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>Spring broken
>Releasing in June/July
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Buck Broken
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That second panel is good reaction image fodder.
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Why does it look so girly?
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Sonic wouldn’t care about this gay shit. He lives for adventure, he would never stop to do this
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you popped your plunger IDW, it's near the end of June
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If his friends care, he does too. Or pretends to.
What's the point in all these false leads if it's just going to be the result you expect
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This Tails is pretty good too.
Where's the Shadow comic? I want to read about Shadow doing the cool things.
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Good fucking lord, this is so lame.
>Blaze on the cover
>not in the story
Thats some ol' bullshit.
The running theory is the issue was delayed by two months to remove Blaze from the comic.
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Rate this issue.
Sonic is a bum that likes to sleep all day if he's not doing anything
Incredibly lame, even by IDW standards.

It's even pissed off the twitterfolk.
Aren't Rough and Tumble convicted Felons? Shouldn't that disqualify them from being in the running?
Simple story/10, nothing near Scrapnik Island, but it had no Resistance nonsense, no crying and none of Clutch's bs.
And Surge and Kit committed public destruction and attempted murder, the Restoration welcomed them with open arms.
These judgements are painfully vapid. Come on Amy, unleash some autism; pointlessly exposit some minutia! Use your anger!
>It's even pissed off the twitterfolk.
Can silver go away, like forever?
And it's ALLLLL canon to the video games!
Because they feel Silver is being mistreated, and they feel tricked that Blaze was not in the issue (same for Tangle and Whisper)
Oh, what a heavenly sight Sonic would see if he just looked the other way.
Given she's a Pyrokinetic, she would've been one of the suspects. Possibly burned the flower to spare Silver's feelings.
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For how mandate restricted these comics supposedly are, they sure lack synergy with the brand as a whole. The Sonic Generations port, Roblox, Sonic Prime, the third movie and even the live symphony event are all over here hyping up Shadow for his anniversary, but the comics are doing... Whatever this is.
I don't even like Shadow much past SA2, but jeez, read the room.
It's a good thing they aren't jerking that edgy faggot off there. It's already obnoxious as is with everything else.
I can't imagine still having such passionate feelings for the character to this day, positive or negative. But it's clearly a brand wide agenda and the comics are ignoring it. Why? Or more accurately, how? They got interns designing new outfits for Shadow in the mobile games but the comics pretty much benched the character.
Muh mandates.
Maybe because it was a sudden thing that came out of nowhere and the comics are doing their long form storytelling and already planned arcs?
They started this hype train with the teaser at the end of the second movie two years ago and even planned the climax of the nation wide symphony event around it. The comics have turn around THAT slow? Even with these wimpy little arcs post metal virus?
Ian refused to write Shadow for years because he couldn't write him like in Archie.
Boring hogshit per the norm.
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Idk man, but they clearly have their own plans and the cringe campaign appeared not too long ago this year. If they really want to shill him so badly, I could see them pulling a fang with stopping the main comic again for months. Which would just be shitty and obnoxious cuz it's shadow.
I genuinely think they might be. Remember, they are pretty much still doing Forces debriefing stuff. The restoration is literally referring to restoring the world from Forces.
We might be reading shit this was outlined like half a decade ago.
Didn't he work on Prime though? He's great in Prime.
They literally did a mini to promote Super Stars already though.
good point, carry on
Ian? No, that was all Man of Action.
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>Idk man, but they clearly have their own plans
Do they?
Do the IDW comics actually have plans? I don't get that impression. Belle in particular makes me think this shit is written issue to issue with no broad narrative in mind. And this current Riders story feels like padding comparable to the story modes in the Mario and Sonic Olympic games.
Ian was a consultant for Prime.

