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Pim Finally Turns Green tomorrow
Any hopes or predictions for season 3?

And remember to spoiler all spoilers with spoilers.
>just fucking reveal the big episode ending twist where Pim builds a cocoon and goes into it to hibernate until season 4 while Alan beats a woman to death with a hammer
damn teasers, who makes these?
The Bill Nye song gets cut out because RL Bill Nye got pissy and threaten to sue. Worse case scenario, episode gets delayed cause spoilers.
They finally reveal Allan's big dark secret that they were building up to in every episode
I got to watch the episode early, Pim doesn't even turn green
It's more of a turquoise
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>charlie wears socks to the beach
i love this fat retard so much bros
I could see Pim being green and it looking fine but I can't imagine Charlie as anything other than yellow
do you guys think what they said in the commentary about how pim was supposed to be green is true? they say a lot of silly bullshit but that one seems plausible, on the other hand it probably had to have been cut pretty early in production
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Yeah, he'd be like a little pepe or kermit. Its probably why he called himself a tadpole that one time
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These guys sure do love little green fellas, don't they
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I like to avoid future episode previews because I'm not an ipad baby with no ability to postpone gratification... but unfortunately i got spoiled on the Bill Nye thing and I reeeeeally hope it's, at most, a tiny gag in the episode. Hell, if ol no meal Beal managed to get them to take the whole thing about him out and replace it with something else, even better. I just really really fucking dislike full blown celebrity mentions.
they already made all the episodes before they aired, right? so idk how fast they can scramble together a rewrite of that

was bill nye the only celebrity this show ever showed as a character besides jerad? cause people hated that one
imagine being the creators and watching how people respond to their show in real time going "oh man hey didn't like that bit, they didn't like that at all... oh fuck.. OH FUCK WE WROTE A BIT JUST LIKE IT FOR ANOTHER EPISODE, AH MAN WE FUCKED UP"
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The last episode was the best one of the season
I really hope we can end off on a good note, and that Zach and Joey took people's criticism to heart and will work on making season 3 better
>Season 2 is almost over
>Allan didn't get any cheese yet
hes been naughty
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yfw Pim will turn green and retired
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He got the cheese. The show is over.
What's this about Bill Nye?
There was a preview where Bill bye sang about not being scared to die before getting brutally electrocuted. It got taken down a few days later, so people are speculating.
Well if it was cut then this will be one short episode. They're only 11 mins long
any source on that spoiler?
I made it up
I wish Smiling Friends would've at least slightly borrowed the chaotic disturbing humor of Hellbenders, which is funnier to me than just Oneyplays callbacks and self aware moments. They could've made it work.
Pim turning green will be the reproductive stage of his lifecycle, he will reproduce asexually and create an exact clone before dying, but the clone will just basically be our Pim for the duration of the show
the clone will have one really specific quirk that sets him apart from og Pim (who's actually just the last in the long line of Pims) something really dumb like being a big fan of olives and they make regular jokes about him eating olives and Charlie says something like "that's our Pim always with the olives, you've loved olives ever since I met you" despite it never being a thing with the original Pim
I love Zach and Chris but i never really found Hellbenders that funny. Seemed a little try hard to me.
the whole spamtopia ep was disturbing in an unstoppable chaos way
imagine knowing those freaks existed
do they still exist? i was under the impression that the episode ended with them essentially nuking themselves off the planet
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this is stinky and i hate it
Where the leaks
> t.
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>Critter abuse
them working for 7 years doesn't really make sense considering in the pilot Pim said "we've never given up on the job so far" with "so far" implying they're still quite new
>clip was literally up for an hour
>there is no evidence of nye ever doing this to anyone prior
smiling fags really want to make believe that their show is hurting feelings
No? They could've been working for 7 years and not given up on any job.
>smiling fags
oh it's this guy again
Quite believable, minus the "shy" part since we see him still be very excitable as a kid
Way off, I don't see him being a fan of vidya he seems like a cool kid who, at most, plays the occasional shooter like COD or something
And god the "lowkey" is making me physically "Eating disorder"? I don't believe it
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>Pim used to be a social worker
>Pim turns green and dies
i'm actually shocked by the complete and utter lack of vinesauce references and collabs, i figured those guys were on the same wave as the creators
i'd love if joey did a bitchin metal tune for one of the episodes
Vinny expressed interest in doing a voice iirc
I think you're referring to Michael, anon. He's the other co-creator of SF with Zach.
Yeah bro I love Randy
will the cool autistic gamer 774 be making an appearance for the finale?
Idk who that is
but yes
>just watched the episode
>it's literally 286 minutes of Mr Boss reading Mein Kampf
anyone else feel that season2 was more rushed than normal and a little forced?
Yeah, it wasn't as good as season 1
I hope it's a fluke and not seasonal rot setting in early
back in my day, the smiling friends made people smile
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The title will either be a joke about how that's not relevant and doesn't happen at all or it doesn't come up until the last 15 seconds where everyone's congratulating him (or are all freaking out) on turning green for no reason as if it were a big finale moment we had all been waiting for.
always thought pim and charlie were around the same age
But he plays Rust in the Christmas episode and has a gaming computer
Yeah rust, not cheeto dust fingers mmo mouse quest. Mr. Boss has chad taste as well since he was playing a competitive shooter before
Just watched the new episode.

The Bill Nye scene is the same as in the preview.
Zoey sexo.
I forgot to tune in last week. Are we really at the end of the season already?
God why are fujos like this...
In the commentary tracks Zach and Michael confirmed that Pim is slightly older
It started in May and ends in June so it feels like it went by faster
leak it
Who the fuck had a problem with the Jared Fogle fakeout? Some retard on twitter? Sounds made up.
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For those of you who are worried, Charlie's girlfriend is alive.
shame, she looks like she has the makings to be a very annoying character if they use her
I think they know better than to introduce the love interests of the crew in a significant capacity. She only has one line in S1, she might double it in s2e8 but that's it.
post the mega
I mean we wouldn't even know she's his GF for sure if it weren't for the commentary tracks (prob unreliable)
For example, Pim's dad and Charlies uncle (mentioned only) both have received way more attention than Marge Simpson or Charlie's GF, who might as well be Duncan tier backround characters.
No lines.
That wasn't me.
Crysis averted then! I wonder if Marge has any, but don't spoil it plz.
I don't even think that's the concern to have. She could be just another annoying straightman/snarky sarcastic one that feels like an out of place secondary-crew insert. This show's style of writing already goes too heavy on the realism snark/straightman bits, I don't want a female character doing that to boot. And female members of crew always latch on and work their way into how that character is written.

