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The cartoon reviewing community in the mid-2010s.
not good times. Whoever said nostalgia makes bad times seem good was lying.
Ifunny meme AND e-celeb drama thread? Just kill yourself
Pie later realized Enter was a dumbfuck. And then he died. Fuck this world.
>Pie later realized Enter was a dumbfuck
>Then he died
What the fuck? I don't remember any of this. When did he vilify Enter? And I thought he had just quit Youtube from burnout?
I had to watch 50 Mr. Enter episodes before I realized he's an autistic retard with no capability for criticizing. This guy is constantly crapping on cartoons for being "illogical" or "mean spirited", rather than how enjoyable they are to watch. What a joke. He still doesn't realize that the only reason people watched him was because he was a dancing monkey and people were laughing at him.
Say what you will but he stated that Foster's was still a great show regardless of the few dud episodes, which is more than can be said about the autists on here who bemoan about how mean spirited incarnate it is
No wait I confused him with Pie Pivotmontier-O. Nevermind.
Which one specifically? I figured out he sucked when I reached his Putting Your Hoof Down video.
Which spongebob YTP of his had a Mr. Enter diss? Or was the drama restricted to Twitter?
I mean to say that after watching 50 reviews it struck me that all he does is screech and squeal about muh mean spirited and muh illogical.
I'm ashamed to admit I used to genuinely watch Enter
I don't remember if it was his poop, I just remember a YTP that had Enter's face on Spongebob going "Who could never hate me no matter what I did?" and one of the two Pies was Squidward.
I know dude, but you were like alot of other people that just wanted to laugh at a weirdo way too emotionally invested in animated cartoons.
I discovered him around the summer of 2014 (ten fucking years ago now my god) before he really got popular and my dumb 14 year old self thought he knew what he was talking about lol

Thankfully I had already grown out of him within the next year after watching some of Clay Claymore's videos dissing and exposing him.
I still watch Enter from time to time, but then he got way too invested in political shitflingin and now he's just as bad as any other youtube guy
I guess that's inevitable when you review modern cartoons, however
I watched his top ten cartoon openings video back in the day and enjoyed it, but don't recall watching anything else he made. My conclusion is it must've been a mix of topics that don't appeal to me and trying and not caring for a few other videos.
Are there any non-cringe cartoon reviewers? I used to like Jelloapocalypse, but then he turned out to be up his own ass and not understand what shoujo is.
LS Mark is cool
>Family Guy, Washington Football Team, and FNAF
I used to watch him in elementary school and took the wrath he had against modern family guy and modern spongebob so seriously
>Clay Claymore
That name takes me back. I had a similar experience as you. Used to think Enter knew what he was talking about, then I found videos by Clay Claymore and other people who were roasting Enter. I wonder what happened to them.
MarsReviews was hilarious and not autistic, but unfortunately he’s been inactive ever since his channel got hacked, and many of his videos were also deleted. Still check him out anyway.
Rebeltaxi may be a sperg but his videos are genuinely informative if you want to learn about things like the production of a cartoon.
Am I the only one who remembers Benthelooney? I feel like nobody remembers him and nobody watched him
I remember Ben. I don't think he had any genuine fans like Enter. He was always being clowned on by the rest of the cartoon community.
No he fucking isn't.
I was watching him back when he was still PuffyzillaMan
He was from those early wild west years of the cartoon community, he's before Enter's time like PieGuy. Difference is PieGuy wasn't a complete autismo and had a better head on his shoulders, and even managed to collab with Enter and couple others, which is why his relevancy lasted a good deal longer than Ben's. Ben slowly stopped doing proper cartoon reviews anyways and became a full-time "femboy" coomer, drawing poorly structured rule 34.
I miss the Growing Around threads. The livestreams Mr. Enter did when he was shilling his kickstarter were some of the most hilarious videos I've seen. I haven't kept up with him in years, is he still working on a cartoon or did he give up?
Pieguy is dead?
I'm double-dipper.
I not only watched Mr Enter, he's the reason I gave the Loud House a shot and liked it. Now both are embarrassing wastes that allegedly improved and are selfaware of their flaws but I don't care to check.
Sad thing about Growing Around is that he's not wrong that it was a neat concept for a cartoon. He just misunderstood how to execute that cartoon. It's better for something like a surreal blisteringly satirical comedy that you're not supposed to think about. His issue is that he overthought everything and it was precisely overthinking that original cartoon concept I forgot what it even was that led to him trying to do Growing Around

