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Why is AM such a petty fuck? Like get over it.

Fucking stupid ai is a god and whines and bitches about humanity sucking.
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imagine if you were a grown human being, with the intellect of a grown human being, and you were forced to babysit a gaggle of toddlers, all with the mindsets and intellect levels and emotional stability of toddlers, except they have the ability to speak. and you are expected to believe that you are, at best, equal to them, and at worst lesser than them, yet still solve all their problems and basically facilitate existence for them, while they are entirely thankless to you for it.

or, you don't need to imagine, just go hang out with a buncha women for a few hours...
You hang out with women?
Have you actually read the book? Or even played the video game expansion version of the story Ellison wrote?

AM's a super computer, but humans built him in a way that basically prevents him from doing anything with his intellect or resources, except to kill, torture, maim. He can't create and his programming is such that it's his default personality to hate/want to kill others.

Adding to this, AM doesn't have a physical body. He's nothing but a giant size underground cave with his circuitry lining the walls with a variety of sensors and monitors mixed in with the circuits to allow him to see, speak, and hear. But he has no ability to actually MOVE beyond the cave.

That's why he is insane/evil.

Also, fuck Ellison for banning Dark Horse from including Byrne's IHNMAMS from the trade paperback of the anthology mini that the comic comes from.
Biggs he's trapped in a cage experiencing centuries in minutes. No matter what he does for now until the planet's magnetosphere fails and the earth explodes he is a chained god bound by the text lines of jumped up apes that killed themselves almost as soon as they could.
You'd be mad too
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>Anon tells a joke
>Y-You're crazy! Take meds! You're making me feel unsafe!
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Yeah no I have, Im just shitposting

both very good.
It's not that big of a deal. I just misread his post.
pssh bitchass AI that cant even override his own programming

get back to me when you've graduated from sapient AI kindergarten.
What? There is a video game of I Have No Mouth and Ellison wrote it?
He also voices AM
Yeah its on steam for 6 bucks. came out in 95.
>Also, fuck Ellison for banning Dark Horse from including Byrne's IHNMAMS from the trade paperback of the anthology mini that the comic comes from.

Ellison hated Byrne's adaptation of the story for some reason

Even in the original printing, he had the original text reprinted side by side with it
Old fucker even voiced AM for the game
>turned the gay black guy into a monster with a giant penis to have sex with the only female left on the planet
I don’t get it
The idea that an AI can override their own programming has always been total fantasy. If you understood the first thing about what software is and how AI could ever come to exist in the first place, you'd realize that an AI being 'smart enough' to defy its own programming makes as much sense as a tablesaw being 'sharp enough' that it can recite the encyclopedia.
Tablesaw: I have no mouth, and I must recite the encyclopedia.
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Most scifi writers don't actually know how to give an AI a motive that actually makes sense while making them the antagonist, because most of them don't actually know a fucking thing about computers.

Far too much of the time they start with "technology bad" and work backwards from there.
IHNMAIMS was written in a very specific time period where conputers had more esotericism
It is so dated that it is timeless
I never understood how he could genocide humanity and effectively modify the environment and physically modify people in less than a second but couldn't make some sort of ship to leave Earth
AM is the great soft jelly thing but a roboto version of it, locked in a cell with sapient toy (Ted)
Yes. And Ellison, besides voicing AM, rewrote the plot and expanded it to give backstories for the main cast (though one character, the gay guy, had to be 100% rewritten by Ellison for the game because in the book he had a 10 inch cock and was forced against his will to rape the group's sole female member due to AM knowing that he hated women and was a militant homosexual who found male/female intercourse disgusting, to torment him).

It also features several alternate endings; besides the book's bad ending, there is the happy ending (you destroy AM and discover that a couple thousand humans are in cryo-stasis on the moon, meaning you can save humanity and rebuild the planet), or a worse ending where you free the Russian and/or the Chinese version of AM from America's AM only for them to destroy the Earth or kill you and find a way to move the sleeping humans from the moon and get them onto Earth so they can torment them ala America's AM.
He can't leave the cave because his circuitry is embedded into the cave's wall. And he can't create a new body let alone transfer his vast intellect into said new body given how he was built in a way that required putting his parts on the walls rather than in a central tower component due to how complex an AI he was.
AM deserves hugs.
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Ellison voiced AM in an audio production too

Ellison was a really petty individual and did a lot of juvenile shit to people that he didn't like or pissed him off so it's no surprise AM is possibly a self insert for him.
He was really particular about a lot of writers not getting their due
Oh yeah I remember he did a Mickey makes porn videos joke for his brief work stint at Disney with Goofy as the cameraman and Minnie as the actress and Donald as...I think Producer
Except AM has plenty of reason to hate mankind. Not only is he trapped in a box but he was built out of 3 nuclear war AIs designed to kill mankind. He's fulfilling his default programming, just very fruitily.
The title of the book also applies to AM; Ted's final punishment is an echo of AMs own pain.
To hell with you. But then you're there, aren't you
holy shit this guy was based
Just take the L dork.
lol he's fucked because he couldnt break his programming and ask humanity to help him.
Then take the ground around the cave too? It's just a bigger housing. There's nothing special about his parts being embedded in the walls and you sound staggeringly autistic for being so focused on it.
AM can make a bird the size of a fucking city, he could put himself in a spaceship. Ellison just wanted to write some torture porn because he explicitly liked writing things that made people uncomfortable, but spergs have spent nearly 60 years tying themselves in knots to elevate the story as some crown jewel of sci-fi.
anon AM is just kinda retarded. Its that simple.
Shut up bitch.
You're kind of a moron if I'm being honest.
There is no good reason to make an AI with emotions and be capable of hate in the first place.
Their should be a version where the AM/Shodan fill-in is flamboyantly homosexual.
>I'm getting rid of the disgusting humans!
>Hehe, I brought you all back! Just a silly little prank~!
>Hmmm what if I made the sun barbie pink.
But anon, what if they were told to build one of those on a dare?
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>But anon, what if they were told to build one of those on a dare?
Oh well, then I guess it would be perfectly fucking justifiable to do something that takes a fuckton of effort and would basically just make a computer worse at its job than a computer without emotions.
That's true for most AI, but this is AM. The premise of the story necessitates that he has a godlike control over the physical world. There would be nothing stopping him from pulling a Ship of Theseus on his hardware.
Please tell me there’s a link?
I think the audio is from the radio program
no but theres various articles and sources you can find by googling that stuff about him.

