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Bittersweet Candy Bowl Thread
I am behind on the times and don't actually read this comic edition
thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnLeadKXZro

also bleating hearts if you're so inclined
not to be confused with bleeding hearts: https://anakrajinovic.substack.com/
First for Mike is a cuckold
>Mike made Haley have to stop jerking off to go let his asshole friends in
>Now he wants to take over her goon cave
How inconsiderate
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but who's on first~
What is that spoiler link for
>Haley episode
>A: Anyways, did I ever tell you how much of a pathetic bitch ass orphan boy Polo is?
>P: boo hoo I suck
there, you don't need to read the rest of the chapter, 9 weeks of nothing
You forgot the invevitable part 2
>P: boo hoo I suck
>M: No you don't-
>P: FUCK YOU MIKE FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU (why won't you fuck me!?)
triple cross-promotion
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I think Abbey sucks, but if there's a reason to hate Polo is how shit he is to Mike
is just Mike being good friends with him, and Polo telling Lucy he will abandon him if she gives the word
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>totally missed this edit
taeshi this is adorable
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Man, last thread died *fast*. This chapter's a real snoozefest huh? Funny that she feels the need to flesh this old shit out when the conflict is doomed to end with "at least your mother fucking loved you" instead of Paulo actually learning anything.

Here's the preview. I assumed this implied Paulo leaving the closet but it could also be their reaction to Haley.
Didn't the /trash/ thread live longer than a typical /co/ bcb thread?
>Mike is such a horrible parent he couldn't watch his baby brother for one night without maiming him
God I hate this faggot
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Here's the comment in there with it
Personally i'm hoping for a chance for polo to see his mother again since its prime drama and it'd be a chance to see something interesting with his character under that circumstance.
Also here is the new Bleating Heart page, I believe it wasn't shown in the last thread.

>verification not required.
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I don't even know anymore

What edit? That's just the book chapter.
This honestly was my turning point for Paulo. Lucy was right to point out why the fuck he did a lot for a girl he doesn't even have feelings for anymore, much less even give a shit about him. Even after the fight Paulo still tried to talk to Lucy days later.
>season 3 of the Polo show
God no
I really loved the extra bits with David and Paulo meeting on the playground as kids from the old versions of the kickstarter books. Their family drama was touching.
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not happening in this year, I can guarantee you that
but it would be funny if she showed up at the burger place with his half sister, I'd lol
where did she even learn that vocabulary
>this is why paying attention is important in school, children.
She's a skank, what do you expect?
It was posted I think, didn't get much attention. Looking at it again, does anybody else think it's odd that Clover goes from hiding to doing this in like, a minute? Also damn at least Devin has trauma as his excuse for ending up the way he does, Clover was apparently just always like that.
you've always been the best.
No one cares about Paulo or his predetermined "arc." It's good that we get some actual on-page development but Taeshi practically spoiled the whole chapter already. Plus she has zero tricks up her sleeve when it comes to Paulo so we are sure to get yet another pity party.
Why is Mike suddenly tall?
Taeshi's hitting an obnoxiously high level of filler to content. This page could have easily been the fourth if she'd trim the fat.
I wonder why nobody jokes about him committing murder-suicide like Mike
I mean at this point the mind break is real and both him and Mike are one car crash away from becoming Simon from Cry of Fear
Because he's a fucking pussy. Mike goes to pieces emotionally but he can power through pain and injuries when it comes to a fight. Paulo's only good for attacks from behind or against people who won't fight back.
Why? It wouldn't go anywhere because Paulo would still be the same whiny bitchboy he's devolved into.
This chapter is content-denser than usual bit none of it matters at all so it feels just as empty.
Ah, well I've made some fan art of when the two characters are older and are in a very platonic relationship.
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Stacy so cute
Paulo, for all his boasting and "boyish charm" is a coward and an hypocrite first and foremost, or at least that's what he's become. He's the character the writer things an "endearing asshole" is like instead of just annoying, the kind that gets away with a lot of shit but breaks down crying the moment someone gets tired of his shit. It's why violence always works on him, he never expects anyone is going to get tired of him because he has fanboy David to back him up and Daysimp to protect him from would be criticism. Also, and probably more important, he comes from a single parent household, you learn quickly the importance of having only each other, the last thing Paulo would do is something that would destroy his father, unlike say Mike who would leave a house with two siblings
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So that's why Mike is playing with Sue

Paulo lost his boyish charm long ago. Now he's just a childish twink that likes to get bullied in the bedroom.
>computer time in the computer room
Taeshi finally remembered this comic is supposed to be in the late 2000#
Probably needed a second to calm down her heart from his presence before she could reengage lovey-dovey mode
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>Paulo breaks the mouse from the family computer
>Mike has to quietly replace it without even getting a sorry
I wonder how many of the Greycat's things Paulo's broken or stolen over the years.
Haley and Alejandro on ChatRoulette
Guy can't settle for anything less than "eating every cake and having every cake too" huh

We know how chapter will go and what it will result in, plus we also provided trash thread with a lot of new content and hopefully more new one will be coming up later, already uploaded most of it to booru. And on the note of said new content, >>144255556 if Haley joined nerd squad would she pick the role of sassier cooler Flower Mage "sister" of current Flower Mage?

Come on, be more fair to him. He didn't last even two fucking minutes without maiming him

I really hope Paulo's dad and David's mom will get together, even better if before Paulo inevitably meets his mother and her new family, so it's not just drama but also some heartwarming cuteness of "even his dad is doing better without Rose" kind too
>We know how chapter will go and what it will result in
I must've missed this, can I get the play by play? I thought we only vaguely knew why Taeshi created the chapter.
>if Haley joined nerd squad
Can't wait for Haley and Mike to grind together to grind for their accounts
>Haley joins the game
>Mike and Haley compare how much XP they got the last day
>loser has to stay behind by going under the desk and servicing the winner non-stop until the winner levels up their account
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>Everyone talks shit about Paulo behind his back (Taeshi finally noticed that people wouldn't take Abbey's word that this happens a lot and she needs to show it happening)
>Paulo has a melty
>Is afraid of Abbey and mad at Daisy so he ghosts her and acts like an asshole to hurt her feelings so that she leaves him alone and Abbey-sama won't hit him again
>Also probably has a fight with Mike since they've gone back to being distant and Paulo clearly hasn't been over in a while
It's a real shame that Paulo and Mike do have so much friendship potential when orange boy is such a backstabbing snake.
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I expect the fight is going to be as dumb as
>Everyone complains about Paulo
>thier complaints are on-point, Abbey directly quotes Daisy's grievances with Paulo
>Mike defends Paulo to everyone
>they bring up he used to shit-talk him as much as they did
>Mike's stopped doing that after Golden Hour, but Paulo's a retard who thinks he's only refusing because Paulo can hear him
>also Paulo talks shit about Mike too, he's in no position to judge
>Paulo cries alone in the closet
>they fuck off
>Paulo comes out of the closet
>Mike tries to comfort him
>Paulo picks a fight with one of the only people who gives a damn about him
>Paulo runs away and decides he'll show everyone how bad he can be (without having Abbey gunning for him)
Daisy must be feeling so left out. Even fucking Stacy was invited to Mike's house.
Kinda makes me wanna punch Paulo
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Lovely skank and traumatized deer, soon they'll have platonic handjob and sex in toilet

Perfect gamer couple. And it looks fine. If you don't know what to put in background for just 1-2 characters, just do something abstract like basic shapes, squares, circles, triangles and etc plus colors that fit the "setting" or work well with character colors, or even cut outs of more complex background. Here's a fast example with something forest-ish, if you don't mind? Should have probably went with triangle pointing down to imply perspective and have space to add shapes of trees... Eh, still, that often works way better than complex detailed stuff

What about level cap?

