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What is some of the best sci-fi stuff you got?
i find it hard to define what scifi really is in comics. the best real scifi i can think off recently is the first 8 issues of the nice house on the nice lake. maybe planetary?
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pic rel is good
read the original black n white version not the weird remaster that just colors the pages and separates them oddly

i like actual SCIENCE-fiction where the weird sciency stuff gets some focus, not just space dramas, space action, or the recent trend- adult sitcom with vaaaaguely sci fi related tropes as an aesthetic
It's hard to find sci-fi stuff that actually focuses on the science
I like the exploration of unexplained phenomena, anomalies, UFOs, maybe strange human diseases or space-time related crap
It gets confusing and kinda annoying when the term "sci-fi" shares it's name with stuff that's basically just sword battles on a spaceship
We need to redefine the names to separate the two and put the 'science' back in 'sci-fi'
there is a sequel to this, called "The Forever War: Forever Free"
>We need to redefine the names to separate the two and put the 'science' back in 'sci-fi'
That already happened years ago. You say SF for "proper" science fiction and sci-fi for the "sword battles on a space ship".
really? i wasn't aware of that? i don't hear anyone use it
still it seems difficult in convo when it all means back to "science fiction"
Well yeah, it's ostensibly still the same genre. Just like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter are the same genre. And a lot of people, including book stores, just lump Science Fiction and Fantasy together under Speculative Fiction. I think one problem with the SF distinction is that the definition can be pretty personal, which you can see with the whole Hard SF thing. Hard SF being SF that diligently obeys the laws of physics, and resultingly the hardest of Hard SF enthusiasts reject everything that has FTL travel. Perception of what constitutes proper science fiction also changes over time. Telepathy and psychic powers used to be a core element in older science fiction. Asimov is one of the biggest names in the genre, and no-one would accuse Asimov of writing pulp, let alone of him not writing science fiction at all. But one of the big conceits in the Foundation series? A telepath. Star Trek used to be considered pretty solid too, for paying lip service to certain scientific concepts, and got the thumbs up from Stephen Hawking. And it also has telepathy as an inheritance from older science fiction. And then you get people like Philip K. Dick, who is well regarded as one of the best in the genre, but who was also hanging out in the pulp space and never focused on science, but focused very much on the mind.

It's tricky. It's even tricky trying to guess what people mean when they say they want more grounded, more science focused SF comics. For instance, Simon Roy's Habitat takes place on a generation ship whose ecology has broken down. The remaining population is tribal and cannibalistic, and the story is a guy running from his own tribe while carrying forgotten technology. Leo's Aldebaran takes place on a low tech colony world that resembles provincial Brazil more than anything we know as Science Fiction.
I still think there's a MUCH bigger difference between "following some scientific system" and "it's just drama in space"
than there is between "following an internal scientific system" and "following our external world's understanding of science"
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Yoko Tsuno is kind of underrated. Not the best Franco-Belgian comic by any stretch but it has an incredible commitment to being scientifically plausible and the scifi tech is always super well designed. The author was one of Hergé's assistants on Tintin in the 50s and 60s and he was responsible for designing the Carreidas 160 in Flight 714 to Sydney. Kind of obscure for english speakers although a few issues were translated by Comcat in the 80s and it's currently being published in english by cinebook, but it has a cult following among hard sf fans.
But how would you define "drama in space"? For a lot of people Star Trek would apply, but I enjoy Star Trek for using science fiction conceits to ask interesting question. On the other hand there's been a semi-recent trend of people who clearly don't want to write science fiction at all "slumming" in the genre to write their attempts at literature by handwaving some science fiction aspect into it. One short story I read was about a woman questioning her faith, with some very clear nods to things that make modern American liberals uncomfortable, but she does it on the moon.
Let's just put it this way- I like Star Trek slightly more than I like Star Wars

