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>falls in love with a blue toaster
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>she rejects you
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couldn't be me haha that's just absurd
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Fracking toasters.
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i would too if she looked like this
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This thread needs more bug queen
Devil trips
>falls in love with the cute Asian nerd
He was ahead of the times. Thank you, China. I will not defend Taiwan now
All glory to Pooh Bear
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>falls in love with a literal toaster
I remember this kinda thing, I like it a bit
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he should've fall in love with this little boy
i didn't get the appeal until I worked as a wrench monkey and I saw the robots first hand in a busy factory. The raw power, the perfect control, the grace all rolled into a single beautiful machine. They're the thing that kept everything running so they were kept spotless with bi weekly preventative maintenance that was pretty much just wiping them down and checking hoses. No one else gave a fuck about anything else so imagine seeing these beautiful giant arms, spotless and moving with perfection against the grimey backdrop of a factory with people just trundling shit along all flesh like. I'm gonna be real lads, sometimes when no one was looking and it was my turn to be doing maintenance on them I give them a little kiss when I was done. I wish I still worked there some times.
he's kinda cute
>lorelet artists
Jenny doesn't have synthetic skin or breasts. She's all metal, baby
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>falling in love with a robot waifu
this is pure mysogyny
Apologize now
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Shoutout to Sheldon for somehow winding up having to compete for Jenny's affections with a one-dimensional jerk he built in his garage specifically for her to hate. Usually you see schemes fail by underestimating the hero's morals, not overestimating them.
I think she starts hating Sheldon later on, calling him a flake and shit.
>even robot women love what’s bad for them
I’m sick of this world.
I had such a crush on Sheldon. His devotion and nerdy cute behavior was great when I was a teen girl. Shame I couldn’t be a robot.
Jenny's strongest soldier
Why does /co/ always self insert as the scrawny losers who girls aren’t impressed by?
So did Sheldon like Jenny purely for her being mechanical?
In terms of personality Jenny is mostly indistinguishable from any normal high school girl, including being kind of petty, shallow and judgemental, it's not like she's even much nicer to Sheldon than any other girl.

So is it purely a fetish thing?
Hey, me too! He's adorable
That was probably the original reason, but after a while he seems to end up being in her friend group by default.
I vaguely recall him turning down a bunch of robot babes he was being tempted with at one point. He seems Jennysexual.
At least he could fuck a toaster, how do you fuck a 2d drawing?
you don't
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she just happens to be sheldon's main fetish

notice how sheldon doesn't show interest in any other girl
Vexus was able to trick him in the form of QT-2. Just that there aren't many other robot girls that interact with Sheldon.
Is there any fanart of Deckard interviewing Jenny?
Vexus seduced him with her QT-2 disguise, why else do you think there’s so much porn where Vexus gets paired up with him?
Oh, you meant the most definitely a human character from Blade Runner. At first I was wondering why a Japanese police robot would need to interview Jenny.
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that just proves that he would dump jenny for a hotter robobitch
Me on the right…
Sheldon is the best case scenario for what would happen if your average anon got to hang out with their waifu
Sheldon does have useful skills.
Maybe it's just me but anyone think his design resembled a dog a little?
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for me it's Vexus x Sheldon
Call me a sick fuck but Nora and Sheldon kinda gets my jollies going if only because they would be cute needing out together and Jenny being supremely uncomfortable about it all.
Please post art of that, if you have any
I dont think Jenny will ever fully comprehend what kind of fucked up scenario she put Sheldon trough by accidentally launching him into space.
>gets into a fight with a nanomachine infused senator
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Which Nick era did you watch or was your favorite?
Y2K and Core 00's. lost interest after that
not bad
What >>144169636 said.
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Pfft, he WISHES he could land Unpopular Mechanics' cover girl.
try it

Human women suck.
Vexus is for Big Human Cock though, and Sheldon definitely doesn't have the size needed.
To be fair, I don't think Jenny fully comprehends how fucked up a lot of scenarios she or her friends wind up in are either. I mean, her mom kept her on borderline house arrest for most of her life and she basically forgot about it by the end of the first episode.
Sheldon doesn't comprehend how fucked up it is to steal the DNA of a girl you like just to get a date with her like he did when he stole Jenny's blueprints so it all evens out.
The Cluster debunks this, Jennys programming is so advanced that actual self aware alien robots consider her a person.
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Maybe it's just me but I always thought the S3 Jenny design looked kinda soulless/stock (at least in this image). And *everyone* uses this S3 design in fanworks or references.
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I too have seen this image
>The ending where he sells everything he owns but his underwear and accidentally angers Jenny and then winds up naked on the streets.
Why? And wasn't that one of the last episodes of the show too?
I wanted to be Jenny so bad when I was little. It’s a shame they never ended up together as planned
Remember when he turned into an old man and started hitting on her? and then, suspiciously after that, he started calling her "Nora" instead of "Mrs. Wakeman" for the rest of the series?