She wrote it down in description of the first page in quite a lot of details, that people guesses that "something" here will result in Paulo deliberately avoiding Daisy and Abbey as well as pretending to be womanizer asshole until Lucy's return breaks his act. And it's not hard to guess what exactly will happen, with chapter's name, description, and weeks later Paulo taking everything Abbey says about him as truth, about being asshole that everyone merely tolerates and talks about behing his back because he only takes from friends and doesn't give back.

What *exactly* those nerds gonna talk about and how Paulo first reacts - we'll have to wait. My hope is Abbey complaining that Daisy is willing and ready for anything the moment Paulo is nice to her, and in any distress, problem or need, even her fight with Abbey - she beelines straight to Paulo for support without even thinking of going to bf for that. So future Paulo's acting is less him being petty and more him realizing "Okay, this IS fucking bad, he's her boyfriend, not me" and trying to make Daisy to ignore asshole him and rely on her bf (and failing in the end because it's Paulo (and Mike) who she really loves)
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Sue would never want to have anything to do with degenerate nerds willingly.
I need more of that one draw anon who makes art of Paulo and an OC named Cookie (I think that’s her name) that’s way more interesting than the actual comic
also this all happened after Abbey and him patched things up
making this entire chapter **a waste of time**
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We got new comic page last time with girl taking all the Paulo's pills, and even some Bleating Hearts material with new oc girl in trash thread eyeing Devin to ruin him too. Good stuff

Oh no, Abbey, RUN!
>Guy can't settle for anything less than "eating every cake and having every cake too" huh
And this is good thing.
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I'm certain taking care of a BPD fueled bitch will definitely be good for the kid who can't even here his own name cause of his cheating dad
Seems more like a Rachel thing
Nah, Rachel needs no motivation to do it. This one gonna die of diabetes doing every catboy + David in the comic at the same time
>Symbol on shirt
That bitch is neutered
Spay and neuter your pets! Something Lucy's parents should've been told years ago.

I wonder if Yashy/Chirpie/Blur/Lily was spayed/neutered.
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I didn't make anything along the 'Retard Boyfriend' series for Monday so I did that and today's.
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the camera pov is just too good
>level cap
They'd go after rare Items. Countless hours of sweaty grinds and sloppy legs
Unironically yeah, when your universe completely bends over backwards to stop you from ever suffering consequences why wouldn't you want to have it all?
Thank you for your advice! I dont want to overuse the abstract but also have some brain impediment on drawing something else
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Has the artstyle to BH changed? Used to look very watercolor'ish and nostalgic but it's fine I don't mind it.
>inb4 BCB artstyle change but faster
Lel he gets cucked even by his sister, what a fucking pushoversoyboy man
>Someone is coming out of the closet
>Quite literally
Could Mike X Molly be the supreme ship?
That's interesting, have they even interacted before? I guess one way he'd do Molly is to spite Abbey, if he fucks up the raid
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Stacy is wearing eyeshadow. The bitch is dressed to impress.
She's one of the popular hotties, of course!
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Given Stacy's friendship with Katie, do you think she learned any moves that could be used on Mike?
I'd assume she'd suck his soul out of his balls both in game and irl
Stacy only pretends to be like that, deep down she's still just a meek little nerd scared of losing face in front of the popular kids.
Yeah, but wouldn't her friends teach her these things anyway, by taking her to the underground parties?
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This is probably the truth. Stacy can act sultry but it's just an act.

And if Katie did force Stacy to learn by having her put out, or having her practice with a toy. I imagine Stacy would develop a complex and worry a lot about being slutty.
>Hey Mike drop your pants and bend over
>I wanna show you something.
She's going to make Abbey a surprise daddy
Nice job Anon
Friggin' jannies...
Yeah, well, we're in /co/ so what do you expect, I didn't know catboxes permitted deletion too though. I guess BCB is unique?
>>144260280 also got yanked
Well Stacy is canonically one of the bustiest characters in teh series, of course she'd get attention. And her crush on Mike is cute.
>Paulo in the background
They're probably watching the co threads more with how successful the trash thread was, and with all the remarks about the characters.

We should probably tone it back a bit all things considered.
I thought catbox links were okay, I swear they used to be...

Yeah, next /trash/ threat I have more to post anyways.
>Lucy expects every boy who shows interest in her to want her for her body (because let's be real, what else is there to like about her)
>Meticulously plans out asking him out and sabotaging condoms right when she's ovulating
>When the day comes, she finds out Abbey isn't horny at all, turns down her advances, and won't even try to grope her when she pretends to fall asleep like all her other friends would
This confuses and breaks the Lucy. She'd probably think Abbey hates her for not instantly jumping her when he gets the chance, like with Augustus.

Someone upload this to the NSFW booru before it's gone from catbox as well
Yeah staying in /trash/ only is a bad idea too anyway. I like /co/ but hey
I was gonna post a cropped version of the Stacey image, but then decided to just post the catbox. I guess just waiting for the weekly or biweekly /trash/ might be better.
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All the edits from Haley going full Grinch to handprints in Sue's fur over tits are very appreciated,very good job anon

Don't worry, it's exactly the same in my case. If mere shapes or colored solid background feel too simple and cheap to you, go with cutting off background in various shapes, so it looks and feels like "windows" into the setting while you also don't have to think of and draw too much extra stuff

Love the details you added.
fucking kek that last panel 10/10
Oh hey it's art with Kizuna's baby brother, finally. Though I imagine with the art you usually do it's hard to find an excuse to draw him.
ye, gotta think of good enough memes with Kenji, as well as new art and reaction pics with Kizuna, given how often people use the "realistic eyes" one. Maybe find excuses to draw Rin too...
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>given how often people use the "realistic eyes" one
It's so popular because it accurately represents what it feels like to read BCB and not be able to stop. And for that reason it's fantastic.
This should happen in the comic
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If nothing drastically changes between them it'd still be super toxic and destructive. But I imagine the snuggles between them would be amazing.
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I thought Haley was cool. Using a computer in 2009 is still nerdy..

what is she doing on there?
Probably on myspace or something
stickam whoring for attention to anons not realizing they are caping everything she is doing and will blackmail her later.
She creates Bark Obama simp videos.
Imagine bagholding a ship with no positive qualities
Is that even possible with those old shitty 2009 computer cams?
dude its 2009 not 2001 a 40$ webcam was perfectly fine. There is tons of stickam caps you can find online from 07-09 and easily fap to they look bad if your a zoomer since its not HD60fps

stickam was popular as hell from like 2007-09
I believe the positive quality is the damage it incurs on the rest of the cast.
Or some sense of sadomasochism for the pair.
This comic seems to turn people into that.
Why? Those two have more issues than National Geographic.
>This comic seems to turn people into that.
Eh, I was always like this. The comic just gives an excellent selection of targets. Thus comes part of its appeal.
Yeah, fair. If thread got good enough ideas for other reaction images, I'm all ears, would be nice to have an excuse to draw kizuna and others related to her as so far only trash thread requests with her are left to finish