He also hates Chaos Sonic being compared to Shard.
where did you hear that
Who is Shart
his dreams
>long form storytelling and already planned arcs
"Oh no, there's a rich guy who wants to destroy the good guys by hiring other bad guys to infiltrate their ranks!" is not an intricate and well-thought-out arc. In fact I'd wish they'd get rid of the whole arc and do an attempt at salvaging Shadow's character from the "shoddy Vegeta clone" rut Potto has written him into.
>Ian was a consultant for Prime.
He was a consultant very early in production, but it's clear the final show ended up veering off from the original notes he offered since he openly doesn't like talking about Prime.
You're getting a yet another retread of Shadow shit in the new remaster. What more do you want?
NTA but I'd rather take a dice roll and see what we end up with than follow through with this stale plotline with the possum.
Why is IDW just filler now?
Seriously, it's just the mundane slice of life shit like going to a festival or racing. When was the last time it felt like something was at stake?
Fucking hell, as bad as Archie was, it's still better than IDW.
As if him appearing to say HMPF! in the corner, reluctantly help, bicker with Sonic, etc isn't even more stale enough already. Because that's all he does.
Who? I said a dice roll. I'd literally take my chances with ANYTHING ELSE at this point. Id take a story about Gemerl helping with lawn work.

He was so much better as a source of comedy with everyone mocking his edginess.
Then have him be the main character for an arc then.
I genuinely think it's overcorrection from people's reaction to the virus story.
>it's just the mundane slice of life shit like going to a festival or racing
This shit's for girls now.
7/10. Unironically more amusing than the main book right now even though it's deliberately chill.
He's not even edgy. Why do you autists think he's such an enormous edgelord?
Why are there so many background waifus in idw sonic
Because thats how Sega likes to portray him.
Everyone tunnel visions in on the non canon routes of his own game for some reason.
Trans woman are the only people reading
And they can justify it because Sonic couldn't stop spouting about them needing redemption.
so the criminals are allowed into a competition and sabotage it (wow whoddathunk) but actually only one of them did it and the other one is just there and also the only punishment the culprit got was a dunking
He hasn't been genuinely edgy since like his Boom appearance, which it itself was a weird outlier. In Forces the worst he does is bully an armed main villain who had it coming. In Team Racing he's a parody of edginess. In Prime he's the voice of reason and wants to fix the universe.
The biggest kick I got out of this was looking at all the background characters ABT threw in. Its crazy these artists are getting wasted on coloring book-level stories.
Making donut steele's to jerk off to is literally what the entire Sonic fandom has been subsisting on for the past decade. It's the only thing left.
I feel like the sonic fandom is the only fandom so intrinsically broken that they actually get uppity when they DON'T have executively-mandated advertisements forced down their throats
And who would be a better choice?
This comic would unironically benefit from intrusive marketing for [CURRENT GAME] at this point.
Not gonna read, absolute garbage, sorry, not sorry your gay comic couldn't go anywhere and your stock price is lower than 50 cents.
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It's literally a executively-mandated advertisement with or without Shadow, who is a popular character currently getting a lot of hype across media. You have to be pretty obtuse about this to not understand people's reaction here.
Who are they supposed to be?
You understand there's a difference between Shadow and like Xavok, right?
but anon you'll miss out on epic character development and worldbuilding such as uhhh
charmy is a kid
silver is dumb and reactionary
rough is a naughty boy
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Its not overcorrection, its the writers not wanting to commit to a story because they dont know how close the comic is to be canned.
You know what grinds my gears, that the comic refuses to pass post Sonic Frontiers.
We gat references to previous modern Sonic titles up to Sonic Forces, but also cameos by Barry the Quokka from TMOSTH. Which explicitly takes place after Sonic Frontiers.
Fucking pick one, you could handwave it taking before Sonic Frontiers if one of the artists didn't insert their OC.
But wait, that would taking a lot of changes, and removing Belle as she'd be redundant.
Or just that its Evan. She doesn't strike me as much of a forward thinker.
What is with this stalling? It's not like this is a break from a high stakes, serious storyline. The main book is dragging it's feet too. And the Fang mini was mostly inconsequential too.
Yeah bugs me too. Closest thing to being current was making the Fang mini seem like a lead into Super Stars but when you think about it, it really was not, it just happened to star an existing character who was in that game.
Most likely reason
So why isn't that stopping TMNT?
IDW has been putting a lot of money into TMNT because they need something to make them money. Not only are there comics coming out but there's that Last Ronin game and probably something else. If that fails so will the company. They might even still fail because they're still losing money.
So are DC and Marvel, you gonna call them about to die too?
Cause TMNT is making money and it even has a game being worked on that uses the Last Ronin setting, so that original content shows a lot more promise compared to what was created in IDW Sonic.
So then the Sonic writers have no reason to worry about getting canned.
They got the mouse's money to fall back on.
As for DC I have no idea whats giving them so much security to keep pumping out crap.
They are owned by massive companies using them for merchandise sales. Comics have always made a fraction of their money from actual comics. IDW has none of that. They're a multimedia company that has had a string of bad deals and cancellations and they're relying on licensed comics to make some kind of money in other mediums.
Why do you think that ?
>Amy's bare buttcheeks resting on the owl's arm
Do you think he even notices the damp patch on his feathers from her moist little
Because IDW is doing fine enough that they can plan ahead. Apparently they just don't wanna.
Sonic specifically is into flowers, it's his main "nerd hobby"
They're real concern is IDW as a whole going out of business. TMNT is doing well for them but it wasn't enough to stop them from losing millions this past year.
>Sales in the publishing segment were up year over year, to $26.6 million in fiscal 2023 from $25.8 million in fiscal 2022, largely due to growth in sales of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin. Sales in the entertainment segment dropped to near zero: $64,000 in fiscal 2023, down from $10.3 million in fiscal 2022. Company-wide revenues reflected the drop in entertainment sales, down to $26.7 million from $36.1 million in the previous year. IDW has begun allocating more of its expenses to unallocated corporate expenses, making the losses by segment not comparable to the previous year.
>IDW is doing fine enough that they can plan ahead
I dont know where you are getting that idea when they keep losing money.