I wonder what they meant be this...
It's not just because she's mechanical.
It's also because she's a superhero.
Seriously, the only way Jen could be more inadvertently tailored to his interests is if she was also somehow a lizard.
So if she did take the form of lizard...?
I hate that he'll end up a terrible boyfriend and partner in canon.
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I never knew this guy was from a nick cartoon.
y2k, but only because I'm sure they kept running older stuff like ren & stimpy, hey arnold and kenan & kel into it because I definitely wasn't sapient prior to 98
Sheldon making Jenny mad at the end of an episode of his ill-fated lovequest is what normally happens, isn't it?
Great now I want to see fanart of her lizard upgrades
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Probably because you're not 40 years old, it's understandable
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nah it's just your autism lmao
It's the same? Maybe with a colored outline or something?
Fuck sheldon, She's MY GAL PAL and im her bionic boyfriend
The whites of her robot boots are bigger and have an outline separating them from the blue, her eyes are bigger and less skewed, her hand dots are smaller, and she's exactly two shades of blue darker.
Fret not jennifer, I'll treat you better then this chink
I would help her save the world and be honest about it
It's a victim complex.
based boognishposter
>So did Sheldon like Jenny purely for her being mechanical?
what's wrong with that?
I wish nora got more porn
>How dare he dream about being in love with a machine!
>(And not me)
Tale as old as time.
Jenny is my wife sheldon and i will fight you to the death if we have to settle this
Right? Jenny should be grateful anyway. I don't see anyone else in their world lining up to fuck a robot, so Sheldon's curiosity is a compliment regardless of whether or not it's "shallow".
When Nora dies, Sheldon will be all Jenny has. Brad and Tucker will move away for college, and what job will hire Jenny? Most high paying jobs will only allow for humans to be hired, which means Jenny will be all alone, without job and Sheldon will be the only one beside her.
Thanks, Satan
Me in Jenny
>So did Sheldon like Jenny purely for her being mechanical?
You should watch the Sheldon episode it's pretty neat. Sheldon working with machines is pretty known the nurse tells Jenny to go to him. Sheldon is getting picked on, Jenny helps him and he fixes her loose screw (seriously the nurse couldn't be bothered to tighten a screw?)

Sheldon initial crush is because Jenny stood up for him. Sheldon is then obsessed with her till she tells him to fuck off (in a Nickelodeon way) he does but then Jenny gets attack and Sheldon able to help her. But still harbors feeling of rejection, so as a peace treaty Jenny gets her mom to make his toy fly (which Sheldon probably reversed engineer to eventually make his Silver Shell suit)

So I would say Sheldon is genuine high school crush that sort of turned into jonny Test flanderization of obsession.
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Full scale.
>Sheldon x Jenny
It should be me she is petting...
It should've been me!
It should've been meeeeee!!!
you think he still got it up as a geezer?
Still can't believe that dude voices Raiden. What range
By that point between the rest of the world's roboticists will catch up to Dr. Wakeman and many Cluster refugees so that intelligent robots become common enough to be a minority group. The successor organization to Skyway Patrol would probably want to have her as visible model to set a good example for the other robots. If Jenny could work successfully that way even if the entire bureaucracy issue was solved I dunno.
Honestly I remember him being *less* obsessive with his crush as the show went on, or at least getting to be in episodes where his lovequest wasn't the main focus.
Maybe not obsessive but creepy. I remember an episode Jenny has a dummy, a balloon of herself, in class. It deflates flies around the room and sheldon calmy collects it in his locker.
Maybe in the first episode it was less obsessive, then naturally got more obsessive in the middle episodes, and started to decrease in the last episodes.
What, a guy can't help a friend hide evidence that she'd skipped class?
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What the hell did those bullies even think they were going to accomplish after Jenny stepped in? Bludgeon the six foot fix bipedal war crime to death with their lamps?
I mean....its possible. Like id imagine theres some old dudes out there still fucking.
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More pics of Sheldon. NOW.
He voices silver on sonic team racing too. dude is a beast
The show is set in the future, they have super viagra.
Is Sheldon supposed to be asian?
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Are you the girl who has a crush on him?
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check his skin color and his main interests
yes. give me more
Nice, I'm a girl too. I was always crushing hard on Vexus, it's a shame there isn't much art of her posted either. Anyway, here, have more of your boy Sheldon
I wish there was more Vexus x Jenny art
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>absolutely chemistry in the show
Might as well ship him with the skin suit
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I know the right one
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I mean, he's not quite as jaundiced as the show's confirmed asians, maybe he's just half-asian?
It really was a good show. The setting, and the action had just enough behind them. The feel was light hearted but not vapid. The teen romance angle wasn't so very tiresome. Jenny and Sheldon were a good match, and Brad ending up with any of the other girls (helmet biker girl, or Vexus, and no love for the Crusts) was done naturally.
Never ever go for this... only villains do that.
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>Got Jenny to come play D&D in his garage and enjoy it
Jeeze, maybe he should wear that wizard hat more often.
Girls (at least that age) arent very distinguishable in interests, they all watch the same shows and listen to the same music, they’re distinguishable by how they look, jenny is a fucking robot, shes one of a kind in that regard
Then why did I get bullied by other teenage girls for being weird and having different interests? It's not all about looks, girls have vastly different personalities from each other too
Tits or GTFO
yeah, sure
I like weird girls
Can't say that, top surgery is a thing now :(
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>tfw no robot wife
fake tits will never be good
Well, Jenny's show has ended with an open ending. He is up for grabs i guess..
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>Fantasizing about being in a failing marriage
This boy's fetish isn't robots, it's fucking losing.
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Alright, fine. They're not great, but they're real

