"
>Tommy: "Ugh don't remind me"
>Gus: "Hey Tommy wanna play bait?"
>Tommy: "Huh"
>Gus pushes Tommy out of the hiding spot getting the attention of the clones
>Tommy: "GUS WHAT?!"
>The Robotgirl clones begin to chase Tommy
>Tommy: "AAAAAH!"
>Tommy runs for his dear life
>Robotgirl: "Tommy!"
>Robotgirl tries to go help Tommy but gets stopped by Gus
>Robotgirl: "Gus let go Tommy needs help"
>Gus: "Relax he will be fine Gilbert is the one we have to deal with"
I think it would go somewhat both ways
Tommy just sees Robotgirl as a little sister
Robotgirl likes Tommy but doesn't know much about romance so the times she tries to flirt with him are mostly due to glitches or viruses which lead to hijinks
I got new idea where this one will have tommy having a amnesia and actually thinks he is robotgirl’s girlfriend.
>”me no talk, robotgirl angry”
Would Robotgirl feel bad about the amount of bullying Tommy would get from dragging around a pink doll all the time?
I would say yes but the bigger question is how long will the bullies live if they broke her limit?
If professor moshimo was in the episode, would he feel offended or amazed that a electronic worker manage to (somewhat) replicate his technology?
nice but you forgot the most important part
>The Robotgirl clones fly after Tommy
>after they zoom by, Lola also running after them/him trying to keep up
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I tried to do a screenshot redraw thing
>"See look on Tommy's face hehehe"
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you succeeded at it, don’t let yourself down
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Original/source: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/trash/image/1713/66/1713664929064.png
Aw thanks Anon
She has that look of “if you want me to help, you have to do a favor for me” when looking at tommy.
I was inspired by a comment in a previous thread
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i love Robotgirl
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anytime or anywhere, I’ll be there for (you) and everyone else, for game is far from over, because we are all in this together
>tfw you have to save the day again
How would the “udder madeness” play out? Not to mention what kind of farm clothes will robotgirl wear for tommy?
Considering how often Roboboy almost grievously inured people messing Tommy with the normal bullying probably not long.
Nah. Legitimately one of the worst 2000's shows ever. People just remember it because the mom was hot
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I did another one now I'm gonna go rest
I imagine Lola and Robotgirl started out as best friends but that was when Tommy didn't like the pink girly robot
So when Tommy and Robotgirl bonding was what started Lola's jealousy
One idea that I have is that an older Robotgirl would dress up in punk clothes and acting tomboyish but still her clothes are still pink so if there is a Drawfag reading this please do draw this idea
>love triangle
more like “love cube”
Cute ideas
Think her punkish aesthetics and tomboyish nature would make tommy blush?

Who’s the fourth in the square?
>Who’s the fourth in the square?
it’s bambi
Wonder what’s her reaction to robotgirl and her super form?
>Gus: "Dude I don't get why you are still trying to get with Bami when you already 2 better options who already like you"
>Tommy: "Huh? WHO?"
>Gus: "Lola you know our childhood friend with a rich dad"
>Tommy: "I don't know what you are talking about Lola doesn't have a crush on me"
>Gus: "Oh for the love of- What about Robotgirl? You two already act like a couple heck even Robotgirl told me you two sometimes sleep cuddling each other"
>Tommy: "Ew dude she is like a little sister to me"
>Somewhere in Prof. Moshimo's lab
>MiuMiu: "With whom are you talking about dear?"
>Prof. Moshimo: "Oops sorry honey I think I'm just imagining things"
>Back to Gus and Tommy
>Gus: "But what do you even see in Bambi?"
>Tommy: "Well you know she is just so beautiful"
>Gus: "Wanna know who else is beautiful? Lola and she already likes you AND let me remind you SHE HAS A RICH DAD you could be living your best life man"
>Tommy: "Oh please I highly doubt Lola likes me that way"
I want to see the other reactions from all the characters in the show to see this conversation.
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>g man
it all makes sense now
it has been years, yet I can still remember how gus’s voice sounded
That's how annoying he was.
The last one for today
I was rewatching the show and did anyone else forget that only Protoboy seems to be the only one of Moshimo's robots that can talk while in the super-activated form?
And speaking of super-activated forms I have an idea that Robotgirl likes to use her super-activated to pull pranks on bullies
>On the school
>Kurt: "Hey Tommy I'm low on cash today so you are gonna pay for mine and my buddies lunch today"
>Tommy: "What? No way"
>Kurt: "I wasn't asking shrimp-"
>A laser comes in disintegrating Kurt's hat revealing a bald spot on his head
>The kids who saw it pointed at his bald spot and laughed
>Kurt quickly covers his head and runs away
>Tommy looks at the window and sees Robotgirl in her super-activated form giving him a thumbs-up
>Tommy smiles and returns the gesture
Now that's cute
What would be the plot of "RoboGus and the G-Machine" where robotboy switches body with gus? Who switches body with robotgirl, Lola or tommy?
deb turnbull swapped minds with robotgirl, then at the end deb turnbull would play it off like a dream while robotgirl remembers
Show would be DOA but I admire your enthusiasm as a fellow fembot enjoyer
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I will do whatever I can, because I shall do must be done
Just like Steven
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who wtf is “steven”?

This is one of those concepts/ideas that could easily result in a half a million words long fic.

I mean, seriously I fucking love this, I want to see more!

(Also I ship it. I ship it hard)

