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/co/ - Comics & Cartoons

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>Riley still likes a cartoon for little kids

That's so weird.
It's funny because it's just like /co/
She's freaking 13
The audience who'd relate to this film the most would be other teenage girls who like to watch cartoons.
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My mom always gave me grief for liking cartoons she thought were too "juvenile" and would tease/berate me for it whilst also banning shows for older people like family guy or ren and stimpy. And yet she wonders why im still so attached to cartoons
>/co/ is filled with manchildren and womenchildren (troons)
>/co/ cant fathom a fictional cartoon character still watching cartoon
Fictional characters should be watching real people!
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>Riley could be watching a show based around my life
I hate bluey. Of all the cartoons for normies to get into its this preschool slop
I started watching the most juvenile little kid cartoons while in college. I was going to a pretty intense, high-academic-pressure engineering school, so I told people it was a good way to relax and decompress. Still think it's a good idea.
People have always held on to at least one show from their early childhood; it's a comfort thing.
Why do you think so many Gen Xers and Older Millenials were so pissed at Elmo "taking over Sesame Street"?
There's a Bluey episode that has the exact same plot and message of an episode of the Andy Griffith Show and he can't bullshit his way out of saying he wouldn't cry to the original.
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Does that mean if i love a character from a preeschool show, she lives rent free on my mind and i can do dirty things to her like holding her hand?
Does Riley masturbate in the movie I need to know
This was my favorite part.
the fact that i've watched enough camrips to know that this is a casino ad since literally every camrip seems to come from these fucking casinos for some reason
>Aren’t I so cool and edgy for pirating a Pixar movie?
Newsflash, no one cares.
Oddly presumptuous of you but good to know I pissed off a shill without even trying.
does he take venmo?
>IO1: Riley forgot about her imaginary friend after outgrowing him and then he lets himself get completely memory-holed to save her happiness
>IO2: Too bad that guy wasn't from one of her Favorite Childhood Shows, eh kids? She'd NEVER have forgotten him then! [Krusty laugh intensifies]
Oh Disney, is there anything left you won't retroactively ruin?
thats all camrips are these days, churned out by one studio.

Camrips used to be genuine.
One is a figment of her (very young) imagination and the other is a visible character that has a name one can search up, of course she's gonna remember one thing over the other.
She wants to get bred by that thing. She imagines that it has a foot long cock and retard strength and sex drive. Then she starts schlicking it at night and all the emotions have to scramble to SHUT IT DOWN

What boards does Riley browse besides /sp/ and /co/
would make more sense if that was a pony tulpa.
Probably /vr/, /adv/, /a/, and /lgbt/.

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