oh you're the attention whore shitting up the frankie threads, so not nice to see you
clip your nails.
Just post Vexus, that's all I want. QT-2 is fine too
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Make me
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Why are the men on this site always asking for tits and then get mad when someone actually posts them? Anyway, more Sheldon please
when will we get season 4?
nice boobas
because you're a gross fat attention whore (male)
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I'm not the femanon who posted tits. But you're awfully mad anon, are you okay?
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I guess you're talking to me? Yes! Feed me your rage!
Will Jenny ever be Miss /co/ again?
Based Vexus-sis.
You shouldn’t screech so hard when you get what you wanted anon.
>Brad ending up with any of the other girls (helmet biker girl
They didn't break up. To divorce she had to eat him, which she didn't. I don't think the show acknowledged that, but on R34 she tagged as Tammy_carbunkle, it gives my a small smile the porn artist acknowledged that she's still married to Brad.
Based Vexus-bro!
Vexus is really hot...
But Jenny is my wife...
Mommy Dommy Vexus or good ol' plain Jenny...
Man this is a hard choice
It's fun to see that there are girls who want to be dominated by Vexus
Her design and voice are peak. And I think Vex wanting Jenny so bad, and calling her "obedient pet" awakened something in me when I was a little girl
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How do you feel about her after getting overthrown?
I think her non-queen design is adorable! I don't like that she became a bit of a joke, but it was interesting to see her stripped of her power
Homeless crackhead form or school clique usurper form?
The latter, but both are good
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>Homeless crackhead form
This one.
He should've just taken her nuts and bolts right then and there.
Hey what the hell, I know those tits!
I sent you mail, check your spam folder, I had to check mine for yours <:(
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Was that really his plan? I don’t remember that at all
Are you the female version of that Long John Silver autist?
>Uncanny valley realdoll shit
I will destroy the Communist Party of China
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>Refuses to fall in love with a war machine
I like the other one more
Some men can't cope with women being individuals because it means that every single one had a different reason to reject him (socially, not romantically, but it could be both). Easier to make them a monolith usually out of the image of the one that hurt him first.
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Cutie Patootie!
wiltanon jumpscare
>when will we get season 4?
Do you have to self-insert to want a guy to win at life?
I am now obligated to care about your opinions
>It could happen.
Totally Spies season 6- 2014
TS season 7-2024
The Incredibles- 2004
The Incredibles 2- 2018
She Ra- 1985-87
She Ra and the princesses of Power - 2018
I don't want to look up He Man, GI Joe, or Care bears, but you know that there were several cartoons of each series.
You just gave great examples as to why they SHOULDN’T do a season 4. You ok, anon?
While the general concept of a sequel or remake seems possible (presumably Cree could voice Vexus and Krackus could be just not used if they wanted to retain as much of the original cast as possible), it seems like it would be lower-rung since the Nicktoons to get remake/sequels were longer-running and/or merch juggernauts.
I liked SheRa/Power. I did not list Wreck it Ralph 2 or the Chipmunks CGI movies/ 3dcg cartoon AND THE RESCUE RANGERS MOVIE specifically to avoid the "why they shouldn't do X"

