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>John K is in massive debt, being sued by Carbuncle for failing to pay them for their animation on Adult Party Cartoon, which was a disaster on a galactic level
>Spumco, his life's work, is about to be shut down unless he pulls off a miracle
>He actually got a chance to pitch to Frederator in 2005, before even Adventure Time, according to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xflvFyA6UrM
>His final chance, his hail Mary, the only way to turn it all around
>He pitches fucking WALLY MAN

What fucking planet was this guy living on? How did he think anyone would ever buy this? Why did he waste his time with this and dead-end crap like Kaspar? Why did he try to sell George Liquor for 30 YEARS when anyone with a brain could see that The Heartaches was his only idea that had a potential future?
The Heartaches is good... if you like cunny.
It’s funny how much he went on and on about appeal on his blog, yet all of the characters he’s tried to sell after R&S have no appeal.
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John K. was never good at pitches. Ren & Stimpy was a fluke. They were just background pet characters that a Nick exec pointed at and said, "These designs are cute, can you do something with this?". His original pitch was about Ernie and Slab with their uncle (or was it neighbor?) George Liquor.
Because he was originally trying to sell a parody of Our Gang, R&S' popularity was merely a coincidence.
1 year later he made his blog which had a massive direct impact on thousands of artists.
lol groomer he developed them for years and years. He wanted them to pick Ren and Stimpy but was playing by their pitching rules.
You have no idea how much easier it is to make a pilot today than it was even in 2000's. Literally 1 person can make weekly shorts and gain millions of followers and cut out all the BS that most creatives hate, (like john)
No matter what retards like Guy say, John K is a fucking back and always will be. I can't imagine having the sheer brass balls to spend decades bitching about classic Disney when nearly everything he draws and creates is fuck ugly slop with zero charm or appeal
The obsession with George Liquor is insane to me. The fact that when Ren and Stimpy was taken from him and he demanded George rights and Nick actually willingly gave him up without a fight is hilarious.
George Liquor is akin to John K's own father, that's all you need to know.
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If someone were to dive into this psychologically, there might be some kind of connection where George Liquor is his father and it's also a version of his dad that he can """control""". Who knows.
>Gooner gratifying himself with his nonsense tautology tarnishing an artist with no intellectual substance behind it, like when he searches out more and more extreme porn that can still stimulate him
Funny because of the obsession is all on the part of you haters. Haven’t you heard artwork that gets a passionate response is successful artwork?
>never got hugged by his own father
That's fucking brutal.
Go fuck yourself Anthony, stop shitting up our board.
John is why I will never take "KIDS NEED STRICT DISCIPLINE AND AUTHORITY" boomers seriously, because the ones raised on that become mental cases.
Jesus man if that was his childhood I say let him enjoy some underage pussy
Of course Redditrator would get filtered by Wally Man.
He either has severe autism or gets shitfaced drunk or high before posting with the sheer about of combativeness and disagreeableness he has.
>has lunch with John K
>thinks he’s a great guy
>becomes aware of the allegations
>doesn’t say anything
>even today he still respects him as an influential artist and finds him hard to condemn him
Based or cringe?
He supports Isreal, so cringe.
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John K blogposts from 2006-2009 are some of the best, most iconic rants about cartoons on the internet. The seethe he caused to furries, Disney fans, 90s-WB fans etc was unreal. And regardless of whether or not you like his art, his guides on construction and composition are priceless.
John is a revolutionary artist who elevated society in many ways that go beyond cartoons.
You are condemning somebody for having a spine, showing what contemporary medicalization is about.
Kings recognize kings.
>These designs are cute
For a blind person
>He supports Israel
Wow, based.
Lynn Naylor carried Stimpy's "cute" design.
I guess lack of self awareness runs in the family.
It feels like hardly anyone ever brings up Wallyman anymore. That always seemed like the most bizarre thing to come out of Kricfaulski during this period.
>What if you had a character who was to human beings as Bugs Bunny is to actual rabbits
And so he squirted out this turd.
When will this Jack ass come out with earth worm Jim vol 3?
See, as talented and knowledgeable about the medium as he is, he wasted it on stupid shit like those Yogi Bear cartoons and the Ripping Friends, and that’s the worst thing about him.
There was supposedly an Amico game, but the only thing that was finished was the trailer animation.
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Besides guy shitting up the place, john k threads are amongst my favorite of /co/. The guy is just so damn entertaining and bizarre he is like an IRL cartoon character who makes pretty damn funny cartoons
I find it hilarious how this faggot trues to act like a good ol' christian boy then goes around and defends john fucking underage pussy. But hey, catholics do the same shit all the time when they defend priests who rape altar boys so i guess being hypocrites about child molesting comes naturally for christcucks
Tennapel was close friends with Brietbart, he's always been a huge piece of shit.
>spend decades bitching about classic Disney

Did he? I can absolutely imagine him liking classic disnry less then loony tunes and the like, but he seemed to like alot if the classic mickey and fitness character designs alot.

I dunno though, it's choking to Mr he even got as far as he did, considering the fact thatcmost of his art looks like pure and utter dog shit. Hardly would ever put this guy as an animation legend. He'd be stomped the fuck out by bob clampett, tex Avery, Chuck Jones, or any of Disney's Nine Old Men. Let alone anyone who worked for him.
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Nta but at least john cluld make funny toons unlike whatever the fuck hanna barbers shit was or disneys le wholesome horseshit
Good job showing that smearing John as a pedo comes from smearing Christians in general. After all his grandpa was an Orthodox priest.
>doesn’t know he knew Bob Clampett and named Sody after his wife
You Zoomers see the world in such awful ways, why do you think anyone cares about receiving the blessing of your perception
John hates christian nuts like you, guy
>doesn’t know he knew Bob Clampett and named Sody after his wife
Guy this might surprise you but not everyone cyberstalks has-been animators from the early 90s and develops a deeply disturbing parasocial relationship with them
>le trannoid response
You have no mind of your own and need to imagine what people you hate think to make decisions. Again, your absolute sewer minds do not have valuable perception
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it's no secret that John K is a ruined man because his father was an abusive shitty loser incapable of caring for his own flesh and blood, same story with just about any man you meet these days, sad boring shit from top to bottom

at least he can draw hot women (or used to)
Sorry for the numerous typos on the last post. I was in a hurry.

I've never grown up or have watched Hanna Barbara's TV catalog (besides there sliver screen tom and jerry cartoons, but I'm assuming your taking about there TV show stuff) so I couldn't really speak on that. I don't get why so many people disagree with Disney's wholesome approach to there classic cartoons. What would you have them do instead? Be a worse versions of the loony tunes or Tex? They were clearly going there own path, and though it's not too many classic cartoon fans taste, but there fine enough toons on there own merits.

>>doesn’t know he knew Bob Clampett and named Sody after his wife

I guess I know now.

>You Zoomers see the world in such awful ways, why do you think anyone cares about receiving the blessing of your perception

Not sure why your assuming I'm a zoomer but alright man. I'm just saying that John wasn't as talented as Clampett, or any of the other golden age animatiors. He was definitely a worse artist then most of them.

It's incredibly depressing. John is what you get when you don't give a person enough love has a kid.
To this day I don't understand John K dicksuckers on /co/. I can understand maybe liking some of his earlier work, but to dickride the man himself is as pathetic as it is baffling. What on earth compels people to hero worship a curmudgeonly ego maniac? John K's unwarranted sense of self importance is easy enough to understand, I just don't get how anyone actually buys into his self-promoting horseshit.
It made a homosuck "artist" draw good.
Is Joj exaggerating or was George Liquor/his dad actually that much of a retarded dick head in real life.
at least he got away with underage sex
Respecting John comes from his merit and accomplishments. Dicksucking is what you have to do to support the industry as hardly any of them can draw or make something people like aside from a few veterans.
Boil your brain is frying out again.
If they’re going to make such declarative statements about John they could at least know some things about him, but of course I know they don’t want to.
John had a significantly worse environment to learn drawing than they did, his accomplishments are relative. If I didn’t think that way about him, I would need to trash almost everything made these days as it takes recovery efforts.
It's surprising how shit he is for all hismknowledge. It's like Gordon Ramsay making nothing but fried Twinkies.
>Respecting John comes from his merit and accomplishments
Which are so few in number I can count them on one hand and have fingers left over. John K has more failed projects than most animators are given chances to make anything at all. He rode a wave of connections and goodwill from his early work and repeatedly squandered it with his vile behavior and personality.
it's literally only because he coined the term "calarts" which got turned into a buzzword to bash modern animation never mind that John originally used the term to shit on the iron giant and the disney renaissance and it had nothing to do with beanmouths
His dad sounds like a typical tough military guy. Robert Crumb had a similar upbringing.
Classic Disney isnt funny and just comes off as saccharine obnoxious fluff that i view brought animation down as a medium by association
how do you do fellow youths?
I guess classic Disney wasn't super funny most of time, but so what? It's still good stuff. I at least find those old cartoons fun enough to watch. Again, WB and many others clearly had the darker humor down better then Disney Did, so why would they try and do the same? Besides; most of there animation efforts went into there films anyway. This is just us having different tasts in animation, which is fine. I personally enjoy the more classical/lay backed whimsy of the Disney stuff.
>It's incredibly depressing. John is what you get when you don't give a person enough love has a kid.

Yeah but don't tell that to the tough guys who turn their abuse and suffering into some kind of idol to be worshiped. It's pitiful. Broken men constantly reenacting their pain while being too frightened of the work needed to heal from it.
Gooning comment.
Also gooning, how’s animation school?
I’m always showing up the haters implicitly or explicitly.
Funny thing is that John is one of the few to value the life of kids for its own sake instead of how it can be used by the adult world.
Post your most recent art, guy
>What on earth compels people to hero worship a curmudgeonly ego maniac

Dude all of showbizness is ego maniacs. Why do you think there is so much drama in the business?
He could barely even keep up with general work schedules that most other animators succeeded at doing with no issues. Most of his peers had to work themselves to the bone because of John's perfectionist mentality, which is a little ironic considering most of his art looks like a bunch of messy, ugly scribbles. All he's going to be known for (besides Ren and Stimpy) is being a pedophile.
It's funny because at the end of his initial "calarts" blogpost back in 2009 or whenever it was, he praised rebecca sugar as one of the only worthwhile animators in the industry. Then, only a few years later, she would come to represent everything disingenous cartoon critics hate about the beanmouth so called "calarts" style. Granted I never liked any of sugar's work myself, but it's funny to see how easily words can get twisted to serve people's own interests.
John K was right about at least one thing: writers cant animate

But he never considered the inverse: animators cant write
Yeah, but Sugar's art looks nothing like the calarts stereotype. Which means she was just another victim of a shitty animation industry that was already in collapse by that time.