Eh, I just want to see both cats do better, to see them trying to make it work after all the mistakes instead of "they kiss, story's goal accomplished, curtains close", but I don't feel like Taeshi would be interested in writing about making them work for their happy ending. Paulo and Daisy for theirs maybe, but not Mike and Lucy. All Mucy related bci's either ends on "they finally became a couple and will NOW start getting better. The end" or "they've dated for a while and already solved everything out" like Redux or the Paulo-Mike-Lucy one. Which is a shame to me as this is like premise of whoppin 50% of her Magical Girl Lucy stuff: everything and everyone basically stress testing resolve and determination of two cats that dared to start dating after they failed the first time
She wouldn't be wearing any clothes. And she'd be wearing makeup. She's watching reading or watching porn, not producing it.
Their issues are all they have, what do Mike and Lucy have in common without it?
Playing games together, which apparently the entire cast does anyway.
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>What they have in common without it?
That's for our writer to show, as part of their tribulations of figuring out their relationship, if there's even anything at all after they start resolving problems instead of going "they finally said "I Love You" (or "I Hate You" if I'll be in the mood for a bitter ending), consider story finished, that's the exact point where I wanted to leave this comic". So far, instead, Taeshi only showed that Mike is completely replaceable by Augustus for Lucy, and Lucy is completely replaceable by a variety of friends starting Paulo for Mike, even in the eyes of fans and not just in-comic
If Taeshi has to basically build their entire relationship post-mortem,18 years after the story started, not only is that irredeemable storytelling, what is there to like about the ship at that point?
*Re-build, as it was disassembled in all those years and nearly everything got slowly broken or shown as "others can fill that in", up to basic hobbies as Mike had to be reminded that he had way more interests in life than games, Lucy and Sandy, with lack of signs that there's plans or time to rebuild anything. And did I say at any point that I like the ship itself? If anything, Stacy is a better pair for Mike as they both respect each other interests, friend circles and trust each other, and we talk about a girl who sometimes gets a text mention instead of appearing in person like doing SAT's with Mike (or Amaya if we add all the taeshi art, fanarts and stories), and Lucy needs to first start trusting others as she trusted Mike back in the day and (partly) trusts Gus nowaday
I like the "casting" of who's who in the story. Especially David as "the schizophrenic"
It's insane to think that Taeshi will need to do that much work just to make the main pairing in the comic work again. It's ridiculous honestly.
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The good thing about people on 4chan preferring Stacey or Amaya as endgame for Mike is that, hating both 4chan and people asking for a good pairing constantly, Taeshi will do a McCainxSue and not even consider them for the story at all, saving them couples from any derailment writing she is capable of. Thank god she is too stubborn or else she will manage to make them toxic as well

In other topics I hope the head is big enough
Easier to just not do all that work at this point

Didn't McCain disappear purely because of his fans annoying Vero too much? And this Stacy is adorable
Iirc people asked about both McCain alone and McCain with Sue (pairing wise), I don't know if she edited the about/faq page but she did explain she got fed off and instead of doing a couple reveal during the last pages of them being together all this time, she broke the couple off screen and it's actually never brought up explicitly that they were together at all
Pretty much. Taeshi and suitcase are both consummate contrarians. McCain was a fan favorite, got shipped with Sue, has people saying "McCain is always right", etc., so she stopped showing him at all.

I feel it's emblematic of the comic as a whole, to a degree. Originally, the comic kept a perspective that this is all dumb teenage bullshit and Lucy/Mike/Paulo/Daisy are kind of dumb for getting so wrapped up in it. McCain (and to a lesser degree, all the side characters) were emblematic of that idea. At some point it got dropped, and I feel the comic is worse off for it.

Also McCainXSue is still the best canon ship, Taeshi be damned.
How incredibly self-sabotaging. "Oh, people like this character, and this ship that I was planning to reveal? Well fuck them, it isn't happening now!"
>In other topics I hope the head is big enough
Looks fantastic, and with the body it looks chibi almost.
I think that for Taeshi, all that matters is them overcoming the odds and coming together period. Very "romantic" if you undergo a lobotomy first, and the woman herself is terminally stupid.
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They're both so fucking stupid that they deserve the toxic relationship they'll end up with together, that's what this brings.
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It basically is chibi, as 2.5 heads tall proportions still counts in that area

Well, heck it then, we just roll with McCain and Sue. Surprised that all requests with them were wholesome so far, this one is "McCain with Sue in a maid outfit"
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>If thread got good enough ideas for other reaction images
Well why not start off with something simple like Kizuna getting hit with a frisbee? Or something similar?
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Whelp, it seems something is still around
No surprise, Taeshi's lazy. Don't they still have the announcement for the kickstarter on the front page even though the campaign has been over for a month?
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Should've screenshotted, as they are notorious for removing digital fingerprints they don't like anymore

Also, even busty but dressed characters won't get accepted in the thread as they see it as explicit content.
Lastly we got robbed of fluffy tail stacy (this is from the candybooru, made by Taeshi herself,)
Headcanon: Stacy straightens her tail fur to make it more dog like (as the coolest kids are dogs, of course).
Stacy is a microcosm for side characters in BCB. The potential to have a big role, but always delegated to the sidelines.
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Did some exploitable variants of it

This is the only way David will notice her
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And some brainrots
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And clean version with no background to use and abuse for anything
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And initial sketch in case someone here likes those, sorry for the amount of doggo abuse this is the last one
Fookin beautiful
I bet you draw porn of that dog
They are all nice! I personally don't mind the multiple abuse, it's the best way to showcase them anyway

Also I'm not sure he would notice her... Just something of her
Thanks pal

Actually haven't drew any aside one pinup style pic on booru. And there was only one nsfw request from threads with her that is very deep in backlog. Which is a shame I would love an excuse to draw stuff with her, there's not enough tall as hell AND thin girls aside Jessica, Katie and maybe likes of Sue's, David's and Paulo's moms

I could have yeeted them on catbox or imgur probably. Should do that next time I get so many variants
NTA, but I have
Don't request porn of Kizuna, Souppy
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>Paulo has a problem fetish
>keeps it secret, so not a problem
>eventually meets up with his mom and half-sister
>realise he's been blowing loads over the kid for years.
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Alcoholic Mike arc when?
I would love to see art of Katie
"Mike gets hooked on kilju because he's too much of a pussy to get the real stuff so he settles for making finnish fermented sugar water in his closet" arc when?
Got it. Something lewd, cute, or getting frisbee'd to the face too?
Not that anon but why not a mix of all three? Like that meme of the dog being pulled by a leash and refusing to move?
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>doomscrolling Mike
>microtransation gamer Mike
>alcoholic Mike
>weed smoker Mike
>compulsive masturbator Mike
>heroin junkie Mike
He's sitting at the top of the slippery slope, and he's ready to push off at any moment.
>Mike walks in on Paulo using his computer
>realizes that's why he comes over so often, and why the computer's history keeps getting cleared
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Like this but Katie
>Xanax zombie Mike
>High school dropout Mike
>/r9k/poster Mike
>MMO erp-whore Mike
>Tranny Mike
So many possibilities
when are the mike and lucy relationship drama pages going to happen
thats the only time this comic is EVER good
she just gaybaited with paulo x mike three pages ago and i'm SICK of it
Tranny Mike is most likely
anon what you just posted is the pipeline for most troons thats mikes life over the span of a few years.
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I wish to go back to the real gaybaiting, to be quite desu.
Do I want an alternative to the furry fandom and community ideal for my?
look for
>fandom without predators
>fandom without prey
>fandom with anti-Furry designs
>fandom with non-Furry characters
>fandom with creatures that don't eat meat and don't eat plants
>anti-zootopia fandom
>Anti-pokemon fandom
>Anti-Animal fandom
More hardy than cockroaches
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Nobody in the Sonic thread could think of a suitable answer for you, and I doubt anyone in this shithole will be able to either.
Katie knocking someone out with her big chest
Got it, will make them all tomorrow
looking to do some editing, are there any higher resolution versions of the comic pages?
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You're all forgetting the most compelling and interesting Mike what-if.
Schizophrenic Mike that's entering the prodromal stage.