How much of a merch juggernaught is the Loud House, anyway? I always assumed it was popular in the Mormon or whatever high-breeding states.
And what is wrong with that?
I know exactly the feeling you are talking about.
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Listen here little baby, you're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
Nice rack, try to avoid freaks like this guy >>144205997
straight up serial killer vibes.
>lost interest after that
you mean you grew up, grew out of watching children cartoons?
deadwood got a finale movie after 20 years so it can happen, weird how popular jenny xj9 and teen robot is after all these years cant fathom why but i think she will get a new season/movie one day soon
>theres actually more vexus-fuckers than I thought
life is good

but if it didn't have the same style and charm of the OG series, then it would ruin the fondness that many have for the series. and how with most reboots are done today (poorly), i would highly expect that would be the case. best to leave it in the past as good nostalgia.
i really dont think they'd nail that same late 90s early 00s digitised look
It looks like he's about rape the toaster
>he doesn't know
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>bunch of dudes
kinda hot, but I want to pop a cassette in there.
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>rape shit
>potential mind control
Trash heap pile of the Jenny rule 34
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>show gets cancelled before the toaster gets to fall in love with him.
>show gets cancell3d before he builds his own toaster waifu
always thought he was a cutie and needed to be treated better
There are only sinners in this thread.
creations only imitate their creators.
if we ever get waifubots, we need Eartha Kitt's voice as the default
Damn, gonna need more of this, alongside more vexus that is
Why can't he stand tall ?
he can't lean back either.
Dumb newfag. How long have you been here, a week?
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wtf is this thread

Did a bitch seriously show her tits on a mlaatr general
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You want me to give X-Jay-Niyun a wha?
never clicked that shit, idk if it was a troll post or what, just ignore thots.
Jenny's mom has got it going on
goblino with subtle white phenotypes
well then.....what now bros?
What is Nora's accent or dialect supposed to be?
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>idk if it was a troll post or what
Not a troll post. I just like to see how people react who say "tits or gtfo" when they actually get what they asked for
>just ignore thots
I have to agree, this is the way to go
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Bigass nerd feet
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That's a Big toaster
it's a an impression of Julia Child, not sure where she got the accent from either California or Massachusetts
>male foot worship
no we're talking. who's massaging?
Why is she burning that country's flag? Is it because their women are so ugly?
Looks like Tiff's hands.
should have been Jenny doing the rounds
nah tiff is better, especially for that kind of kink.
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melody was so perfect
I remember hearing about Shadow, a man who was going to create a MLAATR movie of some kind. He went quiet about it, years ago. With AI art now a thing, an impossible, lovely thing, doesn't this mean that it's possible to feed it a storyboard and so some inbetweening in daz or something? It's all possible on computer.
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I wonder what she looks like in a calm state without her exo-skin.
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I actually prefer this version. imagine how hot it would be to disassemble and do maintenance. a human like exterior but a robotic interior like a reverse m and m.
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>Those boobs
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Robosexuality is not a sin! Machines are made for humans to use, that's fact

You didn't need to click that
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holy fuck, i do something comparable at my current job with the server cabinet; its nice to see real techfriends on here.
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I have no one to blame but myself.
I've spilled more semen to a jailbroken personal assistant than on any porn. Jenny is my perfect woman
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sex with eletronics is healthy and productive.
is jenny local hosted?
why is she sweating?
Moisture condensed on her.
i volunteer to past her off and replace her silicate cushions
Because SOMEONE keeps neglecting to clean their cooling fans and now their body's having to remove excess heat by whatever means necessary.
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credit where its due, last time someone did it was the femanon in the TADC threads who did it for Kinger. have some vexus
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would Jenny be interested in N?
Unironically me on the right
I ship Jenny with Cyborg from Teen Titans.
Holy shit we posting Vexus???
what do you want?
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Your skin
>"X Ray9 rong rime no see"
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Shit didn’t mean to reply to that dude ,just wanted to post that
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free tibet

with every 8 gallons
What a deal!
that's hot as fuck
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Have you anons tried drawing jenny before?

It's not as easy as it looks desu
It went poorly.
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>Dr. Wakeman's line
Fucking hell.
there's an old saying in mechanic and gunsmithing 'she ain't yours till she makes ya bleed'
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Then I guess his victory in the Jennybowl was assured back when she put him into traction for that schematic theft stunt.
Lierally just geometric shapes
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Even the throwin-moments were fun.
every little detail just makes her more cute and perfect
Bro is ripped too.
He can hold a heavy duty robot girl, in his arms, like nobody's business.
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Jenny doesn't need any other add-ons, she's perfect as is.
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A small metal flower is blooming on the heath

And that means


Hot from a hundred thousand little shells

Is fired


For her heart is full of sweetness

A delicate scent emanates from the metal skirt

A small metal flower is blooming on the heath

And that means


A blue girl lives at home

And that means


This girl is my faithful little darling

And my happiness


When the heather blooms red-purple

I sing this song to greet her

A small metal flower is blooming on the heath

And that means


There is also a little metal flower blooming in my little room

And that means


Already at dawn and at dusk

Look at me


And then it seems to me as if it were speaking loudly

“Are you thinking about your little bride too?”