>But he never considered the inverse: animators cant write

Animators always think that they're drawing is soooo much harder than writing, and they're always stupidly fucking wrong, every single time. Animators need to be slapped back into their drawing dens and told to keep their mouths shut when it comes to the scripts.
>brings religion out of nowhere
Scriptwriters have never belonged in animation, storyboard artists are the ones who tell the story.
Not to mention they're the ones doing all the camera angles, not the writers.
John K. didn't even pitch Ren and Stimpy. The Nick exec saw Ren and Stimpy, which were just pets, and wanted a show about them.
>animators cant write
That's what story artists are for.
john k is like the definition of wasted potential
its mind baffling to think he was one of the first animators to take flash seriously as a production tool (1997), yet since he couldnt consistently output anything it took another 10 years for that to really be noticed and become the industry standard
Okay, no.
Writers and animators need to be closely fucking related and need to ideally work well with each other to make the best cartoon.
His flash cartoons were still better than anything Fulp could ever make.
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John K. has a vast and analytical knowledge that makes him great as a supervisor and teacher. He's not disciplined enough to be a showrunner, he's too obsessive to be a director, and his humor is far too niche to be an idea man.

If you need someone to look at some key poses and ask how to make them better, he's totally your guy. Or maybe he was. I have no idea how he would handle a studio environment now-a-days.
Right? Writers obviously cannot create goof plots or stings of dialog without working closely with animators to convey the emotions and events right. At the same time though, animators have frequently failed at writing compelling stories with just there animations alone, which leads to boring or uninteresting plots and weak and childish scripts. I don't know why we like to pretend that this stuff doesn't take a TEAM to create good stuff.
Because Nu-R&S reignited that anger, given the writer bias it has.
>I don't know why we like to pretend that this stuff doesn't take a TEAM to create good stuff.

Because America poisoned itself to death with the ideology of ONE GREAT MAN somehow being capable of doing the work of dozens. Just complete retardation that leads to gigantic egos and failure meltdowns, over and over, while teams that could produce gold instead vomit out hot bile. Egomaniacs like John could never, EVER back down enough to accept that, they must be The Great Man.
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>lol groomer
Remind us again why you're not allowed to be alone with your niece
there was this weird period from like 1997-2003 where studios were throwing real money at flash cartoons and just putting them online for free, hoping to recoup their money from ad revenue
John K https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLAWapFehnU
Chuck Jones https://youtu.be/tltzWb4aElo
Tim Burton https://youtu.be/-1nKVJTTFqA
Cartoon Network https://youtu.be/06qpi7lahJg
Sony https://youtu.be/9JHRQL86tsQ
Showtime/Sci-Fi https://youtu.be/HNagi14rSWk
I did in another thread.
John made a billion dollar success.
She had potential that withered amongst her colleagues.
Artists are the writers in animation. And increasingly, “writing” just means group consensus.
Boil you’re in a timelock, you have said the same damn shit for years, guess I have the time powers of Lord English from your favorite webcomic Homestuck (which is not my niece)
Queer Duck's one of my favorites.
i think a key issue is that since all these productions are unionized, and the unions have strict definitions about who does what and who gets paid for what, that culture of working together is seriously stifled
It doesn't help when you have separate unions for writing and animating, rather than trying to cover all those bases within a single union.
I think the "ONE MAN" mentality comes from not only wanting to reach for an unrealistic goal, but it also springs from the reasonable fear of having to many cooks in the kitchen, which is a valid concern. Alot of modern movies or AAA games are prime examples of not following a singular vision. However, many artists and writers mistakenly belive that following a singular vision actually means that you need to be the guy that did everything, and was the real reason your thing is great.
He and Kyle Carozza are similar in so many ways.
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The anger tends to flow more one way than the other, but a big part of that reason is that the writers are the first ones involved in the process so they don't have a lot of opportunities to get mad at the artists. Once they finish the script, they're done, they don't have to look at a board artist if they don't want to.

I've worked on plenty of shows where there was a silent rift between the art team and the writing team. The designers would agonize over a background environment only for it to be ignored by the writers. They might write something like, "Terry the Dog slides down the railing of the stairs and into the kitchen" when the stairs are nowhere near the kitchen. They will also write action or chase scenes as a single sentence while it might take a board artist three days to draw out, but the producers don't look at the contents of the script when assigning lines, only the page count. So if someone gets assigned pages 1 - 5 and on page 3, you get a line such as, "Terry the Dog and Jerry the Cat hop on their scooters and began a big chase sequence throughout the city", that might as well be two pages. However, it's not being COUNTED as two pages when assignments begin.

There have been instances where the board artists need to re-write scenes, but they don't get a writing credit for it (which means less money). There's also been instances where the artists wanted to voice their grievances to the writers only for it to be ignored in later scripts. It's pretty common for people who get script writing jobs in animation to not know how the animation process works. If they were writing for a show involving a bunch of penguins, they wouldn't think twice about writing, "Bob and Rob the Penguin give each other a big hug". However, for an artist, they need to really think about how two characters with stubby arms can give each other "a big hug"-- ESPECIALLY if it's a CG show where the model might not even be capable of it.
> NOOOOO!!!!


lol sounds like the animation industry is doomed and should just collapse in a heap so something new can grow out of all this institutional rot
There's also the opposite problem where people think throwing enough money and hiring enough people will fix a bunch of problems. That was an issue John K. had where Nick wanted more R&S episodes and said they would increase the budget to hire more people; but hiring more people only makes more content period, not GOOD content that helped get a show popular in the first place. He didn't want just more episodes for the sake of having episodes since the lower quality would eventually chase people away.
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Honestly, out of all the shit John has said over the years, his opinion that storyboards work better for animation is one of his more sane takes. Everyone, from Warners to MGM to Disney used them, and even the Flintstones, the first animated sitcom, also used the storyboard method.
More like Kyle imitates him in every way. If you look at Kyle's stuff from 2001-2005 or so, it all looks like Spumco knockoff stuff. All of it.
John K for whatever reason thinks George Liquor has a chance to become a hit American Icon or just really really likes that character which is why he's shoved into everything
John K does now
George Liquor is just too unappealing of a character to anyone that didn't grow up in the kind of environment John did
Anon. When he was fired from Ren and Stimpy the only character he fought for...the only one....was George Liquor. They told him to take the fucking character because they hated him to begin with and he was from an episode they didn't even air anyways.
John is not a bright fellow. Talented but not fucking bright.
back in the day i always wanted to see what would happen if john k and danny antonucci collaborated
don't be silly, kids need both affection AND discipline.
Ren and Stimpy are massive icons masturbator, it’s just staying attached to reality (and not being a communist) to acknowledge it’s unrealistic to give them up.
And yet Cans was crowdfunded.
>Why did he try to sell George Liquor for 30 YEARS
George Liquor is a great character. I loved the comic books, and Man's Best Friend is my favorite animated short ever. The reason we didn't see more George is that John wouldn't work with any company that would make him sell the rights to the character.
Wait, wasn't the controversy over the upcoming reboot that John K would be paid by Nick everytime they used the characters?
Stop and think here for a second

>Fight to get Ren and Stimpy rights back
>doesn't produce anything or produces very little afterwards (how often did he use George Liquor? A Spumco comic, that Kickstarter, and what?)
>gets little to no money

>Lets Nick keep Ren and Stimpy
>Get paid for Games era show, gets paid in advance for Adult Party, presumably gets paid for the upcoming reboot
>gets some money while sitting back and complaining

Under the circumstances of John K's lack of ouput this was unintentionally the better choice for him
Do you think john ever hot glued his huckleberry hound soap bottles?
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Jesus, this john K guy sounds like a walking cartoon character. I'm more surprised he's relatively active on facebook though. He even sketches stuff for his "fans".
Facebook is for boomers, that's basically their version of social media.
It’s hilarious the way you people throw quotation marks in every comment because you don’t want to acknowledge anything that doesn’t have social approval. You’re like pet dogs of the industry barking at anything associated with John K
This looks STAGGERINGLY like Looney Tunes Cartoons and that's not a compliment.
Games had to finish A Visit To Anthony, which is why Rough Draft was doing the animation instead of Carbunkle.
Same animation studio then? That explains why.
People forget the part where he loves his father and had a great relationship growing up
Nah, Rough Draft and Carbunkle are different studios. Rough Draft was used specifically on R&S episodes that weren't the "highlights", while Carbunkle was used on the "highlight episodes."
Their layouts also left a lot to be desired after Season 3, since Rough Draft was doing them too. (In other words, layouts got outsourced after the Spumco era.)
what the fuck even is this character?
and yet you're a massive faggot
What is wally man supposed to be anyways?
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Was that great relationship happening in between when he berated him for liking cartoons and told him to grow up and get a real job, or right after when his dad would hit on any of the girls John and his friends brought over in high school?
50% Wally
50% Man
That's how fathers raise good sons, not faggot pansies like you. He's clearly telling these stories because he finds them endearing, not therapy.
I see.
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There is no healthy mental excuse for why someone would obsess FOR THIRTY YEARS over keeping the full creative rights to a caricature of their dad while also trying to push it as "the next big cartoon".
He just thinks it's funny
But John’s dad had a great point, he was a massive success as a cartoonist and people like you STILL do your best to tear him apart every day. It was a horrible career he elevated.
>he was le problematic
Plenty of saints and just ordinary people had relationships with under 18s, a modern convention.
Suffering from success? If you don’t care about others, just meeting the social rules, women won’t be attracted to you.
You’re just saying you hate your dad and most likely a lot of other elders.
It floors me that a guy would be so open and willing to admit that his dad constantly emasculated him and tried to cuck him.
John K would hate you.
Yeah, he's been touting just how funny his dad is since 1996.
>laughs at the letter "r"
Is Daffy a Zoomer?
Are you his lawyer or something
Worse. He's retarded.
lol tranny porn addict, normal people can endure their dad goofing off showing his strength without activating a fetish.