It perfectly explains why he's so frustrated as his mind is dissolving into chaos. As well as why his dreams, fantasies, and wants simply do not match up with reality. Especially regarding his relationship with Sandy and his friends.
>Schizophrenic Mike
Yes anon a tranny, the voices in his head tell him he's a woman. You know like most loonytroons
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>as Mike loses touch with reality, the reader has no way of knowing what's real and what's only happening inside his increasingly deranged mind
I like this a lot.
>fandom with creatures that don't eat meat and don't eat plants
Yeah, robits is basically all you're gonna get. But the robots were probably made by creatures that ate once or twice.
Unless you're going for artistic tripe that is all so abstract that they're all squares or rectangles or something. Even then you could get them eating (look at Adult Conversations with Carl and Perry, they eat meat).

>microtransaction gamer Mike
In 2008/2009, were there even games with microtransacitons? I could see him blowing money on collectables or something to fill the hole in his heart with posable figures but I don't recall any online games that were common in the U.S. that would hook you with that stuff.
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Retard-kun please keep it to yourself. I'm trying to keep the schizophrenia linked to the story proper. Like Mike's schizophrenia being directly linked to his fantastical dreams. Or him thinking he's closer to Sandy or his friend group then he is in reality.
If Mike is Prodromal then he most likely has BLIPS (Brief Limited and Intermittent Psychosis Symptoms). Meaning every month Mike would have a delusion that'll last for several moments but then resolve on it's own. This would perfectly fit with that dream he had about Lucy coming back, and how Mike sperged out during Eternal Flame. The Prodromal stage also manifests during the late teens and twenties, so he'd be at the start, meaning Mike won't be degenerating badly for a good long while.
>In 2008/2009, were there even games with microtransacitons?
Practically all the MMORPGs had them already.
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Neighbours got some loud party going on, so here's very rough sketches before sleep. Her fluffy ears are fun to draw but ngl I do not understand fully how exactly they work
I like it a lot anon. It perfectly captures Katie's bitchiness (pun intended).
>Prison gay Mike.
He's dating James just cause he's the most positive relationship he's ever had, but quickly figured out he's really not into dudes... but needs the positive affirmation so badly that he tries to force things. Meanwhile James is in denial about it not working and thinks that's just how Mike is.
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Adding to the Schizo-Mike theory: Mike's whole affect completely changes for no reason at some point during spring-summer 2008. Before, Mike's still recognizably himself, sarcastic, gregarious, kind of stand-offish, tries to help people, Mike's always been bad about bottling things up and trying to be more self-reliant than he really is but he still tries to stand up for himself.
After, he's aggressively 'nice', but also subdued, withdrawn and consumed by anxiety; given to sudden fits of rage and uncontrollable crying. His attempts to confront people he thinks have wronged him have become strangely garbled and vague, Mike used to be pretty direct, he just didn't like to talk about it when he didn't think he had a sympathetic audience. Now it's hard even for the audience to know what Mike's talking about sometimes.
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Lots of guys cry during sex, it's not weird or anything.
This is the version of Mike I got so attached to when I first read the comic. I can't believe it took me until Eternal Flame to realize he'd been gone for a long time. I still can't come to terms with Taeshi lobotomizing the entire cast.
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Excellent point, Mike used to be a great communicator but now whenever he talks his message becomes incredibly garbled. Also Mike used to be quiet active in his goals and wants, but now he's extremely lethargic and indecisive. Once he tried to solve his problems when he could but now he just seems to ignore them till he can't anymore.
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Would help if Taeshi was at least self-aware of it. Imagine how it'd humanize Lucy that she doesn't want to deal with Mike, she probably can't deal with Mike anyway, but she's known him since she was 4 and is becoming increasingly confused and concerned by how weird Mike is getting. She tries to point this out to Mike's friends (not her friends, she still crazy Lucy) and they just haven't noticed, because maybe no one knows Mike as well as she does.
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>he's extremely lethargic and indecisive
This, just look at this page. Mike doesn't even take off his bag, so he comes in from having a fight with Lucy and sits in one spot for hours, not going down for dinner, maybe not even going to bathroom, just curling in on himself like a dying bug, waiting for Sandy to text him back? That's weird, it's uncomfortable, it's BORING, so I can't imagine why Mike's doing this unless he's sliding towards catatonia.
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Lucy becoming depressed because she knows something horrible is affecting Mike's mind but can't help at all is genuinely upsetting.