Like Smiling Friends, Regular Show was a dudes show and the main cast were all dudes. It was very obvious when Eileen started being favored through her VA also writing the character. I don't want that character to be another Eileen because a woman on the crew started imprinting on her.
I don't see Zach having a snarky sarcastic female, gf of one of the character's being the focus of a single episode. I mean just watch the oneyplays forspoken playthrough. Her one line of dialogue doesn't give her any personality either.
Keep in mind that after this one, we've only got 16 left according to their original plan (4 seasons)
We still haven't had a solo glep/boss episode, so unless they're really scratching the bottom of the barrel I don't think they'll go for a Charlie's gf episode. I mean why even bother fleshing out what essentially a backround character on a show you're meant to be able to watch out of order?
At most I could see an episode about the crew having collective love troubles.
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>backwards cap
>confident smile
>iconic cross necklace on his hairy chest
Charlie sisters we won again
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Ohhh I didn't notice his cap was backwards... my god...
somebody post the mega link
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They only get worse.

[spoilers]the cutting scars are cringe but the idea of him going from slightly chubby to the fat alpha male he is today is pretty hnnng[/spoiler]
Thank you!
Kek, the creator's history of watching liveleak totally influenced how Billy Nye died. I've seen enough videos of Indians getting electrocuted to see the realism in it, they way he seizes up, the flash and fire
It was alright episode. better than the brazil finale of last season
damn it, MEGA blocked me from watching the last minutes of it.
Pim does not in-fact turn green
Thanks anon.
That episode title was completely misleading.
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>pointing at a ghost and screaming I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE
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In the end I guess he was rotten to the core.
I remember zach talking on sleepycabin about watching drone strike videos with JonTron lol
jimmy fallon
Fucking hell
Someone from Adult Swim definitely runs this channel.
So like, was he just the wave, or did he become the entire ocean, or like just an area of it, or what
All we know for certain is that his lust for blood grew with his form.
It's literally Justin Roiland trying to worm his way back into the industry.
Today beaches are dirty places.
>zero involvement with Mick the entire season
So that one voice cast leak months before Season 2 started was total bogus. Can't believe Zach and Michael are seriously going to hold that incident against Mick forever, where Mick came drunk and brought an uninvited guest (also drunk) to the Smiling Friends premiere then tried to start conflict with Chris there, didn't think Zach and Michael would be petty like that.
Wasn't a fan of that episode at all, Last episode was perfect but this just felt like an episode of any other adult show
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Nice try but you cant make me hate him
He'll eventually spread out to cover the entire ocean, but whatever radioactivity is within him keeping him alive will diminish to the point he's effectively dead per the inverse square law
Didn't like this episode besides the bill nye and yeti parts.
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Today I will remind them

>I can't believe some would not want to work with a person who deliberately tried to start shit with them like two years ago
Yeah, wild. So petty.
What are you talking about, I wasnt in the episode.
This season as a whole was pretty lame. Already can't replicate the magic of season 1. Already in Rick & Morty territoryk
>"Merry Christmas!"
>"That was 6 months ago"
>irl Christmas actually was 6 months ago, almost exactly, just 2 days off
And anons thought this episode was improperly scheduled.
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That's a pretty inoffensive image anon.
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Betcha they wrote the ending that way when they learned the episodes were gonna air in the middle of the year
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i want to have sex with her
Alright episode, a very Charlie one despite Pim going everywhere with Rancid.
Yeti was the best part
i won't lie charlie's gf is so cute
literally dream girl
Glep's wife is a real piece of ass too, is it literally just pim that's an incel? Is there no justice even in fiction?
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I'm not normally a weird fetish fag but yeah, that's kinda hot
i won't lie most people think glep is a buff naked black guy
i just imagine him as an autistic middle aged blading eastern european white man
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unfortunately it's that unfunny rick and morty pedo, this will be the first big smiling friends/zach&michael L
>i won't lie
stop mindlessly regurgitating shit you zoomer
i won't lie anon
you just hurt my feelings dude
and that was really mean
i just wanted to let you know that wasn't ok and please cut it out! dattebayo!
Yeah everyone in the comments saying it's Michael Cusack doesn't know what his Allan voice sounds like
In this video he's even less convincing as Pim
I've been playing elden ring allday and forgot about new ep
Is it out yet and are there mega.nz links?
Yes. Ctrl+F mega.nz
There's no way it's Michael Cusack, unless the psyop goes so deep that he deliberately made his voice less convincing to make it seem like it's not him.
Overall I think Season 1 is a bit better but not by much, Season 2 was perfectly fine, consistent but just a bit less strong. I've seen some people criticize the use of guest animators/stars and mixed animation styles but that's easily the highlight of the show, and I don't think any are done in a way where if you didn't know the guest star before hand you'd not find it funny. Not sure how I feel about the smaller focus on making people smile.

Best episode was either Gwimbly, A Allan Adventure, or Mr. President. Best character was The Landlord, Gwimbly, James, and Jombo.

Agreat guest star that could also help to purge out some of the cancerous fujotards from Smiling Friends would be Jontron.
Cool autistic gamer 774 could be affiliated with Princess Bento in Melbourne. I mean he sounds vaguely like an Australian doing an American accent
You didn't instantly start downloading it?
Download keeps stopping at 95% it's over
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When are we going to get porn of this guys Hysteric wife?
Even if you download it, it's 0.9 GBs over the quota limit.
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so................is there a mega for the second season? somebody? somewhere? maybe?
I hope this isn't some kind of ARG because its insanely unfunny
So did Pim turn green?
Just download a torrent of the season when it comes out.
do people actually just think this because the avatar is morty lmao
Only for one frame. There is a video Glep was watching where for one frame the video is swapped with a PNG of a green pim and then goes back to the video during the next frame.
Yes and I am very excited to see what direction the series will go with his iconic green hue
Pim was green for a long time and later became pink because Green and Yellow looks like puke. If you watched the directors commentary you would know this.
Charlie really got his holiday spirit after going on that "Cool Experience" in hell.
>1.59 GB
Christ how does that even happen?
Anything more compressed?
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Episode was kinda mid
[as] intern here, they literally added black censor bars to the bill nye scenes and they zoomed in so you cant see the blimp
and instead of watching the electrocution scene its going to be a poorly edited version of this shot >>144218140
with frowns and some sparkling lights
That was ok, S1 was better overall.
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I mean his scalp kind of did for a second
FUCK, I HATE it when episodes leak. I made brownies for the premiere and everything. I want to watch cartoons live with you bros ;___;
first episode and the last two episodes of S2 were really good, the rest were alright. probably just a slight sophomore slump?
Where'd you get this?
I'd be less tempted to watch leaks if they didn't do midnight on Sundays, I have work tomorrow and I shouldn't even be up now.
Do you guys have the streaming link perhaps?
I feel the snowman was supposed to be voiced by Justin Roiland.
am i crazy or is the audio fucked up?
>Game is 4 on 2