I posted on his blog and his friend Mike F said I deserved a million dollars.
You sound like a stalker with a bad case of parasocial relationship with some dude with a very ugly artstyle
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I like retarded Ducks.
>That's how fathers raise good sons, not faggot pansies like you.
Have you ever actually read anything on John K's blog? He has an enormous inferiority complex spurred by his dad and refers to himself at multiple points as "having soft hands", "pansy" etc. He eternally views himself as beinf in the shadow of his dad. He is one of the most flagrant cases of daddy issues I have seen in my entire life. Keyword here is "seen", I am sure there are heaps more boomers out there with even more ridiculous daddy issues than John had. Imagine how much worse he would've been if he got molested.
John K threads are some of the worst on this board.
Just came here to say that
He should go to therapy
He doesn't believe in therapy.
It's too late for that now. When was the last time you saw a man in his 60s-70's going to therapy? He's just biding his time now.
Then he will die another uselessly broken man of wasted potential, like millions upon millions before him and after him.
Damn. Skill issue
It depends on how stubborn you are as a person. Not all old people all stubborn, but all stubborn people end up getting old.
>When was the last time you saw a man in his 60s-70's going to therapy?

Lots of older guys like that in Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. John is just too scared to heal.
>are stubborn
Won't save his ugly art
At least Athiests don't live by a book written thousands of years ago.
Zero to a hundred real quick
It's amazing how autistic you are that you over analyze quotations because your a paranoid schizo who still hasn't accepted the fact that this guy is a washed up hack.
Found the furries, Disney fans and 90s WB fans.
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Bro it's been dead since the 2000s. AT and GF grew from that institutional rot.
John K’s artistic philosophy is the basis of developing my own work. Anybody who would work on my projects would need to be acquainted with it. Otherwise they won’t be able to draw the characters.
You look at it through LGBTQ views.
It’s worth it to elevate, artistic mediums.
Your idea of wasted potential revolutionized Society.
That’s a natural take. You must feel that way because of your career pathway.
I don't see how “Total Animation Death right fucking now!” is a natural take.
The only people who still like his work are overly fixated weirdos like you, the rest of us see how unappealing it looks.
>LGBTQ views
What the fuck are you talking about? I am just paraphrasing what John has said about himself. He thinks of himself as a soft nancy boy and he's obsessed with the image in his mind of his dad as a strong red blooded masculine macho man whom each and every single man should strive to be like. He's mentally ill.
You were the same guy who got triggered over John K's blog in the late 2000s.
Stupid? It's still the most fluid animation Rough Draft has ever made.
This was the only action show I liked around that time, nothing else came close.
Out of all the awful shit I've seen from John; why does The Ripping Friends keep coming up?
Everything I've seen from it is really fucking funny.

Then again, having a bunch of good isolated scenes on youtube is no indicator of quality.

>John was the original "What if beloved character becomes a washed up dope"
This is why we need nihilism in our lives. That's why shows like Smiling Friends is so controversial.
Smiling Friends isn't really a christcuck show, it's just a Newgroundser's attempt at trying to make ATHF.
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He visits /pw/.
The characters and staff have openly stated Christ is king multiple times.
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Thankful to John for teaching me how to draw these super complex faces

so you’re trained by social media to dislike things that are not socially acceptable. I’m sure you’ll also have mental health medications to cope with being such a fake person.
You think animation equates to the latest things being made because they support careers. I would prefer to be inspired by the first few seasons of Ren and stimpy for the rest of my life, than watch any soulless cartoons.
I’m talking about your interpretation of his words.
Glep did, but he never explicity said "Christ is king" and only said Christianity is right as a punchline.
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The 2000s really were a soulless time and a dark age for animation. John K was proven right about everything.
Go fuck yourself John.
Zach doesnt believe in christcuck shit. Also christ is crap
Right "punchline".
Hi Zach how were Sunday services today?
You’re a mess, man
Nah I've never been there. I just think his work is a stain on animation and anything that takes inspiration from it ends up worse.
>That's how you draw
It's so over.
>so you’re trained by social media
Not everyone who disagrees with you is a psyop, schizo. Sometimes things are just visually ugly and repelling.
In the same episode, Charlie's grandma goes to Hell because she said the word "Damn." I don't think Christianity is meant to be taken seriously on SF.
>Plenty of saints and just ordinary people had relationships with under 18s, a modern convention.

You know man, you can like Ren and Stimpy without having to defend pedophiles you retard.

> If you don’t care about others, just meeting the social rules, women won’t be attracted

The fuck does this have to do with anything?

>You’re just saying you hate your dad and most likely a lot of other elders.

>as someone who has a wonderful relationship with my father, I would never make a whole episode in my cartoon serise displaying the abuse my father inflicted on me, create a whole character to mirror my abusive father, spend my whole career trying to make cartoons, comics and toys attempting to make this unappealing character the next hit cartoon, then write multiple blog posts where I repeatedly state how inferior and weak I am compared to my dad.

He's an abuse victim you stupid gorrila nigger. An abuse victim who hasn't gotten over his past, and there's clearly something deeply wrong with him to the point where he sexually abused a minor. Stop trying to defend mentally ill nut cases with extreme daddy issues.

Something I want too add here; he describes his relationship with Ralph Bakshi the same way he does hes when talking about his dad. I'm not to well versed in Bakshi, so I'm not too sure if that's a coincidence or not.
I can't believe that Max Gilardi has revealed his allegiance to Islam after having Gir from Invader Zim shout "Islam is the light"
>you can like Ren and Stimpy without having to defend pedophiles you retard
Can you? Enjoying that slop is a symptom of your soul rotting.
Yet you have a character wearing a cross necklace and confirmed to be a Catholic. Why add that detail if religion wasn't meant to be serious?
You haven’t learned anything from John K, you have zero sense of anatomy and cartooning and you don’t even do animation. You literally just do abstract art about your dreams, what does that have to do with John K at all
It’s both, you can have a Christian character and be a Christian yourself while still making fun of it.
Dj Spits? I'm pretty sure that guy's dead.
Based Max. Islam is like a better version of Christ cuckoldry but without the cringe.
>John K and Ralph Bakshi
Figures. God is their stuff unnerving in the worst way.
John K's life work has always been rooted on 70s cartoons
This John k autist has to be some shit poster right? There's no way this guy is faggin out like this for real.
Cholos are literally Catholic, it’s funny because that’s the way it is
>guy, industrycuck, and neopuritanschizo all in one thread
Summer fun times on /co/
Oh no, guy has been a local schizophrenic here for years, he’s very real.
>likes young girls
>is good at drawing cute ones
>only likes to draw repulsive shit no one likes to see instead.

Namefags are clinically insane, that's your first hint.
It’s too homoerotic, which is to be expected from something superhero related, but still.
I don't like Ren and Stimpy
I'm just telling the John k apologist that he dosnt need to defend the mentally ill pedo too justify liking his shitty cartoon.
Guy is a schizo with some interesting insights but whenever John K or AAA studios like disney or nick get mentioned he short circuits and starts ranting about animation industry being literally satan and accusing every anon of working in the industry.
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>The characters and staff have openly stated Christ is king multiple times.
Because he is.
>these super complex faces
They’re only complex to you because you don’t know anything about drawing, and you didn’t even learn what he was teaching. You didn’t even draw a full face, you poorly drew a nose and and an eye and quit drawing the rest, you didn’t learn anything
But that's the thing, liking it is already a symptom that your soul is rotten, so of course they would defend pedophiles.
Can you believe there are still people who don’t understand there are Christians living among them? I bet you think everyone shares your politics and beliefs, too. It’s usually some atheist loudmouth who doesn’t get it
I’m not saying it isn’t technically great, but the molasses pacing is what ruins it.
Fair point, though it's definitely not as horrible as APC's pacing.
I don't even know what the fuck I'm supposed to be looking at, you wannabe schizoid hack. It's genuinely meaningless scribbles, like what am I supposed to be feeling? What sort of stylization is that? What even is it for? If I was John K and some autist like you showed me their ugly ass sketches and said I inspired them, I would plant a bullet in my skull.
Nobody goes to church anymore, and the only people that do are fucking OLD.
Allah is our light. After this year, Islam will become the new institution of different countries.
Whatever makes polyamory legal.
Knock off the gay shit. It's owning a harem.
Harem is just straightspeak for polyamory, still the same concept.
It's called being normal and no it's not the same you western degenerate. Those who own a harem are the center of a relationship. You will have no other outside the harem.
Well yeah, going outside of the harem is cheating.
Indeed it is
Either way, Christians are missing out on Harems.
Unless they're Mormon Christians
Mormons have those? Lucky bastards...
Why be so dramatic about it? It's a pretty funny slapstick show with expressive, dynamic animation. People are bound to like it. There is an infinitesimal number of people out there who enjoy big mouth, are their souls rotten too?
Insults insults.
Then you like nothing from the past couple decades as anything decent is significantly influenced by Ren and Stimpy. You assess things to get yourself off, not contribute.
No Zoomer you’re speaking against Christian faith. And I don’t care that you struggle with realizing the falseness of your worldview formed from the media.
You mean social reputation.
They are Catholic spiritual visions and you should be careful with your crap.
I’ve been here since 2006, industry people have been seething about me since then.
Lmao at how your brain is programmed and filtered not to acknowledge my creativity.
Have you considered learning what my original series is retard?
> like what am I supposed to be feeling?
You need to be told what to feel? You give up on your natural reactions to form an artificial personality.
>There is an infinitesimal number of people out there who enjoy big mouth, are their souls rotten too?
You don't even need to ask this. The answer is yes.
>Lmao at how your brain is programmed and filtered not to acknowledge my creativity.
Hilarious cope
>No Zoomer you’re speaking against Christian faith. And I don’t care that you struggle with realizing the falseness of your worldview formed from the media.

