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Is Dipper a chad?
No he's an american. He wasn't born in the country of Chad.
Eff Pee Bee Pee
He’s definitely seen as a chad by other fans
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>Dipper a chad
>faced down an alien ship
>canonically picked up a bunch of girls
>is the smartest character outside of Ford
He sings girl music.
He's a femboy.
Fuck off, Gideon
Only to Pacifica
And Wendy
No, but he will be.
He's a little chadlet, a nascent chadling, if you will.
He makes the virgin from the virgin vs chad meme look like the chad
Don’t forget Ann Possible, Trudy Proud, Maddie Fenton, Drew Saturday, Helen Parr…
>implying chads can't be in touch with their feminine side
That makes him even more masculine.
LOL, gigafemboy.
>not sentimental or emotional
even his followers are virgins
Dipper's heroics and skill with the ladies isn't what prevents him from being a Chad, it's constantly getting bitched out and walked all over by Mabel.
This; his potential hasn't been wasted like a lot of other characters.
Yes, no matter how much the plot keeps him from being one.
>canonically picked up a bunch of girls
you mean just talking to girls, instead of fixating on one red head. I swear that's the dumbest moral from an episode ever.
Dipper gets female only clients as a ghost exterminator for a reason.
Dipper is sensitive but he ain't a bitch. He feels fear but being brave isn't not feeling fear, it's feeling it and still doing what you have to do.
>He jumped into Gideon's mech. Bitches wouldn't do that.
Damn cartoon moms get to fuck this?
I finally get the episode. It treated the girls as a means to an end instead of an end to themselves, which is unethical and therefore evil. He wasn't going to call them, why take their number at all? Just tell them the truth: I'm most likely never going to see you again and I just need to get comfortable talking to girls. But he took down their numbers, making them think they might have a long distance boyfriend.
>It's not bad to flirt, it's bad to give people false hope
And this is why Gravity Falls is better than Kim Possible or Danny Phantom.
>Talking to girls and getting phone numbers ONLY because he followed his uncle's suggestion

>After seeing you flee that spider like a bitch I lost interest.
In spanish it was
>After you screamed like a bitch while fleeing from that spider made me lose interest.

To this day I don't understand what do some fanartists see in the dipcuck to believe he can be considered a chad, even his uncle was like "yeah keep repeating that to yourself cuck"
Sigo sin entender por que se obsesiono tanto con este cuck. Que le paso a Banjabu?
I did, irrelevant to the point we are talking about (if dipcuck is a chad) the answer is NO a chad would at least be making out with those girls (kissing considering it is a disney cartoon), or openly fucking them (taken to the porn levels of chadness) using them for his own benefit and pleasure.

The only valid point in the post you mention is that dipper was never going to call them, only getting numbers to forget a redhead he liked rejected him
>a chad would at least be making out with those girls (kissing considering it is a disney cartoon), or openly fucking them (taken to the porn levels of chadness) using them for his own benefit and pleasure.

You do know own he's a little kid right and not into to that shit yet?
The original version of Chad is confident to a fault: the unchanging demigod of terrible fashion and inflexibility. It was poking fun at what the opposite of a typical protagonist was. Dipper is the virgin.
Porque Dipper no es un cornudo, es un magnífico campeón de inteligencia y fuerza.
>Dipper is the virgin.
>Got more girls numbers than any boy his age in real life or in verse while being 12-13
He was a chad up until he lost his brown star hat, then he became a loser.
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made for corruption
>Little kid
>He is 12-13 during the show.

Nowadays preteens/teens have their first kiss between the age gap 12-15 with 50% of them preferring to be 14-15
Nah peruanos del random cartoon, dipper es un cuck y no hay nada que puedan hacer al respecto.
Dipper did kiss a merman so when he kisses a girl he'll have experience.

Dipper tiene agallas para ser más fuerte en sus puntos más débiles y aprender de sus errores, y las chicas se desmayan ante eso. Es una bestia.
Spanish cucks don't have room to talk about Dipper if they suck from our teets for citizenship.
>"H-he's totally a chad, look at all the girls he pulled!"
>Posts shitty smut comics and fan art
>Not a single in-show example
Dipperfags are more pathetic than Stevenfags, at least he looked manly once before his show ended.
Dipper is a mongoloid who spent his summer crushing on a girl with a boyfriend instead of making friends
It is pretty sad Dipper never got his own friend circle or at least a friend his age.