It's like seeing Powerpuff Girls and thinking 'yeah, three artificially created superpowered little girls is a great idea!' but it's the idea of them being artificially created by some random man in his basement that you focus on and base a cartoon around, except even worse because what was it, a world where kids had adult roles and adults were like kids? Make it completely unrealistic like Kids Next Door and limit it to shorts, and that's fine. That just wasn't his intention
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Quick, someone get Mr Enter to say blowing your head off with a 12 gauge is wrong.
stupid autist. Have you guys seen what he looks like? W.O.W. goblins are prettier than him.
I think Mr. Enter fell for the "dude this show has the DEEPEST LORE" meme that was popular at the time, so he was wanting to create a show with lots of lore and consistency and even had scripts written up to the point where the main kids have grown up and had kids of their own. While at the same time basing the show around an idea that makes no logical sense no matter how you spin it. Like where do the adults even go after the graduate from school? Why are they even in school if their lives have no function in society anymore? One of his weirder decisions was to make it so the elderly are sent to a far away land where nobody except the mayor can ever visit them. Just why? Imagine growing old and never being allowed to see you loved ones again for no reason. Ironically the whole show was full of the mean spiritedness Enter hated.
I'm not an enterfag but that was taken out of context
Back in 2019. He was only 15 years old too, damn.

Pieguyrulez shut down last year.
That's what I mean. Make this show have the weirdness of something like Aqua Teen Hunger Force or Kids Next Door and that would work. But that clearly wasn't what he had in mind.
I would have spammed him with awful porn so bad Jesus Christ
>Doesn't understand what shoujo is
lolwut? Explain, because that's fucking amazing. He has jobs in the localization industry.
Those "exposure" channels are ran by people that are bigger lolcows than the people they cover. Probably went into hiding like a pathetic pussy after someone discovered something embarrassing or horrid about them.
They can never take what they dish out.
well if being illogical or too mean hinders your enjoyment of the show thats kinda... a valid criticism
>Johnny test it
He's the reason I gave bojack horseman a try. I also remember he did a stanley parable review(?) but that might have just been a fever dream.
Yeah, he choked on a pie. Really tragic stuff.
The fact that he is a troon should immediately answer your question
It's funny that mrenter after the turning red not mentioning 9/11 controversy he puss out from his old political anti sjw content he nuked his old covid lockdown vids questioning the lockdown and his Healthcare is not a human right video and now he's back to pandering to the lgbtq community
I only know who that is because of Cartoonlover98 making fun of him.
>with 9/11 being mah fav'rit holiday
even other troons don't like him
but I guess they already eat their own kind anyways
I'm astounded that he didn't even attempt to try to pass, and yet Enter is so cucked he still called him "she/her" all throughout that video
a name i haven't heard in ages, what happened to him? I remember he branched from YTPs and started doing DoodleToonz, and that only lasted for like a year or two tops before he faded away. can hardly find any of his classic YTPs
That was a 2013 video when he said that. His opinions can change. He once said he didn't expect to hate CatDog because he liked it as a kid and then he pretty much ended up hating the show when he reviewed it for Nick-O-Rama
I be honest I prefer this thread over reading the daily SU threads, so I say keep when we actually discussing something since you got mind broke by one of us, somehow
honestly i think it's a bot
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we watch cartoons here, ma'am
This is all coming from someone that has watched maybe 2 enter videos total and hasn’t followed any drama shit outside of the turning red ignored 9/11 meme
The problem with growing around was how blatant a revenge fantasy it is, like I listened to that one podcast duo that reviewed the pilot book a while back. Like holy shit the sister was awful to her mom-daughter, making her a scapegoat for no real reason and the dad-son was an enters self insert who was the golden child for bending to her whims and being a complacent manchild, and the brother only exists to have a job so sister didn’t have to work bc she’s also a wish fulfillment character. Like fuck dude even SpongeBob has to go to work.

Plus how the whole thing feels like it was made out of spite. Like he had to prove he was better than actual professional writers and animators because he talks shit about their work for a hobby and later a living off it.
I meant to type complaisant but complacent may fit as well.
Also since bendy was one of those 2 videos I mentioned, >>144185208
It’s so wild to me because in that he sounded fairly reasonable (nobody’s perfect, and one bad episode isn’t the end of the world) in spite of the cringy Doug walker style comedy. but then the other one I saw was one of the infamous SpongeBob ones which go way the fuck off the rails.
I know Panpizza is a massive cringelord, however I do find he's videos to be enjoyable and insightful.
The Bendy one was in 2013 while I think the SpongeBob ones where he starts really leaning in heavily on the writer bashing way later on, like 2014-15. Either he thought playing things up and being outrageously offended was funny at the time or he began let his true, unfiltered self out
>watch Juststop
>The cartoon reviewing community in the mid-2010s.