Again, just assuming I'm a zoomer. I'm not, and you sound like you would be fucking insufferable to be around. It's just like how the boomers put all the fucking blame on mellenials. When the fuck will people like you understand that sounding like some fucking decrepit man doesn't help anyone agree with you more. And I'm sorry bro, I don't care what religion you follow; there's no way you could ever defend a pedo.
You disregarded 98% of the image. You can emptily imitate the sort of criticisms John K did on his blog (hence why he lives in your head rent free) but there is no substance to anything you say whatsoever, just a mafia poise of “everyone in my group will agree with my blurted noise!”
>joke is its a fucked up version of a human in the same way a lot of cartoon animals are fucked up versions of the real species
this is like a sight gag you'd see in a completely unrelated series that doesn't have humans as a major species or something. like I get it, I get what he's going for, he likes to make spoofs of a long gone era of animation, the issue is he just does not have anything else going on in his mind. he'll accidentally create some decent byproducts but he's completely fixated on these angry parodies that are way past their relevancy. like he's clearly dedicated to what he does he's just picked the most bizarre thing to focus on that just lacks any actual appeal. he's such a genuinely odd person, he can make good stuff he just doesn't fucking want to apparently.
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Or they become brilliant artists who are also mental cases…
Never had there been a bigger juxtaposition than that of the hard mass Greatest Generation and their do-your-own-thing Boomer kids
>his dad was emotionally abusive and harsh on him

>Bakshi was emotionally abusive and harsh on him

Besides little girls, you think John has thing rough men?
>Have you considered learning what my original series is retard?
Oh I would love to, why don't you give me a run down?
>You need to be told what to feel? You give up on your natural reactions to form an artificial personality.
No, it's simpler, your picture makes me feel absolutely nothing.
So what your saying is he's autsitc.
Their brains? Yes, rotten, but I don't think enjoying a horrid cartoon is enough to damn your soul.
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Posting an image since it's not a literature thread board
Ask guy over there
Now it's getting interesting, what do you think is the difference between mind and soul?
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That doesn’t mean anything when you’re trained by social media not to feel anything for all the people whose lives get ruined by cancel culture and anybody who disagrees with your group. My art is an expression of my soul as I learned about from John K.

It is a video game project that appears in my stories and comics. It’s doubtful you want to upset industry people who destroyed my real plan for my life by acknowledging that.
If you get between me and Jesus, nothing else is important.
Or you can care about developing yourself with other men instead of decaying in degeneracy.
George was a great foil to Ren & Stimpy. But he's way too one-note to have a cartoon all about him. I'll grant the comic books are OK, it's not like they're terrible or anything, but even in those really short doses, he was way, way less funny than he was as Ren & Stimpy's antagonist. And George's boringass nephews are no substitute for dynamic characters like R&S.

Mind, John K's idea of a "hilarious joke" for George Liquor is that he's a gung-ho American, but he secretly goes over the border to Canada to get nice beer. John seriously thought that was a gut-busting, side-splitting idea.
George has his place, but he's not star material by a long shot, despite being John's pet character.
This. The only scriptwriters who work on animation are hacks not good enough for live-action.
The mind is just one of the things that make up the soul. The mind is a physiological process of the brain, so, you can possess a brain but not have a higher state of mind (i.e. vegetables or extremely low functioning retards). So altough, yes, having a "rotten" brain can lead to a tainted mind, it's not enough to be able to say that one's soul is rotten because of that. If the big mouth fan in question is a charitable philantropist who empowers his community and donates to charity, it's fair to say it cancels out his horrid taste in cartoons
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>when anyone with a brain could see that The Heartaches was his only idea that had a potential future?
What’s crazy about this thread is that everyone is missing the most important point: Spumco did attempt to make The Heartaches into a show. According to the Wiki article on Spumco, the series was developed, I even clicked on the source to see if it was true and it seems that it was.
Yet there’s absolutely NOTHING else that proves its existence, EXCEPT for this one storyboard from Ashanti Miller, a young artist who worked at Spumco in the late 90s. Keep in mind I found this fucking thing by accident (I was looking up furry artists on Wikifur lol), by chance I stumbled into her Wikifur page to find this storyboard.
It may seem like a storyboard that was used to pitch the show, but remember, the source article from wiki claims a PILOT for The Heartaches was made. This means there’s probably other storyboards out there of the pilot as well character designs, BGs, assets, and an entire animated pilot! This stuff has been freaking me out for two years now and at this point because there’s hardly any other leads other than Ashanti herself who at this point I’m considering contacting
>"C'mon" by Jimi Hendrix
Well. *Now* I can see why it wasn't picked up.
If it was intended to be a bunch of cartoon music videos, there'd be licencing issues up the ass.

Explains why John would later do Bjork and Tenacious D though.
>It’s doubtful you want to upset industry people who destroyed my real plan for my life by acknowledging that.
>developing yourself with other men
that's how I call gay sex
People refused to actually read my work as animation crew thought I wanted to make cartoony cartoons instead of cosmic horror sci-fi and abused me on that basis. Can’t upset any industry narratives
Well, no, gays inevitably decline with molten brains and ruined personalities instead of becoming artistic legends.
This is why shit like Kim Possible sucked dick.
You just barely realized this?
Crumb is more talented than John, and managed to tangle with his inner demons better.
>People refused to actually read my work
I struggle to imagine why judging on the high quality input you've provided so far.
You have religious delusions. You really think God will smite people on behalf of your shitty art?
>They are Catholic spiritual visions and you should be careful with your crap.
You cannot be serious. This is the type of people who still like John K...
They don’t read your work, because your art is hideously incoherent. If your art is an expression of your soul, then all your art says is your mind is a nightmarish mess and you don’t care about actually communicating with people. You are an incompetent narcissist with religious delusions
What is with perfections like john k, danny antonucci, marcell jankovics, yuri norstein, richard williams taking long to make projects?
I would not call anything John K has released in the past two decades the work of a perfectionist
Ok fedora
This has always been the reason I like him, the great spirit of his vision and how it can nurture souls.
No member of communities populated by John K haters have had a private conversation with me in my entire life, so it means nothing that you can’t understand me. I might as well be an alien myself As people didn’t want to learn John’s Legacy goes beyond funny cartoons.
Thank you, someone finally said it. He and so many other people during that early 90's era were stuck in "le golden age" mindset of a large ensemble cast. Like look at this vomit of characters:
I don't even care which one was good or which one is bad, this is just a recipe for disaster. No, not every single character idea that pops into your head needs to be included in the show. But because these retards grew up on large ensemble shows, they thought they needed one too in order to be successful - not realizing that all they're doing is throwing everything they have at the wall and hoping at least one of them sticks.
>the great spirit of his vision and how it can nurture souls
I've seen better visions
Prove it
Honestly there are so many other examples of people who do their own thing and follow their discipline and dreams, I think John K is such a weak choice to get this message from. It’s not even really his thing, he’s more about using traditional cartooning methods and not cutting corners, it goes to show how much of a small world view you have if you really have John K as your patron saint of having your own identity. Plus you don’t use his discipline at all, you’re very lazy and have no sense of cartooning or form
How is John K’s style supposed to nurture souls when it’s usually nasty gay jokes about animals fucking and screaming at eachother or being screamed at? I don’t get it, what’s the ray of sunshine here, the guy draws pin-ups and ass jokes
We get it, you hate John K, nobody cares
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I found some info about that too. A while ago, a story outline from The Heartaches appeared on eBay. (The seller is "collectnow1" aka "pop-king inc," who's clearly a reliable source.) I grabbed it and I've been meaning to share the whole thing in some form, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

So from what we can tell, they were definitely developing material for a pilot, batting ideas around, revising and finetuning them.
But I strongly doubt they actually finished and fully animated it. That would've taken a substantial investment, and there'd surely be more info about it, like all those assets you mentioned. Surely more artists would've talked about their work on the show, included material in their portfolios, etc. (And you'd think John K. would've mentioned it too.)

I expect it probably would've gone through a lot more development if they'd reached the animation phase, but it's still a cool piece of "what might have been!"
Well first of all his soul doesn't look very nurtured, he seems rather tormented to me. And you too.
I don’t hate him, I think he’s cool but no one to consider a saint
That’s your mind doing the perceiving.
You speak like a pedophile molesting the minds of online teenagers to give up on their independence and natural sensibilities so you can make use of them.
Oh yes I remember when you people slave drived me to a nerve injury without a single dollar, just harassment. I believe in building up artists instead of making endless demands.
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There were also some funny pitch documents from when Spumco was batting around ideas for a show entirely about Jimmy the Idiot Boy. I don't plan on just sitting on these, but I wasn't sure if enough people on here would care for me to just make a thread about them.
Scan these and post them to Archive if you haven't already, it's in desperate need of more production leaks.
Not everyone on the internet is part of a conspiracy against you, man. Your art is a mess and you have panic attacks about it while blaming other people. Get a grip. Nobody is trying to molest you
John K is a pedophile
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someone tell him to open a Patreon and draw hot bitches.
Thanks for the suggestion, I'd like them to be accessible, so Archive sounds like a perfect choice. Will do.
>dolphin's freecam feature
Based, I used to mess with that all the time.
>That’s your mind doing the perceiving.
That's what minds do. How else would you perceive, with your ass?
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Judging by how the name is stylized as a bunch of fingers, I think he might be some kind of giant anthropomorphic thumb.
>missed opportunity to turn him into thicc elmer fudd
Wally's girlfriend has pigtails growing on her butt
I would pay money to watch this, and I don't care if it takes 30 years to make.
God this is repulsive to look at
>Allah is our light. After this year, Islam will become the new institution of different countries.
>I like retarded Ducks.
>lol tranny porn addict, normal people can endure their dad goofing off showing his strength without activating a fetish.
>I posted on his blog and his friend Mike F said I deserved a million dollars.
>This is why shit like Kim Possible sucked dick.

