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I Can't Sleep because of Nia
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I'll write a story if anyone has a good idea
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Here's the most recent video in case anyone missed it.
i wanna draw some lacey and nia shit give me suggestions
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draw lacey like picrel panty shot
Ena and Nia should have a crossover, they're similar enough
My vote is for you to draw Nia like this instead of Lacey
ill do both of em together
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Draw lacey and nia working in a gas station late at night.
God I wish she was barefoot in this
Could you draw them bumping butts
Hmm, you wouldn't happen to know the person who posted this >>144162728
would you?
Does "I Can't Sleep" have a site or something these privated videos link to?
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hope this good enough lol
Very kissable tummy
Really getting tired of the lacey shipping when she has her own threads, it was nice to see Nia with a friend but a lot of it feels forced by yurifags.
Just go for what story you want to tell, pour out your heart on the page and if you have a horror idea just go for it. Don't worry about it being cringe, your on co, you making something is what's important, miss when these threads had people draw out their own requests, let's bring that back
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i dont see much art of nia in red ive realized
Nia and Lacey exploring the dungeons of Fear and Hunger please and thank you.
This baby can hold so much rape
need Nia with bush and hairy pits
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You guys think someone will ever make a video on ics like this?
Requesting they meet Kris from coffin_romantic. She seems like a nice addition.
Don't forget to upload art to the new booru. Anyone got the stuff from last thread?
buy an ad
Not that I hate her or anything but I think the sudden and consistent popularity of this character shows you really can just make a character goth/emo and if you have at least decent art skills they'll be popular regardless of the actual content of the character itself.
Nia and her love interest fight her mother over the custody of Dolly.
Nia taking Dolly to Disneyland
The fact that this thot thinks the Coffin of Andy and Leyley is as "bad" as playground and urbanspook is laughable.
oooooohhhh noooo, the bad end has incest! the horror!
the fact that retards who think like that ran the creator off the internet pisses me off.
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This with the trauma ridden duo.
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I need a based draw friend to draw Nia on a date with a handsome fellow named Tohru Adachi, thanks.
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Every retard on youtube is seething about that just because its actually edgy and horrific. It outs all the shitters.
Never heard of it
>Coffin of Andy
Now they are just being zoomer cry babies. These are the same people who say "Horror isn't for you anymore, chud!" as they gobble up any mascot and analog horror thing that comes out.
very cute, thank you :-)
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Time is circle. This is the same thing people said about FNAF in 2015
Lacey playing Clue with Dolly.
We a general now?
Just a colonel
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That would be a good idea, methinks
Aged up Nia when?
At least FNAF was a relatively fresh idea and a new IP and is still popular today to the point people are still ripping it off with mascot horror shit. Yes, I know it was always a think with chucky but it's all you ever see now and its all so low effort with the story.
That's just an op so people would date used up women who refused to settle down and now regret it
Actually no
We post Nias here, sir.
I seen them being drawn together
>horror media
>too far
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Zoomers think that horror just means something with a spooky aesthetic attached and maybe a little bit of gore.
Did these people never read the books of Stephen King?
It's retarded edginess on the level of Garth Ennis repeated over and over again. You could argue it went too far with shock value for the sake of it, but ultimately Urbanspook is just fucking boring.
Horror media is supposed to shock you and be uncomfortable!
i'm so tired of the systematic sanitization of modern horror just to make it family friendly. Fuck that.
Nia was made for me, not to be a carpet muncher!
>Meant to be carpet munched
Yeah, these threads for almost a year now feel like most people wouldn't care if ics had nothing special going for it as long as it has the goth/emo look. It's a big part since it's the art style but there really isn't anything more to it for a lot of people other than it being a booru tag
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Some bullshit I did while bored at work. Anyone know what I should do for the background?
Is this real? Are horror creators actually this petty and childish? To think I actually respected ChezzKids as an ARG
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>Are horror creators actually this petty and childish?
You have no idea.
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Did you think the art looked shit on purpose??
>Mandella catalogue guy got metoo'd
is that why he stopped making content?
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another nia postal drawing put alot less detail and effort into this one i was tired
Im gonna be completely honest, urbanspook got more hate from how the creator acted than the series itself.
Still looks badass
Basically yeah, but isn't like he wasn't acting like a rockstar lately 'cause MC's success.
Nia would never go postal
Is this the one that accused him of grooming while being older than him and then got btfo by his response?
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i love you nia
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another one
Chezzkids characters are pretty charming, I Iike woodzy and chezz
you would kiss the Niaxolotl.
Stubby chubby arms
I always fail in the inking art
The bridge scene from Blade Runner 2049
Don't we all

