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ITT characters beyond repair.
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Lacey is absolutely repairable, she is a computr.
I could fix her
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Judging from the spam earlier. I think even theraphy cant save Elinor.
>The computer in question
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Just needs a lil' makeup :)
So how much of the lacey games and supposed drama with the creators just made up to make things feel creepy?

Cause I'm not sure if they were made within the past year but tailored to make you think they really were lost media.
>Made up to make things feel creepy, tailored to make you think they really were lost media.
Yeah that, Lacey is pretty good at keeping up kayfabe and immersion apart from actually looking like a 2000s flash game (though even that has an explanation).
Why didn't she stop?
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She had a need for speed
Typical dumb blonde.
She misheard ride or die as ride and die.
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Obviously this guy.
That’s as fast as it can go without breaking
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You can't.
I don't think Jay is worried about breaking
ARGfags convince me to put time into looking at this and give me the link of whatever channel/website I have to scour
True, any attempt backfires and makes him worse. He had a chance before meeting bloberta but now he's fucked.
don't, it's shit
Lacey isn't an ARG, least not anymore considering the site went down.
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Lacey is a cute
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What the heck was her problem?
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>bloberta was meant to have a good ending by having an affair and escaping with them and abandoning orel
>they couldn't do it because they ran out of time or season wasn't renewed or whatever I don't even remember what it was anymore

This was an act of GOD.
An act of GOD I tell you.
she abandons orel? Was that really part of the plan? Now I think bloberta is worse than clay, because clay at least gave some degree of a shit about orel like taking him hunting or teaching him to shoot a gun or being happy about the fact that he survived doughy killing him with the defibrillators. But bloberta abandoning orel is such a shitty thing to do, man.
>pain hurts so comfortably
So she’s a masochist, I can work with that.
Why did she dress like this?
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The voices (us) told her to.
Because we made her, thus the dress up game.
You think Clay is bad, just remember Bloberta was the one who made him that way.
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She looks lonely
Does anyone have all the chubby Lacey art from the rabbithole premiere thread?
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Sorry we couldn't play pirates
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>Lacey rebounding from Jays death to another
flat-chested chick when Maisie is right there
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>The sad trauma 2000s flash girl toying around a smaller sad trauma 2000s flash girl
What kind of hierarchy is this?
The best kind.
I can help with that
woman moment
Don’t. I worked too hard to break her.
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How old is Nia?
This bitch whines too much.
Why go for the horoscope girl when you can have a cute emo?
would they get along
No, especially if Lacey really is more successful than her.
and you molest children too much, what's your point?
Best not to put the BPDs together.
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Old enough to live by herself and thus with Lacey.
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this bitch right here
Small emo girls can be adults.
Yeah that wannabe poser design is beyond repair and does not resemble the appearance of early 2000s flash anime bitches.
Saucenao aint giving me shit