Who know schizo Mike posting would get so dark?
>that chapter releases today
>Paulo calls him a short faggot so of course Mike happily gives over his headphones
>For no particular reason Paulo smashes them into a million pieces as Mike smiles and watches
>Every character in the comic begins to clap as Mike says "Classic Paulo!" with a dreamworks face
>Author comment: They're such good friends! Also Mike is short/boring/gay/pathetic
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>Lucy freaks the fuck out because she wanted to ask Paulo what the hell is going on with Mike and instead he won't stop trying to convince her that Mike really doesn't have anyone on his side and triggering her stupid Confrontation PTSD by grabbing for her shoulders
>next time they talk he doesn't take back anything, and is just peddling some bullshit about Daisy like he gives so little of a shit about Mike he's not even going to address that elephant in the room
It must be horrible to have friends who enable you to trash your closest friendship but don't care enough to help when things start getting weird and scary.
I bless you for the Katie sketches anon
Happy-miserable permadrunk Mike infuriates Lucy because she can't barb him reliably anymore.
Lucy would try to not give a damn at first, as illustrated not too long Eternal Flame. But watching him degrade might start bugging her enough to drop some hints to the friend group. Just enough to tell herself she's done more than enough for him. Lucy's conscience probably won't drive her to real action before Mike does something stupid. Then she would kick herself in the aftermath.
*not too long after
Those are all great points, wouldn't it be cool if we got a chapter that gives us her pov about that? Ahahah maybe not who am I to think what would be good to the comic, I ain't a comic writer
Mike's search history is just a solid string of websites he's been burning through to find out how to MAKE himself be attracted to James. He even resorted to sissification self-hypnosis mp3s like those do anything except give perverts something to jerk off to.
>sissification self-hypnosis mp3s like those do anything
Anon is there something you'd like to share with the class
Mike is one more ruined relationship from giving up on being a man
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Everybody, sit down. I have an announcement. Michael will no longer be attending this school.
...Now, I'd like you all to welcome your new classmate, Michelle.
>Mike, why does your search history contain nothing but dickgirl porn? I don't think this is healthy.
>I'm just stressed right now, you know I'm going on nofap in like three months.
>Why do you keep calling me "Daisy" when we bang?
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what if...
Mike's shown more sexual interest in James (A man) than he ever has with Daisy
Mike's breakthrough was when he realized that he could think of James as if he was a dickgirl from the itty bitty titty committee. James was thrilled though a little bit puzzled why Mike got so fixated on his chest fluff and wanted him to grow it out.
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This Anon has the right idea
Real low-functioning hours
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Fucking kek at this point she is doing it on purpose, is there a chapter where it's said Lucy kissed Mike? Instead of Taeshi saying it?
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No, there's just a dedicated squad of faggots lying and running damage control in the webtoon comments, this guy's my favorite, pretending On Call fixed anything
Oh It's the same guy zobubulus!
I don't think he understands the real problem, or maybe we are the one who don't
Only Another Flame so far, but some people just chose to ignore "not canon" stuff unless Lucy will spill the beans in main comic properly. And does webtoons even get such intermissions?
>I don't think he understands the real problem, or maybe we are the one who don't
I don't think there is just one "real problem" with EF. It's a layer-cake of problems, each more damning than the last, and several of them stretch across multiple chapters, with EF just being the apogee.
>Sandy cheats on Mike offscreen. No insight is given into how she went from sweet and supportive to cheating and distant
>Lucy just appears out of nowhere for plot reasons
>Mike blubbers out his heart to Lucy, despite having never been that open with anyone, ever
>"I never wanted to see you suffer"
>The kiss and everything leading up to it
>Moodswings a-go-go
>Sandy changes her mind (again offscreen, and again no insight into why or how) and Mike takes her back
>Lucy is devastated by Mike not being romantically available after all, despite her repeated insistence last night that it isn't about that

The whole chapter just makes Mike and Lucy both look like they're either rock-stupid over-emotional weirdos, or deeply unethical manipulators, or both.
Michelle (formerly Mike) finally enjoys life, feeling loved and getting his ass rearranged by every big strong man in his school and for the first time in his life thanks God he never went through male puberty
You say it like Paulo will not instantly try to date and score Michelle, to the sorrow of all boys and girls who hoped to try out either of them
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I'd feel even worse for Mike's family who know live in close proximity to him and could see the schizophrenic degradation in real time. His parents to busy to pay much attention at first horrified to learn their eldest just isn't having girl problems. Haley, who loves her brother dearly, clearly being able to tell something is wrong but not what. While Chris gets to grow up only ever knowing a brother that was maladapted and psychotic.
I can't find the panel where lucy witnesses all the girls going/asking mike for shits, anyone remembers where it is?
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Sheesh how big is that bed?
Regular bed, those two scrimblos are just that tiny
Normal bed, Mike is just very small. Or maybe a very large bed because he needs space for all the girls he's banging at the same time.
>Or maybe a very large bed
I'm betting large. Plenty of room for Haley and all her friends, with a special spot for Jasmine. It's probably long enough to accommodate freakishly tall Sandy as well.
>Mike genuinely thinks Lucy and Paulo talk shit about him and gossip behind his back
>As soon as he voices this in his mush-mouthed schizo way Paulo and Lucy play the victim and scream at him like he's the bad guy
I don't even know what Taeshi was going for with that.
I wonder if Stacy will have anything to say about Paulo when they start shit talking him
Just adding to your points since I consider it's worth saying
>Sandy cheats on Mike offscreen. No insight is given into how she went from sweet and supportive to cheating and distant
She claims that Francis was there when no one else was. Guess who was trying to be? The guy she was downright ghosting. So it makes even less sense that she'd blurt that as a reason
>Lucy just appears out of nowhere for plot reasons
She loads in front of the three like some videogame asset, Mike looks at it being empty and she just appears there, it's badly managed
>Mike blubbers out his heart to Lucy, despite having never been that open with anyone, ever
Agreed, but you could still say he's being heartbroken and Lucy has been the only person that didn't take his relationship like a joke as much as she hated it
>"I never wanted to see you suffer"
No question, didn't even get fixed, Taeshi just paraphrased it to make it more ambiguous
>The kiss and everything leading up to it
This is EF mayor sin, not even the Sandy take back, not making Lucy's intentions clear killed Mike as a character in the eyes of the readers and no amount of addendums is going to fix it
>Sandy changes her mind (again offscreen, and again no insight into why or how) and Mike takes her back
And this is within hours, in the early morning, close to work on some important event, she literally did a 180° and fired her hairdresser within the span of a couple hours
>Lucy is devastated by Mike not being romantically available after all, despite her repeated insistence last night that it isn't about that
And it's because she can't be honest with her feelings at all, even on the AU were Mike didn't take Sandy back and decided to stay away from relationships for the moment she kept insisting how well she was despite whatever desiciob he took, even if he took Sandy back

It's all a huge mess
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>It's all a huge mess
Which is especially awful because it was supposed to be such an important and climatic chapter in the comic's story, and it's just an absolute train wreck from start to finish.
When new BH page
Well, her only interaction with Paulo was that he scored a kiss from all hot girls her including back in 8th grade, while thinking that it somehow "shows that nice and happy, model dating, ignoring girls ready to jump on him without him even trying, especially MY waifus Lucy and Daisy, nice to everyone, oblivious that I'm jealous of him or that I'm even making out with all the girls to cope, goodie two shoe Mike who's really the cool guy here!"

If he was an idiot that made Stacy think that they might start dating when he wanted just kiss and nothing else, she could add something along the lines of "he's womanizing dumbass". Maybe remind Mike of "cheater, cheater!" gag of early comic started by Paulo. Doubt she's gonna be too harsh on Mike's friend, given that her own best friend probably worse bitch and has even less brain cells
How dare Sue criticize the beloved Mike she shall be punished. Also where the fuck did Daisy come from?
Well, the gamer gang got an extra member now. So in the end it's gonna be Daisy talking shit about Paulo too to make him legitimately angry at her, huh?
Damn Daisy learned some nice teleporting skills from Lucy
>Suddenly Daisy
I laughed, everyone is slipping into Mike's room to talk shit about Paulo. Any moment now Matt and Rachel will tumble in along with Lucy wearing a ridiculous fake moustache and saying she's Ycul and she doesn't know Paulo but she just knows his mother didn't love him.
Stacey witnessed the clownshow where Jess and Rach were laughing for banging him while Tess and Lucy were eating him alive. So by that point, not a good look. And taking account she likes poems and writes love letters, I picture her as the romantic type. Being "scored" was probably not her intention, either she was pressured by her peers (so bad memory) or she got fooled big time (also bad memory)