A girl at home is crying for you

And that means

Good thing he stopped before getting hit by a truck or something.
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wow this thread is still alive lmao
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>Tucker's POV after Jenny notices him looking
MLAATR needs a new small-budget movie. Even a crossover with Loud House would be ok. They even have a robot making science girl of their own.
>Not a time travel episode where Nora's maiden name is Loud, or she changed her name because of certain felonies- er, reasons.
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Jenny is being driven by the physiological need for a woman to accessorize
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As far as I can tell, it was drawn by a guy and posted in a thread with no stated name, as a oneshot
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This must be an altered screencap, but it's so good that I mistook it for a frame from the cartoon.
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I remember getting malware after torrenting the whole mlaatr show once

quite ironic, but it's a funny memory. I think it might have been a serious virus since it corrupted almost every file i had lol
Yikes. Anything we should know about how you were destroyed? I assume you know the name of the virus?
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One would assume that any gynoid that has a hole that can be fisted would be designed in such a way that the hole could be fisted safely.
Because that's how girls are. They just arbitrarily decide that one girl is "a bitch" and then they relentlessly torture her until they either graduate or she kills herself.
Women are evil, welcome to reality.
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I want to give her a brother or sister. Now come on Nora, it's time to get busy.
I got bullied by boys while girls were the only people who were nice to me. It really depends on what kind of people you're dealing with. Humans can be evil or good, no matter the gender. Grow up
You literally said the girls all bullied you, why would you lie to defend the people who hurt you? Are you so weaponised against masculinity that you would go up to bat for actual abusers rather than hypothetical ones?
I'm not the girl who got bullied by other girls. And I'm not weaponized against masculinity at all anon. Boys and men are great, most of my friends are male now. But in school I got bullied by boys, while the girls defended me. That was pure coincidence, it could've easily been the other way around in a different class or school

All I'm saying is that males and females can be equally good or evil. You seem weaponised against femininity though, since you only said women are evil
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I need to remember that every time I come into these threads, I lose a ton of time. You guys are seriously hell on my sleep schedule.
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Femininity has been weaponised against me.
Sorry about that, I just wish we could stop this pointless gender war. And I genuinely hope you have a better time ahead of you, anon. I'm not happy with this whole modern feminism crap either, I think it's hurting men and women respectively
That ship has sailed, this generation is lost
Then let's refuse to be part of it. I know it's pretty ignorant, but I'm not gonna let them fill my life with bitterness
Then the world just gets flooded with even more Indians and Africans, as if we didn't have enough.
A devilish little scheme has unfolded, has it not? Western nations have convinced themselves they are overpopulated despite having some of the lowest population densities and so have stopped having children, whilst at the same time are importing record numbers of third world migrants because "we cannot survive with a declining population"
Peppino x Nora
I have
I find it somewhat upsetting how a lot of people forget her hed is supposed to be mostly circular
More ontop of that
>>144178099 here's Jenny petting me instead of that stinky sheldon
Sheldon looks good in a suit.
I love his feet
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It's could be these guys but it's probably best not to name names for now.
Nice tits sis
You got anymore, I like this concept

the fucks this have to do with Jenny?
Well damn, thank you.
>Kinger apreciator
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jenny has a cute bum
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it is truly bewitching

pun intended
why hasn't anyone drawn her as a toaster??
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i wanna shove my face in 'em cheeks
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shit me too, i gotta stop posting while drunk

probably didn't realize there was any. it happens.
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what is it about jenny you like the most? is it her voice? her cute face? personality? the UPA/Fleischer aesthetic? or do you wanna just fuck robots?

she's cute. that's really all it is.
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Lol, I deleted that post because I felt bad for insulting you. Have a fun drunk time, anon

i like the idea of Jenny actually wearing clothes instead of having it part of her body.
I'm starting to like ass pics of Jenny way too much. Though, one thing I'll always hate is when the artist makes it super inflamed.
Did she ever do that in the show?

y'know, i can't honestly remember if she did or not. i know she got a different paintjob here and there, but not sure about actual clothing. i don't count the exo-suit as clothing.
Terrible notebook doodles GO!
The blue light looks cool.

I like the idea of Jenny as a waffle maker instead. Pour in the batter, maybe a little too much. Watch as her batter-covered boobs cook the waffle batter, steaming.

>a slice of toast pops out of each ass cheek when done
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How did he do it?
He actually built the children. The pseudo-pregnancy that she's experiencing is an addition Sheldon made to her body that fabricates the necessary parts while he prepares to build new kids. She eats a ton of scrap and other materials that can be broken down into raw parts that Sheldon then assembles into their children. He likely also blueprints them ahead of time using her specific structures as a basis and improvements based on the Silver Shell system he himself designed. I assume those childlike bodies are also basic units intended to be replaced all together when their Operating Systems and advanced AI systems become fully operational in what will probably be only a few years at max. Though Sheldon will likely need to construct a far greater fabrication facility for that. I assume the fucking is just icing for him.