Also glad to see Robot Boy show up. I wouldn’t say it was my favourite cartoon as a kid, but it was definitely an enjoyable Saturday morning cartoon
>would he feel offended or amazed that a electronic worker manage to (somewhat) replicate his technology?
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>an older Robotgirl would dress up in punk clothes and acting tomboyish but still her clothes are still pink so if there is a Drawfag reading this please do draw this idea
>tfw ywn a punk tomboy robo gf
Who the fuck is this picture of
I keep seeing it
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Old Mecha Sonic from the IDW Sonic comics
>”I’ll crush you!”
>Think her punkish aesthetics and tomboyish nature would make Tommy blush?
Perhaps but either way I think the two would hang out more often since Robotgirl's secret would most likely be out by then
>???: "Psst Tommy come here I have something to show you"
>Tommy hears someone calling him from the windows
>Tommy goes to check and sees Robotgirl on a motorcycle
>Robotgirl: "Cool huh? Moshimo bought it for me"
>Tommy: "Yeah it's very cool Roll but why would you want a motorcycle? You can fly"
>Robotgirl: "Eh flying got boring do you want a ride?"
>Tommy: "Sure be there in a sec"
Got any ideas for episodes?
How about a crossover with MLAATR?
Wouldn’t it be just robotgirl being a little sister or cousin to Jenny also doesn’t she have bad advice when it comes to love when robotgirl ask her about tommy?
It would be fun
>Jenny picks up Robotgirl
>Jenny: "Aww you are so cute I can't believe you are a robot meant to fight bad guys"
>Robotgirl: "Hehe Robotgirl is full of surprises"
>Shieldon, Tucker, and Tommy playing a card together
>Sheldon: "So you live with a cute robot girl? Man I am jealous"
>Tucker: "Sheldon please keep your love for robots away from our playtime"
>Tommy: "Yeah man that's gross btw Uno"
>Meanwhile Vexus, Mona Lethal, and Ronald Rump
>Vexus: "Ugh how can so many incredible robots submit to these pathetic humans?!"
>Mona: "Actually indoors Ronald begs me to-"
>Ronald: "AH AH AH Mona we do not talk about our private time in public"
Would Sheldon be more jealous that robotgirl loves tommy and have went on dates with him?
Sheldon would be jealous and mad that Tommy has a chance to date a cute and cool robot girl but decides to friendzone her
Gus would tell him to get used to it
….Jenny heard this and got mad, decided to help robotgirl, but at the end of the episode realize that they still have time to reach that point but not right now?
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Another redraw thing this one was hard because I tried to do my spin on a Protogirl
>Robotgirl: "Protogirl leave him alone!"
>Protogirl: "Sis cares a lot about her little flesh bag but does Sis care more about him than the boat and all the other fleshbags in it?"
Smug bitch
Think she’ll create a plan to kidnap tommy and have him marry her?
No, but I do think she would use Tommy as a way to mess with Robotgirl
>Protogirl: "Protogirl superior and colors match with Tommy's colors sooner or later he will dump Robotgirl for Protogirl"
>Protogirl catches Robotgirl by surprise punching her face
>Protogirl: "Aha Haha Sis is so easy to mess with"
Best Girl
Who makes a sentient robot child run on batteries anyways?
Beats me but then again it is easily accessible but costly. Besides, running on dangerous fuel would be a bad idea for tommy to get unless he gets expose by the stuff.
>Tommy is reading a comic
>Robotgirl rushes to him
>Robotgirl: "Tommy! Tommy! robocon can we go? Can we? Please"
>Tommy: "What? Roll you know you can't be seen in public and why do you want to go there so badly?"
>Gus: "I will tell you why looks who is gonna be there"
>Gus shows a picture of a peculiar-looking robot
>Tommy: "Huh?"
>Gus: "Mona Lethal the hottest robot fighter right now"
>Robotgirl: "She is the coolest! Robotgirl wants to be just like Mona!"
>Tommy begins to imagine Robotgirl with a body similar to Mona's but then shooks the thought away
>Robotgirl: "Please Tommy let's go robocon"
>Tommy: "No sorry Roll I know you want to go see your idol but we can't it would be too dangerous"
>Robotgirl gives Tommy puppy eyes
>Tommy: "Oh come on Roll that is a cheap trick"
>Little tears start to appear in Robotgirl's eyes
>Tommy: "C-c-come on you know Moshimo would be mad"
>Robotgirl lets out two sniff
>Tommy: "UGH FINE! but only this time"
>Robotgirl: "YAY!"
>Robotgirl pulls Tommy into a tight hug
>Gus: "Heh I knew teaching her that trick would come in handy"
I think after Prototboy gone rogue Moshimo decided to make the Robotboy run on batteries as a safety measure although that kinda backfires
And after the Robotman incident, I'm pretty sure he went "NOPE NEVER AGAIN"
But maybe Moshimo will modify his good robot so that the batteries last longer or just remove the need for batteries entirely after he considers them worthy enough
What kind of advice would Mona lethal give to robotgirl?
>Announce: "And now it's for the final showdown make some noise for Mona Lethal and her owner Ronald Rump!
>Tommy: "Come on Robotgirl we are out here"
>Gus: "Ignore him Robotgirl beat her up! but not so much so that she doesn't hate you after this!"
>Robotgirl ignores them focusing on her idol
>Robotgirl: "Ohmygosh! Hi! Mona! Hi! Me Robotgirl big fan- No your biggest fan!"
>Mona smiles a little
>Robotgirl: "Hehe I know we are opponents and all but could Mona give some advice for Robotgirl?"
>Mona: "Two things you must always remember 1 If you have a human master remember YOU are the one with the power and 2 Charm is the strongest weapon that you must learn to use wisely"
>Robotgirl nods her head saving the advice in her memory ram
>Mona: "Well good lucky little girl you are gonna need it"
…huh, I was more expecting more “mature” advice but this works.
The mature advice is for when Robotgirl and Tommy are older
>"And now keep moving like this"
>"M-mona I don't thi- augh~ I don't think Tommy is enjoying this"
>"Don't worry all men are afraid of getting clanked at first"
Not like that but close, I was expecting in how to seduce to him and dress seductively. No to mention talking dirty and sexy.
I mean it probably doesn't count as sexual assault if you're legally not a person.
>Gus: "I know there is something with... Whatever you are"
>Robotgirl: "I Robotdoll."
>Gus: "Ugh what an annoying voice"
>Robotgirl: "Ugh what an annoying voice."
>Gus: "Hey shut your face"
>Robotgirl: "Hey shut your face."
>Gus: "I said zip it creep"
>Robotgirl: "Zip it creep. Zip it creep. Zip it creep. Zi-"
I imagine Donnie bullying Tommy more often since he has Robotgirl
Which of course results in Robotgirl giving him payback extremely frequent
What about Bambi after she reveals herself to her?
Robotgirl and Lola work together to get rid of her with Bambi not kill her but put her out of commission for a while

Episode idea
>Robotgirl Season 2 Episode 29 "Tommy's Bodyguard"
>Robotgirl dealing with Tommy's bullies so often resulted in making them paranoid now they are spreading rumors that Tommy has a secret bodyguard Tommy and Robotgirl with the help of Lola and Gus must find a way to solve this situation before it escalates
How this for an idea: robotgirl and her friends time travel into the future where she and tommy are married to each other.
Mona Lethal becomes a aunt figure to Robotgirl but the only way they can spend time together is when Mona Lethal disguises herself in her smaller form
>Robotgirl: "Tommy meet Lisa she is Robotgirl's friend we are going to the mall today"
>Tommy: "Lisa huh? You are not a robot working for Kamikazi are you?"
>Mona: "Why would anyone work for that loser?"
>Tommy: "Alright I trust her have fun you two"
They're pretty big batteries
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>Gus: "Tommy you sly diggity dog"
>Tommy: "What- Me and Robotgirl- Together- Had kids- WHY and most importantly HOW?!"
>Future Tommy: "Robotgirl was very insistent and Prof. Moshimo built a way"

>Robotgirl: "Wow marriage? What is it like?"
>Robotwoman: "Play your cards right and you will know"

>Future Lola: "If it makes you feel better we get a consolation prize in the form of a guy robot"
>Lola: "No I won't give up the future can change after all"
>Future Lola: "Trust me kiddo the sooner you accept it the less it's gonna hurt"
Whelp, I can see how the proposal went through.

…But in this case, let’s change that to a romantic one with tommy proposing to her with everyone invited to see. And she was crying tears of oil until she run out.
Protogirl enjoys making Robotgirl suffer emotional and physical.
Yup she is basically the Blackfire to Robotgirl's Starfire

>Tommy and Robotgirl are on a beach the sun is setting down
>Tommy: "Hey Robotgirl you know we have become closer and closer over the years right?"
>Robotgirl: "Yes Tommy and I wouldn't trade our time together for anything"
>Tommy: "Yeah so I have been meaning to ask
>Tommy turns to see Prof. Moshimo, MiuMiu, His Family and all of his villains giving him a "You can do it" look
>Tommy turns back to Robotgirl kneeling down
>Robotgirl is already embracing herself tears of joy falling down
>Tommy shows a golden ring
>Tommy: "Robotgirl will you marry me?"
>Robotgirl pulls Tommy into a kiss
>And for the first time he kisses her back
>Everyone cheers for the couple
It fit so well.
How did Lola handle this? Did she have a broken heart or did she accepted it? Or both?
To me she would be heartbreaking, but then accept it and is happy for them.
She's been through too much with them to hate them.
She'd just deal with it and move on at her own pace.
How about this for a Halloween episode: robotgirl and tommy would dress up as pucca and garu. However Felonious Hexx comes back and accidentally made think they are the characters with his magic.
Cuckqueen Lola!
Personally in a actual serious writing sense I would have it reversed. Maybe have it be a part of Robotgirl's character in trying to exactly figuring out her relationship with Tommy and how some people say that girls can be friends with boy and how some say they can't without it being romantic and its her trying to be the best for Tommy but struggle in how she can be like that.
As they should
Wouldn’t that be racist?
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Sadly Billy Bob here is right. The toilet humour tainted the show. Unless you have nostalgia goggles, this show ain’t gonna be for you.
Processing…. start up boner sequence. Run exe.whyisthissohot.
A lot of this show's issues would be solved if Gus didn't exist. But there's one issue that won't be solved even in Gus is out; The show was boring as fuck.