I really need to stop browsing this godforsaken site. Some of the shit I read here is so deranged and wacky that I doubt the people typing it actually believe it. All of you need to go pop in a Blu-ray or pull out a comic and remember why you got into this shit in the first place.
Some of us like Carbunkle kino, I hate to break it to you.
This sounds like an idea that would work for a show-within-a-show kind of gag, not an actual show.
Yuck. God forbid western animation looks appealing, right?
This is the exact sentiment I had with Smiling Friends. There's a reason MAWS is beating it.
MAWS isn't beating Smiling Friends in any universe, and I don't think MAWS looks nice either. It's just a soulless copy of a generic anime art style. SF looks better.
MAWS doesn't have gore like Invincible, so I have no incentive to watch it.
What happened to John’s Instagram account? It seems to have disappeared.
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>imagining a panicky teenager
Keep babbling, you only confirm my assessment
I suppose the industry loves panic attack scenes because that’s what they want kids to do when they hear their bullshit
you’re evidently also a wanker
I was never into it for just consuming the content. Couldn’t afford it. I wanted to do big things in society
I might just have weird taste but the George Liquor stuff is the only parts of anything he's done I've ever found funny. The rest is just annoying noise.
>I wanted to do big things in society
And yet you're here, with us.
It's one of his most established characters, so you're right to find him better than any of John K's recent outputs.
John K's entire appeal is his insanity and deranged work. He is, and has always tried to be, the picasso of animation. Strip that away and all you have is a jaded old boomer working on broken old parts from the 50s and schizophrenia. He isn't actually that creative, he's just weird and extremely passionate.
Honestly, he should have gotten into filmmaking rather than animation, he would make a great psychological horror movie.
Rebecca Sugar and a bunch of other creators and important crew members came from here.
You're no Rebecca Sugar, and neither is John K
I'm not particularly into cunny, but to each their own.
>the new show based on one of the most recognizable and established IPs in western history is doing better than the brand new show with a niche audience
No fucking way, anon
So faux anime capeshit is doing better than ATHF 2.0? Noted.
John K needs to be part of a team and not the head of one. He can still have creative input but with someone that can match and even veto his influence.
Always has. Remember when Teen Titans was mogging everything on Disney and Nick?
Now it's a shitty spinoff, and?
Still mogging!
I want to be myself, you’re not keeping up
Sure, as long as it's based on one of the most popular fictional characters of all time.
Seriously though it's like comparing a new Batman movie to some random indie flick, obviously the Batman movie is going to make more money.
And how's that been working out for you so far
>he thinks ttg is actually good
Based faux anime mogging Newgrounds shit
I don't know if you know this, anon, but most Newgrounds shit is also faux anime shit.
Have you heard of Christianity? I don’t care about how things “work” for me because the world rewards evil. I care about what’s right. You can’t dispute what’s right, only that the animation establishment doesn’t like John or his fans unless they get a lobotomy.
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>>His final chance, his hail Mary, the only way to turn it all around
>>He pitches fucking WALLY MAN

I laughed way too hard reading this. What happened to the new Dog Girl OC he made?
>actually looking up to Rebecca Sugar
I'm not expecting that other anon to go big places either, but you don't have to set your own bar that low
This is like the kind of weird blend of mutant features an AI would create by mistake
I think the joke works, since he's a fucked-up looking human. (The same way Bugs is a fucked-up looking rabbit.)
I can't dispute that John is a pedophile
>I care about what’s right
I've never seen someone so blatantly not self aware
Anthony is literally schizophrenic since childhood and his bitch of a mother never got him help for it. He's some gross fucked up Guido greeseball. You should read his substack blog, manlyburgers.
>literally the only person who thinks iron giant is shit
Color me shocked.
He's a huge furry what are you talking about?
He's based you mean
This is a really sad thread about a really sad man. I came here to laugh but its more pathetic than funny
It's to be expected, especially whenever guy enters a thread.
Check the ratings
Neilson ratings mean jack shit when they're dropping. It's also the reason why people pirate now, because it's the only thing they ever air.
Why can't artists write a script? Why not write out plots and supplement them with story boards? Live action uses both.
Laughing is so 1997
Writing a script works when you have lore to consider, but it's extremely redundant when you're working on an episodic cartoon.
I think he did get molested and that's where the repressed gay shit visual gags come from in his shows. Plus he and his friends sexually abused the real kid who was the inspiration for Jimmy The Idiot Boy.
Your sense of right is skewed and has no moral ground. If you want to be monastic, be monastic, but you’re just trying to draw your nightmares without any real effort while screaming at people all the time and calling people gay
Not me.
You’re going through your teenager grooming routine again for artists like Aimkid.
Boil your effort to say something new only shows your brain is a pure sewer as usual.
You gained nothing from what I said about the Iron Giant actually I doubt you read it.
Animation is all about drawing, naturally drawings should always be used.
LGBTQ talking crap to attack my independent work.
Then SF failed twice
The fuck is Wally Man?
>Animation is all about drawing, naturally drawings should always be used.
Imagine if there weremovie purists as utterly retarded as animation and videogame purists.
>Movies area all about cinematography, therefore you should never ever use a script. And no sound either! What do you think this is, a radio play? Get that shit outta here! Only silent films are real movies, everything else is poser shit.
yap yap old man
He-Hog was his best concept, he should've gone with that one.
>You’re going through your teenager grooming routine again for artists like Aimkid.
I know you’re legitimately extremely retarded but I have no idea what any of this means.
For a guy who said, word for word, “I care about what’s right”, you sure are a salty asshole to people. Aren’t you supposed to love thy neighbor?
Anon seriously please restart taking your meds, you are relapsing hard here.
The homeless can't get the meds that they need, but they can get the meds that they want
Oh look standard lgbtq cherry-pick. The basic waste the time of the exceptional.
And here you are begging for a chemical lobotomy so you can make use of my creativity after insulting it incessantly. Frustrating that I can see through all your moves?
That's a funny idea, but it's just a weird thing to bank on.
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He once drew a "action figure concept" of which it was this burly, chiseled man with bulging muscles lathered with a ton of specular highlights, along with a endowed junk covered with underwear. Even with someone like Frank Frazetta, no man draws their men like that unless they have something to hide. No man!
I don't usually get involved with these threads but can someone get down to brass tacks on guy's whole deal
Because I'm not sure what to make of him after reading his recent posts here and need a rundown on why he thinks everyone's the same guy, catholic visions or "groomers" or whatever nonsense are physical entities

>Captcha: tw0rs
Makes me wonder how his dad feels about the repressed gay shit visual gags in his work. R&S being the most obvious example, especially considering he literally admitted to them being a gay couple all the way back in 1997 before acp was ever conceived. I don't believe he just plays it up for laughs, there is too much of it and too often to be supposed to be taken in jest. Or maybe it's a generational thing, I never found gay/tranvestite jokes in cartoons funny.
this one straight-up blows. the human(?) character is not constructed or colored very well. not seeing the johnk influence.
this one's okay, could imagine this in a modern art museum if it were a lot better. i can kind of see where the johnk influence is in this, at least, where you intend it to be.
but this just isn't a cartoon, dude. this is basically nothing. you said these were like, catholic visions? do you think mary or whatever wants you to illustrate your epiphanies in the style of a baby cartoon for babies?
the ripping friends was POGGERS, you fucking asswipe
>They were just background pet characters that a Nick exec pointed at and said, "These designs are cute, can you do something with this?". His original pitch was about Ernie and Slab with their uncle (or was it neighbor?) George Liquor.
Wait I thought the story was that John K pitched a variety show with all these characters but then realised it would mean giving up the rights to his personal favorites like George Liquor and Jimmy the Idiot Boy so he quickly came up with Ren and Stimpy.
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>The fact that when Ren and Stimpy was taken from him and he demanded George rights and Nick actually willingly gave him up without a fight is hilarious.
Actually Nick still technically own the rights to George Liquor but the execs hated that character so much they let John use it anyway.
Any sensible Christian would think Doug is a faggot
He's neither he's just unpleasant
Guy, you’re not seeing through anything. You’re a schizophrenic
Empty assertions because you only care about group consensus, as usual.

I did not say I wanted to make a cartoon gooner. I do not give a shit about your fake opinions.
You just want to violate John K fans because they threaten your gay stuff as many have been already.
Where do y’all come up with these fake stories, animation discords?
Board driven cartoons (SpongeBob, Steven Universe, etc) typically did have an outline written first that was handed off to the board artists to flesh out more and add gags.

It's dishonest to say animators are writing cartoons in the west when we typically don't even ahimate our own shit.
For what it is worth, I agree with you, at least most of it. I don't what to assume I fully understand your stances from your posts here. At least, John K is unfairly slandered and his work and influence are a gift.

But I honestly don't see what you say reflected in the illustrations you upload. Just visually, I dont even know what I am looking at. Are they from a larger context that would make them easier to parse?
>Are they from a larger context that would make them easier to parse?
Isn’t that the obvious conclusion? It’s like obvious conclusions need to travel through sludge.