What I mentioned regarding the TMNT would be beneficial for their TMNT works.
If money gets tighter and they have to choose between keeping Sonic or this, the blue hedgehog will definitely get discarded.
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All of a sudden I need to see Vector railing the shit out of Jewel. Look at that size difference.

>hamster chewing on banana.gif
>nothing near Scrapnik Island
Scrapnik had 4 issues and just as little story making it objectively worse. How do you waste Mecha Sonic and Mecha Knuckles on a nothingburger of a mini like that?
I want Shard back. Seeing Gemerl acting like poor man's Omega feels like rape.
ABT and Evan know what they like.
it was more than you deserved
Get a hobby Barnes.
Is that Uncle Chuck?
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1/10, even the colors are off. I rarely complain about IDW but literally nothing happens here, this is Muppet Babies
>Scrapnik is apparently bad now
You guys have been saying IDW is gonna go out of business soon since this book launched. Is it just a /co/ meme at this point?

Wishful thinking at this point.
You make this same post every thread. You can look up IDW right now and see them losing money every quarter and year. TMNT has been said to be their last chance to stay in business.
"Bump the Deer" and "Sage the Sloth", a lesbian OC couple /sthg/ uses as its mascots. The latter was made years before Sonic Frontiers happened so ignore the used name.
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I'm pretty sure the animal people are culturally anarchists who don't believe in incarceration.
How many years has it been since you fags said IDW was supposed to die?
Since sometime last year the CEO or whatever said they had enough money to last them for the next year. I don't know how many times you have to be told this. Everyone that comes to these threads already know this so you're not fooling anyone.
It takes decades for companies to actually die you know. Even functionally dead companies like Kmart and SEARS are still technically around.
Saying IDW is rapidly losing money is factually correct and no amount of cope will stop that.
They're not lesbians though.
It’s the same mediocre slop as the main book. Nothing happens. I seriously don’t understand the love for Scrapnik. Is it just because Mecha Sonic made an epic SMBZ reference?
They're even diverting funds to other things and trying to raise a couple million to help them stay in business. Shit's looking worse and worse for them but the IDW name could still linger after they stop making stuff. They could maybe look to be bought out by another company.
Right, in the same way Tangle and Whisper aren't lesbians.
Just stopped into the thread. Before I read it, how much of it is people malding about how it's not muh pure game canon
This story is meant for book fairs. 8 year olds are the target audience.
Makes sense. Probably got told that's out of character for her.
He specifically said the writers ignored his notes, lmao.
>issue to issue
They started out planning a year at a time, which is why the pacing was ass and a lot of issues were full of nothing. Now they plan an arc at a time and have vague ideas of where things are going.