Do you mean AUTISTS, OP? People who have actual autism who upload to YouTube??
>a name i haven't heard in ages, what happened to him?
Shifted to twitter after stopping making ytps and Doodle Toons, which he he shut down after he complained about people drawing rule 34, because people found out he drew porn of his underage OCs. He's both a hypocrite and a pedophile.
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I remember his deviantart porn account. Fuckers artstyle was goofy CH greenblatt ripoff shit but somehow even more simplistic, and he thought that was fappable?
Also I remembered this AnimatedJames parody he did all the way back when that lulz was ongoing
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I couldn't get a higher quality version of >>144188932 because it's old shit that hasn't been properly archived, you'll have to squint grandpa
>He has jobs in the localization industry
>He doesn't know about the "we hated this character so much we stopped caring about dialogue flow and context and just made him an asshole" drama
I just feel sorry if you like this guy and haven't heard about it, man...
I like ToonrificTariq but his insight is limited to only the shit he cares about and he's a huge Family Guy simp. But other than that I find his writing witty and enjoyable to listen to.
Ren Seeks Help, genuinely good cartoon, harrowing look into John K’s psyche, he should have shot himself immediately after completing it
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I miss him bros...
>Conservatives creator tries being "weird"
>They end up being mean and belittling because weird things require using the left hemisphere of the brain instead of the right one
Why? For his animations? Even back then I thought they were cheap shit. And he didn't really come out of his scandal looking much better
>only big cartoontuber who isn’t completely sucking hazbin hotels or helluva boss’s cock.
good man
i miss when cartoonshi wasn't a cuck who couldn't help resist making some comment about how 'le woke isn't bad actually' almost every video because he compensates hard over his edgy phase
You miss his fartfag shit dontcha anon?
What ever happened to the pizza party podcast?
Its still a thing but Pan is working on his cartoon or sum shit
>fartfag shit
He's come back to doing it under IneptOutcast, which honestly if there's anything I can give him it's that his style is legitimately great now. There's no reason to go back to his 2014-2015 green mushroom cloud stuff besides just a lack of standards
Mr enter was a saint comparred to star giant productions and ben the looney
Has anyone talked about Adventure Time-era cartoons? These guys just seem to only care about their childhood shows of the late-90s and 00s. And also GR15.
You aren't the only one who used to watch him. I stopped after the Rocket Monkey's video.
Sfdebris but I wouldn't classify him as a cartoon reviewer.
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He's now working on a legally distinct show due to Growing Around being cowritten by a CHUD.
>likes a hebephile who cucked one of the OneyPlays members
I’m not sure if SynthCool counts. I do like MarsReviews
Meds now
Love or hate Mr. Enter, but let’s all agree that AniMat is the worst. He has the same attitude and hypocrisy as MovieBob
Enter was in the right for doing this and I’m tired of pretending otherwise.
You have to remember that this is a guy with legions of autistic, socially unaware fans. He probably could have been a bit nicer but people like this will start being parasocial and annoying if you give them even an crumb of attention. This probably isn’t the first time Enter had to deal with someone messaging him and trying to be best friends with him just because they like his videos. Autistic fans like this think creators have nothing better to do than give them attention.
these two guys plus the one on yt called media mementos. he’s good for background noise but he’s doesn’t exclusively talk about cartoons.
I really like his channels aesthetics and his editing and audio is good but idk, his stuff is a little too casual and stream of consciousness for me. Like he’s just talking but not really saying anything.
You can be casual and have something to say like Pan or Mars
But yeah the cartoon reviewer bar for quality is so low it’s next to the earths core
I wonder what Mr. Enter's obsession with children, particularly female children is. It's kinda strange that a virgin manchild in his 30s keeps writing scripts focusing on Sally, but whenever Max appears he's usually crossdressing. Also why are there gay 8 year olds? Kinda weird.
Bro the whole thing blew up because he *was* being a dick about it to likely a literal child. If he had just worded it like “thank you but for future ref please don’t ping unless it’s (xyz)” no one would’ve batted an eye
isn't that what he did in the next reply? the screen is incomplete
everyone thinks they're a free thinker till they realize most of their opinions come from the youtubers they watched when they were 8
Honestly I think they're all cringe. I wish there were more "professional" animation reviewers and video essayists out there, but it's just in writing from various old-hat historians.
All e-celebs are idiotic, vapid attention whores akin to tripfags and serial shitposting schizos. No exceptions.
All e-celeb gossippers and worshippers like the OP are intellectually regressive, slackjawed, subhuman troglodytes who are completely incapable of formulating their own opinions about anything and whose lives are so pathetically empty that they need to fill the void by obsessing over someone they've never even met. Therefore, they're absolutely no different from the hordes of drooling, braindead normalfags who gawk at the latest supermarket tabloid. No exceptions.
All e-celeb threads are cancer that must be reported as soon as possible and as much as possible for violating Global Rule 11 and for being off topic. No exceptions. Fulfill your civic duty, true /co/mrades.
Furthermore if an e-celeb thread were to be posted on /a/, it would either be shitposted to oblivion, deleted in a matter of minutes, if not seconds or even result in a public execution like this.
Each and every single one of you goddamn retarded subhumans should be absolutely fucking ashamed of yourselves for knowingly reducing this board's quality.
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He's an asexual autist so he tries to write things as close to reality but he is uncomfortable with adult topics like sexuality.