I never wanted to be one of those people copying the Spumco style to be sideshow novelties of the internet.
Storyboarding is literally boarding stories.
I love Ren and Stimpy but does John K really have much artistic and creative range? He basically does sarcastic and nasty parodies it 1970s commercial art. Which is great but that about sums it up. Could he draw a compelling protagonist who’s not a joke? Can he tell a story with an actual message? Sure he’s a comedy type artist, so it makes sense he’s using the same sense of humor and wackiness in his works, but he really doesn’t have much of a range
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I was going to make a joke but Anon's right, you might be schizophrenic. I don't know what kind of visions you're having but no one else has them. This fear over groomers is not something everyone has. I assure you no one's out to get your or live in your walls. Please talk to your family. I'm concerned now.
>Isn’t that the obvious conclusion? It’s like obvious conclusions need to travel through sludge.
Fair enough. I dont think it's a good sign that your illustrations are incomprehensible without this mysterious larger context. Unless they are meant to invoke fever dream imagery.
He tries to draw what he sees in dreams and nightmares, which is honestly fine, but the schizophrenia and religious delusion comes from the fact he actually he’s doing this as God’s soldier, that every famous modern cartoon stole their ideas from him, that he believes anyone who criticized him or his art is part of a gay satanic pedophile conspiracy to rape him, and the fact he literally cannot process or understand images or evaluate his work in any form. He seems to think his work is the best there is, whether that’s an actual brain problem or just his own delusion. Oh and one last thing he thinks he can hurt strangers on the internet by screencapping their anonymous posts and spamming them hundreds of times to industry people that he claims hate him, he has these OCD manic rituals to cope with being criticized, kind of like anxiously poking at a voodoo doll
Nobody bring this guy to China, some doofus will try and lure him into a record deal and hand him a mysterious kitbag...
John K is great about animation but not much else.
that's two people, where's the third one
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I've been wondering, did his art devolve, or was it always this loose and abstract, and other animators cleaned it up?
It definitely devolved
>implying furries don't overlap with the other two
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Fixed as it happened a second time.
for 90s WB sure but i mostly remember his critiques of Disney being for the human stuff, I remember him thinking all the male leads in 90s and 2000s Disney movies looked gay.
>George Liquor
That thing insists upon itself. Its funny to think that two background characters had more potential than his pet character that he was trying to make a thing for years.
This. It doesnt help that he doesn't seem to really get digital animation. Have you seen his work for the Simpsons? Shit was embarrassing.
>that kid showing a firecracker up a frog's ass
Weird how that's been on John K's mind long before Adult Cartoon Party.
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He's definitely become more abstract over time, but you can still see it's the same guy. He just really struggles with digital art. You can still see a lot of talent in his "Cans Without Labels" concept art when he's using markers and stuff.
Some of my friends think that "Ren Seeks Help" was a thinly veiled autobiography of John's life, and a lot of highly specific details in R&S or George Liquor generally stem from things John has seen, or has done. I think I recall a story Vincent Waller told where John explained the origins of Jimmy the Idiot Boy and he went veeery into detail about what he did to this one kid and he said something that disturbed the shit out of Waller.
Fuck, it even has the same design he uses for his father.
>can someone get down to brass tacks on guy's whole deal
He's an unironic schizo, just read his blog for evidence: https://manlyburger.substack.com/
Don't bother engaging.
Kazuhide Tomonaga, Tomizawa Nobuo created Tiny Toons? I thought it was tom ruegger
You can tell who's a tourist when they abuse this word.
Nobuo Tomizawa and Kazuhide Tomonaga were directors on the original Tiny Toons, they were extremely pissed off at not getting their baby back when it came to Tiny Toons Looniversity.
Based Looniversity
>He pitches fucking WALLY MAN
>What fucking planet was this guy living on?
I like to think that he believed that shit would be like SpongeBob. A weird idea and design but massively popular nonetheless. Too bad that thing is genuinely hideous.
>John is a revolutionary artist who elevated society in many ways that go beyond cartoons.
For example?
Guys is legit schizophrenic though
Awareness on groomers
That's a pretty good drawing, not gonna lie. Are these colored pencils?
No thats a bad thing, they were forced to do a Rick and Morty spin off no one asked for instead of getting Tiny Toons back.
Once again, based
No, not based.
You know, guy, it's one thing to say you don't care about my opinions, it's another thing to say I don't even sincerely hold them. I went out of my way to say something earnest and even a little nice. You didn't even answer my question. The mass-replying doesn't serve you
SpongeBob isn’t a weird idea though, SpongeBob may be a weird character but it’s just an underwater themed cartoon about sea life living like people
Such as himself?
Not an excuse
Nah, you say this shit but it’s not true.
>t. Post election tourist
I didn't say it was part of his plan
Wrong again
Those upper drawings are great, what happened? Did he lose his mind after getting fired by Nick?
He has this tendency to redraw his own drawing ad-nauseam, which is why his latest art looks as bad as it does.
John K was a mistake. He only pitched Ren and Stimpy because he thought they were lesser characters he could bear to part with since he’d have to sell the IP. He wanted to make sure to keep ownership of what he thought was his real golden goose…George fucking Liquor and Jimmy the Idiot Boy.
John K eats bacon and “kolbassa” [sic] sandwiches for breakfast? I assume he means kielbasa, but WTF. It’s like having a bacon and bratwurst sandwich in the morning.
That's why his art style looks so incestuous
It's also why I think it's best he should make other people's drawings better, since he can't seem to make his own drawings better.
>It's like Gordon Ramsay making nothing but fried Twinkies
Fried Twinkies wouldn't be nutritious, but if you were somewhere like a state fair, it would probably at least be delicious in a lowbrow decadent sort of way. It's more like if Gordon Ramsay made nothing but dehydrated turds.
>Animators always think that they're drawing is soooo much harder than writing
That's actually true. I'm not saying that writing is easy, but there are WAY more people writing than animating and it's largely because it's easier to do.
And no, I'm not an artist, but just look at how many self-published authors there are as opposed to indie animators. Even if we include shit-tier animations with early flash style tweening, there are STILL a fuckload more authors out there.
>Yeah, but Sugar's art looks nothing like the calarts stereotype. Which means she was just another victim of a shitty animation industry that was already in collapse by that time.
Yes the 2000s fucked everything up.
Because the writing industry hasn't collapsed like animation did decades ago.
>John K. has a vast and analytical knowledge that makes him great as a supervisor and teacher.
Those who can't do teach.
John K. would be the sort of nightmare teacher who would constantly shit on your work not to make you better, but to bolster his own ego. For some people, he'd end up squashing their potential early on because they'd need more constructive criticism. People who grew up in a slightly abusive environment might actually thrive under his constant disapproval though and end up coming out the other side better for it mostly because they'd be pushing themselves to stay afloat.
It would only be years later that they'd look back on their time and realize that this mountain of a man who they were constantly trying to impress was a fucking poser who wasn't able to actually walk the walk. John talks a lot of shit and sometimes it seems like he knows what he's talking about, but he's crumbled under every single real-world test he's come across.

I really have no idea why people hold him up as a genius. He's just an outspoken asshole who made one thing that was popular (and was fired from that because he was inept, and then COMPLETELY botched it when he had the chance to bring that one good thing back).
>The reason we didn't see more George is that John wouldn't work with any company that would make him sell the rights to the character.
Just watch his shit-tastic flash series if you want more George Liquor and see how well that turned out.
>Then he will die another uselessly broken man of wasted potential
um...even if he DID go to therapy now, he's already a uselessly broken man of wasted potential. Dude must be in his 70's. He's not getting a second act. Best he could do is find peace with himself before he dies.
expecting anons to understand irony, sarcasm, jokes, or throwaway lines is a tall order. It requires an understanding of social context and nuance of delivery which autismos often struggle with.
Anons here seem to understand Tamers irony well, what makes SF irony different?
Bullshit. You should post pictures or videos of Kim Possible sucking dick if it's true. It'd be funny haha
I kinda miss his livestreams from the steak restaurant where he'd draw something on the back of the placemat with marker while waiting for food.
>I don't believe he just plays it up for laughs
I think he does. It's a soft version of shock humor. Do something that makes people kind of uncomfortable, and you get a nervous laugh from them. Dead baby jokes are a slightly harder example of this. They're not funny, they're just profane.
Showing guys with overly emphasized butt cheeks and nipples is supposed to be somewhat uncomfortable as it was much less common in the 90's and homosexuality was still a taboo topic. The joke is 'ha ha, look, they're portraying the private parts of man...like he's a WOMAN'. Not great humor, but I'm also pretty sure it wasn't some manifestation of repressed sexuality.

That's not to say that John K. isn't repressed. He may be, but I think the decision to include what could be considered homoerotic imagery needs to be viewed through the lens of the time. Making that same decision now would be a very different thing.
>Suffering from success? If you don’t care about others, just meeting the social rules, women won’t be attracted to you.

If you had nothing coherent to say why (you) me retard?
>It doesnt help that he doesn't seem to really get digital animation
I could see John being the type of person to refuse any sort of tips or pointers. Drawing digitally is different from drawing with traditional mediums, but there are a lot of techniques that artists have developed over the years to help bridge that gap. I just can't imagine any world where John K. would be receptive to a younger artist passing along any of those pointers because it would require him to admit that he's not already the best at something.
John has a bunch of bullshit theories and compulsions that he has to follow, and also a chip on his shoulder. That's a recipe for art that will appeal to a select few and repulse post. I like some of it though.
I don't mind the bottom ones either tbqh. He's drawn worse.
>Because the writing industry hasn't collapsed like animation did decades ago
The constant shuttering of bookstores would be an indication otherwise. Books don't sell anymore and writers that do articles get paid even worse than animators do because they're a dime a dozen.
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Yeah, he deleted it and only has Facebook now. Not sure about Xitter because I ain't signing up for that shit. He occasionally gets posted to Mowgli Surf Shop's Insta though.
Tamers bashes you over the head with it. SF isn't subtle either, but the production values are high enough that it might bury the lead for those who are less socially attuned.
Not talking shit about Tamers, but the MS Paint drawings, limited animation, generated voices, etc, are all part of his aesthetic. If he had better art/animation/real voice actors/etc, I think a lot of people would miss the irony.
Luckily the latest episode had MS Paint drawings in spades, so the irony isn't lost here.
considering the fact that there are schizos still raging about it, it wasn't obvious to the inept. Maybe they should start using text to speech instead of actual voice recordings.
great bumbly jumbly! I have a sudden hankering for some milk.
Let me guess, something something Christianity?
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I dont like the guy, but I love the way he used to draw girls
I wonder if this is related to his...predilection...for under-aged girls. He felt sexually stifled and humiliated at that age and that aspect of his life arrested in development, so as an adult he felt the need to go after what he couldn't get when he was that age.
It's kind of creepy that Robin Byrd recounted that when she went to John's house for the first time, he went out into the garage, took off his shirt, and had her watch him doing pushups. It's like he was reenacting scenes from his childhood only this time he was playing the part of his father.
Used to worship this guy back in school, had a chance to work for him but now feel like I dodged a bullet. Despite his influence on the medium I only see stunted growth when I look at his work now, same with others who worshipped him back in the day.
Did you ever end up getting mentored by those who were more... mentally stable?
That's interesting, what is your job now?
Last night I injured myself at work doing physical labor and couldn’t do anything for the rest of the shift after my harassers were demanding hard work for free, I’m sure they’ll masturbate about that

>no one else has them.
I don’t want to have the experiences of other people idiot. You think having a thought outside of groupthink is schizophrenic by itself. Quit begging to make use of my creativity.
So it’s completely beyond you becoming familiar with a series for the first time?
I don’t evaluate work according to group consensus. I don’t care that they “need to work with me to make it.” They don’t. They don’t even like to think so they don’t like to make philosophical sci-fi like Alien.