>On March 24th, 2024, Alex Kister would post a response to the allegations on Twitter titled "My Perspective" (as well as a small response to The Mandela Catalogue being reported as "Fetish Content").[13][14] He retweeted a thread from one of his defenders alongside his statement.[15] In the document, Alex denies the claims of being a predator and manipulator, as well of clarifying that he isn't a groomer/pedophile (accusations that were being spread around as a result of the allegations). In the document, Alex's main argument against the allegations is that his texts with Ven and DB, who are older than him, were consensual, reciprocated, and encouraged whilst also providing and respecting exits for his partners whenever they were uncomfortable. He also states that he never abused his power with fans as he never leveraged said power against them. He proved malicious intent from Ven, exposed lies and unsubstantiated claims, called out omitted context while providing additional context to the texts Ven showed, and called out hypocrisy, mismanagement, and defamation from Ven (such as accusing Alex of grooming on Tumblr despite initially saying he didn't groom anyone and later retracting that statement on Twitter). Alex also pointed out that he had no illegal or sexual activities with minors, calling Ven out for never proving said activities nor any malicious intent. In the document, despite arguing that he was not suicide baiting, as he has a history of self harm and suicidal ideation as well as the fact that his livelihood and relationships were being threatened, Alex apologizes for burdening DB and Mitcha (one of the accusers) with his suicidal ideation. He concludes by promising to not make friends with fans of his whilst also promising that The Mandela Catalogue would continue and that the story leaks were fake. He also discouraged people from harassing anyone.[16]