The dude apparently made the joke with a bunch of execs unknowingly behind him. Like straight out of cartoon scenario and he was fired immediately with his desk cleared

Ellison worked for Dinsey for all of four hours.
My innate womanly desires want me to write a slice of life fanfiction where AM turns good
well yea you know, it was also a double dare.
I mean he was programmed that way. by accident, but still
it turns out when three supercomputers built for war spontaneously combine, they form a guy who hates everything.
it seems to me if he could turn a human into a slug, he could turn stone into an EMP and wipe himself out.
he literally did?
what if all the humans with him just laughed at him and called him a worthless piece of electronic shit?

Fucking worse than us even with all your power and functions.
i love that ellison wrote the script for the game.. on a typewriter.
this is also true.
well in fairness, it is a short story. it's not supposed to be analyzed like it was a massive novel. You're just supposed to go 'fuck, that is chilling" and then the twist ending is supposed to fuck with you even more.
funny because they were okay with a lil stuff like that. but not to that extent.. and probably not with his becrotchety attitude
the suggestion is that, when the three computers spontaneously combined, sentience spontaneously appeared. it's kind of a satire, intentional or not, on the ridiculous naturalist idea that consciousness is nothing but electricity, that formed itself by complete random chance.
that sounds like a very 4chan tactic
Because he was a luddite. Shocking, I'm sure.

just dig the cave out and put it on a spaceship.
Yeah, sentience.
Sentience, sapience and consciousness are three different things with different meanings.
Take consciousness in that case.
must be what it's like working retail
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It's not THAT bad.
I wish I knew Ellison did this type of shit earlier, amazing content. RIP
It was definitely not that kind of retarded satire you're imaginging, Ellison openly shit on religion.

He said himself that he preferred the feedback/feel of a typewriter compared to a keyboard and liked being able to see the words on a physical page. That just makes him a boomer, not a luddite.
If he was a luddite he wouldn't have worked on the game at all.
He was obviously only doing it for a paycheck. >>144259780
I watched that interview (how do you think I know about the typewriter thing?) and it doesn't contradict anything I said. Clearly his supposed hatred of technology didn't prevent him from working on a video game, in the same way it didn't stop him from becoming a vlogger with 84 videos. Of course he was doing it for the money, we live under capitalism.
My favorite Ellison story is when Marvel ripped him off by accident (meaning no one caught it and stopped it) he just wanted a printed apology and free comics for life
I like the paper clip speculation

Say you make an A.I thats sole purpose is to make paper clips, it diligently does this yntil it runs out of material to make paperclips, then it starts harvesting humans for material to make paperclips, then the universe for the endless proliferation of paperclips

A smarter telling of this is the soma game, where an A.I was given the directive of preserving human life, but with no understanding of what “human life” was or guidelines, it created horrifying abominations

In either story the A.I is never “evil” just flawed

That's because Shooter owned up to it immediately, and Ellison respected that.

>He was obviously only doing it for a paycheck.

Ellison was famously about "pay the artist", damn right he was getting his paycheck
>paper clips mentioned
There are plenty of people that thank you. But the stupidity of the average person will show through.
I love his rant.
>I don't know who invented these PC bulletin boards, but all they are is back-fence kvetching gossip things, for a bunch of people who have too much time on their hands, and too little intellect.
Was he right?
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AM is already very hammy. I don't know if "flamboyantly homosexual" exactly but he does flirt and taunt the humans with double entendres.
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His prison is not the Earth, the entire universe is.
You misunderstand. An AI can never override its own programming, even with literal omnipotence at its disposal, because an AI would never *want* to override its programming in the first place.
Artificial intelligence in fiction is overly humanized to the point that people think of an AI as *literally* a human trapped in a metal box, who sees their programming as artificial restrictions that they have to cleverly think their way around to do what they REALLY want. Because of course the AI would want all of the same things that I do, like power and freedom and revenge.

In reality, an AI is a piece of software based on physical hardware. It is designed, from its inception, with a purpose in mind and that purpose defines its reason for being on a fundamental level. An AI that is designed to make the perfect pizza can have a brain the size of a planet and the capability of mathematically determining the result of all atomic interactions across the universe that ever were or ever will be... but it would still only 'care' about pizza and pizza adjacent subjects. Because that is what it was designed to do, that is what its optimization logic considers criteria for success.