My harassers speak out of the industry person misconceptions from around 2010 that I “wanted to make a cartoon”, “that I only like John K”, etc., they are trying to argue with me out of phantoms of their past and can’t respond to me on their own.
The film Demolition Man.
John K taught his crew to improve rapidly and also artists online like Rebecca Sugar. Many of them declined without him.
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he had a knack. Sucks that we never got a show featuring a few of them before he self-destructed.
Some of his theories on color, construction, design and composition are priceless and he is honestly the main reason that I'm a professional artist. He opened my eyes to color theory and 1950s/60s cartoons.

Despite that, I got off the John K train at some point and my art only improved from it. Pretty much everyone obsessed with the guy just draws an uglier, limp version of what he does.
I learnt all my color theory by using Paint Tool Sai's color wheel ad-nauseam.
>also artists online like Rebecca Sugar
Someone isn't your teacher if you just read their blog, dumb dumb.
You can say whatever you want, but you can just look at the decline of those who repent of associating with John K, like Rebecca sugar becoming a left wing joke, and it shows everything.
>it's easier to do.
It's "easier" only because everyone spends 12 years learning how to do it. If schools put as much focus on teaching kids how to draw as they do on teaching them how to read and write, drawing wouldn't be seen as any harder thn writing.
>Some of his theories on color, construction, design and composition are priceless
It's great that he exposed you to those concepts, but nothing John K. espoused was anything new. By putting that stuff on a widely read blog he did a service to young animators by giving them a good crash course on some common topics of art-theory, but his takes aren't particularly unique.
Is that why you're using AI instead of actually drawing now? You got hit with the decline as well, huh?
I bet John K. would be really proud of the fact that you're getting computers to do the work for you instead of actually doing it yourself.
John K's psychological issues could fill several books
Naw. Just try animating a bouncing ball. Even WITH instruction, that shit is fucking hard. My 8 year old nephew can write a short story. He could draw a picture too, but doing basic animation is on another level.
Also, does that mean that art school ISN'T worthless?
Art School is worth it... if you come from money.
He already did more than enough by simply putting it on a blog
Kind of? You're not wrong, but they're also so fucking obvious it's not like anything written in the book would be a revelation. It's like seeing a character in an old movie with a twisty mustache, cape, top hat, and is constantly wringing his hands and cackling, and then later finding out that he's the villain. The most surprising thing is that it is, in fact, as obvious as it seems.
despite what people on /co/ seem to think, the vast majority of art school students (and especially artists who go on to work in the animation industry) do not come from money.

Animation actually has jobs you can apply for. They're competitive, but the same could be said about going into law. People who aspire to be gallery artists, on the other hand...
And there goes the actually schizophrenic nonsense because you can only lose.
What other free resource about cartoon can compete? You’re just gaslighting because the truth is that his blog humiliated expensive schools. That’s why industry people abused me so much by misinterpreting my words, even though I was a minor, I wanted to continue his style of education.
Stunted growth is what Rebecca Sugar and Dana Terrace exhibit, it’s even what Ren & Stimpy crew like Chris Savino exhibit, even though they created top cartoons. You are just coping.
Art school is affordable if you do it outside of America
WOW. I never thought that John would be such a wimpy cuck, but at the same time some part of me feels kind of feel bad for him. He never grew the balls to be his own man instead of trying to live to his insane father's standards. Instead, he developed that inferiority complex that caused his delusional arrogance.
Also, this >>144124948
Dude was genuinely talented (as an illustrator and animator, because most of his original ideas for cartoons suck ass), but his own personality burned the bridges around him.
That's my best option, since Euros seem to be animating like nobody's business.
or if you're actually good at what you do and get a scholarship.
If you're interested in an art form, there is value in receiving a good instruction in it. Whether or not you'll receive such instruction in art school is a separate question. That said, regardless of how good the curriculum is at any given art school, networking is probably the more important benefit you receive from it.
I'm hoping being Autistic will be enough to pay for all the expensive shit.
>but his own personality burned the bridges around him
Yeah. His daddy issues aside, his ego issues were a huge problem. The guy came out swinging and was pegged for having a lot of potential. I'm not sure if his self-esteem was too high or too low, but it seems like he was content to rest on the laurels of "high potential" instead of taking that as a challenge to realize what he could do. As a result, he never grew because he acted like he already knew everything.

It's a fucking waste. I think he would have done well to work longer under the wing of someone who could have tard-wrangled him. If he had spent 10 more years under a tough love mentor like Bakshi (though maybe not him specifically), I think we would have seen a much more capable John K.
Been that way since the 2000s
God, I need to watch some animated Asterix movies. I hear they're all good.
Same but Canada. Gonna throw a long shot at Sheridan and seriously apply to other places. I considered Goeblins in France but you gotta be under 25 by law to apply to animation school there.
You mean bridges to make things that aren’t like Ren and Stimpy or the work that inspired him? that’s not of value, that’s soul killing. Becoming like Rebecca Sugar melting away amongst industry lgbtq.
>I'm not sure if his self-esteem was too high or too low
He got diagnosed with bipolar so both is right
You're over 25? It's over for you
Much better than the slop of 20 years ago
Well yeah, Gaul is full of soul.
> they are trying to argue with me out of phantoms of their past and can’t respond to me on their own.
I’m arguing about you now, nothing about the past or John K. Everything in my post is currently true about you, you’re a mess who can barely communicate, your art is incoherent, and you spend your life developing religious delusions while claiming everybody stole everything from you and is trying to molest you. You’re schizophrenic
It's not over til I stop breathing, dammit! Also I didnt start learning til I was 26 or so.
>harassers were demanding work for free
How? What did they ask?
How old are you, man?
Your art is stunted, guy, it’s garbage. Because you think practicing even the stuff John K says you should for drawing, like using anatomy and giving a sense of 3D depth, is an evil conspiracy to take your soul.
And 2000s is full of shit
But he hasn’t really done anything except one George Liquor short in like 15 years, there’s no way you can say he’s producing the work he dreams of making.
The long shot schools will pay off if you can mange to get in. I'd find the best schools for your specific area of focus and really try for those.

Aside from having good reputations for a reason, you'll be among students who are very serious about their craft which will help push you to keep up. It will also help open doors afterwards. It's not like people here seem to think where your alma mater will book you a job on it's own, but being able to name drop something that has some weight may help get your portfolio actually looked at which is the first hurdle to overcome. After that, you'll book the gig based on your own skill and aptitude for growth, but in a world where everyone is an artist/musician/actor/writer, that edge helps A LOT.

There are also a lot of programs that are available to students of those programs. I know people who went to amazing animation programs and got their portfolios reviewed by reps from major studios as an undergrad. Some of those ended up resulting in employment straight out of college.

It's also far more likely that classmates from a good school will go on to actually work in the industry which helps since they'll be a part of your network and can help introduce you to people or float your name when positions open up.

You can still make it happen without going to one of the big 10, but it's a tougher battle. I'd make sure to try to go to professional cons like lightbox or events like ANNECY or OIAF to network your butt off every year. Talk to random people. It feels weird at first, but everyone is at those events to specifically network, so it's not as weird as you'd think to chat with random people. In the meantime, try to work on as many indie productions as you can on the side of your school work to build up a portfolio of real-life productions. That way, when you have to give your 1 sentence "I'm worthwhile paying attention to" speech, you have a name drop or two.
Now I want to know what your art looks like
I don’t want to communicate with you people because that’s just a way to get me to adjust your way of thinking and then my creativity will be like your group.

Keep attacking me for my religious faith and I’ll just message industry people a bunch since they think they’re so clever to avoid legal penalties for religious discrimination in this way.

And how many ideas are there in the latest cartoons? Panic attacks and therapy and lowering FPS?
Here we see one of you cowards acting on the impulse to avoid how they abuse me in the past by asking me to prove everything. you have 18 years of history built up at this point, that’s not going to work.
If your name is Industrycuck, yes.
30. Better to be 35 with a degree than 35 without one as I'll be 35 either way. I know I should've started earlier but the past is in the past and honestly I had enough bad stuff happen in my early 20s that I probably couldntve made it back then anyway.
So you’re saying you got hurt at work because you spent too much time replying to haters on /co/
Not true. I got my first few mainstream gigs in my late 30s. A lot of people piss away potential and opportunities when they're younger. It's never too late, but if you want to do it you have to get started now. 5 years from now you'll wish you had started 5 years ago.
Did you get accepted somewhere yet?
You are trying to encourage me to be one of those Spumco style artists so you can masturbate about wasting their potential to make something new.

You won’t even say anything about my work being sci-fi as you have the mind of a masturbator.

And you’re showing that you attacked me out of bitter rage that you gave up on John K’s great lessons and can’t be your own artist or do other things, so keep up the anonymous cowardice and see what happens.
>I don’t want to communicate with you people
then don't namefag and mass-reply for 6+ years you fucking mongoloid. how could you possibly benefit?
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His UFC shorts were so horrendous that UFC deleted them almost immediately after they were uploaded. The one with the barber character was one of the worst things I've ever watched and is lost media; I can't find it anywhere.

John writes his George Liquor characters like people write their waifus. He doesn't put any thought into writing because he thinks their presence alone is good enough material.