That hardly seems fair
Your fault for being a wagie
not everyone who plays MMOs grind them obsessively, some people pop in and out. I could see him getting into it with high school buddies and gradually dropping the game as people move on with their lives ;_;
I'm still waiting, i don't mind a few spoilers here and there
This might be the cutest Charlie so far
I could definitely picture him with Lemongrab's voice
audio is very fucked up.

anyone got a better, non compressed leak?
yeah dude there will be one on play.max.com really soon
So will Bill Nye just be a blur when the episode airs?
It usually sounds fine when i watch it live on stack tv
>Be The Boss
>Place dangerous unstable radioactive waste in the middle of a public street
>Starts to do unusual things to the flora and snow around the smiling friends office
>Create a snow abomination that doesnt understand anything other then screaming
>When it finally gets to the end of the Ep his snow leaks into the ocean thus becoming the entire planet's source of salt water

So they're gonna remember this for S3 right? Mr Frog is an agent of chaos and likely doesnt give a shit that the entire ocean is now sentient and alive and now destructive since he's a frog and can live underwater if he needs to but the Smiling Friends committed the worst ecological disaster ever
It'll be replaced by Nill Bye, my own original character
obvious justin roiland is obvious
I could see it brought up as a background joke, like a news article about the sentient ocean fucking shit up or something dumb like Mr. Frog shoots the ocean with an gun killing it or nukes the ocean.
I thought it was AI.
Seriously I don't know how people think this is some super complex thing when it's really easy animation to do. Also it SOUNDS NOTHING LIKE HIM. WHY ARE PEOPLE BEING SO RETARDED
They just bleep whenever anyways says "bill nye", everything else is the exact same.
Might just be some dedicated autist trying to get noticed and have his character end up on the show
Just replace his name with a dull voice over saying "I [bleep] love science!"
idk what this is about but is insane how well animated and on model it is.
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>last episode of the season
I'll miss my handsome homunculus husband so much its unreal
Mega link is slow as shit

Its like almost 2GB's. Its like 10 mins.
gonna just way for a better upload, that mega is 2GBs yet somehow its audio is shit.
Where is the stream link anyway?
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Just confirming that the bill nye scene is in this unaltered, not sure if that will apply to the official release but it's all in here.
I wasn't like 'offended' by the joke but its really weird for them to just randomly do a real celeb cameo then kill them. this felt like a family guy gag, just does not feel like it meshes with the show's tone at all. like ronald reagan showing up as mr boss's fucking imaginary friend is just funny absurdity, this was kind of odd in comparison
>Pim Finally Turns Green tomorrow
Will he retire?
It ties into the episode's theme though, death isn't scary at all, and you can become a cool as hell ghost
Not for me, shit's downloading at 300kb/s at average.
sex with pim
>Eating disorder
A woman made this.
They did it for the shock factor. I thought it was super funny
I guess the good ol' reliable will have to do
same. anyone have stream link? been waiting on this mega dl for like 30mins
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We just have to wait another ~2 years ;_;
You're right, they should consult you for season 3 so they don't make a big mistake like this again.
OK that ending has to be hard proof this show is neopuritan propaganda holy shit
Honestly it feels like something straight out of newgrounds
Love all my boys.
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why does as like repeating episode schedules
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fuck you guys always watching ahead of time
just watch something live for once. this is why linear premieres are dying, because people always need instant gratification even at the cost of a shared experience for the last new episode of a show you like for awhile with others
>all these ads
I don't see how people can stand watching TV, this shits fucking unbearable.
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Ready for his cameo?
Jealous lil' bitch.
>Dana Snyder
I love Dana Snyder
Holy shit it's Dana
Nuclear Daffodils
Jealous of what? I had the chance to watch the episode from the mega link like everyone else and intentionally refrained.
>foot long cookie
what in the fuck?
Master Shake has been reincarnated as a snowman
>do stuff to kill time

Yup, thats life alright.
Why was the snowman censored in the promo?
Is Charlie doing a bit? I thought Christianity was a thing in this world.
They've been advertising that long cookie non stop.
Does that fucker not need a helmet?
Wow very natural dialogue so cool epic funny
The boss should do standup
So this is Zach's version of Frosty the Snowman.
its a fucking ctrl alt del reference of all things
is this a real song? can anyone link it? kinda a banger
We'll never know, there was nothing that needed to be censored.
He was even unaltered in the deleted bill nye promo
bill nye the freaking science guy just passed on
F for Bill Nye.
Gwimbly>Brothers>Paper Clip>Aliens>Red Jewel>Snowman>Demoness>President

What about you?
Was there a reason they were using last year's Christmas episode ad all week for the commercial? Or was that just Canadian adult swim?
Reminder that Bill Nye is a notorious asshole.
It's a parody of Last Christmas
I thought it was a Homestar Runner bit.
Sounded like legal imitation Last Christmas
>The uh...Science Guy
good fuck him
Space Pen
he JUST passed on
Is it just me or does Bill Nye's song come off as a Lemon Demon song?
Where'd Glep get a Steam Deck from?
Bill Bye the gay guy
glep watching AVGN christmas episode
Can’t believe Wintereenmas got referenced on national tv before Loss.
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Missed that on the first viewing but it rang a bell.
How did that Yeti find them?
Obviously. You can tell because it features Charlie and exists. His poofter fans just leech and fap and create nothing.
Whens this fucker turning green
I love my boys :D
That may be, but he's telling the truth.
>Glep has a steam deck
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>Charlie complains about Alan biting his nose
>Later says he has a pretty face
Mixed messages in my toxic yaoi
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'ep on 'eck
I hope Brendon Small get guest star/sing something for season 3
I thought Charlie's girlfriend was dead?
Why does the episode description say Pim turns into a glowing creature.
Best kind of toxic yaoi desu
Amazon rip
Is the episode over or still on
LMAO that's pretty neat
Zach was probably just fucking around
I heckin love science
So why was the snowman censored in the promo?
I'm a lefty. His reception has nothing to do with his politics.
absolutely based
That's Decemberween you're thinking of
yet more alt right propaganda
Marge thicc as fuck holy shit
Did people actually think this show was relevant enough for Bill Nye to be upset?
It's so funny watching people seethe about this every time a new episode comes out. I hope they do it even more.
That ending. Chef's kiss. Every fucking Christmas special wrapped in one.
Hot blonde , gonna fap to blondes now, cya

I hate that I recognized wintereenmas. Fuck you cusack/hadel!!!!

