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Do you prefer the JSA being the previous generation of heroes or being designated to their own earth?
Previous generation
previous obviously, its why theyre icons and great legacies like heroes of stories in irl.
i dont mind the alt earth thing though unless its in modern times.
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I like the idea of legacy, so my choice is previous

Should the "trinity" be a part of the JSA instead of the league? Removing Superman's status as the first kinda makes him A superhero instead of THE superhero. But I guess doing that kinda makes sense in a metaphorical way, with the JSA introducing the concept of a superhero and Clark representing the culmination of that concept
Previous generation that got banished from Earth Prime temporarily to a alt universe so Hitler could even the odds of WWII. They come back, and everyone remembers
superman is the first modern superhero
Going to be the contrarian here and say I hate them being on the main earth. It sort of ruins Superman's impact on the world.
Both concurrently.
I always liked them as the legacy characters, i felt it gave DC a lot of cool alt history lore vibes. Same reason why i liked og Human Torch canonically killing Hitler on the Marvel side.
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previous generations but more of a legacy side
johns had the right idea with his run from 2000 one of my favorites runs ever
I like them as the old guys but they have to be freed from being permanently attached to the 1940s. Just make them active 30~40 years ago in the sliding timescale.
Own Earth. Superman's gotta always be the first hero.
Wonder Woman is the first DC superhero though.
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I'm not autistic about Superman being the first, but it was neat that Golden Age Flash was supposed to be a comic book in the post-Golden Age timeline, and Barry named himself after his comic hero. And "Flash of Two Worlds" is too iconic.
Both aren't good ideas

>different earth
Leads to insane elseworlds shit like Darkseid destroying earth
>same earth
It's getting harder as time goes on to sympathize with the WW2 boomers considering how everything after the war has gotten increasingly shittier
>>different earth
>Leads to insane elseworlds shit like Darkseid destroying earth

That was exclusive to the New 52 version of Earth 2. That didn't happen in the version of Earth 2 that showed up after Infinite Crisis.
Everyone that says that the JSA should be banished to Earth 2 somehow doesn't realize that the chances of DC putting out a regular JSA series set in Earth 2 is less than zero. People really overrate how much DC gave a shit about its multiverse during pre-Crisis. All-Star Comics got like 20 issues before getting cancelled and even with him getting Earth 2 as his personal little sandbox, Roy Thomas still wasn't able to get to write a regular JSA run. If they get banished to Earth 2, they're even more likely to be fodder during events or get regulated to team-ups with the Justice League and that's it.
Yes, that's exactly how they should be. Keep the main focus on the regular comics on the main regular heroes, and have characters like the JSA limited to periodic events instead of insisting every character under the sun should be part of an ongoing regular comic.
The obvious answer, previous generation.
The real answer is both. Main earth should have a generational JSA. Then there should be an old school Earth-2 with the JSA that had Batman and Superman.
I'm a huge Superfag but I don't really care about him being the first in-universe Superhero. The legacy and history that the JSA has makes the DC would richer to me.
Previous gen

Insecure Superfags who are obsessed with him being the first hero in universe are weak but also delusional because DC will eventually make it so Batman or Wonder Woman technically are
Both. JSA operated around 1930's-60's on earth 1 but the general public thinks they're urban legends because of a haphazard wish from Johnny Thunder. Earth 2 never had World War 2 or communism due to timefuckery and the JSA and Trinity are modern contemporaries. On earth 2 the Guardians still use Manhunters, Superman is a Kryptoboo, and Batman and Green Arrow have switched personalities.
Have it only be the offspring and Kegacy of those old fucks.
GL: Jade and Obsidian
Flash: Judy Garrick
Dr Fate: Salem and newest Dr Fate
Spectre: Secret
Black Canary: Red Canary
Atom: Damage and Atom Smasher
Sandman: Sandy Hawkins
Hourman: Rick Tyler and Android
Hawkman: Hawkgirl and Northwind
Wildcat: Yolanda and Tom
Mr Terrific: Micheal Holt & Quiz Kid
E2 Superman: Powergirl
E2 Batman: time traveler Helena Wayne
Red Tornado: Cyclone
Johnny Thunder: Jakeem
Dr Midnite: alternate between Peter & Beth
Starman: Courtney & new Starman
Liberty Bell/ Johnny Quick: Jesse

That’s already like 26 characters

Don’t use anyone under the age of 40 unless they are immortally young like Sandy.
A third stringer team like the JSA has no business having this many members. Cut this roster in half.
I’m not saying that’s the roster. I’m saying you have THAT many members to choose from for a roster m, and you still won’t have any old senior citizens.
Smoothbrain take

This is reasonable
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JSA kicking off in the 80s-90s starts to feel fucking werid fast.

Easier to stick them to 30s-40s and just have some event remove them for a time. Then maybe have another team for that 70s+ time gap.
Ew no.
JSA would literally be the only Earth 2 book. No reason to have any more than that.
>Easier to stick them to 30s-40s and just have some event remove them for a time
They would've been dead for decades already. And their kids would've had their own grandkids already. It's all just dumb.
>Synth pop and Grunge era Superheroes as the oldheads
lmao Imagine Alan Scott in Flannel
Major corporate hero.
And the JSA stuck on Earth 2 that gets an ongoing series that doesn't get inevitably get destroyed in an event to "establish stakes" is less than zero.
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Earth 2 you say.
>Golden Age Flash was supposed to be a comic book in the post-Golden Age timeline, and Barry named himself after his comic hero
i'll be honest, I never cared for this idea. Barry just ripping off a preexisting fictional character's whole flow makes him way more lame.
Both at the same time.
>JSA kicking off in the 80s-90s starts to feel fucking werid fast.
It's not any weirder than Superman and Batman starting their careers around fucking 2010 which is what we have now.
The JSA isn't like the Invaders, they're not irrevocably attached to WW2. There's no reason that they need to age in real time while no one else does, this just forces writers to keep coming up with reasons for why they're not fucking dead yet and creates and unreasonable massive gap between them and the next generation. Jade and Obsidian are usually depicted as being around the same age as the (non-teen) Titans, so how old was Alan when they were conceived? 80? Same goes for Al Pratt and Damage, the Hawks and Hector, etc.
Just let them be timeless like everyone else for fuck's sake.
Every character should be designated to a specific Earth. JSA? They get an Earth. Batman? He gets an Earth. Superman? He get an Earth? Justice League? Don't exist.

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