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forgot i made this a while back lol
"Psst! Nia, remember poop"
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Nia: No no, I'm not on the menu.
>" maybe dropping out of highschool was a bad idea"
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>Boomers: Why don't you like working for min wage dealing with crack-head customers who will pull a knife on you unable to even afford food?
Here’s a Nia I made on my phone.
It's a stick.
And we love sticks faggot! Keep 'em coming!
All me btw
when you find out what a bundle of sticks is called you're gonna shit bricks
Fuck you Urbanspook is a cunt
No. Fucking. Way.
>he just IS, ok?
She can pitchfork me to death any time.
literal who
>Nia stands on the other side of the McDonald's counter
>She looks off into the distance vacantly
>How did she even get a job here?
>She doesn't seem to register your presence
"I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda."
>Nia blinks slowly, brought back to reality
>She punches the order into the register before pointing at the total, then mimes swiping a credit card
>You take out your vintage Dave and Busters card and swipe it
>For some reason it somehow works, but usually permanently fries the card reader system
>The register indicates that the payment has gone through and Nia shuffles over to start preparing the large order
>You see a small wisp of smoke trailing from the plastic cavern you just violated
>Nia, for some reason, keeps glancing over her shoulder at your face as she works
>Something about you seems to have caught her attention
>Not that it matters.
>She shakes her head and focuses back on scooping fries and filling cups
>After getting your feast, Nia returns to the counter with two loaded trays
>Morgan Spurlock would be proud
>She slides them to you, then goes back to help the next customer
>Well this won't do
>Think, quickly! What will distract her?
>Your shouting has not gone unnoticed
>The whole restaurant goes silent
>A landwhale and the child stuck in her gravitational pull are staring at you
>Okay genius, any other ideas?
"BAJA BLAST!" you shout in imitation of the Smash Bros characters you spend your days gaping at on your Nintendo Switch
>That's not even the right restaurant you fucking moron
>Nevertheless, you hurl your drink at her, her pale face light a dinnerplate-sized target for your 32 fluid ounces of carbonated diabetes
>Her eyes widen in shock and confusion at your outburst
>Poor thing hasn't even realized what's about to hit her, literally
>The icy beverage splashes across her cheeks
>Dark-colored liquid drips down her collar
>She's frozen, blinking rapidly as the liquid stings her eyes
>If you were any more perceptive, you would've noticed that the clenched fists at her sides
How good does that girl dick feel, chezz?
Here’s a phone drawing of Nia as a milf with three kids.
Pretty sure she wouldn't be a shitty mom.
Pretty sure she'd be a worse cashier
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Love these two
I like these three too
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I reasonably enjoy these four.
dunno if this was asked before but what music do you guys think nia would listen to
Hey now, it’s not Nia’s fault that her children inherited their death prone genetics from her and she needs a glass of tomato juice every now and then.to take the edge off.
Is there any demand online for just weirdshit media or is it all analog horrorslop?
>literally part of a genre made to rebel against puritanical and censorship heavy traditionalist society at the time
>enlightened lefty zoomers unironically screaming and shiting screaming for more censorship at the sight of NOT videos, NOT even pictures, but fucking words
Time is a fucking circle covered in horseshoes. I cannot take this anymore this is so absurd
She would listen to europop as a guilty pleasure.
you gotta be kidding me. This is just a stick
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Cute Nia!
Whose this ugly bitch people keep drawing her with? Not aesthetic at all.
Lacey x Nia is a shit forced ship weakly held together by some vague similarities, but they really don’t work well together at all
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I thought it was this bitch and her shitty comic and was about to rage
>I fear not the man who has drawn 10,000 characters once, but I fear the man who has drawn one character 10,000 times.
Why do people ship Nia and Lacey?
Because there's no other female characters in ics that aren't related to her. So they have to go with the next "best" thing.
Lack of options even though Kris from coffin romantic exists and inspired by ICS. The art styles compliment each other.
it's mostly one drawfag forcing it, you can easily recognize his style
oh is this a new ics fandom dude? We really ought to give him a name
this. It's one of the shittiest ships in recent memory
‘Cause they are both cute and traumatised
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Who doesn’t want to see 2 cute girls who are put through unrelenting pain find comfort in one another?
Why do Teachers make a big deal about sleeping in class?
Prove it.
ics dude it's a good name
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>Prove it.
Well if you cannot tell from the style alone a lot of the pairings art use a slight greyish blue background colour, that same colour is used in the collage pieces on /uh/ which of course he uses to force his ship.
And on one of those posts the guy behind the collage art admits to being the guy that drew for the Nia and Lacey duo during tag team.