He made friends with monsters and magic gods(and a rich blonde who wants to fuck his commoner brains out) who have a blood debt to him, that's way better.
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>"H-he's totally a chad, look at all the girls he pulled!"
Yeah, he's more man than you.
Both are chads compared to cartoon dads.
Hey that rhymed!
>gets no respect
>gets no women
>constantly abused and humiliated
>pushed around by everyone
>gives up masculine self-improvement
>gives up his dreams
Dipper is the greatest virgin in the show. Stan is the actual chad.
He's a manlet.
/co/ should be deleted. Fuck this gay board. I'm done. Spam all the cuck fetish threads you want. I don't care anymore. Before I go though
>Dipper didn't get any chicks
>Steven left the only girls who cared about him
>Marco is a sissy in the normal world and only becomes cool when the world ends
>Lincoln will most likely be bald before his 40's
Cucking is based
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>tdlr didn't watch the show

What a fictional little boy who saved everyone's lives does to some rent free dude.
Trips don’t lie
Hes just drawn that way.
Didn't Stan save everyone?
Didn't he start the weirdmagedon mess to begin with by opening the portal.
Wasn't Mabel who kicked that off?
I think there's a joke he has marker on his arm of emails, and in the hot tub it's washing off but Dipper doesn't care. Dipper simply happy just talking to girls.
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Move over nerd
He's just on the cusp of puberty. Give him six years.
Ford shares the most blame for not just scrapping the portal and torching the blueprints after McGucket’s warning
Didn't the series end with him forgiving Mabel's astounding stupidity and accepting as something he'll have to simply live with for the rest of their lives?
Not very chad-like at all.
He sounds like Jesus. And Jesus is the chaddest of chads.
Mabel's his sister so she gets leeway.
that's the world we're in
fix it or deal with it. whining won't do shit.
Probably a triggered dadfag
Is the manlet's "not-selfinsert", everyone has ground to speak about him, be it praise or insult
Trips of truth, Dipcucks need to calm the fuck down.
>does to some rent free dude.
Dumb ESL
No, he's an incel at worse and a pushover at best
Remember mabel was wholly willing to let the real world suffer so that she could live her ideal fantasy world
The man fumbles every woman he comes into contact with.
This first episode hat is underrated.
That’s the sigma grind
This shit looks like a dildo
this thread is a living embodiment for why women are way better fanfic writers

>One guy does something self serving and retarded
>That must mean every man does it too
We got a real genius on our hands here.
One? Every one of those morons do the same shit, take a faggot cuck such as dipper and paint him as a chad, the fuck are you talking "one guy"

Sounds based ngl
Omg sis you have to read my frumpy klutz socially inept weird girl meets her demon Chad boyfriend story it's so good, everyone on Ao3 already tells me I should publish it like Fifty Shades of Gray.
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except women write a good romance every now and again amidst the sea of garbage. men just write more wank fantasies
Some of the best non harem romance I've read came from married dudes.
>Sources cited: My ass.
Men don't even make Dipper slop fanfics like you said they just make cringe fan art.
But do those other guys use their harem to cope with their daddy leaving them?
Is that a thing now? As far as I knew the few guys that throw the whole harem thing are just coomers, I never heard of them not having a father figure.
By 12 year old standard the totally is, he canonically pulled at least 5 Girls, won fights, saved the town a bunch of times and is really smart, his downsides is that he is short and gets pushed by mabel or adults.
The ones saying he isnt a Chad are likely troons getting uppity at self insert threads.
Also, Marco is a Chad as well, just because someone is nerdy and nervous doesnt mean they arent Chad, the whole point of the virgin/Chad dynamic is that Chad can have some of the faults Virgin has and still get bitches.
>The ones saying he isnt a Chad are likely troons getting uppity at self insert threads.
Fucking this. Self inserting is 4chan culture, only trannies would have a problem with it.
If you have to ask then no.
sauce me
His sister prevents him from being one on purpose
Found the troon
I am LITERALLY Dipper Pines, and I'm a chad, so yes.
Self inserting shotafags don't count
Holy based
Stab yourself, scumbag
cry more manlet
>is the smartest character outside of Ford
I'm pretty sure there's tons of dipper harem fanfics written by men.
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Link them.
They very much do count no matter how much it makes you seethe "ma'am".
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no, just another aingsty incel who browses 4chan
Like you, so he is a chad.
Jesus fuck I didn't know dipperfags were this insufferable. A bunch of self inserting faggots.
Better than self inserting as a literal cuck like Rex
>t. Dadfag
The only good cartoon dad
That is a thick ice cream sandwich.
>Aged up Dipper
>Dipper X Pacifica
These 2 things make me cringe on the spot.
>Dipper with muscles, Pacifica with turbo tit's and a huge ass
>Dipcifica in General