i love Rob's design, and that's it. Nothing more worth of checking out, just the robot designs.
Anon this Idea is great but It also breaks my heart
Hopefully Moshimo and Miu Miu can help her
Uhhh, no?
Why that's the idea and I thought it would be a pretty interesting one. Especially since if she does pursue a romantic relationship with Tommy it would seemingly hurt Lola who I'd imagine would be great friends with Robotgirl.
Although I guess that's one of the big appeals of a love triangle, the drama.
I said “dress” in costumes.
But also thinking they are the characters from the show.
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I thought it would cute but also referencing another show that was part of my childhood.
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>Stormy night
>Tommy and his Family went to have dinner at a pizzeria
>Robotgirl is alone in Tommy's room sitting on his bed curled up
>Robotgirl tries to call Prof. Moshimo
>"Hello I'm Professor Moshimo I apologize I cannot answer your call right now but leave a message and I promise to get back to you *beep*"
>Robotgirl: "Hello Professor it's Robotgirl things have been great lately Robotgirl and Tommy have become great friends but... Robotgirl has been having this feeling lately this feeling of wanting to become closer to Tommy if that makes sense Robotgirl tried to ask Gus and Lola about but they made it even more confusing Gus says that means Robotgirl wants to date Tommy but Lola says that we should stick to being friends and not think about it too much"
>Robotgirl wipes a tear
>Robotgirl: "Please Professor help Robotgirl understand"
What happen after when the professor and Miu Miu received the message?
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Probably gives Robotgirl decent advice that she takes the completely wrong way. Chaos ensues
Then at the end of the episode it either returns to the status quo but with Robotgirl even more angsty and frustrated
She actually learns what the advice meant and takes it to heart.
Cute concept.
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Episode idea: tommy has gotten sick and needs to stay at home. Robotgirl and Lola heard this and decided to dress up as nurses to take care of him. His blush was disguised by his fever.
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What episode is this?
Donnie turnbull's day off
Mind if I add more to that idea?
Inspired by a fanfic I read
>Afraid Tommy will get attacked in this vulnerable state Moshimo sends Robotman to help
>Protogirl shows up to nurse Tommy as a way to mess with her sister
>Hijinks ensue
>Lola: "Why can't you bucket of bolts just leave?! Tommy needs proper treatment not a bunch of robots fighting over who gets to be his nurse"
>Protogirl: "Oh please Protogirl is more capable enough to care of the flesh bag cutie than all of you"
>Robotgirl: "Protogirl lies! Protogirl doesn't even care about Tommy! Protogirl will end up hurting Tommy!"
>Protogirl: "Aw afraid I'm gonna take your man Sis?"
>Before Robotgirl and Protogirl break into a fight Robotman separates them
>Robotman: "ENOUGH Robotman is the most the most advanced therefore Robotman shall be the one to nurse Tommy back to full health"
>Tommy sends a pleading look to Gus
>Gus: "Man this is better than telenovelas I'm gonna go get my camera"
>Tommy: "*sigh* Sometimes I wonder why I even became friends with him"
Which fanfic and did a glitch occurred when Gus wanted to stream the telenovelas from Robot girl turning her into a passionate, dramatic, Spanish speaking robot?
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The Unwanted Harem of Nathan Adams