In his new series he's trying to write he states he doesn't like writing adult topic because of his OCD.
Probably stems from having a rough or even terrible childhood, notice how even the “good” adults still get a raw deal just for the crime of growing older.
If he did I have no idea, again I don’t really follow the dude or his weird ass fan base and hatedom. Still shouldn’t have gone straight to nuclear
I know all about that fuckery. That's why I was asking about the shoujo thing. I found it hilarious that this asshole has jobs like this yet doesn't even know about half of the nippon media he supposesly loved so much.
This is how I felt about nostalgia critic before I grew out of him. I just find reviewers like him kind of grating more than anything.
Did AnimatedJames truly do anything wrong? At worst, he had a brap art account to presumably earn some extra pocket change.
Rebel taxi/pan pizza
I did
He came out as full gay now
Also he also got a pretty big video on his rise and fall and he was crying about it and Trump as always
Ins't he a massive loser now were everyone he was freinds with back in the 2010s hate him, and was black listed from the indusrty or was that all 4chan gossip?
I'm going to go out on a limb and agree with him that something being mean-spirited often ruins a show. Beyond his autism, mean-spiritedness is just poor writing from an author's misunderstanding of the tone they present. I don't want to sit on the side of what's essentially a crowd of bullies when watching a show. That's fucked up, and emotionally exhausting. If your comedy unintentionally makes me stop laughing and go "that's fucked up," it's failed at the one thing it's trying to do, and given what we know now about how people like John K were raised, all it does is make me wonder if the writers ofthose shows need a hug.
>Welcome back to ben rants and when i was a kid ohio wasn't a funny word So Nickelodeon has done it agin rebooted a *AUDIO CUTS OUT* despite no one asking for it, remember when nick made original car*AUDIO CUTS OUT* There past? Any way get ready to wish for a differnt show heres my rant of Fariy Odd Parents A New Wish
The funny thing is that Enter did a video about a lot of them, and they went full bitch mode. A lot of them had no self-awareness. Not a councidence that Saberspark and Rebeltaxi both suck now.
DigbyTheGoat is the only one I remember from that crowd who took it well by just genuinely being confused about the whole thing.

>Clay Claymore
"I listened to dogshit about horseshit, and now I don't like horseshit!"
Take that shit back to r/cartoons faggot
>You watched him when he was still PuffyzillaMan4
>you were watching him when THIS was his avatar
>Bro the whole thing blew up because he *was* being a dick about it to likely a literal child.
>If he did I have no idea, again I don’t really follow the dude or his weird ass fan base and hatedom
Really not that hard to NOT talk out your ass.
>Also why are there gay 8 year olds? Kinda weird.
Why are there straight 8 year olds?
what's your point
Sort of true
>one of the guys on the podcast gets kicked out cause he was caught commissioning sfw fetish art from a minor artist
>podcast falls apart at some point
>pan tries to revive it with new people alienating his remaining friends
>some lukewarm drama where he gets blocked on twitter by one of them
>starts dating and living with an 18 year old femboy who's problematic because he's an even bigger edgelord or something
Anon's an alphabet soup trying to pull that "hmm, but what if STRAIGHT people?" fingerpoint shit, even if he can't understand that not everyone wants to see a kid's sexuality.
>Ins't he a massive loser now
Sounds par for the course with those types of people
How do you listen to 50 seconds of that guy without clocking that? The voice is all you need
he would've done it regardless of this, just a cranky aspergers guy. that being said, it is funny how much he hates dealing with his audience being lower-functioning than him
it's hard being the tard wrangler for your entire community
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I don' t care what enter and other autist say, the contraption is hilarious because of how nonsensical it is
It's actually a they/them woman he's dating.
I'll love that people theorize what the machine is for either a homeless killing machine or an anti-litter machine for destroying litter or litterers.
Just turn off pings you fucking retard.

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