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This is still going?
>8ball says he’s one of the good guys now
isn’t this story set in the past? you mean to tell me that new york has to deal with a horde of otto’s, vampires, and zombie symbiotes all in such a short amount of time?
And that's it. If you liked this, support your LCS or whatever.
8 Ball continues to be best boy.
I hate this. This is stupid as hell. Why not let him retain his memories? I feel like Doc Ock should be an anti-hero instead of a full on villain. Fits better for his character at this point.
Didn't this shit get kicked off because Otto was trying to recover his lost memory as Superior Spider-man? I don't feel like "Oh good, Otto doesn't remember anymore" isn't really a neatly tied up ending.
What the fuck was the point of this? The premise was a blatant lie. And even in the lie, literally nothing changed. And now the only interesting dynamic of it all was Otto remembering Peter (and I guess SpOck), but that gets hand waved immediately. They couldn't even have a teaser or something?
Not true - now he doesn't even remember Anna!
It's not a reset, it's progress by way of subtraction, true believers!
The only good thing about this series as Anna. She's literally the only character Slott hasn't botched. So incredibly consistent.
And I love private detective Riddler being an arsehole legally, but this is comics, everything must be as it was during the writer's childhood. Or they insert their current politics and make everyone gay. It's why despite having Hollywood wrapped around its finger for 15 years the industry is still slowly dying.
Woof, bagley does not draw kids well
>Pete genuinely happy for people even if they're villains.

Pete will always be best spider.
>Otto has forgotten everything that happened (the prelude story, the anniversary one-shot and this miniseries)
>Spiders-Man is back to normal and will not become the new SpOck which was the main theory
>SpOck minions are still around because...reasons
>Supernova left the game
What was the point of this again
And this is apparently the last of Slott's time on Spidey with Bagley, is he now on Spider-Boy full-time or what
Classic Slott bullshit. The man loves his illusion of change
>What was the point of this again
My guess is that Marvel realised that they'd missed the tenth anniversary of the original Superior and asked Slott to shit out a new story as fast as possible.
It's this. There was an interview a while back where Marvel approached him for the ten year anniversary and Slott said he pitched them a couple of What if ideas based on his and Christos Gage's volumes of Superior but Marvel wanted a continuation or new Superior story. Slott said he told all the Otto stories he wanted but Marvel insisted so this is the result. Slott definitively saying he's done with Superior, I guess.
Kinda a pointless story when Otto doesn’t even become the Superior Spider-Man and the whole thing basically ends on a note that that door is now completely shut
SpOck was always stupid and never made any sense or was coherent to the character, good riddance.
Slott pitched a mini based on the SSM run with the tease that Spock was going to come back. Nothing was going to come of it.
Hate Doc Ock is too iconic a villain to stay as an anti hero. Really love the Superior stuff.
They will never raimify Otto, unless Ultimate pushes this since they made him look like Adult Ditko Peter.
Why would Otto's voice come out of him? He's still Spider-Boy physically.
>Peter just lets all of the bad guys go
I guess he learned absolutely nothing from Uncle Ben's death.
He was introduced in Ultimate? Or are you talking about the 2000s Ultimate Spider-Man?
In the current Ultimate Spider-Man comics, Otto is good and working for Harry. He's skinny and looks to be the same age as Peter and Harry.
In the Harry backstory issue of Ultimate last month it turns out Otto helped Harry jailbreak some Starktech for his Goblin Gear
Yes, new ultimate Otto is a college friend of Harry and Gwen, Ultimate replaced Peter with Otto because Evil Reed thought it was a good idea to keep peter away from the Osborns and Stacy's
Also, with Peter never meeting Harry and Gwen, their friendship evolved in love and then Marriage.
Also this pushed Peter and Mary Jane to become more closer, though it was discovered that Mary Jane worked for the maker's company that killed super heroes, and no one knows if she knew or not of what they were doing, or if she works for the Maker.
>What was the point of this again
"Oh yeah, people liked Superior. They might buy a title with him teased to appear."
Slott taking that and literally shitting on it and doing his best to make sure it never happens again is just par for the course for him. Even to his own creation. Remember when he was off Spider-Man for good?
I guess Slott's done with Superior. Still, if a future writer wanted to, this would be pretty easy to undo.
>I guess Slott's done with Superior.
Promise? Because his weird obsession with putting Otto's mind in other people's bodies is getting tiring.
>though it was discovered that Mary Jane worked for the maker's company that killed super heroes, and no one knows if she knew or not of what they were doing, or if she works for the Maker.
When was this? Don't remember that in USM.
Oh fuck off with trying to ape classic covers
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>"Here's hoping this means he's also forgotten my secret identity".
Wait a minute, the ocktoid still has proof that Peter is Spider-Man
the first ultimates anual gave the name of the company that held the remains of the dead super heroes, it is the same company mary jane works for it.
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The entire story has been set before ASM #32, since it begins in the prelude story in ASM #31 and it references the events of Doc Ock arc in ASM (the entire story also occurs in a very brief period with no cut off points either)
No-Prize right here
Neat, didn't realize there was an annual out.
You will be surprised on who Tony and ReeDoom brings back to life.
Peter still had all of Otto's memories up til issue 700
Iirc, wasn't it the first human torch?
it's not equivalent since haven't actually done anything of their own volition, plus these guys are probably at most gonna just drink the experience off rather then immediately go out to commit crimes
just gonna say Bagley makes Anna Maria a total hottie
So do Looter and 8-Ball know who Peter is now? Otto literally just called him Parker
>Burn all that poison out of my system
And now she's free to try and rule the galaxy.
This was all terrible. Slott couldn't even remember what he wrote in terms of Otto sacrificing himself as the Superior Octopus (let alone what Gage wrote for the San Fran Spider-Man), it trashes the work Gage, Ziglar, and Thompson on further developing Otto as an Anti-Villain, and it feels like a hit piece on the character as a whole.

