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Also in this thread:
>Vengeance of the Moon Knight #6
>Midnight Sons: Blood Hunt #2
>Union Jack the Ripper: Blood Hunt #2
Bump if you're reading.
Since when does Tigra have cat ears
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Quick, everyone, pretend to be surprised. It's not like we all guessed it months ago or like tie-in issues already spoiled it in advance or anything.
Never thought I'd see the day when the Wrecker actually does something useful instead of just job along with his Jobbing Crew.
This is pretty great, I love dumb bullshit
Rules lawyering like this
In related news, Jed MacKay is relaunching the title again as Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu, with Marc back as the protagonist.
If Carol gets TENTACLED by Varnae I'll suck Mackay and Larraz off
>Half of the final issue is just gonna be zombified Egyptians hunting Vampires through the streets
Does anybody feel like tie-ins are a mess?
Look at Moon Knight. In this issue we see the aftermath of what I assume will happen in the next month issue of Vengeance of the Moon Knight. It feels very disjointed.
So are going to get a Doctor Doom: Sorcerer Supreme book?
Would be funny if it ends with him realizing that the position requires more responsibility and attention than he's willing to give, so he gives up on it.
I was looking at the tie in list and this issue of mk is before today's issue of blood hunt
its always like this though
The event itself is very obviously made to push Blade and his Daughter for the movie and the tie-ins are being written by literally who's that can't agree on what is happening in the event or how Vampirism works.
Since Pepe Larraz started watching too much Anime.
So this is who soldier recruited in the bar with no name. And the clues were there too
>Seemed to be wearing some sort of hood or mask
>convinced to stick it up to "them" (The asgardians, who had previously kicked his ass and are also holding Khonshu)
Since when is Thor litterally immortal and not just "long livespan" immortal?
Did Hela curse him again?
The entire event is extremely poorly paced and very bloated.

It boggles me that things happen rapid-fire in Blood Hunt 1 and then we have had 3 issues where almost nothing happens. One issue was the Avengers giving a speech for fuck's sake. meanwhile essential plot beats happen in tie-ins like Dr Strange, Moon Knight and others and are then recapped in the core title without new material. It's an atrocious read imo.
I wish his suit was all white...
He's not immortal, but he's very durable and hard to kill. And Blade/Varnae was keeping him alive so that he and his Blood Coven could feed on his blood.
They never killed him. They just disabled him very painfully so they could keep him prisoner, they explicitly said they wanted him alive even in the second issue. So this isn't a gaffe.
yeah pacing is atrocious, as always with these events
remember when New Attilan was in new york for a few years during the inhuman push, but then just disapeared when it ended?
Yeah I feel like the reveal of the Wrecker as the misions secret assistant should have happened in the Moon Knight book, as it was set up there months before the Blood Hunt. Im guessing we will learn new information in next month's Moon Knight issue that wasnt evident in this one.
Remember that New York already has a literally open hole to hell in it because of dark web?
Remember that Las Vegas has a Casino that is also a portal to Hell and used to imprison Mephisto?
Doom becoming SS was teased back in Timeless so either he's getting a book or he's the focus of the next arc in Avengers
There should've been a Blood Hunters story that was just a bunch of Limbo Demons coming out of the Embassy and slapping around vampires while still trying to do regular new york tourist shit.
also here

Next Avengers arc is Storm joining and then Hyperion showing up. I’m guessing if the Doom stuff goes forward it’ll be in something with Strange and Clea
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>3 issues of literally nothing happening
>all story beats and build up happen in tie ins
>whole story is about Varnae and Atlantis but Namor is literally nowhere to be seen
>the day will be saved pretty much singlehandedly by Doom, meaning the whole thing could've been solved in minutes by Strange immediately going to Latveria
What a sorry excuse of an "event". Not even Larraz's art saves it, since he's not being given anything really cool to draw.
>ghost dog
>wearing Cloak of Levitation as a bathrobe, meaning she's probably naked under it
You just know
Really you could skip everything but issue 1 and 4
>Blades gets possesed byy Varnae
>world is invaded by the darkforce and vampire
>he uses Thor to do a super ritual to make himself god
>meanwhile some side characters save Khonshu and Strange go see Doom
>presumably those two will save the day
According to several major retailers Blood Hunt and Absolute Power have both sold poorly. Many stores have ordered a lot of copies but they're not moving. Same with Fall/Rise of the House of X.