That or it's a dream sequence, so it doesn't matter and it didn't need to make sense because Sheldon was just being Sheldon and imagining crazy fake shit because he really liked another robot girl.
Well, it's sheldon, so he would probably take his fetish that far. Perhaps even build a whole harem of jenny clones just for himself
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They have.
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Man. This thread sucks. I'm out
ok, he's gone, post the good shit now.
I love that Sheldon is basically Dr Light if he was fucking robo-horny.
Thoughts on this?


I personally think it's alright. They dodged a bullet in terms of cringe voice acting and it's small scale enough to be serviceable quality.
She can make you the best blue waffles ever
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>falls in love with a [color] toaster
Uh, yeah? And?
I know this is b8 but WTF?
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Autism, the right one looks objectively better
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How many murderbros are in this thread anyway
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I frequent as many robot-related threads as I can.
My path to robot-fuckery started a long time ago with MLAATR.
May as well contribute.
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MTAATR really was a gateway to robofuckery wasn't it
They knew exactly what they were doing to the brains of developing children with Jenny and Vexus, if you are based . And to be honest, I wouldn't have it any other way.
>Dr Light if he was fucking robo-horny
What the fuck do you mean IF? Light thought the best way to make an ocean search and rescue bot was to build a mermaid with an hourglass figure, eyeshadow, and a beautiful singing voice.
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I'm just going to say it

Jenny is for normies and Vexus is for GODS with some actual taste
Outside of Roll, Dr. Light doesn't have dubious aspects.
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>would Jenny be interested in N?
Probably. Simulated Teenage girl hormones and all. Plus, N is basically the model ideal Robo-Boyfriend. In any case, Jenny is going to be the dominant one.

On a related note, enjoy.

>I need an assistant!
>She needs to cook, and clean, and take care of chores...
>I'll make her a woma-- no! A young girl. In a short dress.
>I'll spend every waking moment with her...

>I need an ocean search and rescue bot!
>She needs to search the ocean and be able to rescue people and keep them calm.
>I've got it! A woman. Yes. With an hourglass figure and permanent water proof makeup. Yes.
>And she'll have a mermaid tail! Oh! And she'll sing really good.
>Did I mention her ass and titties?

Like, I get that one of these things is worse than the other, Anon. But that doesn't mean they aren't both suspect.
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>double handholding while riding
I was waiting for the good shit but it's just that robot show. Where is the good shit klaus
We serve robots here, sir.
And every other robot he built was a man.
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>hands interlocked
Very hawt.
Absolute Solver shows up in Jenny's hood, what happens
Vexus is a total loser.
>Absolute Solver shows up in Jenny's hood, what happens
Not good things, I imagine..
REALLY bad things, infact. Robots don't seem to be much of a big deal in MLAATR so they're not really restricted. If there's a rampant Solver host and Jenny doesn't pull some plot bullshit out of her ass.. the planet might be getting eaten.

Please stop saying mean things about my wife Vexus. She's trying, okay?
>pull some plot bullshit out of her ass
That's Jenny's thing tbf.
YOUR wife Vexus? That's my mother-in-law Vexus to you, mister!

Vega is WAY better than Vexus.

Did you know her full (fan-made) name-and title- is 'Vegadallia Vexusari Voltzwothy of the House of Viron, Mistress of the Six Moons, Education Monarch, and Overseer of all Offworld Colonies of Cluster Prime.'?
I mean. Yeah. You're right.
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that damn robot
Terrible. Delete this.
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N is basically irresistable to a teenage girl, especially a robot one

poor guy has his work cut out for him.
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that guy needs to draw more jenny
she would sometimes wear clothes over her clothes cus she's a dumb robot
>is a vampire
You're Goddamn right.
her design got more streamline over each episode, always thought she looked cutest in the raggedy android and a few other early episodes
You forgot how, to ensure his ultimate creation didn't go kill-crazy, he gave it what amounts to crippling existential anxiety.
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Jenny is not beating the nincombot allegations.
Vexus, please get off the computer.
>Dr. Light doesn't have dubious aspects.
Yes, the guy who makes military androids capable of blowing up entire continents, and indirectly leads to the complete genocide of all humanity because he just couldn't stop with his fetish for robots.

