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>Introduce some new pajeet romance for Black Cat
>Break them up in the same mini

Zeb breaking her and Peter up again was such a dick move.
You know, at least there's boobs in this shitty book
This whole comics looks like it's generated by AI. Both story and art.
It triggers Peter/MJfags, but other than that, there is not a single redeeming quality.
>It triggers Peter/MJfags, but other than that, there is not a single redeeming quality.
>implying that's a redeeming quality
That's all.
This was utter and complete garbage.
Do comic book writers these days even bother trying to have their comic book swearing make sense?
>Zeb breaking her and Peter up again was such a dick move.
Not to me it wasn't I like the fact the MJ is a whore/cheater with Paul.
Zeb is now anti relationship since he is a piece of shit who was rightfully cheated by his wife
next time we see him there will be bull horns in his head
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That's non-canon. Gwen being the Whore of the Marvel Universe is, however.
did the creative team expect this to get a second mini?
>>implying that's a redeeming quality
Here is my idea for a redeeming quality. Make Peter, paul and MJ a Threesome this way MJ would be able to get the DP treatment from peter/paul maybe even get norman to join in on the action this way MJ would be able to get the triple penetration.
No but they’re just being polite and hoping that this will at least chart
That's just a a joke from the impossible man anon. seriously Sins Past is non-canon thanks to spencer
I think they will do a second mini however given some time.
>Felicia breaks up with Bandwith because she’s toxic, and the last we see of her she flees, humiliated and impotent

It foreshadows MJ’s impending breakup with Paul pretty cleverly, at least.
Nope. Jackpot is going to be a solo character with Peter in the Venom book instead.
>I'll shit!
This shit won’t even chart in the top 100.

But Ultimate Spider-Man is getting a 7th printing!



>Nope. Jackpot is going to be a solo character with Peter in the Venom book instead.
There is no proof that will be the case stop with the fake-out
Isn't the Ultimate Black Panther out today or whatever
latest one piece chapter came out 3 days ago.
Bonney can turn into Gear 5.
That's cause its all lazy 3d model traces.

Look at Mary Jane in the 3rd panel >>144253595 Perspective is all kinds of whack and cause 3d models can't pose well, you get shit like that.
Bold of the Owl to drop the N-bomb mid-sentence.
the reality accepter
the coper
>whole gimmick is that her band has a chance to give her a shit power
>has only ever gotten one or two shit powers since becoming jackpot
wow i’m so impressed she’s so cool marvel i wanna buy a million copies now i love jack pot she’s the best wow thanks marvel i love it total girlboss yes queen
USM and even ASM are outselling X-Men!

>Eddie and Dylan Brock battle over the symbiote – but VENOM has already chosen – his first host – PETER PARKER, THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN! But this time, Pete and the symbiote are working together. And with MARY JANE, A.K.A. JACKPOT, on his side, SPIDEY might be the one true victor in the VENOM WAR!


>Whole story is about MJ helping Felicia break up with a bad partner
Felicia will help MJ out too. They’re besties now, after all!
I forgot this was going.
While an incredibly pointless plot point, let’s be real, did anyone actually give a fuck about Black Cat’s new OC girlfriend? If anything, it really shows just how uninvested Marvel really was with the SpiderCat relationship that they basically had her instantly jump into another relationship the second she broke up with Peter only to then toss that out
You and literally everyone else.

It doesn’t matter if there are other Spider-Man books if this is the only one anyone cares about.
3D poser, it's most obviously on the Owl, where the artist has to draw his hair and the lines are thicker
>Felicia is inexplicably with a Literally Who that she’s too good for, but MJ helps break up this toxic relationship

>MJ is inexplicably with a Literally Who that she’s too good for…
>Peter Jealous
Yeah, shit in the head of the male character, rool yes.
>No Paul kek. Paul will be Terry Long'd when? Felicia/MJ is here.
Uh, X-Men has a relaunch because of shit sales.
The krakoa era was NOT a shit era that's not why X-Men is being relaunched. it's being relaunched since they were too many X-books for people to keep up with any rate I will judge the new titles once they debut not before.
>It doesn’t matter if there are other Spider-Man books if this is the only one anyone cares about
in that case you are a bore I have no intention of reading the same tittle again and again since thast would bore me to death in no time flat. You just gave me another reason NOT to read USM
>It doesn’t matter if there are other Spider-Man books if this is the only one anyone cares about.
USM will last two years at the most once the maker gets out it's over then you will be stuck ASM.
For the record, the last comic to get a 7th printing is Star Wars, which sold over a million copies.

X-Men? No, we’re doing Star Wars numbers now.
>k-k-krakoa wasnt shit
cope is strong in this one.
Respond only once to a post, Gwenschizo.
>>>144254451 (You)
>>Eddie and Dylan Brock battle over the symbiote – but VENOM has already chosen – his first host – PETER PARKER, THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN! But this time, Pete and the symbiote are working together. And with MARY JANE, A.K.A. JACKPOT, on his side, SPIDEY might be the one true victor in the VENOM WAR!
So what that does not mean a second mini won't happen in the futue
>they were too many X-books for people to keep up with

So they put out EVEN MORE X-Books for people to keep up with? Including a fuckton of SOLO books?

