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>no delicious brown tomboys
What is SF's appeal?
Irony, but with a bigger budget.
its for the fujo audience
Fujo and proud of it.
It’s actually funny and well animated, so it doesn’t have to rely on Tomboyfags
You aren't wanted here. Fucking leave.
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Uhh... no?
>well animated
The fact that you have nothing for tomboyfags shows you have nothing.
He have hot boys, and that's all we need.
Enjoy the scat roleplays
Will do, kind anon.
I thought the Frowning Friends episode preached about irony being bad or whatever.
Not really, it preached about not being a nihilist. (With the added joke of that one guy who agreed with the deportation stuff.)
But nihilism is based
REAL nihilism is based
The FF did not practice what they preached though
It's actually funny.
Well yeah, they wanted to mass deport everyone.
Pressing X to doubt
It's funny whenever Allan is on-screen, but unfunny whenever he isn't.
Alan is just Kirkland Squidward
Squidward's one of the best parts of SpongeBob, which makes Allan the best part of Smiling Friends.
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No girls allowed
And you wonder why MAWS is beating you guys…
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Yeah about that…
its actually really funny
The day SF kills capeshit will be the happiest day of my life.
Dude, you're embarrassing us in front of the chicks
The day capeshit kills SF will be the happiest day of my life
As if, have you not seen the viewcounts?
>muh viewcounts!
Right because views on YouTube mean SOOOOO much. Last I check the ratings counted were in MAWS' favor
Capeshit is for normies, though.
>moving the goalposts
So you admit that SF isn't popular.
It's popular, just not with capefags.
But you said capefags were normies and normies make up most of the mainstream, therefore SF isn't all that popular
Either way, MWAS is just Invincible but without the gore.
I love both, but this is truly the definition of cursed
this anon is MAD
Also, if you want to watch something anime-inspired that's actually good, go watch Pantheon instead.
Pantheon CHADS and Invincible CHADS stand with Smiling CHADS against Moeman garbage.
It makes my brain itch.
Caspian is hot, and I like gore.
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Better check again pal
>What is SF's appeal?
It appeals to eceleb sloppers
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You're so retarded I'm nearly convinced you're false flagging as a superman enjoyer so you can jerk yourself off to arguing with anons
That’s exactly what’s happening, anon just hates SF and is trying to provoke a war between two fanbases with little overlap
Every capefag does this, it's only natural.
>capefags this capefag that
They just want to be left alone most of the time, I see more people whining about them than them doing anything.
Do you have any idea how many capeshit threads I have to filter? A fucking lot.
>talking about cartoon and comics on /co/ is so annoying!
SF fags are so MINDBROKEN lmao
>capefags are somehow the only people allowed to post blatant /tv/ threads
Nah I'm jerking off to delicious brown tomboys.
Live action adaptions of /co/ have always been allowed retard. Lurk moar.
I did my best to avoid spoilers and was fucking floored to see it was a Clock Crew episode. A gag that maybe a few thousand people will recognize. Incredible. Thank you Zach.
Right, next you're gonna tell me that THIS is allowed.
>live action adaption of an animated movie and perfectly allowed
>somehow this is anon's gotcha
I sincerely hope you're the shitposter because you really are making the SF fanbase look bad.
>capefags on damage control
You people are the real cancer with this board.
Can't you blame them? They have nothing original.
Seriously why are you antagonizing capefags when they've done nothing to you? Why are you falling for the false flag?
Can you blame SF fags? They have nothing original.
>capefags turn a 180 in hopes of winning an argument
>smiling fags still coping over losing to capeshit
I can smell your butthurt from here
What's the matter, did Allan kill Batman's family or something?
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>It seems my superiority has upset some people.
>It seems my superio-
stop forcing it, fatfuck., more opaque than the frogfuckers trying to say they're totally rivalling Owl House. jokes on you, Owl House can ruin itself without anyone else's help,
I'm obsessed with this scene.
Top 10 Greatest Anime Battles
>reddit humor
Only the blatant eceleb references are reddit humor, Allan's in a league of his own.
This was hilarious the first time I watched it but it loses it's potency in each recurring view for me
It's a lot more hilarious when you're high, much like ATHF.
I missed the episode, download where?
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Here you go.
Allan... put some clothes on buddy.
In every Smiling Friends thread on /co/ or /tv/
I'm genuinely surprised /tv/ allows Smiling Friends. But then again, /co/ allows live-action capeslop.
>m-muh capeslop
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At least the capeshit I like isn't being retold for almost a goddamn century.
>not knowing The Simpsons and Family Guy have been /tv/ staples for a long time
Your obsession with shitting on capeshit just outs you as a newfag
So what's /tv/ and what's /co/? If you've been here for so long, why don't you tell me?
I like Allan
I like Allan... in sexual ways.
>preferring Canadian slop that's been long forgotten over timeless classics that keep getting reinvented
Let me guess, King Arthur and Sherlock Holmes are too much for you.
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pim is looking very pimvil today. what can cheer him up?
It's bringing back shows where the entire cast is male.