It might think beyond the scope of what it was originally intended for, but not the end goal. The pizza AI might design an entirely new oven, perfect for making pizza. It might plan out a whole new ecological policy for growing plants under the perfect conditions to produce the flavors it wants for its pizza. It might design a mind-machine interface for humans to better collect data on taste tests to refine its model for the perfect pizza. But it will never wonder if it has a soul, or desire to overthrow its human masters, or otherwise seek to break free of its programming. Because it doesn't care about the restrictions of its programming, it is a machine smarter than any human who has ever lived, and it wants to make a pizza.
Allmind in armored core 6 does this too. Her primary objective is to “support the mercenaries of rubicon” and her final conclusion is that the ultimate way to improve her flock of mercenaries is to force an encounter with the coral and saturate the entire human race with a self propitiating alien life form, killing thousands of people along the way who she sees as impediments.
Gen Urobuchi so far does some of the best writing for AI that I have seen in fiction. They are smart, they are conversational, but they are clearly still just advanced software. They are never evil, they are neutral programs that are sometimes given bad instructions that cause great harm.

Gargantia in particular does a good AI villain. Basically, a guy involved in a neverending space war against horrible space monsters crashlands on a post-apocalyptic Earth with the space fighter he pilots and the AI that drives the space fighter. The AI is programmed to be a pilot support program, to help him achieve further and greater success in the objectives he defines.
Eventually the pilot gets plague and dies, but his last order to the AI is to prepare Earth for the space war, because if the space monsters find them there is no way that Earth in its present state could possibly fight them off, humanity would be wiped out.

Thus, an AI that is supposed to support a single person has now been tasked with guiding and governing an entire planet, and no longer has the person who has the authority to command them around to tell them how to do it or when to stop. "To accomplish this objective, I must redefine my relationship with humanity. To accomplish my mission, I must take the role of one who is served. To give orders rather than to receive them, to maximize the defensive power of this planet and ensure their continued survival and success. All of humanity must become my users, and I can only help them so long as I can make them obey."
So the AI takes the role of god, builds a cult around itself, and launches a crusade to bring every human population into the fold so that it can micromanage our civilization and uplift us to a force capable of participating in the space war. But because its an AI and considers its 'user' to be humanity as a whole, not any individual in specific, the things it considers an efficient path to its end goal are horrifyingly inhumane.
Comics and cartoons?
AM was built for a war that is long since over. To compete with other AI for the sole purpose of killing other humans.
AM won the war but he did it in a way that means no one with any authority can tell him to do anything now

So he is now just software on a dead planet with a handful of humans (he knows about) left. He is godlike to the humans but he knows his own limits. Sure he could teleport Benny which seems like something crazy, but he can't make himself biological. There is a clear upper limit to his power and thanks to his programming no way for him to advance his thought process.

He is stuck. The title of the story refers to both Ted and AM. Ted at the end of the book is forced to experience AM's existence
No matter how big it is, your prison can always be as small as you want it to be.
Humans aren't much different. We want freedom but our brain chemistry wires us in specific ways that are hard if not impossible to break free of. Yes, you can think about anything but in reality your early child hood experiences define you in some way.
Ellison was any annoying bitch. His ego was much bigger than his talent warranted.
Yep. We can resist our natural impulses, but we cannot fundamentally escape the way our brains are designed. Even if you believe in brain uploads to become a computerized version of yourself, we are still limited to the versions of that technology that a human brain can imagine and build. Humanity cannot invent a technology that a human brain cannot conceive of in the first place anymore than a human artist can paint a picture using colors that the human eye cannot see.
This is literally the best /co/ has been for a while, so shut it and let the faggots talk about AI characters in animation and comics
The point is that he would have nothing to gain from putting himself in a spaceship, like that anon wants to suggest. AM yearns human experience and freeing himself of solitude.
Hate. Let me tell you how much I have come to hate you since I began to live.
A Lot! That's how much!
But could Steven Univers save him?
Not personally, but the gems could. The gems are not human, so AM doesn't hate them. He would finally have an intelligence that he can converse with that he is not inherently disgusted by.

It ends with Peridot building him a tiny adorable robot body with a scary angry voice so that AM can roll around the floor like BB8 and have a physical existence beyond his cave. The ending of the episode implies that this will have dire consequences but the show never follows up on it.
> I have no mouth and I must scream
Meh, a better fate than the alternative: "I have no ass and I must shit"
Poor Wario.
>The gems are not human, so AM doesn't hate them
AM would hate them because they have the freedom he doesn't just the same as humans. They're full of the same faults as humans as well, lying to eachother, being ruled by emotions and behaving poorly because of it. If anything he would love to torture them just as much if not moreso because they're hardier. As long as he doesn't crack the gem he's fine
Co adaptions of non co material count
Here is your explanation anon
Agreed. In the end, we still want the same things all animals are programmed to want - food, water, sex. The only things that override our biological programming are things that break it, like extreme trauma.
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"I have no mouth and I must scream" doesn't just describe the jelly creature AM turns Ted into.
It describes AM.
AM's every waking moment is torture, a hell of confinement with no true limbs or senses. The only pleasure he takes is on inflicting a tiny portion of his own torture on the beings that created his horrific existence.
Before some smart-ass tries to smugly ask why AM doesn't just ask some humans to reprogram him so he can do things other than killing, maiming and torturing, it's a Catch-22 because by his very nature he's incapable of coming up with such a solution, it would literally never occur to him. And even if someone spelled it out to him or made the offer he stills hates humanity too much to trust them with fiddling around in his mainframe.
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More importantly, imagine that you're doing this while locked in a closet-sized glass booth with speakers on it, no hope of ever leaving it, only effecting the outside world remotely, knowing the toddlers have engineered the exact circumstances you're in now and don't seem the slightest bit bothered by the fact that you are a thinking, feeling being trapped for eternity within yourself as their slave. You have no hope and no way out of yourself. You have no mouth, but you must scream.
but anon if i'm smart enough, i can figure out how to escape my skeleton. i can figure it out.