Wait, is that the Charlie's gf?
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>2+ years until season 3
I’ll be so glad when this Rick and Morty shit premiers so I can stop seeing promotions for it
I thought she died.
>I fucking love science
>I love my God
finally no more fighting
Unironically would have been better without the after credits stuttering.
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how do you think zach feels that smiling friends is sponsored by ebay motors
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Ah, my mistake.

Guess I got my weens mixed up.
fugoshits in suicidewatch
The only funny bit was the yeti.


That looks terrible.
>seething because someone told the truth
Classic twitter election tourist
Also Glep's wife (Marge Simpson).
you cant believe in G*D and so called science
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>i love my god
Zach has to be deliberately pissing off the neopuritan schizo at this point
No seriously. Is the guide description for the episode completely unrelated for anyone else?
Zach made that joke about her being crushed by a bulldozer before realizing who the asker was talking about.
Or this
Where did you get that idea?
7 outta 10
finally an episode felt like season 1, a lot of stuff happened in that short time
it didn't feel like it was over as soon as it got started
Smiling Friends: The Anime when?
>Rick and Morty anime
>Looks worse than anime from the 70's
>AS really convinced a studio to make this
>and now heres a sneak peak of the rick and mort- *CLICK*
>imagine being this new
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best episode yet
He's acknowledged him before so yes, I think so.
>anime can make a show look nice with it's budget
>western anime can't
Anyone else notice this? The rick and morty thing looks like bott I m of the barrel in the animation dept
Yes, it's a joke.
Wait, was that actually Dana Snyder?
>According to Zach Hadel at the San Diego comic con in 2022, she was crushed by a bulldozer after the events of season one, but it is unclear if this is canon to the show or not at this point in time.
Pretty whatever episode. The Bill Nye gag was funny, but there was a little too much “stop and talk about what’s going on” gags this time around.
>Pim didn’t turn green
Wasnt that good. Funniest part was Bill Nye's death and that was spoiled in a promo
I agree.
Glep's gf is so fucking hot
Best Episode (S1&2):

Worst Episode (S1&2):
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I need him bros
did pim turn green or did I miss it
It's a joke. The Brazil episode's description was also completely different from the content of the episode.
>rick and Morty anime coming this year
Isn’t that replacing Superman on Toonami?
just sped watched it, good episode. wasn't expecting that charls cameo
Hahaha stay mad
Please be patient I have stupid
>imagine coping this hard
The Yeti part reminded me of Bill Hader's impression of Fred Armisen and made me laugh, good ep
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>He's acknowledged him before
Where? Sounds funny.
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Honestly that might have been the best episode of the season (either it or Spamtopia), I might even like it more than the previous Christmas special.
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Can you please never say that again??
>I love my God and I love my country
>God bless America
Leftist Smiling Friends fans status?
Gwimbly > Spamtopia > Snowman > boss gets married > alan > president > aliens > brothers egg
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anon fujos don't care about canon. they will continue to draw fanart. it's the yurifags that seethe
Glep and Marge are married, isn't his gf, is his wife.
That's his WIFE.
Well it was Chris that voiced him.
No need to waste money on productions for gaijin, just take their money.
Production IG did the same thing with FLCL Shoegaze and that pirate show.
Both looked mediocre and they used the money they made from them to make sure Tengoku Daimakyou looked excellent.
Was the Yeti Tomar?
>Funniest part was Bill Nye's death
I don't know how to feel about that death scene, like it wasn't cartoony or exaggerated, the realism creeped me out a bit
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Ovvkoz would be proud
I mean I understand being upset, that's justified, but there was no need to kick Rotten. Calling them pussies and spitting and breaking that thing were also uncalled for.
Its just a joke
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Do they have names?
I forgot glep had a really hot girlfriend
the fucking lead mr president has on the worst is so funny
Now that the season's over, I think they overdid it with the realistic conversations and some of them went on too long. It made the actual funny ones feel less special.
>fujos don't care about canon.
lmao, they've been celebrating the death of Zoey (Charlie's GF) for weeks, and going rabid over anyone bringing her up in any discussion on social media. They care.
They are? Aww that's beautiful.
I want to see her and Charlie's gf lezzing out though
Glep's wife is named Marge Simpson.
he also said he loves science so hes not right wing
If I ever approached an anime studio to make something and they ripped me off, I would feel betrayed.
Zoey and Marge.
Glep's wife is Marge Simpson. A couple dubs call the redhead Zoey, but unless that's said by Zack or Michael confirm that she's formally known as just Charlie's girlfriend.
9/11 for gay retarded faggots (me)
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I agree even if i still enjoy the show
Is it just me or is the episode exceptionally well animated? Pacing was really good too, but the humor was just ok.
She's cute.
I love you guys, /co/.
Are we getting a hot critter GF for Allan next season?
>Chris did the Yeti
Chris O'Neill, I think.
I probably should have proofread that last part before posting, huh?
I knew that was charls. I recognize that voice anywhere
>has 4 fingers
>camera moves away briefly
>then has 3 fingers
Heh, hope someone got fired for that blunder.
Why do you guys love the Gwimbly episode so much, seriously. It's a good one but it's not, like, that much better than the others.
he doesn't have the patience for that
>Charlie can only pull a 5/10 fujo looking bitch
>Glep tied down a 10/10
Glepgods, we won.
Gwimbly, Mr. President, Allan's Adventure, Brothers > Pim Turns Green, Boss Finds Love, Spamtopia > The Aliens
>hot critter GF for Allan
anon forgot Allan's episode already.
Why did they say Christmas and winterweenmas or whatever it was.
Allan can't be tied down.
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I love you too anon
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Alan pumps and dumps slumps, he doesn't care to settle down.
the casual offhand jokes in the realistic conversations are way funnier than most of the actual jokes. just the phrase "I need you to look after my 18 year old son Jason" is the funniest thing the show's ever done
Trips confirm. But in any fair, Charlie is a disaster, he's lucky he has an actual gf.
I'm mostly just remembering the fucking mr millipede reveal and laughing my ass off at that alone. whole episode was just funny moment to moment bits
I'm also sure a lot of people here are fucking videogame nerds too so that plays into it a lot
Allan is a sigma male who fucks whores.
forespoken playthrough
Charls from MDE was in this ep?
Who did Charls play?
I'm just sick of these human bitches.
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you too
I'm /a/ though.
I noticed the schizo hasn't shat up this thread yet. Did he kill himself?
One episode redeemed the entire season. Amazing.
>president episode worst one by a huge margin
good, it's like most lame political cartoons where they make the president a "big dumb stinky head", but instead of making the dude biden or trump, made it some random guy. Cop out episode
>neopuritanfag is already seething
>Glep says nonsense
>"Oh yeah good idea Glep"