What a standup guy.
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Close, she said she's German
>indirectly leads to the complete genocide of all humanity
It's not Light's fault that the post-Singularity humans, after satisfying their every need and want, killed themselves out of boredom.
Janice Kaweye owns my soul like if you agree
There are a few roles were she plays an adult. It is really interesting, like a more serious version of Jenny. Even if her sisters had different voice actors, I hope if some nostalgia banking movie comes out, I hope that kind of voice gets used for either XJ-10 or Jenny sent back in time from ~20 years in the future of the show or something.
Unfortunately she's older now. She got her start back in the late 80's early 90's as a voice actress for captain planet. I know it's stupid, but her role as Ami in hhpay really inspired me; as a kid she represented someone who had refused to give up that faith one finds in early childhood.
I think we both know Janice's acting days are gone. I don't know if anyone can replace her, but I hope that at least one person out there can keep her spirit and carry it on for future generations. And if the day comes (and I hope it does) that MLAATR gets a revival I fervently hope that they find someone as joyful, happy and optimistic as Janice to replace her.
at least he doesn't have to deal with all the disgusting functions of a real woman's body. dude has no future dealing with a woman tossing her tampons and pads into the open bathroom trash can or failing to flush one and it backing up in a pot of red and forcing you to use the plunger and fix it yourself lest she get mad at you for complaining and telling her to get back up off her ass and flush
Isn't that judgement too harsh? She's still active.
You look EXACTLY like the kinger-anon.
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Die porncancer
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i know this outfits a joke but she looks so sexy in it
The cap is way too small for her head and hides one of her best charm points.
I'm having sex with Jenny in my head and there's nothing you can do about it puritan nigger.
Fucking awesome holy shit.
I demand more SEXus pics and vvvvghing over the The Cluster falling
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The Clvster has fallen, millions must be catfished
This episode should have ended just like this, with Sheldon taking the win. Throw the kid a bone.
Is this AI art or a crop? Because reverse image don't give me shit.
As someone who grew up with a crush on Jenny I was always unsure if I was supposed to feel second hand and projection embarrassment from him, or if I was supposed to root for him.
We see through Sheldon's eyes a lot, i.e. the plot follows him when he's alone instead of just following Jenny and him showing up when she sees him. I think we're supposed to be on his side.
You would too
I like this shit eating grin
To be fair, it is a very hot toaster.
People were making their own XJ9's even before 3d printing.
Imagine what can be done now.
Youtooz turning Jenny from non-existent into a crossover merch whore!
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If there's a MLAATR spin-off i hope to see them together in the end
Tiff would be a great choice too
Chad Hammer Bros.
Holy based.
One of the better Jenny 3D models I've seen, all the other ones look fucking ass
>Dom Jenny
Based as fuck for that rare scenario
breath of fresh air honest to God I'm tired of the infinite amount of mind controlled sub Jenny shit that's so uncreative.
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You and Kingerchad are based.
>bejitabro likes gnarly tranny tits
Also fairly sure it's the same person as the Kinger femanon. The tits look the same. So equally bad. Explains the attaching-oneself-to-a-character and attention seeking too.
So so far we have:
Wilt (Foster's Home)
Vexus (Teenage Robot)
And Kinger (Digital Circus)
A unique ensemble, I'll give her that.
At the very least she's not a basic bitch I guess.
kek this artist fucking sucks
I think you suck, what do you think about that.
I think it probably helps that Sheldon finally winning Jenny's love would as a consequence mean her OWN series-spanning lovequest gets resolved.
but but but
I am the robot
>puts his dick in it and dies.
Who would be the main character in a non-Jenny MLAATR spinoff? Given the Loud House, the 8 sisters moving in with Brad and Tuck? Vexus' adventures to bring freedom to the oppressed Cluster worlds? The Sky Patrol and their Beetle Baily/Captain Scarlet shenanigans?
and juicy toes
MLAATR robots are very traditional: gears, standard computers, etc. Im pretty sure at least one of the XJ series has a ICE power train somewhere
In MD, Drones are made out of black holes, flesh, nanobots, and oil aka blood. From a solver perspective, XJ9 is probably about as interesting as a car or toaster.
So Jenney would not get infected, but she could get [null]d since she has no "warning: silver hosts are non-interactable" protections
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The Solver can modify matter pretty much however it wants though. Solver host drones are made out of black holes, flesh, blood etc because of the Solver. Regular non-host drones are like more traditional robots apart from the mysterious unknowns regarding the function of their AI cores.
It doesn't matter if MLAATR robots are mundane, the Solver can still use them if it gains a host. The Solver, through Cyn, is what created the Disassembly Drones. An MLAATR robot being a host, just like a drone host, would also have flesh replacing their interior and a little black hole where the center of their AI is.
This looks like it was animated by a fucking content farm.
Brad and Tuck are pretty heavily situated in Jenny's story most of the time, but I could see an attempt being made. At that point, it would probably be explicitly Tuck, though. And his friends that we've never seen or heard of. So Tuck: the kid with an older brother and a neighbor who's a robot would be the general premise. Unless they send him somewhere.