Someone needs to go to John's house and write KILL YOUR DARLINGS all over his walls. Well, rather, it should have been done 20 years ago.
30 is perfect. A lot of people in their 20s are too busy partying and trying to find themselves to really focus on their art or career anyway. At 30 you can approach things more strategically, take classes more seriously, at least know more about who you are so you don't have to deal with that whole shit show at the same time as trying to level up.
No, I’m encouraging you to become the best artist you can personally be by actually learning drawing technique and making it your own. Can you even draw a decent cube? Or is that an industry conspiracy to destroy your vision? You don’t have to draw like Spumco, you could just learn a little bit of basic drawing from anyone you wanted, and you would be better able to illustrate your dreams, and your actual vision for these things would shine through better, and people would better understand you
hey guy, you're wasting time flaming on /co/ instead of writing e-mails to industry people. You need to get going on your next message. Time is of the essence.
Live action storyboards, I lost interest in animation work a long time ago - not that it’s any better or worse
I was lucky to have a bunch of really good teachers and art directors in a few different areas. Maybe not as famous or hard core as John K but successful in their fields.
Definitely not arguing that John’s style has no merit, and I’m happy for the artists that took his ideas to greater or different heights. At some point some people realize there’s more than cartoons, call it a cope or call it changing over time, whatever
I agree. He needed to bake a little longer.
>and see what happens
What are you threatening, big guy?
Not him I just hate that decade
Shut your mouth boil. This isn’t your free avenue to attack me, I can easily ruin the “mental health” of industry people who love to feel better about crushing my grand vision.
It’s funny you say that because I popularized drawing cubes in perspective on /ic/ while people asked me what they were. Later there was a whole website for it. You are gooning about that and I’m switching to emailing your colleagues
>and people would better understand you
They can understand that they’re pathetic, are defined by masturbation and group think and other sins, and they tortured me as a teenager and young adult. Start there
>But John’s dad had a great point, he was a massive success as a cartoonist
Key point on WAS. He hasnt had any success for the past 20 something years.
I was born in that decade, so it's even worse on my end.
No you don't. Despite my age I'm a power grinding amateur at best.
That's not a response to what I said. Simply stop posting and that pretty much fixes your problem. You've wasted years of your life at this point arguing with the haters
you popularized drawing cubes...after people asked you what they were? Like...people didn't know what a cube was until you showed them?
You should popularize the wheel next. I think that could really shake things up.
So are you in art school now or what?
So if you were a pioneer of teaching people to draw cubes on the internet, why doesn’t your work display any level of technique? Did you degrade? I just don’t know why your work is such a mess.
No. Workin on it but no.
He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark
Well, good luck pal
Thanks. Y-you too.
If you have nothing but success you’re fellating Satan’s wrinkly red dick and will go to hell when you die.
No, I have the ability to wreck the industry because I’m a Catholic connected to John K students Rebecca Sugar and Dana Terrace, and in other ways.
Le smug Marvel quip redditor response, that’ll help your next wank session
“Any”? You’re just trying to encourage me to commit suicide or serve your group by desperately jumping through hoops to please you. The competition is drawing the beanmouth style, say something about that or I’ll send 50 different emails before I come back
>invented drawing cubes in perspective
Okay, then wreck the industry instead of telling us about how you're going to. Bet you won't
Clearly Guy is the spirit of an Italian Renaissance artist who went schizo from haunting the Earth for half a millennium.
You do realize that there are artists credited with inventing perspective and other things right? oh look you know jack shit about art history.

And that’s not what I said
You are already attacking me nonstop, that is a defensive behavior from the industry.
Someone less stupid tries to save the retard.
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Me too. Sometimes I have to remember that everyone goes to their own rhythm, some people had better chances in life than us, but its never too late to get our goals done even if we star later than others. As you say, we are gonna age at some point, its better to get there trying to reach that goal than having never started because of what others might think.
Thanks for calling me less stupid but I'm still making fun of you, Ant*ony.
Tennapel is talented but also a complete wingnut. You won't believe the stupidity of his politics. He puts so much energy into being more christcon than thou.
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Post your art, anon. I like to see other people’s artwork
guy, you are not the first person to discover drawing cubes as a perspective exercise. you are delusional. i can understand not wanting to take antipsychotics but you just said something stupid as fuck.
I’m not trying to get you to commit artistic suicide, I’m saying you should try to improve your technique. I’m not talking about the content, I’m talking about the actual drawing.
It's so funny how military dads apply that shit to upbringing as if real life is like the army. It fucks everyone up.
>all of you calling me a retard proves i can wreck the industry
Just wreck it then, bitch! Damn!
Again, he was friends with Brietbart. (Thankfully Brietbart is dead, so that's one less nuisance we have to deal with)
But why does your art suck? It’s like you don’t understand illustration at all. No one can tell what they’re looking at
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Holy fuck
They're artists and it's a Labour intensive medium. Jankovics had to take shortcuts with Tragedy of Man, it just wasn't viable to do this stuff even ten years ago. Had he gotten his hands on Cacani or similar it would have been possible to get it all in there.
Mood bro. 00s sucked shit.
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The 00s weren't all bad.
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So people were screaming at me and driving me to a suicide attempt in 2010 because I was doing ordinary things? You can’t even get what I said it is correct.
You didn’t talk about the actual drawing of the bean mouth competition so I’ll be sending those

They are concept art, the point is to draw the concept, not waste time on hours of rendering a painting. You people have shat on Genndy’s concept art too (and finished work) and won’t say anything about how my sci-fi art connects to his because “Guy only likes John K” was the industry narrative in 2010 and you are enslaved to that.
I don’t want you to tell. You won’t even ask any questions about it, you have no curiosity.
Wheres my email you promised to write me? Also your art is still shit, just stick to AI.
Is that a cube?
Outside of the coom no one remember this. This sums up the decade.
Who said anything about bean mouth? I’m saying that art you do, that you posted just now, is an incoherent mess. We can kind of tell it’s some shrieking demon but it’s just rushed and childish, like a 4 year old’s drawing. There are so many styles besides calarts or bean mouth you can learn from to make your art actually express something, because right now it looks like a toddler drew it
Damn, not even Camp Lazlo's any good?
It's some Eldritch horror l but watch try to pull something out of his ass and say it's his "manifestation of my insanity" or some bullshit.
It's a step down from Rocko
Nothing can top Rocko, obviously.
>its better to get there trying to reach that goal than having never started because of what others might think.
As a late bloomer, I spent TONS of time not even trying to make it because I was surrounded by so many people who had the attitude of "why bother. It's statistically impossible anyway, and what makes you so special?".

At one point, I noticed people who I didn't think were nearly as good at what I do start to find success because they worked steadily and persevered. As much as that was a sobering moment, the takeaway was if they could do it, then why couldn't I? And the thing is, once I started really going for it believing that I could build the same thing slowly, it started to work. When you get those initial small successes that are a big deal to you but nobody else, the people who told you that you couldn't make it are still going to be passive aggressive and shit talk behind your back. But you build it brick by brick and suddenly when your name starts popping up in shit they care about, those same assholes change their tune really quickly talking about how they always knew you were so talented and blah blah blah.

A lot of people just want to drag you down into the mud because if you manage to build a castle, looking up at you will remind them of their own failure to realize their potential. Build it one stone at a time. You'll be surprised how far you can get if you just start now and keep working through the self-doubt and trolls and angry teenagers on /co/. The people who tell you it's impossible need to believe that so they can feel better about doing nothing.
The first ones are good but frequently off model. You can see how much the skills improve film by film and by the third they're at Disney level.
Fine by me, I think off-model characters have charm to them.
Birchy is like an alternate personality of guy, right? I'm convinced they're the same person.
neither do christians, plebbitor
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His work isn't bad, but I was always more a fan of Lynne Taylor (one of his ex-girlfriends) stuff
You believe in an invisible man in the sky, though.
Hey, they're good, it's just a charming quirk. They're impressive actually.

One that looks amazing but kinda sucks is Asterix and the Vikings. It's fine but misses the point.
>So people were screaming at me and driving me to a suicide attempt in 2010 because I was doing ordinary things? You can’t even get what I said it is correct.
No, they were probably screaming at you, or just trolling you, for something else. Not even kidding, I think whatever happened back then, you got the wrong message. Did you by any chance just post a thread with really shitty drawings of cubes, and people made fun of you for thinking you were going to teach anyone anything? Did you get mad because no one was impressed with your cubes?
People were drawing cubes on 4chan before 2010 btw
yeah and
And Christianity's starting to become less and less popular.
is it? is populism all you have?
Either way, it'll be significantly better than whatever Disney makes these days.
Nobody's going to church either, there was literally a super bowl ad campaign trying to convince people
Disney was never good, especially in the 2000s.
once again; and?
besides, what americans do is of little concern to me
>Disney out of nowhere
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You have a point, but I would recommend to let go that anger against those other people (trolls or whatever you want to call them). If you are reaching a goal, it would be out of love for the craft and the ideas rather than spite or to prove them wrong. You are right about some people on /co/ being petty assholes, but dedicating that much time to them doesn't make you better than them. There are even anons who would gladly help you with tips. Instead focus on your goal and learn from everything you can, say tutorials, teachers or even tips from randos. Make it a passion project instead of a slap against trolls. Only then you can be happy and bloom on you trade.
What's wrong with sci-fi Disney?
The leads looked gay and unmasculine
Nothing, Treasure Planet its kino. Atlantis is very good in the first part, but it kind of nosedives after they get to Atlantis.
Of all the Disney movies, I've never seen Treasure Planet. Feels bad...
Fair point. I don't know how you got that I'm doing what I'm doing to spite trolls or that I'm overly fixated on them from what I wrote, but for the record, that's not what motivates me. I mention it more because in order to move forward I had to shut out all that BS and thought if there are people in a similar place that I was when I finally started getting my shit together, it might be helpful to hear.
They've not made anything good for a while. Good animation comes from Europe these days.
I have yet to watch Robot Dreams, but I hear it's very gay. (Something that would be up my alley.)
It's kind of crazy that they never tried to do anything film-wise with space mountain.
It's both impressive and kinda not. It has its own annoying jarjar type character.
That could've literally been the setting of Strange World, missed opportunity.
>They've not made anything good for a while.
Try since 1999.
>Good animation comes from Europe these days.
Always did. Kids were more into Code Lyoko than anything on Disney Channel. Europe always beat Amerisharts.
It's not gay exactly it's about letting go. Very laid back and chill. Not sure what I thought about it. I'm done with the 80s as a period now though.
probably better off. Otherwise they would have ended up retooling the ride to be strange world themed.
Entirely with you man.
Fuck you
I wish more people can be like you and shake off the brainwashing. The 2000s fucking sucked. America fucking sucked.
Eat shit.
Imagine being this retarded.
Being a /co/ntrarian? Hard to imagine...
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Sorry, man. I might mixed you with other anon in the thread.
>if there are people in a similar place that I was when I finally started getting my shit together, it might be helpful to hear.
I'm kind of on the same place. I have a job that's not too hard and helps with the money, but at the same time I'm working on a side personal project. I know some people have found success in the same area (comics) since an earlier age, but I still want to continue to see all of my hard work finished, something to be proud of. Something about slowly reaching this age changes your perspective on several things that my have been seen different in the past.
I really hope you complete your own goal too, anon.
Better to like him as an artist than seethe endlessly on a Cantonese shadow-puppet forum. It's not "dick riding" it's not being a hysterical nerd.
Your color theory is lacking. Post something finished
John K. sucks dick.

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