Also why is Daisy here
>Daisy's babybearing hips
>Paulo and six girls
>Mike was Stacy's second crush
>Paulo was her first, and for one afternoon back in 8th grade they "dated"
>Paulo's completely forgotten about it, but Stacy didn't and she has never forgiven him for breaking her heart
If only Taeshi did normal teen drama plots and not just dwelling on characters being miserable about nonsense.
It's going to make everyone look worse so Paulo looks better, be prepared
>Abbey gaslighting Daisy into hating Paulo, has a four page monologue about how he's evil and manipulating her
>Daisy, Sue and Stacy all shitting on Paulo for being No-Mom and being poor for some reason despite having no reason to even bring him up, Paulo weeps in the closet at this betrayal
>Mike has an aneurysm and forgets Paulo can hear him so he slips into sperg mode and exposes Paulo as a homo to laugh about it, everyone brings out a swastika armband and begins heiling
>Paulo, now heartbroken because he a good boy and he didn't do nothin to justify this, does the logical thing and acts moderately upset with Daisy for four chapters
I sincerely hope this chapter underlines Paulo's asshole tendencies rather than excuses them, but yeah Taeshi is probably going to apply some PR and retroactively spruce up the idea of Paulo x Daisy.
I don't like Sue very much. She tends to assume the worst about everyone else and rarely questions herself.
That's what happens when there's no McCain to tell her to chill
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One of the many places where all those milkshakes go.
>Chris gets to grow up only ever knowing a brother that was maladapted and psychotic.
Pretty sad and wistful feeling for Chris to grow up and only know how Mike used to be from home videos, earnest and cheerful and not secretive, strange and miserable.
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Mike's such an inconsiderate friend. If he wasn't such a jerk he would have bonded with her over Paulo getting hurt like she did with Abbey.
>Daisy's also here with the sex squad in Mike's room
Jesus Christ the Somali really did jump into the cuck closet.
That was just a joke! It wasn't meant to be real!
Imagine all six raping Paulo at the same time once they find out he’s there
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>Daisy out of fucking nowhere.
I offer an explanation.
Daisy's not missing the monthly orgy this time
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Force equals mass times acceleration, Mikie. If you paid attention in class, you'd know what that means.
Daisy even looks like she was photoshopped in
Edits only getting better and better, Daisy is not skipping opportunity to do all three boys this time and +1 cup size and piercing for Stacy is very appreciated
Damn I missed out on a lot of Schizo Mike, well now at least I know what direction to take Mikes character down in my BCB cyberpunk AU. Might also sprinkle a little schizo Mike into my Mike soldiers stuff as well since fighting in the army would not help Mikes mental state. I am wondering if we can incorporate the Schizo Mike stuff into the Psi-BCB AU, maybe the schizo stuff is holding Mikes powerful psychic abilities back?
Daisy is usually more put together when she breaks in, but some genderbent clone of her was already in the tree and she had to drive him off from her territory.
>I am wondering if we can incorporate the Schizo Mike stuff into the Psi-BCB AU, maybe the schizo stuff is holding Mikes powerful psychic abilities back?
A pretty sure a part of Psychic Mike's poweset is being able to see the future with those bright green eyes of his. So instead of becoming a schizo Mike's future sight is just giving him symptoms of being psychotic.
It's not even future sight proper but limited hyper awareness at a distance. Too much info, too many connections drawn between events, unable to separate fact from statistical noise.
Edited Taeshi on the right when
Edit some binoculars behind her and this is TOP NOTCH
Is this why Mary kills Fauna
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It's okay when it's done by Lucy
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Nobody likes Daisy but she's massive so they're scared to tell her to go away.

Thanks. Normally I stick to existing dialogue bubbles as much as I can to see what I can do just by changing dialogue, now I'm just adding whatever I think's funny.

Binocs, and some other things...
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How would BCB characters react to the debate last night
Sue when Mike "forgets" to pull out again
No but you see it's different he was aaangry and wanted to feel better, she is le sad :(:( and said it to feel better. Two different things.
No it's different because Mike meant to kill her but he changed his mind because of how beautifully she sang and completely forgot about how he knew she'd be suicidally depressed if he said what he did.
>this is what Lucy-stans actually believe
>Yes Mike said he wanted Lucy dead, but Lucy said she wouldn't mind if Mike left her after he threatened to leave!
Mikefags continuing to grasp at straws
Disappear is not leave
They just fought and Mike in the page right before this said he wouldn't be around forever
>Mikefags in charge of reading comprehension
Disappear is not leave 2
>Daisy just learned astral/psio projection
>And clearly she is not very good at it she still needs to hone it
Practice makes perfect!
Both of you shut up
>ESL-kun doesn't understand context
Oh no...
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Ah when Mike had a spine
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Spot the differences game is getting more and more fun. Noticed two extras and saved that Sue for future use as well. And it's fun chapter so far, sounds fitting to add even more fun stuff to it

Guess it's time to add Daisy to monthly nerd orgies if people gonna request more of them

Not the best edit one but eh

No, both of them should kiss
I thought about putting a dildo on Mike's computer chair but I'm pretty sure that'd get janny'd.
>Also where the fuck did Daisy come from?

>OwO pomf whats this lovely smell in the cloest
>Oh look everyone Paulo is in the closet
>HI Paulo
>Would you like to come out of the cloest its ok!
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If only we saw Mike playing vidya with his sister. Not just have it be talked about.
More excuses to see Haley is always a nice thing. Maybe she's so bitchy to Mike because she's salty over all the losses
>Lmao worthless heal slut
>Stop dying you suck
>B-b-be n-
>Wow you are really trash at this secret of mana is so easy
>(Im going to piss all over you while you sleep and crush your balls you fucking prick and if you cum on my face again from this I will bite the head off your dick I swear to fucking christ as you wake up covered in piss freaked out you wet the bed yet again at your age)
>This is totally not what I meant when I said I wanted you to pound me you fucking nerd.
Haley's mad because if Mike wins he'll pick Jasmine instead of her again
For what a session of five minutes in heaven?
I'm actually not sure what the hell you are going on about.
Is it just me or is that a very curvaceous Daisy? Giant hips and thighs giving a hourglass or bottle figure. Thunder thighs and large stomach coming together to for a 'v" where the pelvis is defining it. Curves even denoting the breasts are visible as you go up to the chest.

Did all our horny posting get to Taeshi or something?
I would say so but it appears Stacy’s boobs got downgraded
Oh no. She stole Stacy's tits. The nerve of her!
Daisy is just fat and I am pretty sure Taeshi borderline traces poser models.
>My crush (Daisy) is complaining to my other crush (Mike), about how I'm a cunt to Abbey (I don't remember, maybe I have a crush on him too)
>And Mike agrees that I can be a cunt sometimes?
>How could this happen to me?
>Everyone's betrayed me, I'm fed up with this world
>The only thing I have left is my OG crush (Lucy) and my work crush (James)!
I don't mind that Taeshi made this chapter, but why does it have to be so long? She better include a James cameo to make up for it.
I'm sure this would have been very important back in the day and done a lot for Paulo's character...assuming that Taeshi was finished hitting his reset button, which I would not believe for a moment.
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Well we're look at Stacy from the side, so we can't see all oh her major boobage.