It seems event fatigue is finally kicking in.
I'm just glad they didn't pull a Monarch and change it at the last second
Should've had Carol headlining instead of... Blade-but-actually-deep-cut-fish-vampire??
So... Knull?
Varnae is only a deep cut to tourists and MCu fans, neither of which should dictate the comics.
>I am the hole in things. I bring hell on earth and to the world debasement
nigga, Varnae is a classic character, please stop mixing that shadow-sonic oc here
Source on Hunt selling poorly? I haven't heard about it doing Gangbusters but the combined sales of the regular and 18+ versions seem to be above the average.
>literally Nihilus: Vampire Edition
Why can't Varnae get a cooler redesign? He went from disgusting fish-ape to a giant bat inside Blade.
>This entire dogshit event was just an excuse to rez Mark and give him a badass ENTER
Nugget of gold in this shit sea
It's going to be pretty awkward once this event is over and books have to go on like normal and pretend that millions of people weren't brutally murdered by vampires worldwide. This event seems to have a way higher body count than previous ones.
It seems to be in the top 25, though I think the tie ins have sold like shit
Mummies vs Vampires
>18+ versions
>Can't show nudity or swear
Shit ain't 18+. In a better world we'd all be making fun of this Red Band shit until they gave up in shame instead of trying it again with the Wolverine and AliensXMarvel books
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Seems to be doing fine by an archive check
Last I knew, Danny was the spirit of corruption and Johnny was in a horror arc

what happened?
it's obviously another case of "min-event\small crossover gets promoted to giant-ass line-wide summer event"
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>This event seems to have a way higher body count than previous ones.
Not really it's on par with some of the so called "fun" events, people (rightfully) forget how bad some of the old events got for civilians
>King in Black
>War of Realms
>Fear Itself
War of Realms and Fear Itself were especially bad. Hell all of Paris got turned to stone by the Grey Gargoyle in Fear
Danny got Weapon Xed then saved by Johnny reverting him to "normal". The Spirit broke up with Johnny due to Mephesto fuckery and it ran off to bond to The Hood of all people but not before bonding with a few randoms including Danger of the X-men forcing them to murder a fuck ton of (mostly) innocent people. The Spirit of Vengeance should have bonded to Frank so we can get the Punisher but divorced from urban vigilante gun violence AND get a version of Frankrider that isn't just Deadpool but shittier
We know exactly how Blood Hunt happened since Mackay said it outright. Tom Breevort thought they needed a vampire event to tie together all the disparate vampire plots that have been running for the last 5-6 yeas and an excuse for the "mature" direction edition gimmick. And he asked Mackay to write it for him.
I’d like to see how it’s doing monthly, weekly sales are good but it’s a small sample size and it’s placement depends on if an amazing issue or Batman issue is that week as well
Zoophilia is the other female wizard with a white hair, Clea is Stephensexual.
But Frank is currently MIA in otherworld and they kind of have to BS some ways on how the spirit ended up in otherworld.
she's a faltine, so that's still zoophilia technically
I thought she was Benjamin Franklinsexual?
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Just like the old Times
Old man frank is also in space working as whatever is working now but still being a spirit of vengeance, Also his arc to save a certain someone from a space demon is still unfinished.
Also the black girl who he hanged with is now the Cosmic Ghost Rider
>they kind of have to BS some ways on how the spirit ended up in otherworld.
I thought he was in Weirdworld
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Damn Black Panther didn't get dumped I guess it really is the weakest link in the Ultimates chain
They got turned to stone, but those that weren't smashed to pieces went back to normal later, since the Grey Gargoyle's powers don't have permanent effects.
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He's so fucking old that he's fought Kull, Agamotto, Conan, and deity-era Thor.
Didn't Tony have to pray to Odin to have all of Paris restored?
That's just one of many atrocities during Fear Itself, really they just need to dial back the collateral damage of events especially if they're gonna keep having the heroes fail at actually saving people
>it's another event where it's gonna be revealed it all was orchestrated by Doom
>>Union Jack the Ripper: Blood Hunt #2
where is this or was it delayed
More DEI writers than ever, of course this was going to sell poorly
>Jim Varnae
>Ernest Becomes a Vampire
Please, Marvel.
When was the lat time that happened, 2010 ?
I don't think we can complain about it if it's been 14 years.
I think this is the first time these kids have done anything outside their own book.
Well fucking played. It's easy to forget that the Wrecking Crew uses asgardian magic.
I'm ready for a good smackdown.
What happened to Chthon again, he was absorbed by Wanda?
Christ just say what you fucking mean instead of relying on buzzwords like a coward
I mean in this case the guy isn't really wrong, most of the minis are being written by literally who's or outright bad writers. Like the guy doing the Midnight Sons last wrote the Fallen Angels book that was so shit it got canned in 6 issues when Marvel was doing minimum 12 for all ongoings.
I'm just saying we're on fucking 4chan faggots have to stop hiding behind Twitter buzzwords they learned a few months ago and just say the shit they want to say
>It seems dogshit event fatigue is finally kicking in.
While the art its not bad Im kinda burnt out of Larraz, after a long fucking x men run I need a change happens the same with Dan Fucking Mora Im sick of his fucking art
Tigra ears are very distracting in this page in like the only page Larraz has drawn with them like this
that was rather quick like really quick
it's was delayed by a couple weeks for whatever reason
he is stuck in wierdworld

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