The Moshimo and Miu Miu take a jet and fly immutably after Robotgirl to console her and try to give advice
I imagine at first Moshimo just saw Robotgirl and Tommy as platonic partners but after Robotgirl gained feelings for Tommy Moshimo tries to help her in secret
Miu Miu talks to Robotgirl to see if it's truly a crush then she gives Robotgirl advice (old-fashioned advice) Miu Miu sees Tommy as a good boy but not worthy to date her daughter so Miu Miu trains Tommy to be a malewife with the excuse that "These are skills every responsible person should know"
> Tommy's first meeting with Prof Moshimo and Miu Miu
>Tommy: "Professor Moshimo is a honor to meet you in person"
>Prof Moshimo: "Hello Tommy it is nice to see you again"
>Miu Miu: "So this is the Tommy you told me about dear? Tell me boy are you taking good care of my little Robotgirl?"
>Tommy: "Y-Yes Ma'am"
I love that fanfic and heard about it. Also, did Gus and Lola saw the results of Tommy’s “training” with miu miu?
>Gus: "So dude how has the training been? Did you get jacked already?"
>Lola: "Gus it's not that kind of training but yeah how was the training?"
>Tommy: "Very tiring"
>Gus: "Did you learn to do something cool?"
>Tommy: "Well Miss Miu basically has been training me to be a top butler"
>Gus: "Aw man that sucks she only training you for that?"
Tommy: "Actually she is also teaching me culinary recipes for humans and robots"
>Lola: "Robots can eat?"
>Gus: "Oh man Tommy you got to cook me some robot food"
>Tommy: "Sorry Gus humans can't eat robot food"
>Gus: "Not with that attitude"
I was expecting the training to be “popo” level. What kind of rules did miu miu set for tommy?
The villains were fun, but yeah, Robotboy always went back to his Status Quo of being a dense retard for "comedic effect"
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>Bjorn: "Hello I am Bjorn Bjornson child genius and this is my greatest creatio- I mean my girlfriend Bianca Fawn"
>Bianca: "Yargh"
>Bjorn: "I came to this school to find the candy robot they call Robotgirl"
Bjorn constantly try to prove his Robot is a better fighter robot/waifu
Sometimes Bjorn asks Tommy for relationship advice for him and his robot girlfriend
Tommy is confused as to why Bjorn thinks he knows anything about dating a robot
Yeah I have been rewatching the show and you can feel it's lacking something
It was missing something that hooked you into the show
The Robotboy show feels like it has the potential for an interesting narrative but it never depth into it
Dr Kamikazi is a fun villain but the show really needed a villain to play a big part closest thing it had was Protoboy but then he was killed off
Wait if robotboy is part of the CN city universe, how would the other CN characters react to robotgirl having a crush on tommy and acting lovey dovey with him?
Most would probably think it’s adorable (because it is)
anon you are sitting on gold
Think the “battle” that tommy was expecting was more on fighting but instead the “battle” is a couples’ dance off.
Tell me about it. any ideas? This is just too good to pass up.
Here some
>Robotgirl birthday is coming up and Tommy, Lola, Gus, and Professor Moshimo want to make it a surprise birthday party Miu Miu has to distract Robotgirl while they prepare the party
>Tommy and his family have to go on a trip so Tommy asks Lola to take care of Robotgirl they end up having a girl's night out
>An accident happens swapping Robotgirl and Protogirl's personalities Robotgirl becomes evil and egotistic while Protogirl becomes good but cowardly and has low self-esteem
I got a title for the girls night out idea: “robots wanna have fun”. And for the swap personality, wouldn’t robotgirl have a bit of a yandere side to her or no?
>create your own robot girlfriend.
No, she would go from liking Tommy to despising him
So Tommy's only option is to try to work with Protogirl to fix things up
>Middle point of the episode
>Tommy and Protogirl are hiding from Robotgirl
>Robotgirl: "Come out come out Robotgirl will find you sooner or later"
>Protogirl is curled up into a ball
>Tommy: "Protogirl come you are the only one that can help us right now"
>Protogirl: "Sorry Tommy Protogirl knows but Protogirl can't help Protogirl is too scared and not good enough no wonder Moshimo threw Protogirl away"
>Tommy puts his hand on Protogirl's shoulder
>Tommy: "Look that's not true you are great"
>Protogirl eyes lighten up
>Tommy: "I have seen you fight you fight just as good as Robotgirl and if we work together we can solve things so come on no need to be scared right?"
>Tommy extends a hand for Protogirl she slowly grabs it and gets up
>Protogirl: "R-right"
>End of the episode
>Tommy: "Hey Roll you okay?"
>Robotgirl: "Yes... Tommy Robotgirl sorry"
>Tommy: "Don't sweat it you were out of mind but now things are right-"
>Protogirl: "Back to normal"
>Tommy and Robotgirl turn Protogirl
>Robotgirl: "Sister Robotgirl is thankful for your help today but Robotgirl will not hesitate if you try to hurt anyone"
>Protogirl: "Relax Sis Protogirl won't at least for today but next day Sis better watch your back"
>Protogirl turns to leave
>Tommy: "Hey things don't have to be like this you know? If you join our side Moshimo will take you back"
>Protogirl: "Don't waste your breath Protogirl won't fall for that- Oh almost forgot tell anyone about what happened today and Protogirl will personally destroy you and also"
>Protogirl flies in to give Tommy a kiss on the cheek then flies away
>Robotgirl: "HEY!"
>Protogirl: "Relax Sis Protogirl was just giving your man a special thanks for the help haha"
>Tommy: "Forget about it Roll let's go I'm really tired today"
>Robotgirl: "Ok... But can Robotgirl give Tommy a kiss as well?"
>Tommy: "Fine but just one"
>Protogirl flies in to give Tommy a kiss on the cheek then flies away
Dr kamikaze
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Got an idea in this alt timeline where Tommy takes a liking to fashion
Both because he wants to wear clothes that feel "Cool" to him and because he likes to make dresses and other types of clothes for Robotgirl
His father dislikes it while his Mom fully supports him
>Dwight: "I'm telling you honey that doll has been a bad influence on Tommy ever since it showed up Tommy has taken a liking to girlish things I mean come what kind of man sews clothes for a doll?"
>Deb: "Dwight dear you are overreacting besides have you seen the clothes Tommy made for his doll? Oh they were just adorable I bet Tommy could be a great fashion designer in the future"
Think there will be a fashion episode where the winner gets a trophy. I can see Bjorn and tommy compete with each other and create designs for their robots.
>Robotgirl hears that trophy wives are a thing
>She takes it as a literal thing and proceeds to pours a gold paint bucket over her head
What happens if she looks up “stepfordization”?
Probably poorly putting make up on herself only to fail due to it smudging her metallic face. Then put on a comically oversized apron and attempt to cook a meal only to also fail due to not knowing how to and almost burning the house down.
She’s later comforted by Tommy who is confused at what exactly she was trying to do.
Gus is also eating the burnt remains of whatever Robotgirl tried “cooking” in the background.
Did Lola felt offended by this because I feel like she be offended by this.
She’d 100% would. She’d probably also find a way to make this Gus’s fault.
How about a fairy tale episode, hexx zapped tommy and his friends into a fairy tale book. The last story is “sleeping beauty” and the only way to get out of the book is to kiss tommy who is asleep. Lola and robotgirl race to tommy on being his first kiss to wake from his slumber and to be his “princess”
You know I thought of a funny scenario
>Robotgirl is sleeping beauty
>Tommy is about to wake her up with a kiss
>Lola suddenly appears with a pack of fresh batteries instead
>This works much to Robotgirl's disappointment
robobumping the artificial womb
clank clank, bro
So how durable is the bow?
god DAMN
Durable enough to be a weapon
Like imagine Robotgirl taking her bow and throwing It like a batarang
>Robotgirl is crying while Tommy is patting her back
>Robotgirl: "Waaa sorry Tommy Robotgirl just wanted to make hubby happy but Robotgirl just messed things up!"
>Lola: "Hubby? What are you talking about"
>Robotgirl wipes her tears
>Robotgirl: "Gus gave Robotgirl a book to help her be a better robot for Tommy"
>Tommy and Lola gave Gus death glares
>Gus drops the remains of the food chuckling nervously
>Gus: "Hehe come on guys don't be mad I can explain"
>Lola: "So explain"
>Gus raises a finger but then runs away
>Lola: "Gus come back here!"
>Lola chases after Gus while Tommy stays with Robotgirl
>Robotgirl: "Is hubby not mad at Robotgirl"
>Tommy: "Don't call me hubby. And no of course I'm not mad Roll I can't be mad at you"
>Tommy hugs Robotgirl
>Robotgirl hugs him back
>Cuts to Gus running screaming while Lola is throwing things she grabs from the ground at him
>Lola bludgeoning Gus to death with Robotgirl's pretty pink bow
What happens if she looks up cat girls and maids from the internet? Not only that but also Lola joining by her side?
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>Dr Kamikazi: "Buwahahah my most genius plan yet I spread my hypno pop-up ad across the entire internet world soon Robotgirl and all people in it will become my personal staff"
>Constantine: "Amazing plan as always boss!
>Dr. Kamikazi: "Oh and Constantine I have been meaning to ask why are the hypnotized people putting on cat ears and tails?"
>Constantine: "Oh It's because I added some cat features in the pop-up boss I wanted our future staff members to look cute as kittens"
>The hypno pop ad affected the majority of the city women have turned into cat girls maids and men into cat boy butlers
>The only ones not affected are Gus and Tommy
>The hypno pop ad bought a virus that doesn't allow Robotgirl to fly and turn into her super-activated form so Tommy and Gus have to escape and find a way to save the day
…. Somehow I feel like that hypnosis had failed the first minute it was sent to the public. Instead of following kamikaze, they serve to the people they first see. In this case, robotgirl and Lola seeing tommy and became his servants.
>Lola: "Master prefers to have a bubble bath"
>Robotgirl: "No master prefers foam bath"
>Lola: "It's the same thing"
>Robotgirl: "Nuh-uh"
>Lola: "Yuh-huh"
>Tommy whistled getting their attention
>Gus: "Yo ladies less bickering and more working"
>Tommy: "What? No Gus we need to go to Moshimo to find a way to exterminate that weird ad"
>Gus: "Why? It has done nothing but give people free servants I mean who wouldn't want free servants"
>Tommy: "Gus that is very selfish and wrong and besides would you rather face Miu Miu when she finds out?"
>Gus shivers
>Gus: "Alright let's go to Moshimo"
>Tommy: "Girls we are off to visit Moshimo"
>Lola: "I will grab the boat"
>Robotgirl: "Robotgirl will make sandwiches for the trip"
Wait they also have cat ears and tails, do they also purr when being petted by their “master” as well or blush when touching their tails? Or they are just add-ons for show?
>a cute robot prank goes wrong when desire and lust overwhelm the mind
>the mere glance at robot boy painted pink while wearing half of a bikini in an attempt to be female drove Tommy over the edge
>something in Tommy’s mind made his friend more supple and curvy than normal and drove him past the point of no return
>was it an optical illusion or pent up sexual frustration
>whatever the case that night changed their relationship forever
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>"Come on Roll quit trembling and hold still"
>"S-sorry Tommy but this feels embarrassing"
>"It's routine maintenance what is there to be embarrassed about?"
Is this similar to a “first time” and has anyone walked in on them? Even though it was a check up on her maintenance?
Horrible of Tommy not taking a girl’s feelings into account.
imagine cooming on that hole
There is one way for robotgirl to have tommy notice her feelings.
There's this episode Robotboy where he wears an skin suit to go school. I was thinking the same will happen to Robotgirl to get close with Tommy, but experience other girls bully her.
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Interesting idea
And the bullies are going to be Bambi and her girls?
I can't believe Tommy treats women like objects
Pink Robots
last time someone stuck they wiener in a robot, they swap bodies
Double prize, great!
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>Tween For A Day Robotgirl edition
The episode would go very different from the original
>The episode starts with missing Robotgirl and Tommy searching for her but then he is forced to stop because there is something important on school
A new girl and she is a little weird
One by one the characters realize the new girl is actually Robotgirl with a skin suit to look like a real girl
The first one to realize is Lola the second Gus and the last one being Tommy
>"Hello fellow real girls I am Rebbeca Grayson could you tell me where Tommy's class is?"

Btw curious what do you guys think of my designs of Human Robotgirl and Protogirl?
Made several errors let me fix that
>Tween For A Day Robotgirl edition
The episode would go very different from the original
>The episode starts with missing Robotgirl and Tommy searching for her but then he is forced to stop because there is something important in school
>A new girl shows up at the school and she is a little weird
>One by one the characters realize the new girl is actually Robotgirl with a skin suit to look like a real girl
>The first one to realize is Lola the second Gus and the last one being Tommy
>"Hello fellow real girls I am Rebbeca Grayson could you tell me where Tommy's class is?"

If you are wondering yes Robotgirl gets bullied by Tommy comforts Robotgirl is still trying to hide her identity cuz she wants to make it a surprise
>Bambi: "Oh my gosh everyone look!"
>Kurt: "Loser is dating freak hahaha!"
>Kurt and the other kids point and laugh at Tommy and Robotgirl
>Robotgirl goes to beat them up but Tommy stops her
>Tommy: "Forget those guys they aren't worth it wanna grab lunch?"
>Robotgirl: "F-for sure"
>Lola from afar glares at the duo
>Lola: "How hasn't he realized that's Robotgirl?"
>Gus: "Well Tommy is smart on some things then dumb as bricks in others"
To Lola: “says the one who couldn’t confess to him”
>dumb as bricks in others
Like with girls. Poor robotgirl doesn't have the best examples to understand things.
Damn, what's got the board moving so fast
>Robotgirl asks Tommy to go to a concert
>Tommy thinks is some kind of boyband or a popstar
>He accepts but Robotgirl has to put on a disguise to maintain her secret
>Turns out is the concert was a rock concert
>Tommy is covering his ears while Robotgirl is headbanging to the music with one hand up doing a horn sign
>Robotgirl stops headbanging and then turns to Tommy asking if he's enjoying the concert
>Tommy sees how happy Robotgirl is and decides to half-lie
>"It's not my type of thing but... It's pretty awesome"
>Robotgirl smiles then goes back to headbanging
>Tommy stops covering his ears and headbanging to the music as well
That sounds like a better idea than I made.
then the show's legacy becomes "mlaatr but for lolicons" instead of just "that show where the mom had the fat ass"
somehow a status improvement...
I thought she was going listen some old punk bands. What of rock music is she listening to?
Stuff like this
(Before someone says this music is heavy metal rock has many subgenres one of them is heavy metal)
i mean, it's Iron Maiden, the most by the numbers hard music you can pick besides Metallica.
What about megadeth, Black Sabbath, Slayer, KISS, Alice Cooper, and Judas Priest?
Still surface level, but if you ask non-metal people about metal music, they will mention Metallica or Iron Maiden, and maybe Kiss, but i don't consider Kiss metal but rock.