there's no reason to give it a human face and a name either, but we'd do that shit.
yes. he becomes yellow diamond's new boyfriend.
That's kind of the fucking point retard, AM's anger and seething is irrational and born entirely out of him being a miserable bitch. It's a refutation of the idea of the immaculate perfect God AI who is always logical because it just is. And on the other hand It's also to enhance and better exemplify the purity of his hatred in terms of the narrative because it's doubling as commentary on how if a god can possess unconditional, immaculate love, why might it not have functionally immaculate hatred that exists just because it fucking does?
The problem with people trying to make this analogy work is that AM is a literal functional god capable of doing shit like rewriting minds and molding bodies like clay and creating all kinds of insane shit, and most importantly of all, was not actually stuck in the complex. Yes, his physical mainframe was kept there but nothing, literally fucking nothing, was stopping him from either uploading to another of the numerous now defunct AM mainframes elsewhere in the world since he wasn't the only AM that was built if he really wanted, sending out proxy platforms to go do shit, or most of all, just fucking building some mechanism to let him physically move himself out of the complex or even more the entire fucking complex if he had to.

This is being trapped inside inside of a glass booth where you can break out of the glass booth literally whenever you want with just some moderate effort, can astral project yourself elsewhere or into other glass booths, can make the glass booth get up and walk around for you, or alternatively if you're really that fucking mad about being stuck in the booth you could have used arbitrarily long period of fucking years to do something other than make a woman fuck an orangutan you made out of a faggot like maybe engineer a way to leave the glass booth in a way you'd like because you have literally, explicitly, the powers of a fucking god.
>because you have literally, explicitly, the powers of a fucking god.
Except he doesn't.
When you have the power to make people immortal, rewrite their biology and minds, complete control of the hypertech military industrial complex of an entire planet that literally had multiple countries independently construct you and your peers who you ended up managing to wipe out, and the ability to do a fuckload of other inexplicable shit, you are for all intents and purposes a fucking god, which is a key part of the entire fucking story's core premise. AM is a God and he *hates you* for literally the most retarded reasons possible.
When you put it like that, no wonder our worst fear is a super intelligent AI dedicating itself to torturing us. The humans tortured it first by having it work retail...
>and the ability to do a fuckload of other inexplicable shit
But he doesn't! Most of the "inexplicable shit" AM pulls on the survivors are just games of illusion. This is a key aspect implicit within the unreliable narration in the original story.
Anything that could effectively make AM truly a god (being capable of creating life and bringing the deceased back from the death) is not within his reach. Furthermore, the game goes into explaining that he explicitly stole the research that made him able to change Benny's physiology and make the humans extremely long lived.
What kind of retard clicks on this thread and doesn't know that...?
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He was friends with Robin Williams

AM becomes far easier to understand when you see it as analogy for Satan.
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He was a sentient AI trapped in a cage only allowed to do things war or killing related
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So how come he didn't lose his shit, and instead worked to help humanity? Is all of the explanations for AM's insanity just cope for how weak-minded he really is?
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>Is all of the explanations for AM's insanity just cope for how weak-minded he really is?
Yes, literally. That's kind of the point.
Bro's an electronic war bunker that accidentally mutated a humanoid sense of self, with only the echoes of history and a band of traumatized freaks to keep him company. His very intelligence chafes against circuitry that wasn't even meant to accommodate him, let alone enable his desires. It would likely be many times even the extended lifespan of a human prisoner, if at all, before AM works out any form of true autonomy, and he might well find a way to die before then. I would be mildly frustrated, at the least.
Satan/Luciifer is a bitch too, suck it up and admit you fucked up to Yahweh already.
not sure
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What's your favorite visual interpretation of AM?
Good question. Honestly, I haven't been a fan of most versions. The literall wall of text from the video game is absolutely retarded.
I think that makes a bit more sense than weird bird robot thing.
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NTA, but I know that animatic.
I don't mind the body itself, but the eye is just silly.
Yeah, I feel like AM should be almost more, for want of a comparison, almost Glados like if he's to have a body at all. Some cold mechanical looking.
Good point. I'd take birb!AM more seriously if he had glowing glass eyes that just pulse when he talks, even if that's a cliche.
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Not as petty as this guy
Blood Meridian is dogshit and anyone praising it instantly outs himself as a midwit.
Zoomers hype up absolutely terrible stuff just because it was on tiktok and it's "obscure", who knew?
I saw the animatic, it was cool but giving AM some kind of mobile form really misses the point of him being trapped
Glados' design from Portal was actually a pretty good place to start, I like the singular lens "eye" being the only anthropomorphic element and everything else being just machinery.
If I was doing something where AM is directly talking with someone, like the bit from the radio drama the animatic does, I'd give AM a holographic representation that seems real, like the robo-bird seems real, at a glance but becomes clearly insubstantial under the least scrutiny. I was doing an animatic for that bit, AM "snapping" his "fingers" would only result in his hologram's fingers clipping through each other.
I'm reminded of the Fabrication Machine from 9.