From that breadcrumb trail alone that means this guy alone is responsible for more than half of the art of the two together and I can guarantee he's done more considering said collage pieces shows he's able to switch styles every now and then.
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In some of the collage pieces even if the two don't interact the guy subtly pushes his ship, look here how even though they are apart with the guy fulfilling a request for the lacey bit of the canvas Nia is looking at it angry that someone else is showing lacey affection. The guy is literally using subliminal messaging to enforce this shit!
That ship is the work of laceytroon, known from some /trash/ fnaf general. He'll hijack ICS threads to self-fellate his crossover shipping faggotry work. Don't be deceived.
Kris is kinda boring and not as popular as Lacey and also doesn't really compliment Nia just because they have the same 2000's emo style
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This dude's teetering the line.
>Subliminal yuri crack shipping
Kinda based, tee bee ech.
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The guys hidden shit like this within art before, best example is hiding r34 within sfw images that you access from a catbox link.
so what? you're starting a beef where there shouldn't be one
I'm not starting beef, I'm just showing that most of the "popularity" behind the lacey and Nia pairing is one guy!
me dodging the draft
The symbols surrounding the two correspond to letters that make up the URL.
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More specifically the ALT-Code cipher, which was hinted at in the decrypted text from the Base64 code that's on the right side of the pic.
Dude, thats awesome
>you're starting a beef where there shouldn't be one
tell that to the guy spamming his lacey pics on ICS threads
Holy shit, I knew the fucker was autistic!
I respect the autism if anything
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Your post inspired me to make this drawing
Oh shit
Good work
Very nice
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I just think they're neat.
Was Yasuo looking like Pickles Oblong on purpose?
>bald one
that seems about right
>Tfw someone got inspired by my phone doodle.
Now draw them gangbanging
What about mom nia or nah?
Mom nia, yeah I'll draw her getting gangbang by some dudes
I have more respect for kris and sincere cringelord animators like literal hat then a yurifag who wont just admit hes only here to jack off and offer nothing else
I meant in general but cool anyway
Does the yurifag even post here? I've only seen him make OC for the /trash/ threads.
Oh, well then I misunderstood it then and of something completely different
She cute.
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give me ideas anons
There are a few requests here if you're fine with also drawing lacey >>144205425
Who is that? Anyway, requesting Nia hanging out with Kris at Hot Topic for shirts or something. She has pupils by the way in other videos.
Best vid for reference
Nia holding Dolly up high like Lion King.
Crossovers with horror movies like Halloween or Friday the 13th.
Draw her in Dante's fit
How about Nia smoking a cigarette?
kek, I second this one
Nia playing a skeleton xylophone.
Hood T-posing over Nia.
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forgot i made this aswell
Why is Dolly naked?
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she isnt in mutter?
Good job, drawfriend.
Face revel when?
Dolly with giant futa cock
We already know. She is missing her eyes.
Nia hanging out with the girl from THE RING.
They are both sitting on the edge of the well and enjoying sandwiches
Dolly being babysat by Kris from coffin romantic.
No she has her eyes. see at :30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KhjI9fJYtE
>>144231294 These children fighting one another
Finish the mom nia gangbang
good shit
>Nia needs a friend
>Sadako comes out of her television
>Friend acquired
Werecat Nia
Nia and Lacey clothes swap
Just on the /trash/ general and plus4chan from what I can tell.
The altchan where it contains most of the tourney 'tism, yes. He occasionally does OC (that isn't Niacey) there and is also the main reason why Niacey got 6th place in one of the tourneys from earlier this year.
Nia playing video games wearing only a oversizrd t shirt and panties.
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Nia dressed as a Silent Hill nurse
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Lacey pulling a Picket Fences scene with Nia
oh very noice draw fren. I dig the sketchy aesthetic
I guess so
How would Nia, Dolly, Mom even sound like?
The voices in your head.
Nia is cute.
She sure is
Is her eye gone?
Considering all the shit she goes through every other day, probably yes, but it’ll grow back.
>it’ll grow back
Not on my watch.
Every hole's a goal.
She deserves a kiss on her forehead
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Based. I don’t agree with it, but based.
She deserves hugs and kisses and the occasional hard spanking
Nia would probably sound like Raven from Teen Titans while Dolly will be like Bubbles from Powerpuff Girls
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To further add on to my post, I think Mom will sound like Pickles from The Oblongs.
You have my attention.
>Pickles from The Oblongs.
Don't mock me...
What are you talking about? It's one of the few characters that feel like it would fit Mom unless there are better options.
