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Dumb Donald we know absolutely nothing about what consciousness is. how it works, where it comes from etc
Heh. Classic.
>for you trust the chemicals in your brain to tell them they are chemicals.

Wouldn't that mean Donald is right then? Also, there are usually things we can prove through science, research, and experience.
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Donald is just every young American in this comic.
So Donald's a zoomer?
You can tell the other three panels were added by someone else
so what i'm getting is that mickey is wrong
This is a million years old but still one of my favorite co related images
Material universe in entry level

The spiritual realm/UFOs is what ((they)) don't want normies to know about
I do not understand this, I'm not pretentious enough to comprehend this faggotry that assaults my eyes.
the sexual tension between donald and mickey is unparalleled
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No because you are placing trust in a fundamentally-flawed premise to tell you the truth. If "brain chemicals" are informing you of the notion of "brain chemicals" being the sole definition of life or existence, it's a logical paradox. You are simultaneously trivializing the brain chemicals while also elevating them to a position of absolute authority. There is also the simple reality that we can place every base component of a living man in a tube and hit it with electricity, get the heart working, send signals to the brain or neurons, etc. and it will not return him back to life nor grant a collection of mismatched ones life a la Frankenstein.
Didn't know I needed Aleena to give me a lesson in philosophy and challenge my ideals. Kinda hot.
>God exists because the Bible says so and God wrote the bible
But "oh my science" instead.
I love seeing the same bad joke told twice!
Same. For me it's the combination of Mickeys smile and him finishing his intellectual response with asking Donald if he'll perish like a dog.
Cogito ergo sum, bitch
Especially as neither Goofy or Pluto are around.
Descartes was either a retard or a closeted atheist and the fact that his works are praised to this day is the utter proof that most "philosophers" are just midwits.
>Hideo Kojima's Kingdom Hearts
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Alright look.
"Love is le chemical" is a Rick and Morty tier response, and is deserving of mockery.
The problem is that if you look at the vast majority of human history, most reproduction was through rape, that which wasn't was through forced blackmail, and that was if you were alive with most men dying of war and dysentery before reaching the age of 23.
We have become so used to being pampered and media which is written by the victors that entire generations of children grew up on Disney stories that promised us all someone to love.
The truth is that statistically love is a rarity, it is unlikely for most people to achieve, we had various systemic reasons that existed before which perpetuated reproduction, like women needing to marry into an estate and power, men needing to fulfill their parents wishes, the desire for sex and a family, where as now none of that is enough. I hear stories of older people who put up with so much abusive bullshit that I doubt more than 10% of relationships would be legal nowadays.
No wonder there is an incel epidemic, too many people are alive that feel entitled to ideal relationships and love, when throughout history most had none to begin.
It is time humanity gives up on this unrealistic standard and begin reforming how humans reproduce before population collapse hits us.
>there are usually things we can prove through science, research, and experience
That's just what the chemicals told you last night.
My chemicals told me that rubbing my penis with my hand felt good.
>or will you perish like a dog?

Strangely, that's so fucking raw.
Nice pasta. You're quite the cynic. You can stop pretending to care about population, humanity, etc. Many populations died out and disappeared off the Earth completely, and nothing changed. So, you can die tomorrow, and your people can also die tomorrow. And that would not matter at all. From your perspective, survival doe snot matter. Muh population collapse? Wow, much important. Either stop being a hypocrite, or actually sudoku already.
Cynicism only exists to dispel unnecessary notions, you also seem to be confusing it with nihilism, neither of which require me to kill myself or allow my species to die out, simply due to the fact that idealists such as yourself tell me to due to rage induced misconceptions. Love cannot be induced, that's my point, there is no systemic solution to help people find love, because it is random, what can be done about it is admitting this, and placing in the necessary actions to help the propagation of the species.
In reading these posts in Donald and mickey's voice.
Amazing, isn't it?
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For me it's the fact that it looks like Mickey is grabbing Donald by the collar. I didn't even realize they were washing dishes until I saw the full page..
I first thought mickey was holding Donald by his hands in an elegant, romantic way, which just made it even funnier.
Well anon, will you fight or will you perish?
Fight, I must!
Verily! Onwards, into the unknown!
Why is Dave sitting by the window to a women's public toilet.
They get to meet him better from there.

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