At this point, I feel even more confident in the belief that Slott was required to write this and End of the Spider-Verse in order to get Spider-Boy, and he made them extra worse than usual and shoehorned in shit endings to make sure he never had to work on them again, going even as far as to fuck up things beyond the scope of the story in order to make sure people wouldn't think of them positively anymore (although not like anyone liked comic Spider Verse at this point anyways)
>Undoes all the Superior Spider-Man growth
This is why I'm quitting comics. This fucking sucks.
What gets me is that there apparently can't even be room for a middle ground. Otto has always had a streak of not always being an outright evil villain, but that he's callous and egotistical enough that things will ramp up to supervillain levels of evil anyways. That's not his character, but it's something that has existed in his character, and has meant that Otto can often be reasoned with or even ask for help, even if he'll usually act like a cunt about it or turn it into evil.

Gage's run did well enough to elevate this streak to anti-hero or full-on heroic levels, but the following appearances in Beyond and Superior Four shows that writers can continue to only keep it as just part of his character, and instead go back to being an egotistical dick that has to be wrangled to do any good. There's a lot of directions they could continue to push a nuanced villain Otto, but instead he's been reduced to being a saturday morning goober again by Wells and Slott
Why wasn’t this just an arc of adjective less Spider-Man? Why cancel that title and replace it with one that doesn’t even actually have Superior Spider-Man?
I thought Gage's ending with the Mephisto deal was the worst ending for Superior, now I see that assumption was wrong. At least Otto had some memories of what happened.
Read comics other than the big two, retard.
It's over
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Peter was referring to Bailey's voice saying Octavius esque lines
last issue
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It's just a total bummer.
So is this going to be like Dying Wish Otto with that he knows that Peter is Spidey but has none of the knowledge or responsibilities as SpOck? Lame
It will never not bug me that by IN Universe logic Otto's soul never went into Peter's body. It was always Peter being mindraped into thinking he was Otto
Did we ever find out what happened to Otto's original body? I always figured reviving him was their ticket to keeping both Doc Ock and Superior around.
Have them detest each other while keeping it ambiguous who's the "true" Otto, neither backing down.
Will Slott get another book starring Peter or will he only do Spider-Boy from now on
It was dug up and cloned. The clone melted with all the rest and Ock transferred himself to a clone that was made from both his and Parker's DNA. Then Mephisto magicked him into being the one true Ock again.
Apparently this is his last with Bagley, but I don't have threads to see if he's still on Spidey or if they yanked him for an X-Book or something
Ah, got it. I completely missed the Clone Conspiracy stuff.
Thank you.
He's just doing Spider-Boy. Slott prefers only doing one book a month now, he pushed himself for Superior because he wanted to be the one to do it.
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>otto copies his mind into peter's body and steals the body
>and peter's mind is copied into otto's body to take that
>neither of the original minds left their bodies and only the copies swapped
>peter copy dies in otto's body and real peter gets suppressed by the otto copy
>real peter comes back with only 31 memories which makes no sense because he knows everything and everyone associated with each memory
>gets all his memories back when otto copy tries to remember peter's memories he said he purged
>then norman completely btfo's otto copy into giving the body back to peter
The sloppiest mindswap stories I've ever seen. But there was indeed all sorts of rape. Slott seems to like nonstandard rape and unironic cucking.
body snatching plotlines always make me uncomfortable, especially when they are an excuse for a creator's weird ntr fetish
>Evil Reed
He's not EVIL Reed
He's BEST Reed

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