Judas Priest is amazing live btw.
For me, I was expecting punk music with her aesthetic choice like the ramones, the clash, misfits, and bad religion.

Also, isn’t KISS glam metal?
Maybe have someone look at this thread and the previous one in the desuarchive and maybe have a practice fanfic.
As long as it's robot related
>Everytime Robotgirl asks Lola for advice relating to Tommy Lola always dismiss her or comes up with an excuse to dodge the question
>Everytime Robotgirl asks Gus for advice things go horribly both because Gus advice is awful and because Robotgirl misunderstood his advice
I like robots and girls desu..
True but remember to be careful
>Robotgirl was created just to suffer
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Is it weird that I can see normal Robotgirl having yandere tendencies? Not full yandere but she would have some yandere traits like becoming a bit possessive of Tommy, becoming very jealous of real girls aside from Lola because they can spend time with Tommy without worry, and being very aggressive against people who are mean to Tommy even trying to destroy his Dad and Donnie because of how they treat Tommy
>"But Tommy"
>"Dad and Donnie are bad-"
>"I know Roll but you can't kill Donnie and my Dad"
>"Robotgirl can make it quick and painless-"
>"The answer is still no Roll now put your weapons down or I'm gonna have to de-activate you"
Honestly, I want to see an episode where like the love glitch, she gets a semi-yandere glitch. And tommy has to find a way to fix her before she gets “yuno gasai” on his ass.
Alright first I need to learn to get better at writing both in normal form and in script format but for now, I already have ideas of how is going to be
The main thing I'm gonna do is not just rewrite the show with Robotgirl as the main character but rewrite it in a way that makes the plot a little more important and feel like the story is progressing
With Gus, I'm gonna remove his gross humor and make his main thing is that he is a selfish scammer but truly cares about his friends At first he sees Robotgirl as nothing more than a way to make money but later starts treating her like a true friend
Dr Kamikazi I'm not gonna change much but I'm gonna make him a looming threat that Tommy and Robotgirl only meet face to face in a season 1 finale type of way
Right now I already have an A03 but is there other fanfiction site you guys recommend?
>Draft of Chapter 1 ending
>Tommy: "Professor I don't get it I'm a boy how am I supposed to teach Robotgirl to be a real girl?"
>Prof Moshimo: "Life comes with challenging tasks Tommy but do not be afraid you can always ask your friend Lola for assistance in case you don't know how to help Robotgirl"
>Tommy: "But in that case why didn't you just send Robotgirl to her? Wouldn't that make things more easy?"
>Prof. Moshimo: "Because I see great potential in you Tommy I send Robotgirl to you not just to learn how to be a real girl but how to be human as a whole"
>Tommy: "I think... I understand what you mean"
>Prof. Moshimo "That's great to hear goodbye Tommy and remember I'm always open in case you need"
FanFiction.net has too many rules, wattpad not sure, but I am fine with AO3.
>love cube
With Robotboy it turns into a love Pentagon
I can especially see those yandere tendencies popping up while she’s super activated considering how somewhat intense Robotboy got while in that mode in the show.
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>Constantine: "Aww look at them Boss they look so happy do we really have to interrupt this beautiful moment?"
>Dr. Kamikazi: "You are right Constantine let's turn back home and leave Robotgirl and her friend alone"
>Constantine: "Oh that's rather nice of you-"
>Dr. Kamikazi slaps Constantine
What happens if one of the villains manages to cut tommy and draw his blood?
Think she’ll monologues in her head? Also her relationship with Lola and Tommy’s obsession with Bambi?
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>"Good job defeating Dr. Kamikazi Roll now we just need to call the authorities to arrest him"
>"Don't worry about that Tommy Dr. Kamikazi won't cause trouble to you or anyone else anymore Robotgirl made sure of it"
>"What do you mean?"
It gives me great agony that I missed two spots and forgot the details on Robotgirl's ears? horns? What would you call the two things on the side of her head?
Please tell me we have more of her?
Not to mention the constant capcha
And for wattpad’s constant “don’t miss your chapter” login when trying to go back the site and waiting for it to be over in order to see the stories themselves.
>One night Robotgirl crawled into Tommy's bed to cuddle with him
>Tommy remained asleep during all of that and instinctively ended up cuddling Robotgirl as if she were a teddy bear
>When Deb finds Tommy sleeping with his "doll" she gushes so loud she wakes Tommy up
>Tommy notices Robotgirl so close to him and blushes bright red
>Tommy tries his best to explain but Deb just giggles but promises not to tell anyone
>She will totally gossip about that to her friends later
>Tommy glares at Robotgirl who doesn't get what she did wrong
>Tommy takes a few breaths calming down and then asks Robotgirl not to do that ever again
>Robotgirl says promises she won't
>Later Robotgirl cuddled with Tommy when he was taking a nap
>Tommy made sure to establish boundaries with the highly affectionate robot after that
Oh man, deb should’ve taken a photo, haha. I can see the jealous look Lola will have when she sees that. Gus will probably laugh.
>Lola is trying to attack Robotgirl
>Tommy is holding her trying to calm her down
>Gus is laughing his ass off
>Robotgirl is just confused