But Sue's body is much more defined. With her breasts clearly pointing to the sides and going off of her chest.
>(I don't remember, maybe I have a crush on him too)
Ngl I kek'd

Yeah, playful fun additions are good, but gotta remember to not go too far to not get deleted, and visible adult toys are probably too far
Make borderline strikes again
Still would expect them to be bigger
Also when did Mike become taller than Sue?
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No one posted the preview for the next page yet. Look at that sly smile on that Selkirk Rex, she's up to something. Also Sandy's bonsai tree is there, cute.
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Well, this is useful.
McCainXSue remains the only good canon ship.
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The real kicker is that it's worse than the sum of it's parts: even if any one problem was fixed, the rest of the chapter would STILL be a mess, and torpedo any faith in Mike and Lucy as characters.
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I am thinking of riving this old idea from the dump, anons have any ideas?
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Original image btw
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True, Haley is so cute. definitely need more of her.
Will this be with all the MikeX kittens? Where all the other kittens' parents would tell the Mike's offspring kittens to not be like their dads, or think they'd be like Mike?
Would be interesting to see them all team up or something, like an alcoholics anonymous, but mike's kittens anonymous
Always love the jokes where a speech bubble covers up a person's face to reveal it later.
At least some background details remain consistent.
That'd be interesting, though if it was all the MikeX kittens, the parents of those kittens would probably get a lot of back talk from those kittens because some time or other wouldn't one of them ask why they trusted a guy who slept around so much?
It's like she's playing with his dick
>Daisy: "Yep, still as tiny as I remember!"
>Abbey: [furious embarassment]
>Paulo: [involuntary snickering, which gives away his presence in the closet]
At least no one will notice.
Original seems like just MikexAmaya kitten, but making it a lot of kittens would imply that him sleeping around with everyone was what finally broke everyone's trust. Question is, just how many? All of them?
Well, how many kitten concepts are there? I was just referring to that, but in that case, that would be kinda funny
Mary showing that she's actually the only sane one in an insane world.
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Excluding all fanmade ones (no Penny from It Is Forbidden, or two kids with Stacy, aww) and counting just official designs, Mike would have to tap: Lucy (technically Taeshi had design for triplets, sporty boy sporty girl and shy girl, but the boy one (and shitton of many other missing kittens) are lost media now, only known that he wore a hat), Daisy, Sandy, Sue, Amaya, Jasmine. Ironically Paulo, Abbey and even Gus got a bit more kids in comparison thanks to drawstream and birthday requests asking for missing combos
Would do things to Sue
MattxJordan should be canon
Yeah my idea was just MikexAmaya kitten, my idea was: EF never happens and Mike never meets james as a result he continues to spiral into assholeism.

The final straw comes when Mikes parents increasingly concerned with his behavior decide to transfer to a boarding school up in Maine for senior year and Mike agrees wanting to get way from his failing relationships in Roseville.

The table group reacts negatively to this and Mike and Paulo get into a fight causing mike to snap. He goes full blown Dark Empath and basically obliterates his friend group mentally on his way out.(He also breaks up with Sandy during all this)

Some years pass by and Mike while not a Sociopath anymore is still kinda asshole and is a ruthless corporate raider.(Also Mike and his company caused an Economic Crisis in Western Europe at some point)

Eventually during a charity event for the mute he was attending he runs into Amaya and they reconnect and it gradually becomes a romance. They get married and have a kid with the family living in NYC.

Somewhat sadly though Mike gets cancer and dies. Amaya and the child move back to Roseville with the kitten being enrolled in Roseville High. The Mike x Amaya kitten ends up becoming friends with other kittens( Lucy x Augustus, Polo x Sue, and Daisy x Abbey to be specific) and the parents find out leading to them trying to isolate the Mike x Amaya kitten
That's actually a pretty interesting concept. but does EF never happen because Sandy never admits to cheating or because she never cheats but just became distant?
Never admits to it until the day of Mike having his blowout with table group, after that Mike already partially-snapped goes flying off the deep end and gives Sandy a December-style speech.
I like your ideas but I think you should just focus on the characters and drama, instead of grand narrative details like Mike becoming a corporate raider.

Just focus on how Mike annihilates his friend group and leaves them on incredibly bad terms. While his son and Amaya have to live with the fallout when they return to Roseville.
The corporate raider thing, is the only focus of 1/2 a chapter and does not play a major role, just filler to show what Mike was up to between High School and meeting Amaya. Outside that I am still working out details. Like how did Mike mentally obliterate his friends?(Got any ideas anons?). I may add Sue defending MikexAmaya kitten(who I will be calling Oliver) because she met him before(Sue still does not like Mike though)
>Outside that I am still working out details. Like how did Mike mentally obliterate his friends?(Got any ideas anons?)
Have Mike destroy any self-image they had of themselves as well as each other. Not only does Mike lay every fault and mistake Paulo ever did at his feet everyone else sees what scumbag he is as well. And as everyone else gets dressed down to Paulo can't help but see everyone else in a horrible light, like Daisy's attention whoring ways and lust. That way even after Mike is gone reconciliation in the group is impossible, as everyone hates each other and have many newly realized grievances.
You haven't updated us on your art practice progress in a while.
That is interesting, but I am thinking of something a little more methodical, I am saving the December-type speech for Sandy.
Been more focused on writing as of late, got a lot of BCB fanfics I want to finish before Summer ends.
The only thing I have drawn since the last one is a poorly drawn sketch of the prologue
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thanks for letting us hold our tea parties by the tracks boss
imagine having to deal with these lil shits yelling about sex and suicide all over the school in a nearly daily basis instead of doing their history assignments
What's with all the music posting?
Mike and Lucy woke up in Roseville at 7AM in their bedrooms, 60 hours they wake up, hung over and in state of undress in the Disneyland parking lot. What happened in those 60 hours?
They're in a state of undress all the time.
Since they are from New Jersey how they get to Disneyland and not Disney World is the first question
Yes but in a sexual way
Intercontinental flight from JFK to LAX
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Sounds to me like they gonna nickname their incoming kitten "A little souvenir"
Hopefully they get back to Roseville in time!
Sue is the best girl in this comic. Which isn't saying much, considering her competition for the spot, but still.
>Sue is the best girl in this comic
I disagree Jasmine is best girl
Sue isn't even the best girl in their gay MMO. Last place behind even Stacy and Mike in a dress.
I wonder when these will be finished
Amaya is def the top, look at that armor, she got the complete set!
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Amaya is pretty fantastic isn't she
She's also taking the game and leadership role seriously instead of being embarrassed by a needed healer class.
Hopefully in this thread, few days were full of crazy storms here
She's so cute!
Jasmine and Sue should hang out and be best girls together

Best enby in the comic
Ah, I'd forgotten about Jasmine! Fair enough, I guess there's some competition after all. Still, in my personal rankings it goes:
>Amaya (:D)
>Fingers wrapping around to touch her boob
Classic David

Stacy > Rachel? Lunacy. Also, why is Jess so low on the list? Katie is much worse, and Madison is too arguably.
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Sue is at least in the middle of the pack when it comes to a tier list of the girls.

She's egocentric meaning she's completely incapable of seeing other people's perspective. Barges into situations and conversations without a thought of the outcomes. Worse is a busy body that thinks she's always right and that her opinion always needs to be heard.
>below Sue
>A tier
Tess, only blemish is that she ran hot and cold on Paulo but she turned out to be right about him so that's ok.
>B Tier
>C Tier
>D Tier
>F Tier
>Meme Tier
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Why couldn't they just hang out without Sue ruining their nice afternoon
That would be too good for them. Also this is amazing
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Jasmine's best trait is her inherent empathy and caring for others. Always taking actions to make sure others are alright like when she broke things off with Paulo, and helping Abbey.
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Would breed. Maybe even wife. Jasmine truly is best girl.