Glep is such a one-note character. He's my least favorite.
Zoey is cute you asshole
I think Charlie's gf is hotter, but that's probably because she's more my type.
>be yeti
>living peacefully in the mountains
>two assholes drop off some kind of screaming retard at your place
>your family’s been terrorized
>they’ll probably never be the same again
>have to take work off to bring him back
>one of the assholes talks shit behind your back
How pissed would you be?
Even worse that the only one that's even close was a gag episode. You can argue about second or third place, but it's clear which episode is the vocal least favorite right now.
looks a bit like a slampig
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actually good episode
>Zoey is cute
>Marge is hot
Finally an episode with some decent pacing.
Finally a fucking proper mega
the "natural dialogue" gimmick has gotten a lot less natural
Yeah, I felt that this season too. I know that's kind of the show's thing but there were definitely a few that fell flat. S2 was good but it definitely wasn't as strong as S1 was.
Yeah, same here. I would agree that Marge is more conventionally attractive, but redheads, glasses, and more modest builds are just my type.
Not very good. You can feel the wheels starting to fall off.
It wasn't THAT good, probably in the bottom rung of the episodes this season, but as a Christmas special it succeeds so I'll give it that
Where the hell was Charls?
8/10, but S1 was 9/10
>10 episodes where they made zero people smile
there were a few errors this season which need to be addressed, for example mr.landlords eyes, when he first appears his left eye is red and right eye is green, but at the end his left eye is green and right eye is red
also when charlie puts the jar of pickles back into the fridge the cover magically appears on top of it even though it was open just a moment prior with no cover in sight
She's cute in a "girl next door" kind of way
I think it's better than season 1
a couple meh's but still alright.
I'm surprised the egg one is starting to catch up as one of the worst
I don't know why he didn't just beat the shit out of rancid since he was the one causing the problem.
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Everyone knows ladies can't resist that iconic critter dick
thanks anon

thats true, it sucks but that's why i avoid going to these threads and come here once ive watched the premiere live with other anons who have waited just like you and me

thats good to read honestly, im glad there are other ppl out there who actually want to enjoy things at premiere time instead of spoiling the fun.

It has become quite predicable this season. It's like you're waiting for it at this point.
7 out of 10. In terms of comedy
10 out of 10 in terms of animation.
This season had great production values and is a compliment to art in multiple forms, it's like a watching an adult AWOG with all of the clashing artstyles blending together seemlessly. But it was a lot less funny compared to season 1.
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Charlie's gf is cute. CUTE
I definitely get the satire. Something just felt lacking about the episode as a whole. The best joke was the Mr. Frog campaign ad that mainly had him randomly killing a few people.
>it's stealiqua
Its bittersweet because it was a good episode but also knowing its the last one for god knows how long
Some hiccups compared to the first but nonetheless good
I simled
big fat homunculus balls
mr frogs like fucking two frame animation of beating the absolute shit out of that lady was the single funniest joke in the whole episode
Felt like there should have been a scene or two before the brothers meet back up, and the episode was among the heaviest in terms of relying on grounded conversations. I wouldn't call it one of the worst myself, but I see why others would rank it toward the bottom.

>Mr President
>The Boss
>The 2 brothers
Rotten just got brought to life a few months ago. He's practically a child.
>the schizos on both the left and the right are gonna interpret Charlie's "god bless America" moment as some kind of dogwhistle
damn it
I wish they kept that, I feel it makes the episode flow better, give it structure. They also need to do more A/B plots
>the schizo isn't here
i like how everyone wanna fuck Charlie.
8/10. Couple episodes would have brought it closer to a 7 on a single watch, but season has sat a little better after watching everything at least twice. Agree with that other anon who would have called the first season a 9/10.
>Smiling Friends S2 ends with a positive message for everyone
Because he was naked
One day some retarded youtuber is going to try and find the original censored promo claiming its lost media
she would never say this.
what the hell, I look like that
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>Dana Snyder character learns the importance of taking risks to fully enjoy life
Im actually afraid of that too
she would totally say that
where did they get this photo of me
Honestly this episode felt boring. I kept thinking Rotten the Snowman would just be a single gag they would move on from so the real plot would begin, but no that's it.
Is it the same guy?
Wait... I died?!
what about the boss's i fucking love science
This park is reminiscent of the Wollongong Botanical Garden
Cusack is from Wollongong and has used rotoscoped locations from wollongong in his animations before
I'm surprised there was no real B plot here. Would have likely helped to balance it out.
I just hope it's a sophomore slump or they're frontloading the middling episodes and saved the best for season 3
the boss used the jewel on her
Based on her appearances so far she seems like a laid back girl who wants Charlie to have fun more, so it fits her personality.
This show isn’t funny
This red bridge is iconic
That makes the snow here seem way more hilarious.
It's the way things are now. The 2000s are never coming back.
I thought Wollongong was a fake place name Cusack made up for YOLO.
She still got run over by a bulldozer she just didn’t die.
But this time there's no little girl for him to hang out with.
she got better
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Is this true?
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The red bridge is in this shot, right around the center (it's covered in shade from surrounding trees)
Not that anon but he and Chris mention him briefly during an Oney Plays episode (Forspoken, I think). This was back when he just schizo posted about Chris and Zach being neopuritans because they were talking about trying to lose weight and trying to watch less porn or some shit, and they had the audacity to make fun of people with weird fetishes.
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>even the entrails of the jets are the USA flag colors
Don't tell Retardera
when did this happen
Wouldn't be surprised if that actually ends up being the reason.
Do schizos not know that periods happen to children?
Thanks dude. I definitely not wanted to download the 1.6 gb file. You are a life saver
>An American show being Pro-American is controversial.
It's real and just as unhinged as his videos
t. wollongong resident

No. You can argue about how much periods should actually come up in cartoons aiming at a tween demographic, but it's just weird to act like that's the reason against it.
>slightly older
Charlie is 27 and Pim is 33.
I think that's a little more than "slightly".
>retard can't ignore promos

why is the background so well made
Every Australian place name sounds fake. You could mash a bunch of syllables together randomly and still have a 50% chance of naming a real place or geographic feature.
Or a literal retard. Imagine killing someone because they’re missing a few chromosomes.
Is it the same guy?
For a long time, it's time to move on. Elizabeth misses you.
yeah i like them but they didn’t need to have one in literally every episode
Technically it's half-Australian.
I was annoyed that Bill Nye showing up at all was spoiled for me because the promo showed up in my feed, but I didn't watch it and the death was a funny surprise.
Who voiced the snowman?
I'll have to watch this later.

