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I'm rewatching some of the early seasons and it's still fucking great. Why the hate? Was it just South Park who ignited the flame of people going, "Uhhh this show is garbage actually"?

It's trash now, but when that episode aired, FG was still hitting it out of the park.
Early seasons feel like a neutered golden age Simpsons. Though I guess considering Family Guy started airing at a time when The Simpsons golden age had just ended, it fulfilled its role nicely. I do think there's sort of an enjoyment to be had in the early episodes cheese humor, but even in season 3 you can see shades of the humor it'd adopt post revival.
Early FG was a raunchier Diet Simpsons, usually doing the exact same thing the Simpsons did, but a bit edgier or poking fun at the things Simpsons codified (which itself was poking fun at originally).
Very deep cut that /co/ probably won't get but it's like how Pentagram was basically just Diet Black Sabbath but a bit more "evil," but not a full next step into something like Judas Priest.
Thing is, as long as you do it right, even a diet version still tastes good. And FG is helped by the early seasons coming off as more wholesome than they actually were in retrospect considering how completely psychopathic FG eventually became.
I personally liked psychopath Lois, but to each their own.
People used to shit all over Family Guy online in the late 00s, South Park hardly started it. If anything it becoming twitter meme fodder is what made the internet go back the other way on it.
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>I personally liked psychopath Lois
early Family Guy still did that better
Fair point.
Pre-cancellation is a legitimately great show. The first I believe three episides are also good because they're leftover season 3 scripts but once they're gone the quality immediately nosedives outside of Petarded and PTV.
I still feel the same way I did since it's inception. Family Guy is but a splinter of The Simpsons.
>Was it just South Park who ignited the flame of people going, "Uhhh this show is garbage actually"?

How the fuck can anyone miss the last joke where the truck driver basically say "family guy is great and got it's own style, it's very random but not every comedy needs to follow the same model"
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what if quagmire kill simpson?
It's only been in the past 5 years that I noticed people start unironically liking Family Guy.
Last I even paid attention to the series:
> seen as degenerated into season rot by 2009
> early seasons were shat on as being "edgier diet Simpsons" like >>144162535 said
> constantly on certain channels, so it was seen as basic and the weakest major "adult cartoon"
> bizarre choices for episodes like the one that took Brian eating Stewie's shit as some serious dramatic moment, the blisteringly misguided domestic abuse episode, and Seahorse Seashell party made fans either hate the direction of the show or hate whenever the writers tried doing anything other than background comedy TV
> "death of Brian" fakeout was the final straw
> show pretty much written off by 2014, just a cartoon that existed if you couldn't watch South Park or Happy Tree Friends

It was a bunch of things coming together to get the show somewhat redeemed, like the writers putting in some effort again and being aware that the show's overly psychopathic sense of humor back in the middle seasons actually felt like someone on the writing team back around 2008-2017 was genuinely fucked up in the head instead of just being into try-hard edgy black comedy, and also social media and memes helped. Also DeviantArt autism and Tumblr shipping too. Whenever the fujo and fanfic crowds get into something, they overly cutesy it up in their fanworks and find whatever nugget of schmaltzy hurt/comfort drama they can no matter how looney the show itself is.,
>Why the hate?
Macho competition, something we don't really get anymore with how pussified business and entertainment are. Busting each other's balls and taking hits at each other is just a thing men and companies did back then. You can't do that now because that's "mean" and "edgy"
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The world rejoices
>It's only been in the past 5 years that I noticed people start unironically liking Family Guy.

Not really, it's still seen as the same randumb show, people just got less hostile to franchises in general, even obsessively hating on Rick and Morty is now seen as childish/autistic.
stewie was funnier when he was a murderous baby
The only thing about the post-cancellation seasons of Family Guy I liked was the Meg abuse ironically. Not to any great extent or anything, it was more just a "huh, neat subversion" because I'd been watching sitcoms (live action and animated) for years by that point as a little kid and the beats and tropes got burned into my brain early, and one of the things I noticed was that whenever the slapstick started happening, certain "demographics" were a lot safer than others. So turning that on its head and making the girl/sister character the abused ever-suffering butt-monkey instead of the boy/brother was neat. They just went way overboard with it. Still gave me a good line to use to a friend in middle and high school
> Got to say "Shut up, Meg" unironically like a dork
>middle seasons actually felt like someone on the writing team back around 2008-2017

Pretty sure that is Steve Callaghan. The show has improved a lot since he’s stopped writing for it.
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Imagine if it was kid friendly as Larry and Steve.

And they'd add the original Lois and Chris from Life with Larry pilot. Could it be Cartoon Network's longest running show in this time line, maybe less flack as a kid friendly Simpsons?

"Lucky there's a Larry and Steve
Lucky there's a dog and guy
Can positively make you laugh and cry
Every morning and eve
It's Larry and Steve!"
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Early Family Guy did a lot of things better
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What changed in 2017?
At what point would you say American Dad officially dethroned it as the Best MacFarlane show?
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>TBS episode
Famguy had already been shit looong before that.
It would've gotten killed after one season
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They had no right making Francine this much of a bombshell, it's almost distracting
wonder how much those Funny Moments compilations have contributed to the redemption of the Guy. the Moments are indeed Funny in small doses

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