Cope. You don't know anything about X-Men, keep sucking Lowe and Paul's cock.
I liked the krakoa era as did many other X-Men fans
I hope Jackpot and Black Cat 2 has Felicia helping MJ break up with Paul, just like how MJ helped Felicia break up with Amelia!
I agree. Even Dazller will have a mini-series and I love her.
You mean the rightclops fags who started reading during AvX?
I did too, shame it’s getting One More Day’s by Brevoort.
A relaunch was necessary I really liked the krakoa era but the truth is it went on too long.
It is not getting the OMD treatment the X-Men are not making a deal with mephisto that's for sure.
That guy doesn't actually care about either Spider-Man or X-Men, beyond the basic information he needs to keep up his daily trolling
>Peter, Paul and Mary
Oh god I just got that
They might as well, it amounts to the same thing. Just have Xavier cut a deal with Mephisto to retcon Krakoa completely. He can do it easily.

>"Your soul, Xavier? No Charles, I want something much, much more precious. I want... YOUR LEGS! MWAHAHAHAHA!"

>Zeb Wells could have sold millions of comics with just one easy trick, but he was too committed to his cuck fetish
I don’t think Zeb Wells did. The readers are cleverer than he is.
That's bull I do care about X-Men, but when it comes to Spider-Man i stopped caring about it due to OMD.
If you don't care about Spider-Man any more, then why do you constantly and consistently show up in every single Spider-Man thread?
At least be fucking honest about your trolling, dumb cunt
You clearly care a lot about Spider-Man given you won’t get the fuck out of the threads. You’re obsessed with Spider-Man.
Is it not obvious just like everyone else I live with the small hope that OMD will get undone some day but that is very much doubtful.
Did House of X/Powers of X ever go all the way up to a seventh printing? Like people are pointing out, the only one I’m aware of in the last ten years or so was Marvel’s Star Wars comic.
But then why do you act so gleeful about One More Day and gloat about muh Mephisto nonstop. You like OMD and want it to stay, you’ve made that very clear.
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I've been saying it for some time that Marvel is going to hook up MJ and Black Cat. They already got Maryjane watching Black Cat with her girlfriend from the shadows...

Its just a matter of time
Fuck off already. You're a disingenuous little shit and no one's ever fallen for it.
Finally, canonization of the Felicia/MJ/Peter throuple.

>They both joke about their exes Amelia and Paul and how awful they were.
>”Hey, Red, when was the last time we actually had a good relationship with anyone?”
>MJ and Felicia: “…”
>Did House of X/Powers of X ever go all the way up to a seventh printing?
No they were not but there was still a high demand for both of them since they both got Five Printings.
I only pretend to like it but all joking aside I want it to be undone just like everyone else. But since it's obvious that will never happen I will settle for the next best thing and that would be the resurrection 616 Gwen. As for paul well he can keep MJ for all I care.
>open thread
>decide to read it later, after playing some New Vegas
>come back to it
>0 desire to read it
I'll presume it was a massive nothingburger of a comic
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hero vs hero
multiversal refugees
descopressive storytelling
events and crossovers

and NOW supporting characters becoming superheros

Which one will be the next nail in superhero genre coffin?
>NOW supporting characters becoming superheros
>fem supporting characters
They are not allowed to be supporting cast of a male hero anymore
HoX #1: went into 5th printing
HoX #2: went into 4th printing
Hox #3-4: each went into 3rd printing
Hox #5-6: each went into 2nd printing

PoX #1: went into 5th printing
PoX #2: 4th printing
PoX #3-4: 3rd printing each
PoX #5-6: 2nd printing each

The only books I know of that went to 7th printing or more were New 52 Justice League, Star Wars, and Void Rivals.
>The only books I know of that went to 7th printing or more were New 52 Justice League, Star Wars, and Void Rivals.

Also Skybound's Transformers
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This book had excess smug.
>reduced to running down the street yelling for help
Yees but nobody did a storytime of it.
I miss when comics were allowed to be about white male heroes for a change instead of always being about girlboss mary sues who are better and smarter then men at everything while once cool and heroic white male characters get turned into manchildren and weaklings
is this ryona
I hope that this book utterly failing means they'll stop trying to make Jackpot a thing
>Gwenschizo talks in detail once again about what Spencer's dick tastes like
Give up, loser.
My thoughts to those hacks Wells and Bronfman
>the next writer on Amazing is Joe Kelly, yet another braindead OMD zombie.

Ultimate Spider-Man is going to last for a hundred issues lmao.
>No Paul
Has he shown up a single time in this series? Has he even been mentioned? No seriously I don't know this is the first I've read of this crap
Yeah, he shows up once every issue in this series. I think it's why sales kept cratering further as the mini progressed

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