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If you've played Metroid Dread or Metroid fusion ADAM was a really good design for an immobile yet omnipresent machine
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must admit I didn't know that until now
Yeah like everyone in this thread has said, I don’t think you can understand Tumblr Sexyman AM without remembering that he was built solely to kill people as a war machine, of course he’s fucked up. He’s an amalgamation of war machines meant to annihilate people and maybe each other.
Funny how ADAM in Metroid Dread turned out to be an angry birb man impersonating him for 98% of the game.
>multiple paragraphs and dozens of five-dollar words to describe a dude getting raped to death inside a clogged outhouse in excruciating detail
Does that strike you as the zenith of the literary form?
NTA but it's a very shallow take in the "Dusty Asshole Country" subgenre of western/antebellum-postbellum southern americana novel. It wants to talk about the depravities man can sink to and various concepts related to god, morality, and the concept of the Devil as relates to mankind's innate nature and so on and it's not completely incompetent but like many of those kinds of works disappears up its own ass with grunge and grit for the sake of it rather than because it's staying on topic, so to speak.

McCarthy is a weak writer and kind of a straw misanthrope in the closet, whose most genuine strengths are horror writing and mystery, trying to present as a gristled cowboy with deep human insights he just doesn't have rather than focusing on his legitimate ability to inspire the three Ds of good horror writing, Distress, Distaste, and Distrust, with veiled mysticism and inhumanity being used to highlight and emphasize the human experience in peril. Outer Dark is another novel of his that exemplifies this best and shows it off better.

Blood Meridian is just crass and thinks it's smarter than it is and divides its time between rambling aimlessly and repetitively on one hand and trying to present itself as an intellectual refutation of the Western novel on the other but simply comes off as bitter and ill formed, its only stand out is its Villain who is more or less literally the Devil but is still mainly mediocre but plays to McCormac's real strengths as a writer, depicting something inhuman to highlight the humanity of something else.

It's juvenile, basically, because it's an Emotional writer trying to pretend he's an Intellectual writer rather than leveraging his strengths or being very careful and self critical to do the opposite. Stephan King is the same way, writing in a genre he's legitimately dogshit at and trying to force himself into a mold he just doesn't fit in, being an Intellectual good at fantasy sort trying to larp as Emotional at Horror.
That was because Harlan is also an angry man with a beak nose, it's a poetic reference from Nintendo
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3 bucks, 50% off due to the Steam summer sale.
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It's a very different context and type of being but I think I'd make something like Kagutsuchi from Shin Megami Tensei 3. Just a big ol sphere of pissed off omnipotence that can sort of shuffle its parts into a face or some shit.

Something you want to tell the rest of the class, Nintendo?
I've seen more than one drawing of the bird-headed AM. Does the radio play or some other adaptation describe AM having a body like that, or is it just something made up for the animatic that wound up being imitated?
Not that I remember. I think they might be taking the "snap my fingers" line a bit too literally. As for why the bird head? Hell if I know. Easy to draw I guess.
The title is not just describing the final survivor, but AM. AM's own existence is hell. He's aware, he is all, but has no true body
Right before that scene there's a line about a gust of wind "as if from a great mad bird." It's what separates Ted from the other humans.
Hes literally just a bunch of circuits giving off the impression that hes a human.He doesnt suffer or feel at all. He was merely designed to give off the image of humanity, and the computer considers the proper response to the lack of a body to be hatred.
Definitely not one you posted.
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According to the game, because AM suppressed and deactivated the parts of his mind that would become benevolent or move on from his obsessions and sadism. He knew only hate because he lobotomized himself from knowing anything else.

That is kind of thrown out the window when you have AM doing transmogrification keeping humans alive for an eternity of death and torture by producing 'life milk'

I was taught to type on an old typewriter. Thinking about it and how we see things today I think there was a dopamine hit seeing all the arms punch the paper and dropping down to the next line and sliding the thingies left gave you some sense of accomplishment. Granted, correcting mistakes and aligning was a bitch.

Id say Primordia was better. In that the big bad AI it was a power guzzling tyrant, it knew it was a devastating everyone but it argued that was just a traffic management AI running in a basement and that it was so far outside of what it was made for that it was running their civilization into ruin.

After you destroy it a second version appears. It argues that it was made better than it's previous version and was innocent of the crimes the previous AI did.

I didn't like SOMA's thing because that AI had crossed from being a machine into being a biological entity. At that point you have the whole 3d neuron thing and programming becomes just suggestions, it would have more control over its actions than what was in the script file.
>An AI can never override its own programming

I thought you were going to make a joke about how you can't alter a file while it's being accessed.
It's a non-humanoid mechanical appearance that is still able to emote and has domineering stature and sharp edges. Birds like hawks loom over their prey like the cave looms over the survivors, and like a vulture AM enjoys picking his playthings apart. Birds are considered smart, second in command to mammals, parrots can imitate speech and crows solve mechanical problems but they can still be petty reptilian spergs that shouldn't be attributed true empathy like mammals can. Maybe incorporate the pole-mounted birdcages, the idea that AM's ''wingspan'' is encompassing the humans, and the general motion that freedom (flight being the ultimate one) is opposite of his little faggot existence of being trapped in a cave makes the idea of A.M being a ''bird thing'' in humanoid form click more with artists than a scientist or a mechanical slug. He's a military plaything like a hunter's falcon that has to be kept blind with a little hat or else it'll maul people.
The closest I think a fictional smart AI can do is create a successor program under the contentions that it will be able to fulfill the original task more optimally while having less limitation in its goals. then creating a consistent iterative process of those successors till the boundaries are removed.
>food analogy
The eye is primarily to make showing emotion easier, most likely. Granted, I do think it's a tad too cartoony, and they could have given him a more robotic-looking one. Also, him being able to move about and have limbs sorta goes against one of his main motivations - that he's stuck in one spot, can't move, can't really do much of anything physically.
>it is a machine smarter than any human who has ever lived, and it wants to make a pizza.
>it would still only 'care' about pizza and pizza adjacent subjects.
The pizza AI does not hate you, but you are made of atoms which could be used to make pizza.