"Drama in Space" is kinda like how something like, say, the Owl House is to magic-fantasy, or SU is to sci-fi. The science isn't the focus or gets built on, it's just the backdrop for other crap, namely, drama (or action).
I'm less concerned with how REALISTIC the science is, and more with how in-depth it is, yknow what I mean? Like, Idc if the science is impossible, I just want it to be touched upon a lot and be internally consistent. I don't wanna watch/read something where you can replace the whole worldbuilding with downtown New York and it'll basically feel the same minus the aesthetics
so you don't care if the science isn't externally consistent with our real world, just that it's internally consistent with itself?
Yeah there you go.
But also just that it's present, because so much sci-fi is just our own normal world, with aliens as stand-ins for other cultures and alien food as a stand-in for earth food, and lazer weapons as stand-ins for earth weapons, and- You get the picture, it's not written by someone who likes science, it's written by someone who likes high fantasy but decided to replace elves and dwarves with glipglips and bimblybobs.
Mars Express is the newst animation that comes to mind.

In comics, I used to suggest Shangri-La by Mathieu Bablet, but The Nikopol Trilogy also interests me in its surreal take, more fantasy that SF, mind.
Shangri-La was such a massive downer. Goddamn.
That sounds boring as shit
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well don't read it then, stupid
This. Sounds like another attempt at gatekeeping those of "lesser intellect" again. That's how you get awful pretentious movies like Primer.
ugh god I hate le time travel accuracy fags. Also didn't the director beat up his girlfriend? Sucks to be that dickhead.
>Also didn't the director beat up his girlfriend?
He did, and he posted his restraining order on his twitter, along with some beta rage filled rants too. The crazy thing is his tweets with filled with pretension as well. The guy had to elevate his vocabulary to talk about choking women kek.
>gatekeeping bad
tits or gtfo, samefag, nobody owes you a spot in the fanbase if you hate the thing being talked about
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Fuck you OP aliens are cool
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>"Here's my personal taste in sci-fi and what I find enjoyab-"
>"That's bad!"
>"Then... Don't consume it..."
>"WHAT? HOW DARE YOU GATEKEEP ME FROM THE THING I DON'T LIKE?" *Devolves into celebrity gossip*
God I fucking hate normalfags so much, it's like you people have an innate built-in drive to destroy everything you come across
it seems like all modern scifi is just magic without magic.
normies created the "gatekeeping" boogeyman because they're so used to controlling every part of society, that they get scared shitless at the idea of a group or community existing and not valuing their opinions as if they were the farts of god
ignore them, the best way to gatekeep them is literally just continuing to do what you like to do and not put them on a pedestal, that's what they consider a personal attack
in their eyes "not gatekeeping" means giving them everything and bowing down to them and chancing the very way you behave and enjoy the kinda media you'e into in oder to appease them
No, you fags hate fun enjoyable sci-fi and want everything to be a dick measuring contest with how smart you can prove yourself to be.
>nooooo I feel insulted by what you like!
>hey by the way if you like this movie you're a faggot
Literally in the next sentence. You can't make this up.
>twitter brainrot
lmao, you just felt called out for being a retard, didn't you? You're adding nothing to this thread. Not even a recommendation of what you consider good. It would have been so easy. Go ahead, recommend me a comic.
this is a new low scifag
>S-Someone likes someone I don't? I-I'm feeling unsafe!
Go away, culture vulture
>oh boy a fun threa-
>tourists have to come in and ruin it
ffs why does it pain these people so much to see us have a good time? don't you guys have, idk... a tiktok video to make or something?

anyway, back to the topic at hand
i'd argue lilo and stitch counts as sci-fi even tho it's more of an adventure movie with space themes, but i really liked the early draft ideas where stitch was like an alien renegade who was less dog-like and more of a crime boss
>Lord of the rings
Medieval fantasy
>Harry potter
Urban fantasy
>Star wars
Space fantasy.
That's pretty much how it goes, or at least how it should go, but stuff like spaceships, robots and lasers are simply too associated with science fiction for people to separate these tropes from it. Despite most of the time in space fantasy a spaceship is a magic flying metal box, a laser is a magic physics-defying beam and robots are technobabble golems.
My personal list of favourites:

Tron Uprising
Fantastic Planet
Angels Egg
Aeon Flux
Cyberpunk Edgerunners
Ghost in the Shell
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Eureka Seven
All Tomorrows (not really a comic but whatever, it's pictorial still)