Makes me harder
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True, Dipper is at his strongest when he's young.
Wendy was a retard for letting this go.
Makes trannies and dadfags seethe over heir superiority.
They still get in touch imo
Dipper is blessed
"autistic 25 year old self inserting as a child" son or "modern AU that removes all of the intricacies and mysticism of the characters for a low tension, no stakes, oc fest" daughter.
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Need more Dipper x moms
I don't know if its because that the nose but that mabel... unsettles me
She is jewish
Bitch looks like Wallace from Aardman with huge milkers
>Dipper with muscles, Pacifica with turbo tit's and a huge ass
Even if they're not aged up?
If you have to ask the answer is no.
It's nice to confirm he is.
He's not its just that he is written to be the most engaging male of the show as the plot needs it and to many people, being the center of attention is a chad trait.
If the cast was as big as the mystery team with tons of other characters to further the plot he would likely just be typecast as a scared but smart nerd who occasionally breaks away from fear when its needed because him being so inquisitive got them into trouble in the first place
>He's not its just that he is written to be the most engaging male of the show as the plot needs it and to many people

So that's the definition of a chad then, especially if the plot needs him to be a certain way but still acts he's a like an exception and anomoly to his stereotype, being a self sacraficing hero and brother instead of just a normal boy who strives to prove impress himself worthy to a crush without making himself superficial or insecure about it, and he got respect and girls swooning his age for him.. No one else could do what he done and be his age on that show.
Yes, since all his friends are girls and Mabels friends who are also girls.
Things why Dipper is a bigger than Ben Incestyson or Rex Cuckazar.
Same with his big dick
Made to break in Wendy
or mike lu and og
oh hey more Pinecest if you're into that. And if you're not, using patented StanCo technology, it magically transforms into a different image! (not a guarantee) https://files.catbox.moe/0ebjcx.jpg
Boo. Where's dipper x the moms?
whose moms? This is a disney show, most of the moms are dead.
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I was wondering where was the pincest anon
Is not GF thread without a pincest MF

Also Good shit anon
pinecest is a 4chamerican institution
Well there's Pacifica's, but I think she's the only actually relevant mom in the show iirc
she is old and gross, and married. Dipper is a good boy. The only moms he's gonna fuck are wendy and/or mabel, and he'll be the father
>>is the smartest character outside of Ford
You forgot McGucket. Dipper isn't even top 5.
>>Not a single in-show example
Remember when he fought that bear?
Standford confirmed he's wiser and capable than he is. Pretty much everyone at the end if the show is impressed by his high IQ.
>he's wiser
Stanford is high INT and low WIS. Stanley is wiser than he is.
he is what the writers thinks is a chad, and because he's kind of a pussy so is Dipper
I thought Dipper wasn't a pussy in the end(accumulated from his character development) thanks to his save the town and save his sister moment.

Hea literally the bravest character in the show bar Wendy, Stan, Stanford and Bill.
>Hea literally the bravest character
He's not brave just obsessed with the mysteries for his own self satisfaction
No, he's a dork.
Those Disney movies. Disney shows usually have a mom
>just obsessed with the mysteries for his own self satisfaction
>motivated to face his fears to enjoy hus hobby

Literal chad driven brave boy
Dorks can be Chad's.
Even if he was, he doesn't have any use for it.
And Chads can be virgins.
Dipper is well known for loving the moms of animation.
This shit is so forced. Just has the energy of that fucking weirdo who avatarfags himself as a Timmy Turner recolor.
It caught on with the Molly McGee threads
Too bad that's you not dipper
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If anyone ever doubts that Gravity Falls is for mentally ill retards they only need to look at this thread
Well you are more a mentally ill faggot then for posting and being retarded wasting your life on a thread like this.
Doesn't matter if he's a chad, he's for Wendy only.
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>If anyone ever doubts that Gravity Falls is for mentally ill retards they only need to look at this thread
he does a lot of daring things but feel more like he's moving the plot along rather than overcoming any doubt or anxiety. he doesnt change that much as a person though thats to be expected for a mostly episodic show
>though thats to be expected for a mostly episodic show

