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I heard this wasn't originally an Ultraman show and you can very much tell. It doesn't really feel like an Ultraman show in general, the tone and the characters obviously are vastly different from the original classic, but it also doesn't quite have the same feel as the newer stuff either. Not because of it's nicer kaiju, we've had stuff like that as far back as Pigmon, just in general. If you're looking for a taste of Ultraman to dip your toes in, this isn't it.

But as it's own thing it's remarkably consistent, it's story is simple but well told, full of heart and while the character designs look offputting the action is well done. It's a mostly wholesome story of a father and son reconnecting and a cocky younger male learning to be a father himself.

Have to recommend it, it's one of the better animated fare released here recently.
Do any of these Netflix animated things ever get released on blu ray? I'm not interested in using a rental service.
Not very often
It was an odd choice to do a protect the kaiju story as a first Ultraman story, but due to how vague they kept the origins and history of Ultraman it ended up working well. I'd like Emi to become this Ultraman's capsule monster.
The guy who came up with it has been working on the idea since like 2001. He worked on Foster's. Originally it would have just been some story about some rich hero adopting his archenemy's children after he kills him or some shit. No idea why the idea got retooled into Ultraman of all things.
It evolved into an Ultraman expy raising a kaiju baby but then Netflix was like "Y'know what? Let's just call Tsuburaya and make this Ultraman" and Tsuburaya was like "Yeah, sure"
>It was an odd choice to do a protect the kaiju story as a first Ultraman story
It's very odd that both of the animated adaptions has been a "New ultraman takes up the mantle after his father" now that I think about it. That said while this is only just Ultraman, it's still more so then the anime where they're just regular sized toku heroes

Who the fuck looked at Ultraman and said "But why are they big? Take that out."
>It doesn't really feel like an Ultraman show in general, the tone and the characters obviously are vastly different from the original classic, but it also doesn't quite have the same feel as the newer stuff either.
Neither does Nexus, or the Sunrise series. Ultraman is pretty broad.
>No idea why the idea got retooled into Ultraman of all things.
Originally it was a Sentai expy, just a guy in a costume with powers and a transformation. Then it became about a giant hero specifically to allow him to interact with the baby on a more understandable scale, and because he was a big ultraman fan. Then they were like “this just sounds like ultra man.”

You can very much see it, change the design of the hero and change the earlier kaiju appearances and this has fuck all to do with Ultraman. While Ultra-folks can and do have kids, the humans they merged with didn’t pass it on via their dick, they had to make another Ultra with an Ultra. Well, except for that one case…
You mentioning the capsule monsters does make me think that Miclas, Agira and Windham would be great to show up in this art style as they have very fun and friendly designs. Plus having other kaiju that have played heroic roles show up would help with the more nuanced/positive direction on them in this film continuity
This is why I'm weary of pitching my idea to big studios. They'll say it reminds them of something else and will be "retooled" into that IP instead of establishing an IP identity of its own.
Same thing happened with Velma.
I think OP was just saying if you want to get an idea about Ultraman, this show isn’t going to do that. Which, true, it doesn’t. Doesn’t really touch on the Ultraman lore or why they are what they are, it also makes the Ultraform just a power. For those of you who don’t watch Ultraman, it’s not just a powerup. That’s like, an actual character, there’s a whole planet of them.

Still I thought the movie was really good, father son ultra-beam was dope
until said otherwise Ultraman Zero's mother is Anne Yuri due to who else could it honestly be at this point
I mean it also happened with Rise of the Planet of the apes as that pitch was initially an unrelated idea and that turned out a great trilogy, like many things this has good examples and bad examples
It also helps that Seven does have a cocky child who needed to learn humility, so there’s at least a basis in the original lore form this to build on.

He didn’t look so dopey in his old age, though…
It could be good or bad, but it doesn't have its own real legs to stand on, rather leaning on the legs of a legacy IP. That's the best case scenario, worst it's a disgrace to the IP, again, Velma.
Yuri already has a kid and his name is Dan
I mean at least with them teasing a sequel they can add more elements and characters from the series but with an animated spin now, a newcomer friendly first film was probably the best option before getting into the wider elements of a nearly 60 years long franchise
have no idea how Heisei Ultraseven slots into the main canon and naming your son after an ex is super weird but always liked this sweet pic Matt Frank did
It’s weird they kept mentioning Gomora in this context, he’s undeniably the most famous of the heroic ones
True but suppose he also got his start as the first foe to defeat Ultraman and since Ultra Galaxy ended has gone back to being a enemy like with Sphere Or Skull Gomora. Shame as do feel he works best as a heroic figure but maybe they'll have him on screen next film at least since only had Neronga and Bemular this film. I've said this a few threads but having Red King appear as a nasty bully to Emi would be pretty good in a sequel
In fairness Sphere Gomora was akin to a pod person, something possessing him, the actual Gomora in that situation was a good kaiju.
>having Red King appear as a nasty bully to Emi would be pretty good in a sequel
That's very much on brand for the motherfucker
The first one he bullied was named pigmon

I mean that’s just asking for it
Let these shows be other things.
It's specifically not canon because Ultraseven gets a new host in it he never uses again
Also it takes place in a universe where the other Ultra shows never happened
so is this non canon like the other ultraman anime, or is this canon like the ultraman cartoon?
Yes it's non canon.
But more than half of all Ultraman shows aren't canon to each other, they can just cross universes to justify suit reuse
Yeah poor bastard, looked sick though and Sphere Red King actually being red was fun detail. They had concept art for a Sphere Eleking that didn't appear in show to
It’s like
>His Name is literally red king
>almost never red colored
It has to be a running joke at this point, even EX was mostly black colored
It's good though I think it skips a lot of stuff that feels underdeveloped, like the baseball games. Also, there were some losses the MC had that would have hit hard if those characters stayed dead. But I guess they need the mandatory Hollywood happy ending.
Fun fact, there’s a longstanding theory the reason for that is only the males have red coloration, like the are in Ultraman Ultimate Hero. The females are the tan colored ones.

Essentially every Red King in the series has been a Not-Red Queen
But also suicide is fine

Mixed messages
I assume it's a metaphorical name since the species is so violent and brutal to any other living thing
Is the ocean a non-Newtonian fluid in this movie? The physics of them walking on it or stumbling about or just standing then sinking down several hundred feet are very questionable
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It was still very clearly Ultraman inspired even back when it was still "Made in Japan", making it and Ultraman movie just cut out the middleman
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This guy is definitely gonna be an Ultra host in the sequel
So is Blazer worth checking out?
Who is Blazer?
That might be budget issues, but the show itself looks pretty.
Truthfully It really would’ve been fine if they hadn’t included the shot of Ultraman sinking down what looked like a pretty far distance while being able to see they’re standing on nothing at all
I liked it
Yes but go in with the expectation that the running mystery plot won't really progress in any significant way till like the last episode.
Orb had this issue too, trading Orb and Jugglers backstory and relationship for the whole show then just dumping what actually happened all at once.

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