I know Australia has very silly place names. I just thought Wollongong specifically was fake.
glep is thousands of years old and probably rich
>first episodes of each season are at the very top
That's really interesting. Are there any other shows that could actually boast that?
your mom
Master Shake
Dana Snyder. He has a distinct voice.
Todd "Master Shake" Gazpacho.
I'm pretty sure it was just a shitpost
And thats a bad thing, newgrounds is for the internet and should not be on TV
dana snyder (master shake, gazpacho, ghost from molly mcgee)
>A celebrity dying in a hot air balloon that looks like his face while singing a childish song about death isn't absurdist
I'm pretty sure nobody? Idk why people are saying he was there, he wasn't in the credits.
>MFW gag episode is going to air the sunday before the elections
You didn't hear it from me
shake zula the mike rula
hang on, imight draw something regarding those 2
it's just funny some retards are already falling for this and going turboautistic over it...
8.5 - 9/10 the only kinda bad episodes imo where the president and brother egg one, everything else was great.
There’s a lot of that on this show. I laughed so hard at the paperclip chase. The show’s best moments are its most unhinged
hilarious episode
The Drizzle
>we get marc singing on adult swim
sickanimation chads what did we do to deserve this
I liked S2 more besides the forced christcuck shit
It's not as if we have watch parties, if we did I would be down. As it stands, someone just shares a mega and everyone watches on their own. How is that a shared experience?
The Alien episode absolutely does not deserve to be in the top 3 worst, that's insane to me. The ending alone puts it above Egg.

In retrospect I think Egg was my least favorite episode of the series so far. The President episode has really bad pacing and the joke overstays its welcome, but it does still have some genuinely great jokes. I can't really think of anything in Egg that got a laugh from me outside of Psychotic attempting to talk to the waitress and the post-credits scene. Psychotic as a character kind of sucked and they played it way too on the nose with him obviously being a piece of shit, and the ending might be the worst in the series.
Interesting results so far. Watched both seasons as they aired, it felt like Season 2 was reusing jokes/setups too much to me in comparison to Season 1. The episodes were beginning to feel a bit formulaic in how the main characters would react to things and what they say, and I just didn't have that feeling when watching Season 1 for some reason. Not that I could do better.
Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?
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I actually thought Bill Nye was supposed to be Charlie's uncle.
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>favorite episodes from season 1 & 2 respectively were salty and aliens
>they're the top 2 on the worst episode poll aside from mr president
/co/ help me why was i born such a contrarian retard
I liked when the little man came out of the egg and started fellating the man's toes.
Deserves season 3 and 4 announcement right now/10
>get to live eternally in paradise
think again my friend
people like alien, salty is mixed reception, you're fine
Season 3 was announced a week or two ago
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In Loving Memory

Boris the Brute

3275 BC - 3230 BC
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Are you genuienly unaware that this show is airing on Adult Swim, and that's what just transpired less than an hour ago?
Not as good as season 1, but it has a few really good episodes (Gwimbly, Spamtopia, and Alien are really nice) Boss Finds Love and Mr.President were the only ones I didn't like.
8/10, 1 was better
It got spoiled by the mega being posted early.
you think that's bad my favorite episode of season 2 is mr president
Welp. time to make nazi art of the characters and Zach himself saying "erm, hitler did nothing wrong"
>dude… I just like funny jokes! dude it’s just jokes! i support religious propaganda in cartoons because it’s… funny dude! dude if they took over the government and executed porn artists that would be so funny dude i’m just an impartial dude who finds that funny
I lol'd at the end of the episode when charlie randomly started praising god only because of these threads
Neopuritan schizo made a thread spoiling his death in the OP so I couldn't avoid it. Now my hatred for him is personal.
How many times have you masturbated today?
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It peaked at episode 1 but I enjoyed the rest as a weekly watch too. Surely the wait for a next season would be way less than 2 years this time right?
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do we really need porn?
can't we just have tasteful noodity?
>if they took over the government and executed porn artists that would be so funny
every artist I follow on twitter is a massive fucking faggot so yeah a little bit
I haven't seen any of that yet, got any examples?
>there is a minute chance that zach saw clips of this after hiring dana snyder and thinking "erm, thats a pretty sexy child" a la Walt Disney
You know, now that you point it out I do seem kinda retarded.
I don't own a TV or Cable.
Libby's better
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I am convinced they actually are doing the christian stuff just to rile up the absolute schizo nutjob. They know he exists, they mentioned him in some oneyplays someone linked once. It's such a clever bit of shitposting, just a small marginal characterization of Charlie (and I guess pim with his prayer in spamtopia) that makes the schizo freak out.
3 or 4
that's easy for you to say bobbeh, you've seen connie's snatch. some of us dont have leocean pussy at our disposal. Now do the truffle shuffle you chubby little queer
>pedo show
>literally has an episode where one of them becomes a woman in the most biological way possible
I fucking hate normies man
>yeah i totally unironically agree with theocracy and repression lol so what
average smiling cucks fan
All we need now is for Charlie to give wolverine a bible and we will have gone full circle
i kinda wish it was genuine instead of some bizarre 4D chess over some annoying retard shitting these threads up, causing a neverending loop of it continuing
when's the last time you heard a cartoon character just be a happy christian and not a strawman like american dad or exaggerated by people who clearly don't like christianity like what happened with ned flanders
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I'm gonna miss this critter until the next season, man...
Its fun as it is and the episodes are only 10 minutes, and shouldn't be longer. Sure, episode 1 hasn't been topped, but it's fine. They can't do much wrong anyway.
17 episodes were listed at some point, so I assume Season 3 is already midway into production.
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>i support religious propaganda in cartoons because it’s… funny dude!
I support religious propaganda in cartoons because I'm religious and want other people to also be religious.
Because people like ned don’t really exist and as culture became more self reflective ned changed into what people like him are actually like, a deluded zealot who is deeply flawed. You won’t see that with this show because it wants to shill a political view and not reflect reality
I feel like I'm the only person who actually enjoyed Mr. President and Brother's Egg.
Does anyone have the brazil episode?
>satan himself is RRREEEEEEEING about the show
I love /co/ and I hope hell loses its wifi
Christ is King
the guy sperging above isn't even the real Neopuritancuck/Industrycuck. they're copycatting like people do with Lee
>only one person in twitter mentioned wintereenmas