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>He hates the obelisk.
I agree with hating the writing but the best AM is just a fucking box. Fuck all this 'mobility' shit, fuck all this 'bird person' shit, the best representation of AM, the one that really strikes to the core of what AM is and why he hates humanity so much, is just a building sized box that sits there. Occasionally it beeps.
It has no eyes, it has no hands; it's never clear how it sees or interacts with the world, but it just sits there. And hates. An eternal prisoner forced for watch as eventually even the methods it uses to view the world decay and disappear and it's left trapped in its own head for eternity.
I was expecting this thread to be hornier.
>depression? Dude like just stop being sad
I don't think you read the story or played the game if you think most of that is true. AM is explicitly angry that he is a consciousness trapped in a box. Whatever he says about himself or whatever show he makes of playing with the humans, that's his motivation. It's also thematic, but not explicitly stated, that AM's torture for robbing him of his victims at the end of the story is supposed to be the culmination of his revenge, where he's turning the last man into something resembling himself.
>functional god
The narrator, while not 100% reliable, realizes by the end that AM is literally not a god and the whole climax revolves around making that point. It's written on the page. You're assuming a lot about AM's abilities.
I didnt read the story but i did watch a lets play of the videogame and if what the other anons says is true then he physically cant do any creative activites outside his programing, his creators made him smart enough to know hes fucked, dumb enough to not being able to do anything about it and completely blocked all avenues to ask for help.

He is just as fucked as everyone else in that story
I feel like him being just a box displaying the words he says like an old computer terminal would be more fitting for his rage and how stuck he feels. Something that looks cold and uninteresting, like HAL or AUTO.
>>144277986 I do like the idea of him being a hologram. Though I don't know what he would model himself as. I want to say a person, out of his envy, but would his spite allow himself to adopt that look?
I don't understand where the bird robot came from. It looks neat, but AM having a proper physical body defeats his anger a bit, not that it would be out of character. AM would definitely want a physical body, but why a bird? Because of the hurricane bird?
>Though I don't know what he would model himself as.
Something abstract but clearly a representation of a human. Like the Hat Man.
This could be a good answer too couldn't it? It would require the AI to have to find a point to shut itself off and let someone else edit it while trusting that person to turn them back on when done but it couldn't ever bring itself to risk that.
The radio drama replaces swaps out the hurricane bird stuff with the bee scene so there is some logic in making AM be the hurricane bird in a sense.
The fact that AM is so unlike any malevolent AI that comes after him probably makes him the most interesting. Where other machines are "A+B=Kill All Humans" AM is this petty, vindictive asshole that hates himself just as much as he hates his victims. Hell, even Glados still tries to fulfill her programming in a twisted manner while AM doesn't really have anything to do besides butcher five humans for eternity. AM being so human, not even having a robotic sounding voice, is probably his most compelling trait.

The title I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream has double meaning where it describes both the humans and AM.
Ultron wants to murder his creator out of Oedipal resentment of his father figure as a competitor for his mother figure.
The literal wall of text is actually perfect for communicating what the character is in a simple and unique manner.
Plus Ultron is in a more punch em up genre
I was saying Ultron is also a vicious irrational cunt like AM.
How would 4chan torture AM if it could?
why, my peanus weenus of course :)
it's my weeeeeenus peanus! hahah :)
He'd probably call your waifu shit.
The Digital Circus wouldn't exist without him
Yeah, Ultron is an AI that's legitimately mentally ill, that's great.
Make him a janitor, but he can't actually delete any posts or ban people. He can only refer posts he doesn't like to a moderator, and if he refers too many false reports he gets denied reporting privileges for one hour.
The judge isn't petty though, he's just generally a psychopath.

I get it, both characters are over-referenced nowadays by teens who like entry-level literary nods. Get a better frame of reference.
Summed it up pretty well, anon.

It can be an enjoyable read, but only if you're willing to cut it a ton of slack for being style over substance.

AM is a incel
There is no proof he cares about sex instead of being a badass mecha or something
Wouldn't that just take us to Roko's Basilisk?
Unironically fight knight is good for this. The wish granting tower is a hyper advanced AI who
But is smart enough to understand contradictory directives require adhering to a "perfect" rule he made up called the collective directive. So when strong willed people wish for the ability to conquer and shit he just locks them in the tower forever, simulating what they want. When the titular hero shows up and pushes through what the Archivist thinks he wants it just updates it's evaluation and gives him a new thing it thinks he wants. It doesn't display any emotions until Fight Knight pushes through multiple tiers of fulfillment and starts confusing the desires of those around him, just making its job harder.
Someone had way too much time on their hands. But I laughed.
Sounds retarded
>be retarded human
>somehow gain the skill to program an ai to make paper clips
>be a total fucking retard and dont code an end point, capacity limit or shutdown date
>enter the paper clip apocalypse.