be warned, some heavy shit in here
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>Site's down
>Wayback archives didn't save the Jay art
Anyone have the art of Jays solo games?
SwainArt on deviatn art. Under The Secret
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if you have no interest in args dont bother you're not the target audience in the first place.
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>Site's down
Not exactly down but stuck perpetually "loading" perhaps there's gonna be a big overhaul for it in the future.
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Lacey is for ...
rape and abuse
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feeding her all her favorite foods.
making her happy.
her uncle
Her eye bags looks cute on her. How did she get them?
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Not even her final eyebag form.
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>beyond repair.
She admits moments ago she needs fixing, the first step to help is to admit it one needs it. Totally repairable.
staying up late listening to Brittany Spears Bloc Party & Gorillaz on her Zune
ame's just as delusional theyd cancel each other out and be at each other's throats
would be a wild threesome though
Her crippling meth addition.
Blame the Karens
anyone have the lacey wardrobe fan game that was on steam
So, Horoscope girl is gonna suffer next time?
Wigger Jay is cute
Luna Loud from The Secret
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>what if Flash but made by someone that didn't grow up with it
it's about as shit as it sounds
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Which one /co/?
She needs her ass ate
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She'll suffer by dreaming about being at school naked, except the horrific twist will be it isn't a dream!
She did in a way
I wish boisvert had more discussion here...
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so she could collaborate and listen
it fucking sucks and looks nothing like a flash game from the era.
holy shit there's no way
Weight gain.
Eugh, kill yourself
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>Supposed to be based on 2000s-era Flash
>Character looks like a Madoka expat
Every time I see this character I wonder what the fuck the artist was thinking
>they don't know
The site Lacey’s games are on was started by two friends, so I can suspend my disbelief enough to believe that the art style was a creative choice to stand out.
Seriously fuck off schizo, don’t you have a random female artist to be stalking?
What websites does Lacey use?
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Which is your favourite outfit?
Burning.mp4 is one I use to describe my mental state often.
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I like the art.
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House milf Lacey
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None at all
big tiddy chef
I like how these threads are always
>33% art dump
>33% lore discussion
>33% people complaining that she doesn't look like what she's supposed to be parodying
and 100% reason to remember the name.
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Lacey no question, a hard decision would have to be choosing between Lacey and Lacey.
Jay´s corpse.
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As little clothing as possible.
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Go nuts
All of them, at once.
I'm upset i've never seen a webm of that video
Lacey will never not be funny to me because it's parodying old flash stuff by adding "trauma" into it but there was a super popular flash series made by a rape victim woman about her rape and it's called Alfred Alfer.
Is every game Lacey is in a seperate Lacey?
Gotta check out this thread, anyway to save the Lacey delivery's there to the /co/llection?
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t. picrel
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The best episode was the first one. Dressing her up with the knowledge that she was gonna get murdered in the park was pretty spoopy
Alfred Alfer is schizo kino. It's like if Ren and Stimpy was alt-right and did meth.
This one
No its all one Lacey.
Not as Nice as You, UwU~
>Lacey delivery's there to the /co/llection
I can fix her :(
>characters beyond repair
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How are her tits so big?
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Its where the pain is stored.
Very rare tasteful fat art.

I think the artist of these probably ate a ban for these, lol. Poor guy was new to /co/.
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This digital/analogue horror ARG stuff aping retro tech makes me wonder...if I were to do the homebrew equivalent of interactive Flash media, would people going into it take it at face value or will there be a looming expectation for it to unveil pieces of a deeper narrative?
Same here
New episode when?
Gonna get a new imigrantes road before a new lace
Good stuff but very complex. I don´t wanna evangelion kinda shit.
I unironically could fix her but then she'd leave me like they all do.
That's what the cage is for
So let me get this straight. Rape theory?
It's not a theory. I did it and I'll do it again, as long as it takes before you all finally start listening.
I want more Lacey
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For each new traumatic experience she grows a cup.
Practically confirmed multiple times over.
Lucky uncle.
>What kind of hierarchy is this?
Height difference. The best kind.
Forgot this comic existed.
This could have been hot if it was just porn and not completely psychological horror.
When is he going to deliver and start the Dimensional merge?
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I don’t really get that part. Jay is a video game character, she shouldn’t be able to just “die”. And even if she had to be removed because of whiny karens , making her fall to her death would earn a much worse reputation
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Jay "died" because Rocio removed her from the site completely after said karens complained, and with regards to reputation she didn't really care about that only wanting to vent out her own frustrations and shock some people.
Laceys reaction to the ordeal does throw a wrench into the theory that her and Rocio are the same but if >>144168181 is anything to go by they could be disassociating.
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What was her problem?
BPD and having a shit friend
It depends on how you market it I suppose - if you're introducing it with the implication that there's something deeper behind it then naturally people will expect there to be one. Basically if you're gonna do some kind of horror angle with it be up front if you don't want people to assume there's some kind of leepest door

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