That's a given buts he's became less naive and more patient as the show went on.
He could've been, but Hirsch opted for the 'Male characters need to be weak and inoffensive' model of avoiding being MeToo'd in modern Hollywood.
The weaselly little faggot.
it's not disney's fault mentally ill retards have taste.
or hasbro's
or mine
honestly i doubt it was even conscious, I think that's just how it's internalized now. For ages I included all that in my work because it was just the tropes. east, west, all the same. haha funny, man likes woman, gets comically punished for it.
I think I found it funnier when I still harbored illusions that I would someday have a lady. and then I could be like all those guys talking about how his wife is way too hot for him and he's out of his league and lucky..
>or mine
Projection spotted
Why would you ever want to be a cartoon dad?
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it aint projection, my fans are all mentally ill retards.
i mean I want to be a normal non-cartoon dad. with real kids made of meat and a three-dimensional wife. hopefully not TOO three-dimensional.
Not really, but he isn't an incel either even if he sees himself as one because he can't get wendy's attention
What fans?
trust me, they're around. they get quite vocal on the subject of what they would like to see more of. i swear it's Teletubbies' fault, that "Again! again!" shit started there.
What do you think celibacy is?
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No, if he was a chad he would have plowed loli Wendy.
it's weird how she wasn't big for her age here. actually pretty toddlery for five. she looks four at the absolute oldest. kids do develop at different rates though. and cartoon kids being so tiny, keep bigwheels for longer.
>it's weird how she wasn't big for her age here
Wendy had her growth spurt early. She was big for her age from then until the others her age had their own. She was normal size before and after that.
well while we're mentally excising dipper's "realization" that it's "the same" we can excise her appearance in this scene and have her be bigger (probably Dipper's age) and riding a small bike
actually how fucking weird would it be if we ever saw dips and mabes riding bikes. like they would go to put them on a bike rack and it would look like a toy compared to other characters' bikes. because their legs are like 5 inches long each.
Is this the thread?
Isn't real
>is Dipper a chad?
No, he's a nerd.
That would make him a Chadian, not a chad.
It sucks it got cancelled so we never got to see Kick and Kendall be official
is that their actual eponym
chadian just sounds weird. Isn't there a suffix in their language that means -ian or -ite?
It actually is according to Wikipedia.
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>is that their actual eponym
holy shit it's Guile with green stubble
> Boy talks to me, ergo, HE LIKES ME!
That's a narcisistic way of thinking. It's the same when a guy thinks that a girl Is into him just because she told him hi.
it's not narcissism, it's reacting to being deprived of a basic need.
you can't mock a starving orphan for grasping hungrily at crumbs. he doesn't have an eating disorder, the way he would if a normal well-fed guy was that greedy.
the difference here is the girls are being entitled, they think they are owed exclusivity on a single conversation.
All the ladies love Dipper
mostly mabel and wendy
But do you single dip
or do you double dip
This is how Dipper should look like, a geeky twink; too bad that his gay porn is only hin as a kid.
The big brain move would've been taking the chance to implant big first crush energy in her then skipping forward until he was about her age and remaining there.
Let it all fall into place from there.
I suppose thats true, I think he's on his way to become more of a manly man but I wouldn't call him a chad, accomplishments not withstanding I think it's more about attitude and how you carry yourself
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This again?
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That, and as long as he says his first time was with Wendy when he was 12, everything he said is technically true.
And Pacifica most of all
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This gorilla schizo again?
Dipper is a MILF!
Spider-Dip and Paz Cat
>Dadfags this Dadfags that
is this whole thread just Industrycuck samefagging?
African ex-colonies don't tend to have their own language, it's just a big arbitrary border drawn by the French. There'll be like a hundred different tribes speaking different languages cutting across the borders.
Gee what do you think?
this explains a lot about why people like pacifica, if they think she's even close to felicia just because she's blonde and glamorous.
sure but i have to imagine those languages would all have a pretty similar descriptive adjective suffix. they might not be mutually intelligible, but they'd be closer together than any other languages on earth.
No closer than Danish and Italian, necessarily. You are hugely overestimating how many shits the Europeans gave about who was or wasn't living within the land they claimed if you think they ought to be linguistically similar.
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Is Chipper a dad?
why would any of that have to do with any of that
they're neighbors. they're within a geographical area. language like that is a gradient. it has common roots.
Chad is big. If you dropped its borders into Europe at the right angle you could catch Romance, Germanic, Uralic and Slavic language families. I wouldn't be at all surprised if North Africa's language gradient were steeper than Europe's.
>cosplay fetish
Is the outfit based on some character I don't know or did the ESL artist just mean costume?
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The ESL artist probably did mean costume play, but with the sense of ropeplay, petplay, waterplay and so on.
yeah but europe is special. drop that into china or native america and show me how different the languages are.
Pre-colonial America I would expect it to be a moderate to high difference, China's I would expect to be particularly low. Every region is different but Europe isn't a special case in that regard. Like I said, disregarding Arabic and Colonial linguae francae I wouldn't be surprised if it was more linguistically diverse per inch than Europe - less nation/empire-building activity, no Med, less literacy, etc.
>yeah but europe is special
It had continent-spanning empires and trade routes that mixed languages for the last couple thousand years, with Latin being near-universally known as a religious language.