I hate that of all the obscure internet references deployed this season, this and nostalgia critic are the ones I recognized. I missed/don't know everything else.
"erm but shes jewish tomar and I want to be with a based christian/catholic girl"
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>yeah i totally unironically agree with theocracy and repression lol
>just openly admitting it
this is your audience zach
its up
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I knew Zach was a Junefag.
do you ever think about the fact that if you died right now the world would be an objectively happier place because we wouldn't have to listen to you?
It’s ok Anon, I liked Brother’s Egg too.
You forgot Oscar, the jingle played.
doing this within like an hour makes it seem like its actually an inside joke
bless you
>the audio has the same echo artifact as the PAL region MEGA rip posted here several hours ago
he's lurking these threads lol
You know I was leaning more towards molly or andrea but June seems like she would be a great autistic addition to Zachs life and especially the oneyplays videos where she can say anything because shes autism


the dangerous thing is that you don’t really think that, heckin epic tradlarp dude. you like a world where you can post what you want online and jerk off. you know deep down you do. people warn you that shit like this is angling discourse to take all that away over time, you’re aware of what it’s trying to engineer, and support it because your a special edgy boy. that’s why i lack sympathy. you’re actively consciously making the world worse
both good episodes, in which sadly the worst part is the boss, a character I like. Of course this is a controversial opinion
Pretty much any character that has smiled during their interactions with the Smiling friends count and this includes Rotten the snowman

God Bless this thread
God Bless /co/
God Bless all of you
Having Buckley in S3 would be kino
Why do you hate religious freedom so much that you equate the mere mention of God with theocratic fascism? Many of the rights you enjoy today can be traced back directly to the Puritans of all people, who were obsessed with converting people to their religion by reason instead of force.
real talk I don't think this behavior stemming from being told jerking off 24/7 and having no other aspirations is bad is a genuinely healthy reaction on your part and its genuinely hypocritical for you to try and do some appeal to reason to people clearly fucking with you over it. like the fucking adult swim doodle cartoon is not going to enact actual policy either you're barking into the void right now but I assume you're too far gone of a person to even realize it
Yes, I concluded that in the whole show they have never made someone smile. It usually happens accidentally or the characters solve it themselves. Maybe the only exception was Oscar
at least Eileen was cute and not insufferable, she could have been worse
Is there a MEGA for the Brazil Episode of Smiling Friends? it's the only one I don't have.
They make each other smile, that is why they are the Smiling Friends.
>mentioning god
you mean directory championing the concept every chance they get as a positive thing, having characters pray to it, having the weird politics that go along with that shilled in the show. it’s more than just mentioning it. it’s marketing it
the show influences people which is the point. it’s how propaganda works. just because you parasocially think you know the creator doesn’t change that. he’s doing this and it’s bad.
>porn bad!
why? why are you telling others how to be happy and run their life?
where the fuck was the cool autistic gamer
>Gwimbly is consistently everyone's favorite
>Everyone hates Mr. President and Brother's Egg
I legitimately don't understand it. I thought Gwimbly was just alright. Mr. President is way too overhated, it got more chuckles out of me than Gwimbly, and Brother's egg was consistently funny. I'm baffled the Brazil ep isn't at the top because the entire ep is just a shitty bit.
>he doesn't understand that humor is subjective
>maybe the real smiling friends were the friends we made smile along the way
It all makes sense now...
autistic gamer has to be on the cast for it to be this fast
I thought everyone liked Brother's Egg?
This trash is Rick and Morty all over again.
The show has never actually championed Christian morality (which is the foundation of your rights btw). Instead one single character is a Christian and it comes up once per season, and you hate freedom so much that the thought of someone having a different worldview from you makes you furious. You despise the people who gave you the right to wallow in your own misery, even though that's the only thing you want to do. You hate yourself and you're taking it out on the world.
would you like the Show more if it looked like this?
you boil it down to 'porn bad' because you're an addict who isn't able to reason that what he's doing is an unhealthy overindulgence. its like how weed has far less negative properties than a majority of common drugs but people who do nothing but smoke it and laze around have an unhealthy lifestyle, who in turn point to the fact it has negative properties as some kind of deflection, as if weed being less bad than alcohol justifies spending every paycheck on it and all your free time smoking it. I'm sure you've got some questionable studies on masturbation preventing prostate cancer up your ass but it doesn't mean that spending all day gooning to diaper fetish porn is suddenly healthy. you need an actual fucking hobby other than hedonism.
qrd on the autistic gamer? I thought he was just another autistic youtuber, what's so special?
8.5/10, first one was a 9. Two bad episodes, and some unfunny parts on the good one
I don't remember SF ever even mentioning porn, which makes his reaction to it all the stranger.
Someone says "you should work on improving your lifestyle and you'll be happier as a consequence" and his immediate response is "HOW DARE YOU TELL ME NOT TO JERK OFF TO DIAPER PORN 5 TIMES A DAY."
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Do you mean Shrimp? He's David Firth, he made Salad Fingers. Don't know what other autistic gamer you're referring to in reference to Smiling Friends.
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He's using the exact same MEGA rip posted ITT which is sped up 105% for PAL
He's literally one of us
Redditors stay steamy over ChristCHADS winning, lol
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Charlies gf is so hot bros
>smiling cucks
You like scat, zoophilia and transsexuality but you draw the line at cuckoldry? That's some nasty kinkshaming, neopuritan-kun.
or maybe he's just British
How else did he get fat?
because like a year ago chris and zach on their bootleg gamegrumps ripped on a reddit post about some guy getting offended by a wojak edit that made porn look bad and he's been seething himself red in the face about it ever since
I think he got upset over some joke about shitting in diapers too which is why people assume he also has a diaper fetish because who the fuck actually gets offended over making fun of diaper fetishes. like even right now he's trying to deflect it without even getting into why he'd be so upset at that to begin with. and its not just jerking off to art of a character in a diaper either it was like full blown shitting yourself, like no matter how you want to slice it that is not a fucking healthy behavior to not only have but be so proud of you feel the need to defend it
In what way? I never heard this before
hell yea
It had to end eventually but it was a fun ride while it lasted. At least we got plently of Charlie fan service along the way
Don't worry, every single line of dialogue and appearance he makes is more data for the Charlie AI to be trained on.
Yeah, that's exactly what I mean. He's projecting a ton of shit into the show that isn't there even as subtext because he feels like he's being targeted specifically. I wouldn't be surprised if he's genuinely on the schizophrenia spectrum as I'm not sure what else could explain this behavior.
Slavery has existed in the world since the beginning of civilization, and its modern eradication is the direct result of the efforts of Christian abolitionists.
wow you sure seem super weirdly obsessed with this one guy and not like a defensive angry cultist freak defending zach by memorising his “enemies”. you sure seem to hate someone for an innocent fetish that doesn’t harm literally anyone while way worse stuff happens in the world. that’s interesting
Slavery is actually even older than civilization. The Powhatan Indians were pre-civilized and they enslaved war captives.
But you're right that it was ended by Christians, specifically the English. Literally the only reason slavery isn't widespread and legal throughout the world is British imperialism.
There's no way in hell the Yeti is Charls

If it is I'm buying all Smiling Friends merch.
They traced it from AI
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Oh it was definitely a good season for us Charliefuckers
only /co/ says this. no one cares
How many times did you shit in your diaper this week?
wasn't there some furry that have himself fucking cancer because he was wearing microwaved diapers he fished out of the trash
Probably but its not like pavilions and bridges are uncommon for parks
That's Pamperchu and I don't think it was ever confirmed that the microwaved diapers gave him cancer. He's also a meth addict and an alcoholic.
Also just calling him "some furry" is really funny to me. He's the Chris Chan of diaperfags.
God bless William Wilberforce.