The editors at IDW are bad at their jobs.
thanks for posting variant covers
Sonic the Hedgehog: Spring Broken! #1 Cover B Abigail Starling Variant
Sonic the Hedgehog: Spring Broken! #1 Cover C 1:10 Abigail Bulmer Variant
Sonic the Hedgehog: Spring Broken! #1 IDW Webstore Adam Bryce Thomas Foil Variant
Uncle Chuck?
Why is the IDW crew so bad at writing Hedgehogs? Shadow is too mean and edgy while Silver is too dumb and girly. Sonic himself has been simultaneously a preachy moralfag and an irresponsible freedomfag.
>lesbian OC couple
It's all so tiring
That would explain a lot.
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Make you think that SEGA disallowed them to move past Post-Forces.
I don’t think Sega is a factor. Even their own OCs never move past their status quo. Whisper will always be a crybaby. Lanolin will always be a bitch. Surge will always be a jobber.
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Oh, look. It's Cream and Vanilla.
It's been a while since i've see- IS THAT UNCLE CHUCK?!
Considering that SEGA lifted the embargo on humans, they would have them appear in the comic with no issues; yet they refused to show them without them approving an explanation if why they're absent in Forces (Namely, GUN).
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I would've been fine with these stories if the comic itself didn't release one single fucking issue per month
>Poorly paced and paneled
>Drek writing
Please. IDW just give up the ghost. You have lost everything just give Sonic to literally anyone else.
>SEGA lifted the embargo on humans
And where pray tell are the humans in anything else? Because as far as I can see only the Paramount stuff has humans and that's because they're cutting a nice paycheck for Sega.
Great art, casual story. 8/10
Evan doesn't want to use them. She and the artists would rather put in their trashy-looking furry OCs in the background.
And your source, Senator Armstrong?
Why the fuck is all the creative shit happening everywhere outside the comic?
Sonic Channel can do whatever it wants because they are true allies of Sega. Filthy gaijin aren't allowed to do anything cool unless they give glorious Sega of Japan lots of money.
Nothing interesting ever fucking happens in these comics
Fucking lame/10

I expected the plot twist to be that it was Jewel who orchestrated the whole thing, but nope, just the dumb mook.
blame sega

and Ian's Redeemnic take on Sonic, who is just a boring person now
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It was written by the lead writer of Sonic Team at the time.
With Sega forbidding them from creating new Humans OCs, Evan and the IDW staff figures that they go the Sonic Boom route and make Eggman (and WitchCart) the only humans to appear in that comic. Plus they rather appeals to OC creators by populating it with animal people and never have to worry about drawing them "On Model", which is something Sonic Team often gets away with (though Elise looks like she was drawn the same style as Chris
in Pic related). Plus They rather not address GUN as this would bring up contradictions about Forces and the Metal Virus Saga (where the entire Planet was converted into zombots with the exception of Angel Island at the climax).
the channel things are dull and mid. only decent thing about them is the art.
>"Seems like this is turning into be a real"
Good quality control
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so is Tumble just innocent in all this
why was he here
He was legit there to compete.
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Good thing Sonic fans like seeing mobians more than humans then. fans like to bitch about the lack of them but then bitch when humans get any bit of prominence with the major exception of like Eggman of course. So it's always felt kinda fake to me for fans to pretend like they majorly care