>drop that into china
Mandarin, Cantonese, Mongolian, Tibetan, Uyghur, Zhuang, and hundreds of smaller ones, despite centralized control for several millennia. See pic, which which shows the general distribution of language FAMILIES.

>or native america
Fragmented, relatively primitive societies. Their languages were way more different from each other than the languages of Europe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_talker

Generally, the more primitive and less commerce-involved a society is, the smaller the distribution of dialects, and the more diverse the languages in a region. Chad spans areas with four major language groups.
>Chad spans areas with four major language groups.
It seems to have at least Afro-Asiatic, Niger-Congo and Nilo-Saharan, all of which are the equivalent level of classification to Indo-European.
alright, pick one of the four major language groups
I bet a sizeable chunk of them have a recognizable adjective-suffix RELATIVELY in common, which one could use.
But they're certainly using French or Arabic as their national language. So Chadien/Chadienne, Chadian to us; dunno what the Arabic version is, I'm guessing Chadi which is even dumber.
well you could have led with that
so instead of that, which suggests they have no national language and in fact speak hundreds of languages, you could have said "their national languages are french and arabic" and i'd be like "ah, one of THOSE african countries"
I kind of did but I could have been clearer.
Obviously they have a national language, otherwise they couldn't conduct national business. It's just not going to be the language most people speak.
first of all, lots of countries have no official language. the US comes to mind
secondly, it's africa. Anything from "almost ready to join the rest of us" to "skeletons digging for water with rocks" is possible. I don't know the individual countries, I know broad strokes and trends. I know a huge number of countries down there do not conduct any national business. And hearing it's an ex-colony confirms that it could be either extreme or anywhere in between.
Realistically, Dipper wouldn’t grow up to be good looking.
Pacifica maybe, but knowing the manlet, he’d make her fat to make a point of “be proud of who you really are”
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Dipper ain't a chad, he's pacifica's butt boy
>the US comes to mind
>legislation, identification, signs, and general government business in English
The US doesn't have a de jure official language, but it does have a de facto one. And most states have legally made English their official language.
I wish he was
exactly my point
>lots of countries have no official language
A de facto official language is still an official language. As the other anon described, those countries still conduct business in some language or other.
cosplay is literally short for costume play
>Dipper will not be attractive
>Pacifica will be fat
I beg to differ, Dipper is a disney male. All disney males are ironically lookers unless it's their main concept like Ralph or Quasimodo

It's the other way around
I like Dipper but this whole self insert shit is pathetic, why do self inserters get mad when characters don't fulfill there fantasies
DTVA makes before the 2010s are notoriously uggos. Look at Ron or Jake.
This isn't a self insert thread, people like shipping Dipper.
He fucks milfs in my head
that is the wonderful thing about imagination. you can put any ol shit in there and enjoy. i'm sure mabel would agree.
in fact if i had time, I would draw Mabel expressing something similar
I'm convinced you have some sort of handjob/masturbation/"sticky fingers" fetish since this is basically all your smut and they never actually bang.
It's short for costume play, not costume *play*.
Gahh, I was afraid of that. I just realize like, if they start blowin, the handys won't be as fun anymore. I've gotta ramp it up bit by bit. I've got a whole timeline here for when they do each thing.
And you're in luck, I'm looking at my list, and I THINK that was the final finger frontier. Things are going to get mouthular pretty soon.
Seriously have you considered Dipper fucking different cartoon moms?
I like the way they kiss here.
Got in English?
Search up the artist blackwhiplash on rule 34. I saw the English version there.
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too bad hermitmoth pretty much shelved his wendip stuff.
His cuck/milf art is based
Imagine that he was

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