I wish we had more animated/comic series based off novels, since novels tend to be the best sources for sci-fi. Like the foundation series, the culture series etc.
Forgot about alien planet too: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oVjYtZydMuo
>You're adding nothing to this thread.
so what? A recent twitter thread got babysat by jannies. Be glad I'm at least mentioning a sci-fi work.
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The Valerian & Laureline cartoon was a masterpiece, better than the comics IMO and LIGHTYEARS better than the shitty live-action movie. Sadly, the English dub is awful. Thankfully, I'm bilingual.
Nice list, still have to catch up on some; My read-so far list:
Aama v01 - The Smell of Warm Dust, Swiss, Man, his brother and his robot fighting gorilla go on a journey
Aquablue, Nao by Thierry Cailleteau, French: Nao, last survivor of a starship crash, lives a peaceful existence with the natives of Aquablue, a world covered by vast tranquil seas. But, group of Earthmen arrive with plans
Cold Sun 01 - H5N4 - not really sci-fi just post apoc with slightly futuristic tech
Cybersix 1994-1998, Italy, Spanish, French - genetic engineering survivor works as male teacher by day, fights against scientist who created her at night
Ghost in The Shell - Redbloods storytime https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/114525900
The Incal
Ion Mud by Amaury Bundgen, scanlation: https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/126136057/
The Long Tomorrow
Mare Internum, sci-fi on Mars US, depressed scientist encounters sentient lifeform
The Metabarons
Enki Bilal's Nikopol Trilogy
Old City Blues - Giannis Milonogiannis - police, some with mechas, fight cyber and corporate corruption
Prophet (Image revival starting at issue 21) US
Shangri-la by Mathieu Bablet
Sky Doll
Traveling to Mars
Wake (Sillage in original French)
Worlds of Aldebaran, exoplanet colony loses contact with Earth
Technotise, Serbian in year 2074
Sweet Tooth by Jeff Lemire, post-apocalyptic, animal-human hybrids https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/123410581 US
Sandcastle by Frederik Peeters, horror, Swiss
Mutafukaz, comic series by Run and film by Run and Shojiro Nishimi French, I'm still reading the comic continuations/alternates
Ben Fleuter's Derelict, post apoc/horror, volume one only.
Cleopatra in Space, webcomic, printed comic (more serious) and cartoon (light fun entertainment)
Rain Like Hammers, Brandon Graham 2021 https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/123363988 US, i found this one boring
Damn anon, nice list. How do you find these sorts of titles or series? Are they sort of ubiquitous, like you'll just find them through random google searches?
Most from /co/ storytimes. Derelict and Mare Internum I knew of from webcomic links, and a few more probably via webcomic forums.
I'm looking at Dune House Atreides right now, but it's not grabbing me, probably spoiled by my readingthe books first.
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>random google searches
never tried that until just now out of curiosity: the first nine included Shangriila and Sweet Tooth, never read the other seven.
The Goodreads list has Snowpiercer as first, surprised me; I'd read this in French 20 years ago then re-read in English. For some reason I read it as a post apoc/dystopia:
Snowpiercer, translated from the French Le Transperceneige by Jacques Lob, postapoc unequal society on a long train
I'd also read Destination Moon (Tintin, #16) as a kid. Otherwise I recognise barely 10% on that goodreads list.
This is fantastic
Ythaq is nice, although it switches between scifi and fantasy. It's basically the same genre anyhow.
qrd on each of these?
>*walks into your restaurant and shits on your plate*
>"what the fuck, man?"
>"hey, a guy in another neighborhood just got shot! so at least be glad i did it on a plate!"
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>>144191888 (Check'd)
You can't BTFO a guy like that and then flaunt these kinda digits on top of it
It's just not fair
Is it true L&S was gonna be even more space focused but it was cut?
I was wondering if it was this sperg. Make a Wonder Woman thread to confirm
Idk what you cunts are on about but if it's some board-celeb drama please keep it out of this thread
Just listing off some stuff on my shelf that I don't already see posted:
Heavy Liquid and 100% by Paul Pope
Martha Washington in the 21st Century by Frank Miller and Dave Gibbons
Twilight by Howard Chaykin
Star Hawks by Gil Kane and Ron Goulart
EC scfi-fi comics written by various writers and drawn by Wally Wood.

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