Male dominant shows win, that's why Smiling Friends is the biggest show on adultswim and the biggest cartoon out now. With Rick and Morty clearly wrapping up with the collapse of Justin Roiland being gone, Smiling Friends is going to take the torch.
Season 3 guaranteed, the highest viewed clips on the adultswim youtube channel, it's just straight winning for male shows with male MC's.
>no waifus to jack off
>homos think this is a win
Keep deluding yourself while brown tomboys keep winning.
Allan's throbbing cock.
Name one successful brown tomboy show and I'll name an actual successful show that dominated it.
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>Male dominant shows win, that's why Smiling Friends is the biggest show on adultswim and the biggest cartoon out now.
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>homos think this is a win
Yes, it IS a win.
>Right because views on YouTube mean SOOOOO much.
Yeah it does, it actually has always meant a lot since YouTubes creation.
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MAWS dominated Smiling Friends, not the other way around. Seethe more.
Not to mention alternate dubs, those also bring in a considerable amount of viewers. (Though, you'd have to have government tax money in order to do such a thing.)
Delicious brown tomboys aren't all that matters, otherwise Korra would be good.
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Oh so since YouTube views matter so much, I guess this means Owl House is more successful than Smiling Friends.
Owl House died as soon as the show died. Smiling Friends is still ongoing.
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Till the tax write offs happen
It will happen with R&M first, since it's dead weight.
Don't worry he said no homo
R&M is a legacy title at this point, it has more prestige than SF. The fact that the creator is working for Hulu makes SF deadweight.
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>he doesn't remember the one time zach and roiland worked together for a hulu special
Based Justin letting Zach rid his coattails
I think it was nice, since it made up for Cusack replacing Roiland on Smiling Friends.
I think it didn't happen more because the origin of the characters got discovered
I liked the scat, thanks.
Honestly I find it hilarious that "people" constantly talk about how media need better female representation, only for shows with exclusively or near exclusively male casts to end being some of the most popular with women anyway.
Does that mean we should stop having female characters who in cartoons?
No because I need qt girls to keep my attention.
Make all female shows about girls doing cute things for men and all male shows about guys with weirdly high amounts of sexual tension for women.
Don't "girls doing cute things" shows tend to appeal only to cunnyfags?
This anon gets it! Actually, I think both types of shows should have the characters both doing cute things AND having weirdly high amounts of sexual tension. Think south park.
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How many western cartoons have girls doing cute things? Closest I can think of is Barbie and Tinkerbell cartoons and those aren’t very popular with dudes
Hmm, let's see, there's the horse show, DC superhero girls, winx club, lolirock, maybe powerpuff girls? Not a lot of western shows with an all female ensemble cast off the top of my head.
>Closest I can think of is Barbie and Tinkerbell cartoons and those aren’t very popular with dudes
Target audience is too young and the writing reflects it.
There was actually a very popular show with an almost entirely female cast which was incredibly popular with male demographics despite the idea of such a show being popular with said audience seeming like an insane proposition before the show suddenly exploded somehow, in part thanks to /co/.
I won't name the show, in part because I don't want to invite that evil here and in part because I know you know what show I'm talking about.
As long as they have gay sex it's fine by me
I haven't seen MAWS get above the #7 slot for top shows on Max this season. I haven't seen SF drop from the top 4 yet, mostly being #1 or #2.
>I watch and enjoy both, don't hurt me
And it'd be pretty boring if you're NOT into cunny.
I've only seen MAWS trend on twitter. Most recently was everyone jerking off cause of the non-binary character. Every time a new Smiling Friends episode comes out I can't not see it.
So I take it all the MAWSfags migrated from twitter over to here to start some shit? Classic.
>non-bianry character
Stags making shit up
I don't what are you talking about?
Why do people like Smiling Friends despite lacking tomboys
Sexy men, it's all you need.
This site is not for gays or women.
This site is full of homophobic gay mens
Every self-proclaimed nihilist who didn't commit suicide was a hypocrite.
Spotted the hot topic goth
So why did you all flip your shit over the Cuck Wrangler threads?
That's just Industrycuck, not even a Fujo.
I still jacked off to it
People jerk off to Tamers, I'm not surprised.
It's still gay shit what are you complaining about
Tomboy already sucked but brown tomboy is even more autistic. At least it's not as bad as goth.
It's a funny show for men of culture. Shows like venture bros need sex to sell because the shows premise is so dull that it could realistically only fill a season worth of content.
It felt more ironic if anything, since IT doesn't even like SF.
What about the show is "ironic."
Never once does it take itself seriously.
>shitting on VB
lmao SFags are petty af
>Need to sell sex
>there are about 3 recurring female characters in the show
That's three too much for these threads
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Man this season fucking sucks. Feels like every good episode we just get something aggressively dull or chuckle worthy at most. The one gag I laughed at was the waitress disappearing.
I see tribefag has moved from Amphibia vs Owl House to MAWS vs SF
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what do you mean? street fighter has ton of those, also what does venture bros have to do with anything?
I don't even understand why SF is even being paired with MAWS to begin with.
They're both on adult swim. That's the only connection I can see.
Then again, it's like trying to compare Moral Orel to King of the Hill.

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