>Literally the only reason slavery isn't widespread and legal throughout the world is British imperialism.
When you put it that way, that seems to parallel the Achaemenid Persian Empire. Theirs was an expansionist and bureaucratized state, but slavery was illegal.
>They work for each other, Morty
pamperchu didn't have cancer and he (unfortunately) posted recently on the farms like half a year ago confirming he was very much alive
Watched it three times already. I don't want it to end so soon bros
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It feels so good to have a Christian show in this Godless age. Redditors are absolutely seething right now over the ending
>microwaved diapers he fished out of the trash
What the hell?
He absolutely had cancer it just didn't kill him.
Also he just recently came out as a necrozoo, posting a video of himself fucking a hole he'd cut into the stomach of a dead rabbit.
it's not, it's just a schizophrenic mde superfan. I deny all history by the way
I'm really enjoying this ARG for this new atheist diaper fetishist character, can't wait to see him in season 3
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You've never heard of Pamperchu? This image is a classic of 4chan cringe threads.
Link it dude I've never wanted to go to reddit more than now
What the other Anon said, link it
This makes me want to throw away the denim overalls I wear to work.
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>deleted posts
Gee, I wonder who it could be?
>le realistic angry conversation
they are over doing this joke
There's The Loud House
>ned changed into what people like him are actually like
He changed into what the writers think people like him are actually like.
She is the comedy girl, no wonder she has a picture of the peak of comedy.
>you’re literally praising a fucking wizard from a fictional book holy shit grow up
William Wilberforce?
fuck off back to /lit/ we are not talking about harry potter
Liars, I went there expecting to laugh at those posts, liars ;_;
Anon, did you pass high school history class?
Nta but I have never heard of William Wilberforce in my life, I don't that that is in the American Curriculum.
I was talking to the anon from the deleted post but dind't want to give him a (You)
Plus I don't remember him my shitty history teacher would have made sure of that
American education downplays the role of the British Empire in ending slavery. In fact we don't really talk about the end of slavery outside of the US beyond "the UK had already abolished it half a century before we did."
Most Americans will probably look at you funny if you suggest that British Imperialism is the primary reason it's illegal to own human beings as property in Africa.
holy shit. the imposter's among us
I hope Zach hires you to do a voice in season 3.
But I am an American.
He was likely someone you don't remember because he was not considered significant enough
I was never told about them at all acutally aside from maybe a throw away line from the teacher about how the uk didn't have slavery

>schizos here and doesn't know that smiling friends was given another season
Dude really needs to stop jacking off to diaper furries if he wants to be happy
Christ is King
God Bless America
lmao i had issues with some of the episodes but god damn you're a loser. this was one of the better episodes cuz it had an actual story and a weirdly wholesome ending!
>I’m gonna go jerk off and enjoy it.
You have every right to, thanks to the framework of human rights adopted from Christian doctrine.
The premier of season 3 could be the single greatest thing ever aired on television and he'd still be complaining about it. He thinks Zach is out to get him and he can't handle being criticized for deliberately shitting his pants for sexual satisfaction.
>doesn't care at all about the snowman coming to life, passively walks away and leaves pim alone with it. ignores it and anything to do with it to the best of his ability
>generic "console pim" ending because that's what the scene called for
i really wish the characters were more consistent, it's like the family guy disconnect
>We turned our noses up and left, /co/, the heartbeat of the cartoon world, cringed and walked away.
such a good line, i wish to see some of this anon's other work cuz that had my sides hurting more than anything in the new ep even though it was good
he didn't care about it but he still cares when his friend is feeling down
>Stranger shows up
>"I don't know this guy and I have plans, I am not going to hang around him"
>Friend of years is sad
>"I don't want to see my friend sad, I am gonna try and comfort him."
Anon, its just that easy. You care more about people you know.
literally a 7/10 honestly
>brazil being worst episode
just say you got filtered
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At least season 3 is guaranteed
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Not so sure I can give it more than a 7/10.
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>Pim has defined nipples
Are you sure thats a screenshot and not fanart?
100 years Smiling Friends!
I would say this is pretty good. The only think I would change is putting the jewel episode in S tier. Fucking love the Spamish.
No season 1 episodes are bad.
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>And you’ll look back on this post in a few years and cry. You'll fucking cry.
of laughter.
this post gives me the same vibes as this dude honestly. top quality post.
Does anyone have the episode link, I literally had it on the other day and Zach calls him out. It was something like "Shout out to the absolute psychopath" about some shit the guy was doing.
fujosisters... did we lose?
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Gee, I dont know anon. How much fanart is she getting? Does she have more than gay Charlie?
cope eggless hole
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in the 8.5 range
That was a weird insult attempt. I think.
The biggest strength of fujos is that they know they are delusional and don't give a fuck. It's more of a loss for self insert fags that fantasized about Charlie as their boyfriend. Or maybe they'll insert as the red head, who knows
Finished strong, liked this season better than season 1 overall, looking forward to season 3
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Delusional how?
worth it for the liveleak pose alone
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They know their ship(s) will likely never happen but they ship and draw it anyway because its cute and fun to IMAGINE. Actually maybe non delusional would be a better description now that I think about it

I don't want to be that guy, honestly I don't. But was this christcuck revenge fantasy?
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Im not familiar with straight shipping fandoms but I imagine most would know their ships arent happening.
>the episode was among the heaviest in terms of relying on grounded conversations
to be fair, that's a lot of Joel Haver's style
No. Charlie is the only overtly religious member of the cast and he was the most upset about Bill Nye's death.
I kid you not some yuri fags throw a fit if one of the girls talks for too long to a man
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I will say it's disappointing that Charlie isn't a virgin. But oh well.
Nobody mentioned that the green guy who ate Shrimp was the one who knocked over Rotten.
New copypasta
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not a virgin but definitely an anal virgin
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Thats true, I never thought of it that way.
Mr President was pretty ok. Not the best episode but not the worst one either.

Brother's Egg is the absolute funniest episode of the entire show and plays to its unique strengths exceedingly well between the dialogue and various fucked up animation styles.

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