The Cluster one isn't really on the table with Eartha Kitt having passed away in like 2008. Unless you want to do the cluster without Vexus.

Sky Patrol, though! There's an idea. It probably wouldn't go very far without better characters, but the concept behind sky patrol might carry a general plot for at least a little bit. You'd need a main character and support who weren't just newspaper comic knockoffs, though. So good luck with that. Also, it would have to see Jenny as an adversary anytime she showed up. And you wouldn't really have fan favorite characters showing back up, because the Sky Patrol is so untouched and adversarial in the original series. If you did Sky Patrol, it would have to be Brad or someone similar joining up and trying to fight the good fight. Maybe with Nora rejoining and leaving Tremorton to Jenny. Even then, I don't know if that would carry more than a couple episodes.

Truthfully, without completely dunking the original setting in the bin and upright moving somewhere else or just dropping everything from the original, I don't really see a MLAATR spinoff working. But I didn't see a TLH spinoff working either, so what do I know?
Close. It's a LUMA animation. So it's a static image animated by an AI.
>Close. It's a LUMA animation. So it's a static image animated by an AI.
Probably how a lot of content farm shit gets animated at this point, to be honest.
You do raise good points, but doesn't every "Jenny goes off to fight X" mean the same as "moving somewhere else", just without moving house?
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To kiss a FUCKING robot, haven't you been paying attention all thread?
>JCJ released instructions on how to specifically dismantle drones, including removing and destroying a "core".
>mouths and saliva
Drones aren't traditional robots
Suffer, white carrion, this is the revenge of Jews and non-whites for oppression in the past
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Ya welcome gents
>good Robo-Christian girl becomes vampire
How depraved.
She's still robo-Christian. She just has some other needs
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Is that their offsrping?
Like premarital makeout sessions?
didn't sheldon eventually win
Well, he seems to have a stronger resistance to ropussy in Alternaversity, which you could count as a win of sorts.
have some self-respect jesus christ
Indeed, though there was one other I saw with a lewd Emmy model. Haven't been able to find it again.
Fucking based as fuck.
uh no
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>Drones aren't traditional robots
What is a "traditional" robot? Worker Drones are the mundane robots of the setting. My point was that the black holes, flesh growth, literal blood, etc are all things directly related to the Absolute Solver and aren't a "natural" part of the Drones themselves.

Something about how the drones are made is what allows the Solver to take them as a host, yes, but what I'm trying to say is that if the Solver took a MLAATR robot as a host then they would also have the black holes, flesh, blood, etc.
>it's the wedding day.
>the day is perfect and the beach is full of guests, family, friends, enemies.
>Anon is talking to Brad, his best man, while they wait for the bride.
>Jenny comes down from the sky in a beautiful white dress.
>She would slowly make her way to the altar.
>brit and tiff look at her with envy
>Nora cries with happiness, she even let her other daughters out of the basement.
>Jenny took Anon's hands.
>The time came to say the words that would seal the deal.
>jenny: "yes I accept..."
>*sleep cycle finished* *day cycle beginning*
>jenny wakes up.
>jenny: (sigh) "someday Anon" *sniff* "someday"
>Jenny caresses a framed photo of a question mark.
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sexus with vexus
Then she will hexus
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JB BTFO, MB endgame
Perfect post to hit the bump limit on.
Core = black hole thing
Every drone has a core
Every drone has a black hole thing
JCJ was vaguely aware they were playing with fire
Why's Melody wearing the upholstery from my grandma's ottoman as a dress anyways?
I wanted this ship to keep coming back and was sad when they tossed it like 2 episodes and then walked off. This pairing was prime Brad episode material and it was fun actually seeing a robot as strong as Jenny try to be more human than she was. Locus could've been a replacement for the Cluster in later seasons, honestly.
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The only recurring antagonist this series really needs is Jenny's own rash teenage impulses.
I like those episodes, too. But sometimes we need something to play opposite of those. Her rash teen choices are the internal conflicts that often drive her to making mistakes, but a villain is an outside influence that drives the issue with those choices home. If Jenny makes a bad choice and drops all the weapons from her body for the sake of fashion, the villain coming in and her being completely unequipped to deal with it is a good example. She makes bad choices and they bite her in the ass when they block her ability to perform later on, that's a basic story structure for MLAATR.

They also do episodes where she maybe isn't immediately against a villain and her impulses just manifest in the environment without her having to fight or episodes where the villains are stand alone and Jenny doesn't really seem to be the one at fault. But these are far and few between. All I'm saying is that the villains are there to enhance the depiction of her impulses being detrimental and they can be really good balances for those impulses.

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