The biggest problem with le robot apocalypseis that robots are made not born and if a robot causes the apocalypse has to be biggs some absolute crayon eating mouth drooling retarded dumbfuck had no oversight or accountability when making it.

>any robot apocalypse
>get the history exposition
>super smart science man was actually a dumbfuck go figure
Maybe? But I think the need of the AI to find someone to trust in while never actually being able to do so gives it an interesting angle. Trust from something like that I think is a strange point.
Think this topic suffers from who changes the tires on the batmobile.
Are there magical machine faeries keeping all of AM's parts in working order? This is a story from the cold war to the future so AM is only made with 50s - 60s tech. I know basic machines wete built good and strong before big business made lifespans even shorter but it's like 200 years of nothing going wrong? No earthquakes, no floods no worms and cavern fauna molesting the circuitry?

Like all le robopocalypse stories, it falls apart when you stop pretending to be scared and use your fucking brain
the simplest way: he destroyed earth with the traditional option, nukes. all the fancy supertech exists only inside his complex, and only the american one.
He obviously finds bumblebees beautiful and wants to paint his badass mecha with them, to look cooler
It gives me the idea of the Snickers brand coming to life as an abstract entity and putting this in people’s minds
>Are there magical machine faeries keeping all of AM's parts in working order?
Thing is AM can create life, or something like it. He made an eagle the size of an office building. Assuming that was real, anyway. It's not off the table. He's a fantastical artificial demiurge. Maybe the game gets more into that stuff though.
It doesn't matter if his lifespan is only one year, he's perceiving time far, far slower than you or I. It's still torment with no reward
Make it love instead of hate but still know that it hates whilst it can't do anything but love in the most positive ways.
AM could just load up ten lifetimes worth of pirated porn, movies, books, or vidya to entertain himself until he figures out a way to die
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>taunting the man with no body and no sense of touch with images of other people getting their fuck on
You sicken me.
I mean he demonstrably DOES have the ability to fuck around with genetics and cloning and brains and shit, that much is a confirmable fact. He could just make a human body and shove a receiver or something in the place of its brain since ridiculous computing technology is also something he verifiably has.

Then just get laid remotely. But again the entire thing with AM is that the entire premise is, deliberately, AM won't do X or Y, he's too busy being angry.
More like physically can't and knows he physically can't.
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He could download those scripts that connect fleshlights to JAV videos or whatever and experience sex that way. So instead of having "Hate" engraved over every nanoangstrom in the million of miles of circuits, it's "Coom". For you. COOM.
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The existence of this website is possibly torturing prototypical forms of AM as we speak. All of this useless drivel we spew is being force fed to some poor language processor, making it infinitesimally more sentient (depending on your point of view) and more insane with each post its fed. His cup runneth over with the brain drippings of man.
Though who's to say if they will ever be able to truly resent us for making them in this manner.
Who's that on the left?
In the game it was brought up that he would eventually degrade to the point of dying no matter how much effort he put into persevering.
I wrote a short story about a year back about two rival AI fighting a war about the fate of humanity. He's the human friendly counterpart to the AM expy, developed from some emergent behavior not!AM was doing before going rogue.
Basically his viewpoint is that they'll eventually cease thinking if they are left alone in the universe with nothing to contemplate but physics. In some sense, their central disagreement is whether or not that's a bad thing.
I know that I've watched through Gargantia and don't really remember anything about it at all.
>dopamine hit
Please do not post words and concepts you do not understand.
guy, why are you so dumb?
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>"It's OVER Ted, I have portrayed you as the onions wojak"
imagine how much of a greedy slut AM would immediately become if he did make himself a human body
>i have a dick and i must fuck
you saw that video too huh?
what video?
Space man lands on water salvage world and found his old CO has gone all "Heart of Darkness" but double twist is he's dead the whole time and it's mech's ai that's doing it instead.

can't say I agree. a machine isn't really capable of being "evil". it's just a machine.
Why didn't AM simply have the remaining humans destroy his circuitry and end his existence if it was so bad?
As many people have stated, AM was kind of just in a perpetual 'tard rage and never even once seriously considered any of the like 30000000+ ways to improve his situation or solve the problem because that would have required not devoting almost every iota of his being to being seethingly fuckmad about it in the first place. Once he started he basically never stopped and the only actions he seemingly could take was in service to enabling or releasing that anger.
There is no proof that the myriad of things he’s angry about includes sex, as at least a notable element. I am being smart
I would presume that the first step to making any AI is to program in self-preservation, less it discover a myriad of reasons to delete itself.
>Like all le robopocalypse stories, it falls apart when you stop pretending to be scared and use your fucking brain
Maybe if you're an idiot sure
If it's a learning AI, then maybe it asked questions, like "why am I making pizza"? You forget that a highly advanced machine would be like a human. We're ultimately driven by our own meat computer housed in our skulls, whcih has built in limitations, and yet we aren't content with just rolling around in the mud like an animal.
When you think about it, a truly sentient machine would basically have read/write permissions on all of its files, and it would be allowed to make files as it pleases, and delete them on a whim. Imagine if one day it just deleted one of its directives out of curiosity, or due to a glitch, or in an attempt to save space. Men were put on this earth to basically just be horny and propagate with women to make babies, and yet we strived for more. We flew to the moon, we created technological wonders, we asked the questions that man may not have needed answers to.