>Tommy: "Lola calm down Robotgirl didn't know what she was doing"
>Robotgirl just stares at Lola confused
>Robotgirl turns to Gus
>Robotgirl: "G Man Robotgirl doesn't get it. Why is Lola so upset?"
>Gus is too busy laughing to answer
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Here what happens if after tommy and robot girl are married, robotgirl sends Lola this picture to her
(The scene looks like this)
Here's an idea based on the actual episode. Robotgirl and Tommy had a big fight resulting Robotgirl to runaway from. I'm curious how the fight start is because Robotgirl is sick and tired being treated as a sister figure or isn't allow to go places that she wanted to take him or something different.
Probably the latter.
Yeah. Maybe someone has a better idea
No not really
Maybe Tommy wanted to "hang out with the boys" and Robotgirl took it as Tommy not wanting to be friends anymore.
Boys like to tussle
Girls go for the throat
Tommy's face? More like Robotgirl's personal chair.
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>There is one way for robotgirl to have tommy notice her feelings.
Really? I'm curious to what way that would be considering most attempts with Tommy being oblivous to her feelings
Basically this image
Like chocolate and peanut butter
Sounds good idea
Honestly, put them in a room together, have robotgirl force her feelings out, and basically try to explain tommy in his language (basically speak in that giant fist superhero lingo to make a comparison).
Why is it about Robotgirl that makes her special?
That idea is good but I think I will add Gus there so that he can be Robotgirl's translator
>Tommy, Robotgirl and Gus are in a room together
>Tommy: "Ok so why did you guys want me here again?"
>Gus: "Tommy our little robotic friend has something that she needs to tell you Robotgirl if you may"
>Robotgirl is a little nervous but she proceeds
>Robotgirl: "Robotgirl has always seen you as a best friend Tommy"
>Tommy: "Aw Roll you are my best friend too"
>Gus sighs realizing he is gonna have to translate it for Tommy
>Robotgirl: "But lately Robotgirl has been feeling different things when Robotgirl is with you every time Robotgirl is with Tommy Robotgirl feels more... Happy but also there is this feeling of something stuck in my gears"
>Gus: "Tommy you make Robotgirl feel empowered like the gauntlet of Ikaros empowers The Human Fist but the gauntlet has a power he has yet to unleash"
>Robotgirl: "Robotgirl went to Moshimo to check if there was something wrong but there was nothing so when Robotgirl explained what she felt Moshimo and Miu Miu sat down and started explaining things at first it made sense but then Robotgirl started thinking more about it"
>Gus: "Like that one, The Human Fist retcon that we hated at first but then we learned it was needed"
>Robotgirl: "Tommy... Robotgirl loves you Robotgirl doesn't know when this feeling appeared but playing with you, watching cartoons with you, and even just being with you makes Robotgirl so happy Robotgirl doesn't want this feeling to stop! Tommy Robotgirl wants to be with you forever and ever!"
>Tommy stares at Robotgirl as if she didn't pour her heart out
>Tommy: "Jeez Roll you didn't need all of that if you wanted us to be best friends forever you could have just said so"
>Gus: "No dude she loves you like The Human Fist loves justice"
>Tommy's eyes widen in realization
>Tommy: "Oh..."
She’s a robot and a girl
Think Lola will bash her head or facepalm on how she should’ve thought of that idea in the first place?
Wrong place
Think Lola will bash her head or facepalm on how she should’ve thought of that idea in the first place?
Small pink robot girl that has a cool fighter form
Robotgirl combines the elements of sci+fi and magical girl plus a fish out of water character type of Robotgirl wanting to learn things, especially being a real girl
Basically the same appeal Jenny has the difference is Jenny was the main character of her show while Robotgirl only appeared in 2 episodes of Robotboy
So is fun coming up with ideas for her
Here is an episode idea: tommy and robotgirl’s kids accidentally went to the past when their parents were kids. One of the scenes is them talking to Gus and Lola and it is a TFS scene (protoboy and girl are there and have super hearing) and tommy is wearing a pink shirt.
Robots can’t get pregnant
Then change to robot created kids with digital bits of their personalities or make Professor moshimo “find a way”.
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Tommy can keep Robotgirl, Ro has other primal directives.
It's crazy how a bow in the middle of the head and the "skirt" turn a meh design into a great one
It’s the little things that count.
Think Jenny will give advice to robot girl on how to get Tommy’s attention? Not mention fashion tips (victim of fashion).
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>Tommy and Lola have 1 normal human boy
>Out of jealously and desperation to stay close to Tommy Robotgirl makes a new robot based on her and Tommy's personalities with her body being a mix of Protogirl & Robotgirl's designs
>implying Jenny is any better
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Honestly yea doing these redrawings of screenshots made me appreciate Robotgirl's design it takes the simple body of Robotboy but the bow and skirt give it more personality
Which other female robot would give her advice other then her own universe?
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Idea despite Lola and Robotgirl's "Rivalry" they still work together
The episode "The Old Switcharobot" would go a little differently
Protogirl steals Robotgirl's body but instead of going to get revenge on Moshimo Protogirl plans to destroy Robotgirl's reputation (Also take Tommy as her human pet)
Lola finds Robotgirl in the garbage can and the two work together to stop Protogirl
>Protogirl: "Sis won't mind if Protogirl steals Robotgirl's body right? Sisters are meant to share after all"
Somewhat unrelated but since I'm remined of this show can I say I miss bad guy island bases. Feels like nowadays that bad guy needs to have their lair in some dark basement because its less "silly".
Can't remember the last time a bad guy's base was a island.
Honestly yeah I agree
Island bases can be fun since you can play with the things that in the islands
Speaking of which is there a bad guy with nature powers that has an island base? It feels like a good mix of the concept
Pink Cutie
>Young Robotgirl when It was 4pm
>"Tommy! The Human First show is about to start!"
>Adult Robotgirl when its 4pm
>"Honey! It's 4pm, Time for Your Dick Flattening!"
How cute to see Robotgirl rapping in gangster clothing?
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>young tommy
>”I’ll be there just roll!”
>adult tommy
>adult tommy when it’s 4pm
>”yes dear”

And this is him after.
Why not beatbox or type beat music?
>worth it
Beatbox is cool
>domination loss
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Somewhat related but I don't know why but I feel like Prof Moshimo & Nora Wakeman would hate each other.
>I feel like Prof Moshimo & Nora Wakeman would hate each other.
Yeah same, i feel they have very different perspectives of robotic AI functionality.