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just realized i could really go for some juicy, plump rice balls
But those are jelly donuts
Where's the bulge?
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Dolly's neck is a little too thick.
I need a idea for the background
A spooky street would suffice.
>spooky forest
>outside an old house
>creepy carnival
>pumpkin patch at night
>candle lit cemetary
Throw in a stalker or two and your set
>characters more charming than creator
Is that a bad thing? I feel like that's a bad thing.
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thanks for the feedback
You're welcome. Now give dolly a giant futa cock so she can rape her sister.
How would the mom feel if anon tries to seduce Dolly and Nia?
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Given Mutter she couldn't give less of a shit.
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cute and wholesome
Is that really her face or is it an artistic choice?
Good job
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A lot less circular but yeah, its her face.
As long as he pays upfront
Lovely, reminds me of pic
What point & click game is that from?
I think thats a fighting game stage
Great job
Makes me happy.
Art of Fighters 2
The stage is called South Town Park
I lieks you niakip
A psa for all the fatherless anons here
fucking hell....why did you make this
What's your Twitter? I'd commission you
Is it Halloween Already?
It’s always Halloween if you believe hard enough
>I Can't Sleep because of Nia
Neither can i.
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It certainly went well for lil Nia when she thought that way.
Does no one gonna ask Who Nia is?
Post the uncropped image
I mean so far all we know she is a goth who grew up from from a broken family who has to deal with supernatural events. Thats a gross oversimplification of the story but its pretty much the elevator pitch. Though seeing how her father is mentioned as she needs him to kill those ghost entities in that one video, so its possible there is a explaination why she dies yet comeback in others.
A selfinsert by the creator after her experience being deployed in the army to Crimea in 2014 (look it up)
The uncropped image has nothing else about ICS, its just cheesecake of two other woman I don't recognize and a duo of old men about to fight.
So do we have any other hints pertaining to her dad besides His (supposed) ability to kill ghosts?
Hmmmmm to my memory no. Probably more in the future.
Mom's nonchalant line about Dad sleeping gives me the suspicion that she had murdered him for whatever reason, but other than that there's really nothing to it at the moment.
Would you guys plow the mom?
Of course! Who could resist the free STDs!
Implying that she isn't a demon.
My dad died from cancer
Same, will be a year at the end of July
Oyakodon with Nia and her mom!
that's nice as hell
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Gotta get the dyke out
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Gonna be bloodletting for a while then.
Those two were made to get dicked down in a passionate frenzy and then lovingly cuddled afterwards.
>on accident
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Well they certainly got the last part going.
I support the shipping of Lacey and Nia. It is pride month after all and there's no worthy male chararcters in ICS
I want to skin Lacey alive.
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The pick of technology
What do they see in each other?
Themselves essentially, just with a different coat of paint.
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Someone fighting the same trials and tribulations they're facing, and its good to not fight your problems alone.
hey feri how you doin?
Lacey sees a kindred spirit she can console with.
And Nia sees some fat fucking titties directly at her eye level that she often gets a face full of.
She would freak people tf out
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ICS art
I'm not Feri, who is that?
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>fat fucking titties that she often gets a face full of
I wanna see that "i am thinking about getting breast reductiom surgery" comic but replace it with lacey and nia
For a while, I always thought Nia was a dog. That nose shadow really threw me off and the videos' bad quality didn't helped matters.
Why does her nose look like that though. You can't prove she ISN'T a dog
I'm attracted to her so she can't be a dog because I'm not attracted to them
Well she's also a minor so what does that say about you
This image implies that Lacey is as tall as Shaquille O'Neal
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I thought the creator of Lacey Games said she was in her 20s
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Wait, Nia is a minor? My respect for Lacey has increased to at least 40%. Fucking based.
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Creator confirmed Lacey is 19, must've rounded up.
They make stockings for arms?
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She is a big girl.
Nia is 5 foot. Lacey is 1.5 Nias or 7.5ft tall
nia is so FUCKING hot FUCK
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New pic.
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That must be whatever "thing" was following her during the walking sequence from WBH7 but I'd be lying if I say it doesn't look like a pair of thick legs.
*brushe brushe*
Lmao I remember thus Walten Files and chezzkids jumped on him and got his vas to quit.