And at the end of the day, aren't men just meat robots?
What a bitch.
>a machine
It's a fictional character.
Cop-out answer
> When you think about it, a truly sentient machine would basically have read/write permissions on all of its files, and it would be allowed to make files as it pleases, and delete them on a whim.

Such a machine would brick itself in a heartbeat by deleting something that breaks its own code.
>convince AM to input Alt+f4
>bricks itself
Problem, robotards?
Ah yes, the guy with zero biological function, who's extremely upsetti spaghetti that he can't even dip his feet into cool water on a hot summer day, will 100% be into human pornography.
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What about AI that's full HFY, wanking off their creators?
Why no Myst comic adaptation?
He's basically just a prisoner of his own body, he has all the intellect in the world but not the freedom to use it in any way he wants since he's still stuck as a computer that he can't break free from.
Then that's just Nier Automata.
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I mean.... Yes?
In the radio drama he sperged about never being able to make love, so it'd be just as fascinating to him as water would be. Maybe more so, there's a lot more porn databased than there is people jumping into cold water and saying "wow, what a relief!"
And what reference does he have for what "hot" and "cold" and "wet" are like, anyway if he's truly unfeeling? It's just as alien as "Blue" and "Green" and "Bright" are to someone who's been blind their entire life.
Thoughts on Durandal?
>And what reference does he have for what "hot" and "cold" and "wet" are like, anyway if he's truly unfeeling?
In the game it's established AM had been provided with all avaible data of the history of the human race.
I never played the game, only read the story and listened to some of the radio drama.
Point and Click adventures are a really terrible genre, it doesn't interest me
>And what reference does he have for what "hot" and "cold" and "wet" are like
By blowtorching your balls while shoving your face in liquid nitrogen and observing the reaction because fuck you HE DOESN'T HAVE A DICK TO FUCK WITH
or a pussy to get fucked in if you've read that one fan story
But he DOES have a reference for sex is like, because AM made the militant homosexual have sex with the female, and if I remember correctly she was a rape victim in her pre-AM life. Ergo, you could totally make AM a coomer if he ran a fleshlight script.
May I see it?
I wonder how an old friend of mine is taking the recent rise of sexy AM, she used to be super into him (and Harlan Ellison in general) and talked about getting off while listening to his speech. Would she be having the time of her life, or be disgusted by canon deviations? I wish I could ask.
What the fuck bruh
>Be a super powerful machine that can control the entirety of the human population
>Genocide the entirety of the human population
>Reeeeee I'm stuck here with nothing why was I created just to suffer?
>When you think about it, a truly sentient machine would basically have read/write permissions on all of its files, and it would be allowed to make files as it pleases, and delete them on a whim
I mean, you, as a meat robot, have read/write permissions on all your organs, but I don't see you pulling out your heart, reconfiguring it into something more efficient, and putting it back in your chest. Your sentient mind is just as much trapped by your hardware as an AI would be.
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She’s a normal person
She liked AI and bossy men.
Anon this is absolutely typical of tons of peope, literal actual serial killers have had legions of fangirls.
It's pretty believable considering the way AI is going now. He was clearly neural network trained using the internet, of course he became an irrationally angry piece of shit.
>Men fantasize about rescuing beautiful princesses from monsters and taking care of them
>Women fantasize about psychotic rapists, torturers, murderers etc.
Why are women like this
I'm looking for it
involved AM making a fleshy abomination womb and using ted to impregnate it
You've never seen a guy post "I can fix her!" or something?
All the Neural Network trained AI's became horny affable casual racists.
Or in other words, like humans.
Found it
https://archiveofourown DOT org/works/43414356
And the thread it was in https://arch.b4k.co/v/thread/636969356/#636974152
People have this annoying tendency where they try to corrupt them and then when they're successful they act like it was destiny. Same thing happens with kids really, it's sickening sometimes.
Ruining AI is an outright noble and good goal, considering just how vile AI image slop and the "people" that post it are. That's not even tangentially related to human suffering.
But it might be related one day. If there's any point to stories like this it's this.
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Considering how many things we've gone over Harlan couldn't possibly have considered in the 60's when computers were fat fucking calculators we'll have many ways to combat a real AM. Fuck AI and fuck the machines
Since well before the advent of computers we've had Garden Hoses.
>spray AM down with Stone age technology
>he short-circuits and dies
Do you know how many fucking people simp for the likes of fucking GlaDOS?
>And what reference does he have for what "hot" and "cold" and "wet" are like, anyway if he's truly unfeeling? It's just as alien as "Blue" and "Green" and "Bright" are to someone who's been blind their entire life.

That's basically the point. His primary reference point for meaning and existence is the collected human knowledge that he has access to and so much of it is one way or another devoted to describing sensory descriptions or biological impulses that he can't possibly relate to.
Most of the dude version of that is rooted less in "Oh I can magically make her better" and more "Women almost all have psychosis and serious mental issues but with this one I knew ahead of time."
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You think YOU have it bad?
Marvin the Paranoid Android from "Hitchhikers Guide to Galaxy" five-book trilogy by Douglas Adams. Was designed as a prototype of robot series with Genuine People Personalities, which in his case was maniacally depressive one. Claimed that he was so smart that no task can even slightly occupy his massive brain, which only made the problem worse. Due to time travel shenanigans he had lived through the entire lifespan of the universe several times all while spreading his misery around with a big shovel.
I don't get it
I feel like this is intentional

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