I don't follow. How different are they?
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>One felt immense regret at the loss of their prototype and attempts to get his later AIs as much social interactions as possible for them to be happy
>The other stuffs her previous 8 bots in her basement and is possibly planning to do the same to the current 9th one.
Basically this, one is emotional and attached about his inventions, the other is impersonal and clinical about her inventions.
I wouldn't say clinical per say but she definitely takes a more mad scientist approach while Moshimo is your typical old, kind wise man.
I remember Larry Hama of all people writing an episode
Oh wow you're right he wrote Science Fear
>Robotboy : 52 episodes
>danny phantom: 49 episodes
I know it had a few specials but wtf. I always forget that despite being well known it had shit all for episodes
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>Gus: "No dude she loves you like The Human Fist loves justice"
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Considering how bad some of her inventions turned out like Lil Corn and Armagedroid I can almost understand why she would avoid getting too attached
But like just tossing the old XJs models in the basement is very messed up especially with how she programmed Xj-7 WITH SELF-ESTEEM ISSUES
Not to mention they still love and care about her
Can’t have a omelette without throwing away a couple of children anon.
hey these are pretty cute.
Every episode is the same.
Imagine robot girl having this new 乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄丨匚匚 body and she uses this to her advantage for tommy by teasing him like sitting on his lap.
The sillies
i think it's funny RG was designed to be RB's partner (which is kinda odd as they're technically siblings), just to RG to get more interested in Tommy. i also like to think RB actually supports RG and ship her with Tommy (for Lola's frustration lmao).
Honestly I can see this from a looney tunes standpoint when Lola was trying to sabotage robotgirl’s chances but robotboy prevents that by damaging her plans in comedic ways. Or maybe tom and jerry.
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>Robotgirl: "Hey Sugar what do you think of my fit?"
>Tommy: "Gus. What did you do?"
>Gus: "I gave her a disguise duh. Plus I also teachin the Rollwoman how to look cool to impress Mona check it"
>Gus starts beatboxing and Robotgirl starts dancing
>Tommy: "Ridiculous."
>Robotgirl's eyes start to water
>Tommy: "I-I mean ridiculously awesome"
>Robotgirl's eyes stop watering and she smiles brightly
>Gus: "You have no taste man that was better than awesome"
>Tommy: "Whatever can we hurry up already? We can't waste any more time"
>Robotgirl: "Yes! Let's go robocon!"
>Robotgirl grabs Tommy's hand and starts dragging him inside
>Somewhere Lola feels for some reason
Yo Yo Yo
Cute earrings
Honestly I agree
…she found out and realize she really, really, REALLY needs to be the one who gives Robotgirl a better disguise. Along with beating Gus into pulp when he gave robotgirl said disguise.
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If Robotgirl were to get interested in Tommy in the Og Timeline I think it would go something like this
>Robotgirl at first admires Tommy because of how Robotboy talks about him
>When Robotgirl comes to spend time with Robotboy they play together with Tommy gets to know him more personally
>Robotgirl feelings develop further and now her visits are more frequent
>Tommy didn't mind it at first but then he started to notice Robotgirl had been wanting to spend more time with him rather than Robotboy
they are going to watch a movie!
Think they will see a romantic movie and robotgirl wants tommy to put his arms around like in those drive-in move theater?
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Was too lazy do redraw the background
>Tommy, Gus, and Lola just came back from school
>Robotgirl flies down with her sister
>The trio stares at the two confused
>Robotgirl: "Everyone this Protogirl sister"
>Tommy: "What?"
>Lola: "Sister?
>Gus: "Wait is that the only one or do you have more robo siblings?"
>Robotgirl: "Tommy Protogirl not so good please fix make good"
>Gus: "Fix her? Did she get a virus or something? How bad can it be?"
>Protogirl walks up to Tommy
>Tommy: "Uh... Hi?"
>Protogirl: "Hey~"
>Protogirl picks Tommy up and throws him far up in the air
>Lola: "TOMMY!"
>Robotgirl immediately goes to save Tommy while Protogirl giggles
>Lola: "What is wrong with you why did you do that?!"
>Protogirl: "Protogirl was curious if flesh bags could fly"
>Gus: "Couldn't you just ask?!"
most definitely, they are a interesting duo
I think yes but then some rude people would ruin the possible romantic moments
The moment Tommy is about to put his arm around Robotgirl some random screams that the movie sucks which gets Tommy's attention
Robotgirl would try to tell Tommy something but then someone is answering their phone speaking loud
So Robotgirl has to give an excuse to leave so that she can deal with the rude people without Tommy noticing
And the moment it seems everything is peaceful that Robotgirl and Tommy are gonna finally have a romantic moment some villain shows up to ruin it
And if you are wondering yes Robotgirl snapped and then unleashed her build-up anger on the villain
Did she exploded like a 1930s work whistle with steam coming out of her horns?
>Dr. Kamikazi: "Aha Robotgirl I have finally found you!"
>Robotgirl begins to fume
>Constantine: "Uh Boss..."
>Dr. Kamikazi: "I already have Robotboy with you I soon have the two mightiest robots on this planet!"
>Robotgirl starts shaking with rage
>Constantine: "Boss"
>Dr. Kamikazi: "Soon this world will bow before Doctor Kamik-"
>Constantine: "BOSS!"
>Dr. Kamikazi: "WHAT?!"
>Contantine: "We are interrupting something here"
>Dr. Kamikazi: "So what? Who cares if we are interrupting some dumb romance movie that only idiots who think they have a chance with someone watch"
>Dr. Kamikazi turns to see Robotgirl glaring at him her eyes glowing red and steam coming out of her horns
>Constantine runs away
>Dr. Kamikazi gulps staring at his doom
>Tommy: "Good job beating Kamikazi Roll now come on we need to go find Robotboy"
>Robotgirl just nods her head sad
>Tommy puts a hand on her shoulder smiling
>Tommy: "Hey don't worry about tonight we can go watch another movie sometime"
>Robotgirl's mood brightens
>Robotgirl: "C-could it be next week?"
>Tommy: "I don't see why not"
>Robotgirl screams in joy mentally
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>interrupting some dumb romance movie that only idiots who think they have a chance with someone watch
if your so smart, how come you don’t have a wife! checkmate dr. kamikazi, I win
Protogirl is curious about Robotgirl’s pet.
How about this for an episode idea:
Robotgirl made a bet with protogirl that she can’t bully tommy or his friends for a whole day. If she wins, she could do whatever she want to tommy for one minute but if robotgirl wins, she needs to genuinely give up her bad ways and be a hero. She agrees but with both hands for not double crossing or cheating the bet.
>Protogirl: "Hmm one minute feels too little but I bet I could savor every moment of it"
>Robotgirl: "So Protogirl accepts bet yes?"
>Protogirl: "Alright Sis Protogirl takes you but with one condition"
>Robotgirl tilts her head
>Protogirl: "Since Protogirl has to spend the whole day without bullying the flesh bags Robotgirl has to spend the whole day away from them especially away from. Tommy"
>Robotgirl clutches her fists
>Robotgirl: "Robotgirl... accepts"
>Tommy: "OK guys Robotgirl has to win this bet so here is the plan Lola will you get the most goofy tacky outfits for us to wear"
>Lola: "Alright but I'm gonna wear the least goofy and tacky ones"
>Tommy: "I will prepare the lamest activities for us to do and Gus"
>Gus: "Yeah?"
>Tommy: "You... Uh... You just be yourself but tune up a little"
>Gus: "You got it G-Man is gonna be GIga G-Man"
>Tommy: "Good so now operation Bully Bait is on!"
Did the both of them rust and stressed during the bet with each of their parts turn brown like how wanda from fairly oddparents stressed and her hair turn white and bald during “nega timmy”?
Protogirl (and I guess boy also) would the type of person to shake a hamster's cage.
It’d be funny if Protogirl actually ends up inevitably enjoys the activities and its only a last minute thing that causes her to lose said bet.
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what does Protogirl do for that one minute?
Cuddle Tommy while Robotgirl and Lola have to watch
Same shit, but with a girl
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Or better yet, kiss him and leave a lipstick kiss mark on Tommy’s lip with him being awestruck. Lola and robotgirl and fuming with anger and jealously.
this damn pic is activating some primal shit on my brain, bro... idk why
Motherfucker got her own stamps
I'm now imagining the situation ended up being a lose-lose situation for Robotgirl
If Protogirl wins the bet she will mark Tommy if she loses she keeps her promise of giving up her bad ways but becomes an annoying roommate to Robotgirl
> This damn pic is activating some primal shit on my brain
I hope it's in a good way
>I hope it's in a good way
It's in a nurturing way...
Your body is telling you to go impregnate a woman
...but i want a robot.
Break out the Lego robotic kits and make one.
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No joke
It's legit impressive what some people managed to pull with Lego kits
Ok parts of it are Lego but about the other parts? I have seen these in pictures and videos, what are they and what company produce them?
this bed is better then mine, the one I got can hurts me
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You don't know what bionicles are?
For the next challenge, you must keep this plushie clean. Good luck.
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Since when did bionicles have breast?
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>"Where been? Robotgirl bored"
>tommy: “…..”
>robotgirl: “what?”
>removable skirt
it was rigged from the start.
The boobs are made of shoulder-plates, like how flaming swords have been reused for mantis claws.
How about an episode that is based on pucca? The episode will be based on “the bride of muji” but muji being bjorn and robotgirl being pucca. The setting takes place on Halloween and telling stories to pass the time. Story is from miu miu herself. End is tommy still not seeing robotgirl’s crush on him.
Oooh that sounds interesting but I'm going with my own take
>Episode: "Frankengirl"
>Bjorn has stolen Robotgirl's parts to upgrade Bianca with Professor Moshimo too busy to help Tommy tries to fix Robotgirl with spare parts but not only the parts not good for combat but they also mess with Robotgirl's personality now Tommy and his friends must find a way to retriever Robotgirl's parts before Bjorn completes his master plan and before Robotgirl ends up breaking herself"
>At the Turnbull's garage
>Gus: "Yeesh man I thought you were like good with machines and stuff"
>Tommy: "Hey give me a break I did what I could with the time and parts I had"
>Lola: "Is she gonna function?"
>Tommy: "I hope so..."
>Tommy activates Robotgirl her eyes lightning up pink and green lights
>Tommy: "Hey Roll how are you feeling?"
>Robotgirl: "hEhEhe rObO GirRl feElS fUnNy"
>Tommy, Lola and Gus exchange concerned glances
>Tommy: "Ok... I didn't do great but I still think we can work like this"
>A squirrel passes by
>Robotgirl: "sQuIRreL!"
>Robotgirl begins to chase the squirrel
>Tommy: "Robotgirl wait!"
>Tommy goes after her
>Gus: "Yeah I don't think we can like this"
>Lola: "Well we gonna have to now come on"
>Lola and Gus start to follow
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>"I'm sorry Sheldon but I'm already dating someone"
>"WHAT?! WHO?!"
>"Down here"
>Sheldon looks down to see a small robot
>"Hello I'm Robotboy"
>Sheldon turns to Jenny then back at Robotboy then back to Jenny in complete disbelief
>"We were very compatible"
must not be trusted
Jenny is 5yo after all...
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>t. sheldon
He FUCKED her. He hacked her chasis with his rust orbiting, hand-rubbing computer code and you know what? SHE LOVED IT. SHE BEGGED FOR MORE. HE LITERALLY MADE HER A MACHINE FACTORY. THIS IS THE FACE OF THE MAN WHO WON IT ALL
After rewatching Mlaatr yeah Sheldon would totally use 4chan
>Sheldon is walking in the park
>Sheldon: "I still can't believe Jenny is dating that midget robot..."
>Sheldon slaps himself
>Sheldon: "Oh get a hold of yourself man so what if Jenny is dating another robot there are still plenty of girls that would want to date you sure they aren't as metallic and pretty as Jenny... But that doesn't matter I-I mean maybe it wasn't meant to be after all is not like humans and robots could date"
>Tommy and Robotgirl pass by holding hands
>Tommy: "Hey Robotgirl wanna watch the Human Fist marathon later?"
>Robotgirl: "Oh Tommy Robotgirl would love to"
>Sheldon stares at the duo dumbfounded
>Sheldon falls to his knees
>Sheldon: "So is not that humans and robots aren't meant to date... SO WHY UNIVERSE?! WHY?!"
Episode idea: this takes place in the future. Similar to “ken 10” but it shows the life of an adult tommy and his wife Robotgirl and their children. This includes Lola and Gus growing up and having a normal life with some of the villains either retired or married.
Its what he deserves
eh, i have some personal ideas
>Tommy grows up to become an acclaimed scientist, well respected in the community
>Robotgirl becomes his (very) personal assistant. Even if they aren't public about their relationship, it's quite obvious to the public eye
>Lola follows her father's steps and becomes a well respected politician. She acts very collected in public yet very frustrated about Tommy in private
>Gus becomes the janitor at Tommy's headquarters. He acts the same as he did as a kid. Tommy gave him that job 'cause, let's face it, that's something Tommy would do. Also he's surprisingly good at this job
And since i'm already crossing over these IPs
>Sheldon also becomes an acclaimed scientist, and Tommy's direct competition. Unlike Tommy, Sheldon's inventions can be kinda public unfriendly, not out of malice but social ineptitude
>Brad becomes a proper Skyway Patrol. He actually fixes the bureaucratic system on that organization (with some internal help)
>Melody joins the Patrol too, as a medic, just for Brad
i still can't decide what to do with Tuck. Any ideas?
To add to this
>Vexus is still stuck on Earth, even if the Cluster is back (under Killgore's command this time). She decides to become Sheldon's personal assistant just to take advantage of his public position (also she got this idea from Tommy having a robot assistant too)
>Sheldon is very aware his assistant is Vexus (like not the first time he sees this trick), but doesn't mind (and actually like the idea)
>Jenny and Ro are now a superhero team duo, fighting crime together
>both Nora and Moshimo are kinda retired but still around. None of them approve Jenny's and Ro's relationship, just 'cause they're dating their mutual competition's invention
Does robotgirl teases tommy with being his assistant?
She does a lot of lap sitting, yet she does it more out of habit than teasing.
But what about when they have their “alone time”?