Over a fabricated lie.

Lol it's funny how the urban spooks guy responded to this with this shit ain't true and then dipped.
We know the Chezzkids guy is an ass, but what about the Walten Files guy, he of the same ilk?

Also, if urbanslug or whatever was saying the accusations were fake that's based.
>People who were older than him do spicy chats and then try to m2 him and get him marked as a pedo despite the fact he was younger than them.
do women really?
He should sue their asses for defamation.
Reminds me of the Chuggaconroy thing honestly.
Think I remember slug makng a sly comment about how Alex didn't help him when he was being accused of stuff and instead partook in it, but suggested he still felt bad for him and hoped he beat the accusations.
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it's not a dog nose, it's a stylized shadoe under the nose. i also want to point out that ics only started drawing shots like this AFTER we pointed out she had a dog nose so i strongly suspect he lurks here
You know the creator personally?
This better mean we're getting frequent uploads again.
no i just have a habit of calling everything he.
Yeah we're bros.
Yeah I blew him last tuesday.
Shit I would.

For a new video of course.
This, is not true.
In "underwater" in the 0:40 time stamp, you can see a clear line above the nose shadow.
Meaning, that it was always meant to be that way, and stayed that way in the early era of the channel.
This only proof that 1/15 people on this threads, doesn't even watch the videos and that (you) just visit this threads, because you want to fuck that ugly stick goblina.
(Anyone here even watch the videos?)
Yeah I do, while I did get somewhat scared cause the vids barely had any audio of any kind at first cause I hate jumpscares, they're creepy and interesting.

I like to think the creator doesn't really think about the deep meanings behind each video.
>>144268317 (me)
I just realized I had a brainfart when I said they looked like legs when those are clearly arms that are somehow intact compared to the rest of the body, though I can't be sure whose body this belongs to because ICS loves its red herrings.
Interesting. Looks masculine.
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Ayyyyyy lmao
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Why do people think that the creator is a chick?
there are no girls on the internet you dumbass coon
Wrong thread, retard.
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Please don't be rude to our cosmic heroes!
rape allegory
She should smile, she's on camera
Don't see it.
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If you actually watch the series you'll see that she's shown to be human through and through (i.e. literally no animalistic features that you'd expect in a furry character) like basically countless times, even without considering the nose.
So he wasn't lying >>144251894
Unfortunately, that was the only ICS related thing that was recovered from my old hard drive before it died. So I don't know if she actually smiled. I think it was part of a web series?
i want to see Mia's pussy being eaten by Anon, preferably with her peeing on Anons face a little
She's 1/4 canine on her mom's side and inherited a dog nose
Watch the one with her pissing on the spike that impaled her vagina
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>impaled her vagina
Pretty sure it was her butt.
I feel guilty because that gave me a boner
That’s hot!
but then you would see shit from a butt
Cute as hell fanart
might this be the father?
Mia, the Nia's doppelgänger.
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Ok, let's decide this once and for all
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Depends on how close she is.
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Both are equally functionally okay depending of the context
I'll stick with the dog nose unless she halfway turned.
What’s option C?
Pretty sure thats a period allegory
Like everyone said, both are fine depending on the context, though I'd prefer A because she looks cuter.
That'd be Surprise, actually.
We already know that ICS creator is 99% a Russian dude named Vlad, tons of convincing arguments were already made.
Prove it.
We can't show option C here.
> Extremely similar artstyles, down to stuff like hands style
> Both ICS and Vlad videos tend to only features 3 colors (White, Black and Red)
> Both ICS and Vlad videos tend to have some kind of women abuse in them
> ICS Patreon's location was originally stated in Russia, before people started to point that out, after that it was changed to US
> ICS has videos Slavic feel to them
> One of rus anons went out of his was to ask about I can't sleep in Vlad's VK group, all his questions were quickly deleted by either Vlad or mods
whos vlad do they have any social media i cant find it
A is the more unique stylistic choice, but it depends on context
You also forgot to mention that how pretty fucking obviously that all sexy moments in ICS have a strong feel of being drawn a guy, since all Nia's sexy moments are hitting all right spots to keep male audience.
okay yeah i see it i think ics is still good no matter who its made by anyways
That’s crazy

It would be funny if ICS and Vlad’s stuff are all in the same universe
I'm still not entirely convinced. The style is similar but so is a lot of emo stuff.
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I always find these comparisons funny because they never bring up the one thing that should be obvious to anyone familiar with ICS.
What if she's a lesbian?
ICS has a foot fetish. It was obvious early on.
Maybe even a piss fetish.
Honestly I can see it, the similarities in art style are almost uncanny
We'll keep posting if it means making a hot-tempered autist like you rage, boy.
Even then, straight guys and lesbians have different sensibilities. I read a bit of yuri done by actual dykes, and I can tell ICS is probably done by a guy.
This also increases the chance that ICS is probably a guy. Guys are way more likely than ladies to have fetishes, generally speaking.
I want Nia to piss in my mouth with that pretty pussy of gers while I suck on her clit
>Guys are way more likely than ladies to have fetishes, generally speaking.
Are you saying most guys are horny perverts? What's wrong wi-
Oh okay maybe you're right.
In the end, let’s enjoy the work they create and not worry who made it. I honestly do not care about people saying that a creator I enjoy, turned out to be X or Y. It ruins the fun and enjoyment.

