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Green Lantern Legacy
>Vietnamite woman was apparently the greatest best lantern ever even better than Hal Jordan
>Power ring gets passed to nephew Tai out of nepotism
>Main bad guy is a white blonde man Xander Griffin and he is jealous that asian man is getting the ring he wanted
>Tai becomes the great green lantern of his generation
>Xander is a rich man and a yellow lantern and wants to get rid of Tai's grandma market because it's outdated
>In the sequel he wants to burn Coast City to play hero
>Later he isn't a YL anymore
>Tai and his gang are: hapa girl (kid flash), a latina and a token white ginger
What do we think of this thing?
It's not for me, it's not canon, and I don't care/10
Not my thing, but I've heard it has its fans, probably kids, and that's a good thing I think.
>Vietnamite woman was apparently the greatest best lantern ever even better than Hal Jordan
Actually I don't think Hal even exists in that universe, which is always weird to me when they do that.
Nit a difficult accomplishment when you aren't a mass murder that went crazy and killed the Green Lantern Corps.
Weird self-insert AU. It's like making a Pokémon story but Professor Oak's grandson is not-the-author Bingbing Wahoo because fuck you that's what he pretended as a kid.
I always chalk up stories like this as resume padding more than a serious attempt at working on comics. They're usually not terrible but often generic and forgotten about sooner rather than later.
The sequel mentions how flash girl's father kept saying how Hal Jordan was good, also Kyle appears
The biggest sin this thing made was adding Legacy to the title when there already was a GL book with Legacy in it.
Fucking Vietnamite fucking shites
Now they have Alliance
(It's the title)
This is canon. It just takes place in one of the 52 Earths where Hal wasn’t a GL.
Morrison canonized it
How would it fit in exactly?
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It seems like you want me to be mad because you're a racist.
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Hey remember when Sodom Yat was the greatest Green Lantern ever?
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>Otherworld story
>What do we think
Nothing, really. It exists, and it's not like that can kill me, will it?
Like for 4 issues
Should've made it about Tangent green lantern
The premise was cool
Its a symptom of where society is going nowadays. It encourages this type of thinking and DEI dogshit will proliferate because of things like this. It will hurt you. You just don't know it yet.
A preteen boy who exists in his own universe of OGNs (with no announcement of another sequel) and isn't even a candidate for the Super Sons is a threat to your way of life?
the barda one is better than this
It's on Earth 98 actually, not Prime Earth, Morrison was just being cheeky about the new diverse Lanterns and included the kid along with Jo and Bendis' Teen Lantern.
It was Alan Moore's idea before his pitch was ripped off into Kingdom Come
Post the aunt
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I always thought Jessica Cruz becoming a bog-standard GL was a mistake. Struggling against and mastering the Power Ring would have been a badass status quo instead of "Earth GL #6."
Why do Asian Americans create the most cringe media to ever exist? Black people make better stuff than this (and somehow seethe less about Whites than Asians).
>(and somehow seethe less about Whites than Asians).
Nice joke, Yakub comics mogs every Chang posting blacked shit
Because whites already hogged all the cringe. From statics pov majority of the heroes should be asian to begin with due to population size.
They already are, but in tokkatsu style
Only chinks like cape comics
she's Earth GL#7 actually
remember when guy had a red ring instead? at this point they could give everyone a different color and their'd be no overlap.
They tried to give Jess a yellow ring, I mean tried to say it lasted nothing.
But to be fucking honest, the other lantern corps aren't great, like a blue does literally nothing, a star sapphire needs to work with love only, oranges have no wish for patrolling anything and indigos are drugged hippies.
Only greens, yellows and reds work
Simon could really be a Blue since they keep making him an hippie to distance the arab soldier stereotype
>Weird self-insert AU.
At this point if I see a non-white's name in as the writer of a comic I just assume one of the central characters is going to be a self-insert.
Or a punisher writer
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>Mommy, the hero is not a white guy?
>Mommy, why is this, Mommy?
Even ignoring it, the ring passed through nepotism. It was dumb when happened to Guy's daughter and it's dumb now
Flash's sons are connected to the speed force despite it not being genetic or guided, it happens and nothing else.
With the GLs may be the same
i think hes cute
Alan isn't officially part of the GL Corps, he doesn't count.
So #6 yeah
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Umm, excuse me me was possessed by a giant bug that also made green weak to yellow
If only we could go back to the old days, were the unique stories were Batman / Superman but evil or born somewhere else
Viets are far ruder/racist than mainland chinks.

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