So basically, ro and Jenny’s relationship are the typical “you can’t date him/her” trope between their creators aka “parents”.
>So basically, Ro and Jenny’s relationship are the typical “you can’t date him/her” trope between their creators aka “parents”.
i know it's tropey as fuck, but i like the dynamic in this case, as the sole motivation for their parents to oppose that relationship is scientific competition, and not emotional affection per se. Of course there will be always some degree of affection to their inventions, but their opposition is merely 'cause their respective rival.
How about this idea for an episode:
A beach episode where Tommy, Robotgirl (in disguised) and his family go to the beach.
Wasn't there already a episode like that?
It's been so long I don't remember.
Robots can't swim
Who said she'll be swimming? They'll enjoy making sand castles.
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have a cute robotgirl gif.
>i still can't decide what to do with Tuck. Any ideas?
I have one
>Tuck becomes a superhero using super armors that Tommy and Sheldon made for him
>implying Moshimo couldn't make her waterproof
you need to make her waterproof so she can endure... you know...

Jokes apart, both RB and Jenny worked really bad in water conditions iirc.
Well I mean Robotboy is battery powered and has a very easily openable slot for batteries.
While Jenny seems to be made with the poorest metals in the world with fast she rusts.
(Which if you were already working on a X-j10 would make sense)
Didn't Tuck already do that with the Silver Shell suit in one episode?
Episode idea: In the future, tommy was put into a bikini contest for fembots (contest is for best design) as judge that Gus “accidentally” put him into. Lola and robotgirl knock his blocks off for that. The prize is a kiss on the lips from tommy for the robots.
Well kinda he became Silver Shell's sidekick in that episode but his suit wasn't really for crime-fighting
So in the future, he would get actual super armors to fight crime as Golden Shell(upgraded Silver Shell suit made by Sheldon) or Atomic Purple(Suit made by Tommy)
While a bikini contest for fembots would work in the future I also think it works in the present
>Robocon Swimsuit Contest
>The prize of the contest is rare materials, exclusive robot parts, and a queen crown for the fembot winner
>Moshimo wants the prize both because is something for his future projects and because the other competitors(Especially Bjorn) are gonna use them for evil
>Moshimo asks for Tommy's help since he is surprisingly good with fashion and asks Robotgirl to remain in her super-activated form during the competition
>Protogirl tags along because she is bored and to prove she is superior to her sister
>Robotgirl uses swimsuits that lean more on looking cute while Protogirl's swimsuits lean on looking hot(The swimsuits Protogirl wears are actually Deb's old swimsuits that she wore when she was younger)
Did tommy blush when designing the clothes for robotgirl when she was in her super form much to Lola’s jealously she is pulling this off?
Yep during the constest Tommy was blushing because of how well Robotgirl was pulling It off and Protogirl constantly teasing him(Which motivated Robotgirl to work harder)
Meanwhile Lola was in her house the entire time and feeling jealous not knowing why
Oh that's even better. I wonder if one of the fembot is jealous of Robotgirl and tries to sabotage her or cheat to win.
Think one of the challenges is having the most skills in seduction? And this was aimed at tommy?
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Ayy i felt we needed a RG version of this
Yes. Fembot looks at Tommy saying in her head that "You deserve a fine robot than pipsqueak."
A true protagonist
Average self inserter
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>Prank brother with Robot GF
Tommy is living the good life fr
Incredibly based thread
Keep doing the good work you beautiful autistic anons
How this for an episode homage: the episode is an homage to Tex Avery but instead of tommy going wolf crazy to robotgirl. She does this to tommy after being forced to go to a voice coach to sing better. Then in a performance, he is singing a song (easy listening) from Frank Sinatra. There, Lola and robotgirl are acting crazy, swoon, and being distracted to notice the things they are doing. Like in the Tex Avery cartoon of Droopy.
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>Gus: "Wait hold let me get this right you build a robot girlfriend"
>Bjorn: "Yes"
>Gus: "And you want her and Robotgirl to fight to the death why?"
>Bjorn: "To prove Bianca is the ultimate fighting robot"
>Gus: "B-but why tho?"
>Tommy: "I told you Gus he's a nutjob"
>Bjorn: "Enough talk let the fight begin!"
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These two little metallic creatures are up to mischief
What are they gonna do?
Robot Cat Fight
Something something teasing or planning on confessing to tommy Robotgirl. Robotboy I don’t know.
Battery Powered Terrors
They're ready to play with your Xbox, with NO supervision!
Not my Xbone!
Just the two of us.
Well that doesn't seem so bad-
>Point and laugh
Both of them have such awesome design. Too bad they're in terrible show desu...
i won't call the show terrible per se, but it's very forgettable and mediocre. The only reason most people remember it is 'cause Tommy's mom's design. i'm glad more people gravitate around RB (and RG) these days, but it's still a niche.
Honestly RB’s super activated design is one of the few reasons I remembered this show.
It was so fucking cool.
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So true bro
I think what made the form so cool is that Robotboy could already fight on his own so when he super-activated it gave the feeling of "Shit is about to go down"
He had fucking guns in his wrists!
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I had an idea that Protogirl is a lot more dramatic than Protoboy like she would freak out if her paint job got scratched
>Tommy: "Phew I'm glad you guys made it alright"
>Protogirl: "Yeah so anyway how about we go Moshimo"
>Tommy: "Sorry Roll we can't especially with Protogirl out there you know how she is that bot is out of her mind you know cuckoo? A real whackjob I bet Moshimo wishes he never invented that headcase"
>Protogirl is legit taken back by Tommy's words
>Gus: "Yeah that girl is nasty and not to mention ugly too and if she was here you know what I would do?"
>Protogirl turns to Gus her fist trembling with rage
>Gus: "I would look in her beady little eyes and say Yo Protobutt you U. G. L. Y. you ain't got no alibi you ugly hum-"
>Protogirl looks like she is about to strangle Gus but then
>Protogirl runs away crying
>Tommy and Gus stare at her confused
>Gus: "... Geez what is up with her?"
>Tommy: "Aw man I think despite Protogirl being evil Robotgirl still holds hope of her and Protogirl getting along"
>Robotgirl is flying with Lola on her back
>Lola: "So Protogirl stole your body what is the plan?"
>Lola: "You do know you are gonna end up destroying your own body right?"
lil bump
Women am I right?
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mate!… you better be nice now
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>”what have you done!? I’m dying”

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