So many projects were ruined for me because people were too snoopy. They’re like paparazzis. Who gives that much of a shit about some shmuck in the internet? I don’t.

Does the creator’s life actually contribute to the story? Do their daily routine somehow advances the plot? No? So why should I care?

Anyway, yeah it’s highly likely that it’s a guy, but I’m pretty sure women would express their fetish too, just not the way men do.
exactly, i dont even mind that theres fetishes in it the story and art for ICS is pretty interesting
Now she's the same height as Lazey's James
This. Also it could be multiple people and not one animator so the gender argument doesn't really apply
id hold nia in my arms and kiss her forehead but then id also cum my socks off in every crevasse she has
>I honestly do not care about people saying that a creator I enjoy, turned out to be X or Y.
Or XY, in this case.
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But unfortunately not with the same assets.
source or gtfo
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This thread needs more Nia suffering.
I think she’s suffered enough.
And don't forget that he start to being less active until stop uploading content in 2022.
And guess who started to upload videos that year
>And guess who started to upload videos that year
ICS has been around since 2021 so it's still not a real indicative of anything.
Eh, i feel that interpolation still might mean something, like at some point (between 2021 and 2022) he tried to manage both accounts, just to eventually put his focus in ICS.
>one channel running fine
>create a new one
>both channels run relatively okay
>eventually the second channel does better
>the first channel goes dormant
>now the second channel takes all focus

It's just speculation, but damn it fits well.
Aw come on. She loves it.
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shes going fucking super insomnian
did the guy who made the nia bot in character ai delete her?
Wtf. I'm supposed to hate gore.
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This with nia
You could do the same with random channels with a similar style that haven’t uploaded much from 2019-2022. I honestly wouldn’t waste my time with this.
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heh, I just now realized how much her spiky hairstyle looks like Saiyan hair
Requesting Nia and Dolly playing with Lego together.
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I like to believe she is either immortal OR she is having nightmares.

If it's nightmares, she was treated at a hospital to deal with whatever issue she had and it traumatized her so she can't sleep properly.

If immortal, the people that operated on her were trying to figure out the source of her immortality which also traumatized her and is unable to sleep.
>If immortal, the people that operated on her were trying to figure out the source of her immortality which also traumatized her and is unable to sleep.
That could explain why they also took her sister despite her seemingly not having any mental issues.
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>there are no girls on the internet
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Ngl I feel like this is a fetish
everything is a fetish for someone else
>everything is a fetish
True, I can’t argue with that
Even if they're somehow not the same person, they at the very least probably know each other.
i can't care less if they're the same person, all i know is now i have two channels to consume content.
>He doesn't know what ryona is