Sonic fans ultimately care more for seeing cute furry characters in stories than stuff like boring human military dudes
Granted it would be interesting for the Gun Commander to make a return and strike a deal with the Restoration; or, at the very least, contracted Mimic with a higher pay raise than Clutch to keep an eye on Eggman.
Their top goal after Forces would be pretty much to kill Eggman for what he did and I don't think they'd tolerate people who befriend or work with him
I could see GUN intervenes anyways, pull their arm into co-operation and assign them as janitors to clean up the messes that Eggman (and, often time, Sonic) made. It could also lead to Eggman making deal with Clutch, leading to the opossum being his bitch like all of the criminals in AoStH.
>though Elise looks like she was drawn the same style as Chris
Because the Sonic X humans ARE what they're supposed to look like. Sonic Team was heavily involved with it, and even included ideas cut from the games. Unleashed was just the outlier.
>They rather not address GUN as this would bring up contradictions about Forces and the Metal Virus Saga
They brought them up in TailsTube. Turns out, Eggman destroyed them before Forces.
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I really wish they hired Joe Adok for this:
Joe is too based for them
With the Phantom Ruby or some other schemes?
The fact that they had to explain that years later in some video instead of in the actual game says a lot.
Nah, he just blow them up or something. They were very vague about it.
I'm glad Sonic could make a guest appearance in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic.
Considering that Eggman destroy their base on Prison Island only to be rebuilt in Shadow the Hedgehog game, I can confidently say that Gun can be recover easily; just that they're no match for Eggman no matter what they do.

As of Now, we have no confirmation that GUN is no longer exist post Forces and that the Restoration is the new World Military. Though I would like to see them merge with the Remains of GUN.
That's not what "divide and conquer" means. "Divide and conquer" is a military strategy using either cavalry or artillery to split apart a main infantry force into smaller, more easily manageable sizes for a smaller infantry to have a fighting chance of winning. You don't divide your force to conquer, you divide the opposite force to conquer them.

Boy, I sure hope somebody gets fired for this blunder.
I just want to rough up Rough up the butt
Lol, they were trying to use it as "We divide and we conquer" even though that's a completely wrong usage.

And it's funny having Tails say it.
>delayed by 3 months
>everything is flat colors
>still can't color properly
I guess prisons stop existing when the villains feel like being goofballs.
Starlined destroyed the prison, remember?
Hey, it's Clint McOwlroy.
Gotta incorporate the main protagonist in everything even if it's no in character for him and he's gonna play a back seat role.
boring dogshit/10
some of the background characters were cute i guess
Sadly it's saved for the game and movie for Shadow's fan exposure, as a Shadow fan I know exactly how you feel brother.
>Though I would like to see them merge with the Remains of GUN.
A Neo... GUN?
That means she'd be working with Rouge, Shadow, and Omega, right? Would we then get misadventures of her trying to command Team Dark, and then being the one who takes all the flak once Omega and Shadow just go bonkers out in the field?
Sonic Team pretty much confirmed that they're mercenaries at this point.
It's funny to see ABT being forced to not draw tits on everyone, even though he still snuck one it >>144254572, but it's been all over the place, half the time the characters look like massive 3D bolling ball heads while other times the they look as flat as Sonic X, namely Sonic's 3 quill shit but other angles look like the so called traced 3D models but on Twitter claimed he just mastered the "on model" look and does not trace them, but suddenly it all now look flat as fuck so I'm sus about that.

Anyways, 6/10, didn't care to read what was said, art was mixed as all hell, ranging from alright to nice for some of the OCs, to Amy looks very strange in his style to Sonic X head Sonic.
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didn't she said that everyone have to use 3d models to make sure that they all remain on model?
Not to mention, but most importantly, Ian does not wanna write Shadow if it's not like how he did it in Archie, so he's saying fuck him until SEGA caves in.
>Ian was a consultant for Prime.
/= writer
Why did you repeat youself hours later like a schizo and btw evan is the head writer for IDW now and has been for a while.
It's an ad for the games. Play the games. That's real Sonic. Stakes Sonic is game Sonic. Stop asking for non Sonic.
boring slice of life shit out of 10
that flower the chameleon grew did look really good
My guess would be Sega has no guide book on how these characters should be used. As result everything has to be approved up the chain of command which is horrible for story crafting in products that need to be planned months in advance.