Paulo was a fool to let Rachel abduct and rape him when he could still get on his knees and back Jasmine to take him back.
That and Paulo being a Lucy and partial Daisy simp
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Nah, she wouldn't take him, Jasmine knew when to leave and why, while Rachel is still in denial hoping to climb higher in Paulo's crushes list than Lucy and the rest (as by now even Mike is higher than her on his list)
Jabbey is based. I can definitely see Jasmine developing a crush on at this moment, while Abbey develops one on her later when she comforts him after leaves his old lunch table.
Also Jesus Christ the top of Jasmine's head barely reaches Abbey's chest, he'd have to pick her up if they were to ever do anything.
Jasmine bawled real hard when she found out there was another. She uses insults against Paulo to dull the pain of his rejection. Her first and only boyfriend left her for a quickie in a dressing room before her competition left for nine months, and before she could reach out to him he had already banged Rachel multiple times.

>he'd have to pick her up if they were to ever do anything.
He can pick her up and throw her onto/bend her over any object of his chosing. Seems like a great match to me.
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She may have bitched about him after their study date but she was still shocked and hurt to find Paulo with another.
>He can pick her up and throw her onto/bend her over any object of his chosing. Seems like a great match to me.
After marriage of course. Premarital sex is a sin, and Abbey is not willing to go that far with a girl unless he's completely committed to her. Of course though they'll absolutely reduce the bridal bed to splinters as they let out years of stockpiled tension and yearning. Then have like 3+ kids or something in a very traditional household.
Not if there's a baby on the way! And can the traditional Jasmine really resist Abbey's manly "protect the maidens at all cost" vibes?
Is it worth reading.
Yes. Recommend reading the old book versions that haven't been heavily redacted, which you can download from here: https://bcb.cat/archive.html#obsoletevolumes
The Jabbey kitten might look wonky as fuck but I love him all the same. Given his parents too he'd likely be the most well adjusted kid in the series.
It’s fun to speculate on how the potential kittens could turn out.
>Mucy kitten: Fucked, unable to socialize properly due to her parents constantly arguing
>Paisy kitten: Could turn out okay, see him being very cynical however
>Maisy kitten: Semi-Canonically retarded
>Pucy kitten: Juvenile delinquent
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Their first kid looks ugly yet loveable. Looks like they'll need a few more attempts to get the ugly out.
I like to think that the Maisy kitten makes up for her lack of book smarts by being incredibly empathetic and having a great ability to read people and figure out how their feeling. The exact opposite of her parents, who are rather closed off from others. She's also likely a bit of a tomboy.
Maisy kitten is best airhead girl and her smile should be protected at all cost
That’s actually how Down Syndrome works, decreased cognitive ability in exchange for heightened empathy. I like your headcanon.

Also Pucy kitten is not beating the sociopath allegations
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Well I have something even more based!
Behold! Pregnant Daisy!
Why do they still look like teenagers? Did Double Down end with Mike knocking up Daisy in this timeline?
This is what Lucy and Paulo deeply afraid of
Keep running trains on her until she stops having abortions!

Her too why not
It's just an edit. But that does sound like a fun idea.
You did a good job anon!
Some ideas:
>Daisy initially decides to abort
>changes her mind when she realizes this her chance to score the Korat
>Mike folds and breaks up with Sandy, gets job to support Kitten.
Thanks but I didn't do this, some other guy did. I was just keeping the image in reserve for shit posting.

But I do like your idea. Best thing about the situation though is how everyone would be reacting to Mike caring for a Daisy that's getting larger and larger. Lucy's absolutely seething that she's in third place for Mike and isn't the one carrying his child. While Paulo and Abbey become extremely uncomfortable over the entire situation.
reminds me of the BCI inwhich Augustus impregnated her and she got an abortion... back when Tae liked edgy stuff
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Speaking of Augustus he would be furious, first Mike “sets Lucy back to square one”(whatever the fuck that means) but now he knocked up his crush! Augustus might hand Mike over to Alejandro!
>calls Alejandro
>give Mike's dox
>says Lucy is also there
>have a normal day
>keep Lucy away from the neighborhood, take her to the arcade or something
>sees police tape all over Mike's house
>refuses to elaborate
>leaves for college
He would have to find a way to get Daisy and others away from there too, or else it will backfire for him
>Murders Mike
>Wait for Daisy to abort the bastard
>Have a struggle cuddle with Daisy as revenge for Augustus abandoning them
>Out her abortion to her friends just for good measure to put her to shame
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If Mike dies in this scenario there's no way in hell Daisy would ever abort his child. It'd be the last remnant of him left and she'd devote all her love and attention to it.
Fine then, he doesn't murder Mike until she sucks it out.
Or maybe he visits green eyes' ex Sandy and see if it makes Mike break up with Daisy, she'd probably be a better lay anyway
thanks for spoonfeeding anon
Enjoy the comic and hope to see you join in for the drama. Wee haven't had a reading anon in these threads for a while, maybe you should report back your commentary as you make your way through.
What are the odds Lucy finds out and gets pisssed?
That too
I agree, also that image reminds me of this one discord discussion that discussed what would happen if Mike before Sandy’s return.
>Alejandro raping Sandy and Daisy
That would make Mike insanely angry
>That would make Mike insanely angry
What's he gonna do, kick a pillow and throw his blanket on the floor?
Yeah, judging off his gay ass reaction to Sandy cucking him he'd just go cry under a tree or something before forgiving Alejandro inexplicably the next morning
Remember when Mike had a spine?
Yeah, for the first two years of the comic's 18 year lifespan and then never again.
Honestly it’s only been since the Eternal Fuckfest he lacked a spine
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I wish it was an Eternal Fuckfest. That at least would've been interesting.
I see this a lot but would have been the logical consequences of this happening?
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Are we reading the same comic?
>Paulo chokes Mike and tells him he should leave their friend group to make room for Lucy
>Mike curls up in a pathetic stammering lump and can't finish a sentence
>They all sit back at the table and pretend nothing happened
It'd probably play out exactly the same honestly. Unless Lucy gets impregnated, but then it becomes a game of Lucy trying to hide it and figure out what to do.
simple pleasures
greatest treasures as always.
I pray that whoever has my books these days is enjoying them. They were very nicely done.
>pray that whoever has my books these days is enjoying them. They were very nicely done.
Why the fuck did you get rid of them in the first place?
i really am way out of the loop aren't i
Well inconsistent spine but it didn’t totally evaporate until EF
don't do drugs kids. if you choose to do so, make sure its responsibly.
'bout the only thing positive I've done for this fandom is pay them to live in new york it seems
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broken Mike was fun
Mike would get a W
I was referring more to what came after
This iteration of the comic is a decade and a half old. The characters were created by the author in elementary school in doodles and eventually found themselves to be in this story. BCB maybe even older than (you).

Daisy is a fatty.
she's just fluffy
>why is Jess so low on the list?
Because she's cruel, capricious, manipulative, and a liar. Madison is merely abrasive and rude, and even Lucy at least has the excuse that she's insane. Jess isn't insane, she's just awful. And Katie sucks, but is a non-character, so eh.

I already like Sue, you didn't need to list out a bunch of reasons why she's based.

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