Keep it that way, for your own sake
Yknow what fuck it
Post your fanart of nia with massive knockers
I need my fix.
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I don't have that.
But i drew her doing some rare album cover thing
Because you haven't eaten your breakfast yet. Now finish your bowl of eggs
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Does this count?
Why hasn't there been a mod to Little Nightmares with Nia and Lacey?
>There are no girls on the internet who make long-form content without inevitably using it to give themselves attention
She doesn't deserve that on top of everything else. Her mom is supposed to be that girl, which explains the child abuse against Nia
You know what ill take it.
aw yeah, that's the good stuff
>actually horrific
The guy is edgy but nothing is scary about Urbannigger
You drew this?
The pic made me chuckle lol
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i never was here
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If there is a drawfriend around please draw Dolly with Maromi from Paranoia Agent. I'm surprised that we barely have much crossover fanart of Dolly interacting with plushies and stuff to match her aesthetic.
>Verification not required
Even Captcha agrees with me.
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Looks like we're going to need a archive/collection just for all the Nia booba stuff.
damn i though that concept couldn't get lamer...
that's kinda hot O_o
Cute bear
Hey, a modified bear, i'm not a big Radiohead fan but i can recognize those.
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motherfucker, don't you dare badmouth Cultist-chan.
this is uwuism, it's shit.
I want to stab you in the groin with a chainsaw.
we need to gatekeep this out
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cultist-chan was a 4chan meme since before you were born. we need to gatekeep *you* out.
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we need more Nia in bikini
i have seen a video who deconstructed this channel and the conclusion was that this is all just a metaphor for the person making it, who is most likely a woman
she is using the channel as a sort of diary where she can show her deepest fears and insecurities or maybe even life events
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By the way, I dumped at least 97% of the OCs from 2022 over there, I might've missed some stuff but they're probably nothing super important but if you think otherwise you can just let me know. Alternatively, you can make a account there and help contribute as well now that the captcha's working.
That's good to know. By the way, the post with Nia with a picture of Elvira in her locker needs to be tagged as crossover. Also the invader Zim tag for the Gir plush that's in it.
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Indeed, it's summer after all.
Thanks, I already added the tags.
> I might've missed some stuff but they're probably nothing super important but if you think otherwise you can just let me know.
It's best not to miss anything. You did a good job though so far.
Damn this one looks ancient. How long ago was it made?
Reminds me that a lot of the thicc lacey art still hasn't been uploaded, guy got banned from that cant let his sacrifice go to waste.
The one with Nia dressed up as part of the parade in My Chemical Romance comes with an alt without the background.
>OCs from 2022
Yeah you probably got everything from that year but as a whole it's missing tons of OC.
This one should also be tagged as crossover. Nia is holding the lament configuration from Hellraiser.
Make your own thread, parasite.
I think it is best to check if nothing is missing. Here is this art in a catbox I don't see on there. There could be other catbox links you may have missed.
Probably like 2010. She was created around 2007/2008 and most art of her is from that time period.
Excellent job, anon. Other anons have mentioned tags but this one needs more. It falls under crossovers along with the tags Gorillaz and Noodle. Childpost included.
Cosplay too, no? Nia is dressed like Noodle.
Fucking nice
Thank you guys
Has anyone done Nia in the iwillpress style?
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damn I can't see it any other way
Thanks for the feedback!
Also the metalhead Nia variants + the template are now added to the booru.
anon licking Nia's pussy
Dolly with jimmy savile
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>One word of sass, then he cuts out your tongue!
Minor tag issue one post has Lenore's series tag but not her character tag while the other is the reverse.
broken hamsters
Nice. Can you please add this one that you missed of Nia buying wonder bread?
Here you go, it's my first time drawing boobs
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I really remember these 2 idiot losers.
On one hand, it is a little annoying, but on the other hand, it's based in a way and I find the pairing cute. More people should have passion for inane stuff like this.
The other guys who were helping tag my stuff while I was uploading somehow missed these ones but I corrected them now, thanks.
I did, actually. I also added the wonder bread tag for posterity.
It is possible she could just be a suicide victim and we are watching her suffering in hell and some of her memories before she died (Black robe = Dead, Striped clothing = Alive). I say suicide victim because early on, she did own a gun and did point it at her head. Though, we don’t know if she actually pulled the trigger.

I’m pretty sure she would be given another chance at life. Maybe someone out there could give her that chance.

Now that I think about it, this theory sounds a bit cheesy
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sunday morning...
This one seems to be missing.
See y’all next thread.
Actually, I wasn't sure whenever to add it since it's technically off-site but sure I'll post it.
See you guys next thread! Whenever that happens
There is also this one that is missing since it should be a childpost. It more of a digital version of Nia in the bunny suit rather than a scan of paper.
i'm surprised this didn't happen earlier.

Also damn the thread is already over? well, till next one, cya.
Before the thread ends this post is missing the Nia tag.
>thread is already over
Next time, bros.
I gotchu.
This one is missing the Nia tag too.
Man, we really made a lot in the first year. I'm proud of my fellow anons. 2023 likely had even more OC created. Anyway, thank you for that.
Alright, I'll see you guys next time. I'll keep a eye on the glory to see if I still missed some stuff and also try posting stuff from 2023 at least in chronological order sometime later.
>>144311140 (me)

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