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I cant believe Smiling Friends got away with this episode on pride month.
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However they wouldn't dare to air it own April's Fools Day
He literally has a wet sloppy kiss with the Boss like 30 seconds after this frame.
You mean Clock Day.
It was a Father's Day episode
alright I'll bite, got away with what?
OP is imagining that tumblr types will freak out over an unhinged murderous psycho character being depicted with a rainbow gradient
this. most lgbt people feel great when they are depicted as all-powerful psychos killing chuds
He's literally about to be violently ripped in half, you'd pray too faggot.
No atheists in foxholes is a common religious propaganda talking point
dead meme
it's not propaganda if it's true
Give me five examples, and also let it be known it is cannon that Satan exists and demons and critters exist in the world.
Or you could skip whatever bullshit you're about to say and admit you're fucking retarded.
gwimblys friends grave is christian
charlie wears a cross
charlie prays
pim prays
satan/ god stuff

it’s weird
Mega link?
the show takes place in the US, it’s not even a little bit weird for the characters to be christian
You need to go back.
When does this show get funny?
open wide >>144118370
Hello sar
How is it weird?
I can't wait in 2/3 years from now when some body makes one of those poorly drawn ms paint memes criticizing Smiling Friends for being formulaic and funny and one of the points will be forced christcuck shit right next to "breaking character to have realistic awkward dialogues"
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It's really not. You're making out like this is veggietales or something. The simpsons has more Christianity in it than this.
This show isn’t getting a season 4
Guys... I never noticed this before but do you notice there's like churches in most cities? I'm kinda freaking out here.
When was the last time an Adult Swim series got more than three seasons (that wasn't some el cheapo Tim and Eric show)
>Gravestone being Christian
Not a big deal, especially in a world where we know Satan and God exist.
>Charlie wears a cross
Charlies been to hell
>Charlie prays
Look up
>Pim prays
>Satan and God stuff
They're Gilbert Gottfried and a vaping nerd, I don't know how that's indoctrination or whatever dumb shit you said in your deleted post, faggot. Were they supposed to make up their own gods for humour like peopling praying before they get killed and shit? Use Hindu gods? I felt the need to actually reply because you're so wrong and you deserve to know it.
God and Satan exist in Family Guy and South Park but unlike Smiling Friend they don't shove religion down you throat.
Well, Seth and Trey and Matt would never shove any kind of questionable ideology down their viewers’ throats, they are known for being unfailingly subtle and apolitical
I showed the latest Smiling Friend to my Bible study group as part of a lesson on the power of prayer. I am no longer invited to Bible study group

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