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>cannot be cut by anything but kryptonite blades
>powers manifested from birth as he was exposed to the yellow sun
I guess Superman is not circumcised.
The most based Space Jew
How did they cut his hair
>I guess Superman is not circumcised.
Why would he be?
Were the Kents Jewish?
Their last name is actually Kentstein
American Christians get circumcised at birth all the time?
You must be European
Unfortunately Americans are fucking retarded and decided that circumcision for everyone was a good idea because they thought it would stop kids from masturbating or some bullshit. And now they just keep doing it because they've always done it, like so many bullshit American fake traditions. Yes I'm mad and yes I'm American and yes I'm circumcised. The worst part is that if I were to ever complain to my parents about it I'd be the one seen as the freak.
A guy who sold cereal said it was a good idea. He seemed trustworthy at the time
It’s hygienic.
I’m glad as an American I was circumcised.
The last thing I need is nasty smug under my foreskin like Euro dudes.
What makes you think he has a penis? Kryptonians are hatched from birthing matrices
Guess they should have cut off my feet too to prevent fungus and also make it so I wouldn't have to cut my toenails. Would be so convenient!
Why do you care about superman's penis this much?
I bet you also don't wash your hands when you are out in public, after you stand at a urinal. Granted, you probably don't bother to touch the flush handle but you've touched something in that room, even if it was just the door or handle to the door of the room.
Of course I wash my hands with soap. Then I use a paper towel to open the door when I leave.
Nigga who tf doesn't wash their hands in public. You're just self projecting.
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Nigga it's like half an inch of skin you weren't gonna be using much anyway. Chill the fuck out
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I used to be grateful I was cut, as it was an IRL meme in middle and hs and stuff that intact was gross. But now i'm wishing I wasn't bc I think they look better and the sensitivity thing. Although, is it *too* sensitive? My buddy who was uncut was always busting in his pants on the bus in the morning just from the vibration, which seems cumbersome.
Just imagine a mohel getting gradually more and more frustrated as he futility saws away at the impenetrable foreskin, and the pile of broken scalpels just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
*as he futilely saws away
heat vision + mirrors
Nigga you’re retarded, I ain’t circumcised and I don’t have smegma on my dick, as long as you aren’t a complete slob your penis will be fije.
>completely Missing the point
Does Lois lick the smegma off of Superman’s peen?
How about you wash your dick every once in a while you fucking filthy animal
Why are you thinking about Superman's cock anon?
So Clark just had a glorious raised-by-wolves type mane before he figured out heatvision?

Man, now I really want to see a Tarzan/Superman crossover. Completely feral king of the jungle Kal-el would be pretty cool.
I do, twice a day.
It’s just that the bigger the cock the bigger chance of smegma unless it’s circumcised.
It's a complete non-issue.
I can tell you from experience as someone who has been the greasiest, neckbeardiest non-showering degenerate that it takes the better part of a week of not washing your dick (and not changing clothes) for smegma to appear.
The only defense for circumcision is cultural and religious practice. There is no practical benefit unless you're doing it as a punishment.
>Tarzan/Superman crossover. Completely feral king of the jungle Kal-el would be pretty cool.
Happened in an Elseworlds already
>powers manifested from birth as he was exposed to the yellow sun
His powers don't fully develop until he was a teen. His ship didn't have yellow solar rays powering him up on his way there so he was weak for many years. Kara's ship had a system that was powering her which is why she was super strong when she came out.
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So it has! Twice, even.
The fuck would I want all that foreskin. I want to feel it when the girl is licking up and down.
..You know it's not hanging over the glans when you're erect right? It's sitting quite snugly where you have a bunch of scar tissue and insensate skin pulled far too tight.
>bro you were mutilated without your consent just chill bro!
You are exactly why I called Americans fucking retarded, as an American. Sheer incurable brainrot.
i'm glad you weren't informed that foreskin is the second most sexually sensitive part of your dick, and also keeps your glans from drying out. imagine what a shock it would be to learn you lost that.
When I went to see Fall Guy last week, we had a bunch of coffee beforehand so I had to use the bathroom at AMC before and after the movie, both times at least 3 dudes came in and left - without washing - just while I was washing and drying mine. They have shitty air dryers that take forever at this location.
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Why are you so concerned about the structural integrity of the genitalia of complete strangers whom you will never meet, exactly?
Quiet, anon. This is a thread about foreskins
why is everyone assuming an alien from outer space even has anything resembling a human dick? could be a three tentacled monstrosity with spines for grip for all we know.
Because he looks exactly like a human being in all respects and has half-human children.
Reminds me of a bit from Doctor Who
>if you're an alien, why do you look so human?
>YOU look Time Lord. We came FIRST.

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