Add in one branch deciding to push a new direction at drop of hat and it just isn't worth doing anything risky.

Meanwhile its easy as pie to make asset flip DLC and the movies enshrined their independence from Sega at the start.
When will Ian have a plot about Surges really smelly feet?
It's always been bad. IT was 4 issues of nothing happening and none of the characters did anything or were responsible for anything happening. Nobody had any agency and the story would have played out the same had Sonic and Tails not landed there. It was worse than just uneventful though, it was boring. And for IDW Sonic that is saying something.
>I seriously don’t understand the love for Scrapnik.
It's just because the Scrapnik author lurks here and says shit like >Die like a fucking anime girl. He gets mad whenever people don't suck off his boring story. It's why they won't let him do another one.
The art for this looks amazing. It was nice to look at.
You have colorblindness and no depth perception, but I'm still happy that you enjoyed it. I don't want my complaints to get in the way of you having a good time, but you really should go to an ophthalmologist sooner rather than later because your eyes are messed up.
Guys this is canon
Says who?
This has to be one of the other idw staff for the seething at how much better the mini is than their shit. Wanting to tear down such a beautiful story that they themselves couldn’t make.
Says my dick
Disagree because anime isn't an art style, it's a medium. It's just simple fact it's easier for an anime to look like a anime with Sonic designs from the west slapped on top.

A real design would be the designs Oshima designed for Balan Blunderland. That's Sonic's humans, which looks almost like the ones from that Christmas Sonic Jam special.
Pretty much this, plus with what happened to Archie and Fleetway made it too risky to continue a comic when IDW can easily be killed and all of the characters created for said brand is binned with Sticks and the Freedom Fighters. It's why Sonic Fan Comics were more appealing than the official products; anything can happen.
that was the first post I made in the thread, not my fault other people knows that Ian is a hack.
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Or the friends of Billy Hatcher
Sure buddy
Believe whatever you want, not like I can do anything about it now that moot removed IP count like a retard.
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even with all the sega "mandates", can't they tell basic fucking stories? Monster of the week shit, sonic and friends making their way through a stupid place to find the emeralds, revisiting old places and doing both of the above, maybe even catching up on unvisited concepts/characters.

How is it they consistently do NOTHING with this world or characters. Who gives a shit if shadow can't be friends with people, do a story about him being a cool loner. Or ANYTHING.
It not that Shadow can't make friends, it's just that he doesn't want to go through the pain of losing them like he did with Maria.
I don't think anyone at IDW gives a fuck anymore. I don't know who's cock this writer had to suck to get this job but they managed to get an entire issue with ABT on art.
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>it's just that he doesn't want to go through the pain of losing them like he did with Maria.
I don't see how that means shadow shouldn't do jackshit, or how it prevents them doing any fucking stories with shadow. Like, literally a bare minimum "shadow goes through emerald hill zone dealing with leftover bots sonic and tails never got around to destroying" wouldn't hurt to write about.
No one on this book can write an action scene to save their lives.
>Someone says my book was shit.
>The call must be coming from inside the house.

Are all the comic staff such narcissistic egomaniacs or is it just you? I have a secret for you. Nobody cares about your story. I feel bad for your co-workers if you assume they're all out to get you.
>I don't know who's cock this writer had to suck to get this job but they managed to get an entire issue with ABT on art.

Just another DEI hire. The staff are all non white, fags or women. Ian is the only normal one there and he was grandfathered in from the Archie days. He's also the only one working on the official games which doesn't seem like a coincidence.
>nobody cares about the most widely beloved story in the idw sonic history
Why are you like this, Evan?
Is it because no one likes your shit?
your dick is a horrible liar
boy i rly hope someone got fired that blunder
7/10. Pretty good. Trujillo's writing looks like he has background in writing children's comics. Not so, turns out he writes exclusively gay comics.

ABT got to draw freely whatever. A lot of OCs, odd angles and poses. Could've drawn more flowers.
>turns out he writes exclusively gay comics.
The fuck?
Richmunk, pls leave.

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