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This used to be normal in kid's animation. What happened?
Animators started getting laid.
I wanna see booba in pre-school kiddie shows aaaaaaa
Social media
we got taste
Fundamental Christians
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What's with the coom threads spam recently

1 more one and i might die from a heart attack ahhh
Zoomers and late millennials are super sexually conservative
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stop bumping the thread dumbass
Because sex is le bad. Now go watch those Disney Channel shows with mass genocide attempts.
More like feminists, alot of fundies don't even let their kids watch tv
t. Raised fundie, now orthobro
I've been reading the Iliad recently and every time it mentions Minerva I just picture the Animaniacs character. And yes I'm reading a version with Roman names.
It's not just cartoons though. Sexual themes in all shows/movies is getting a lot more scarce. Mostly because the idea of a man being physically attracted to a woman is seen as a grievous offense nowadays.
Kids became a buncha fags
Stand aside and look at this.
Danger hairs took over.
Other way around, sexually repressed weirdos run the animation industry now.
Does co/ has sauce for this one?.
Cartoons have also become a lot more childish since the '90s. Some of the pre-school level slop that gets posted here I'm shocked that anyone over 12 years of age can tolerate. Animaniacs was a kids show but there were jokes and themes present that even an adult can enjoy. That sort of thing is practically gone now, outside of the no effort Adult Swim garbage.
>Fundamental Christians
this is funny because all of this came out when christianism had more power

this, it's funny how this egeneration call themselves liberals when they are acting worst than conservative people
>this, it's funny how this egeneration call themselves liberals when they are acting worst than conservative people

You can only go so far to the left of the political sphere before you find yourself completely on the other side. And that's exactly what's happened.
Either Tale Spin or SWAT Kats, my ESL friend
So you're saying I should vote conservative to restore coomer content to my cartoons and video games?
For all the bullshit Christianity gets. They get happily married to someone they find attractive, and have 2.5 kids, maybe more.
White women.
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who was the last bombshell in a family media? I feel it was chel
Are we allowed to include France? Because I feel like France is cheating.
Too many of those kids that were gay made it to adulthood.
Millennials grew up and watch less cartoons as they did as a child
Thankfully, the macarena really dropped off in popularity. It almost became the state dance of Wisconsin. Truly dark times.
Back then testosterone levels were much highter than now
Makes you think what went so wrong
well I dont remember french bombshells in years
>Millennials grew up and watch less cartoons
anon, that's exactly the opposite, you are probably thinking in boomers
Feminism brain washed men and women alike to hate women and the feminine.

Men are now so cucked they virtue signal that they are 'good guys' and 'not like the other guys' by proclaiming how they are 'soooo against' any form of attractive women. But we all know male feminists are rapists. The 'nice guys' of the modern era.
honestly I find yakko and wakko being horny pretty creepy now, probably because I didnt know they were kids until the movie came out
They're canonically over 65.
nigga these threads have been spammed nonstop for years now, the only thing your average /co/ browser has on their mind is titty titty asscheek fuckfuck sex.
I wanna see black landwhales aaaaaaa
Not really, as a filthy newfag it wasnt this bad a few years ago.

low quality or bait threads are way more common now
>What happened?
Kids became furries because they didn't stop at just sexualizing humans when they should have.
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meanwhile Christian cartoons in non-retarded countries:
The animation industry got taken over by by man hating activist that not only think that Characters like Hello Nurse, and Ms. Bellum look phonographic, but that it's unrealistic for a to look attractive, and weigh less than 300lbs.
>this used to be normal in animation what happened
>how will I MASTURBATE to kids cartoons now?
so people from older gen are more bald and have tiny balls lol
>propels the goat forward as if she was riding a scooter
Not an answer
So girls being hot is only ok if they’re lesbian now? I’m pretty sure it would be allowed if someone would just have balls and make someone in a show like that again and push it past the radar. It also has to do with if the animation style looks good though
>So girls being hot is only ok if they’re lesbian now?
only if ONE of the lesbians is hot
if that's the case verything could end when betty boop apperead but obviously it was not the case

also there are more christians in europe and latam and they were even hornier
That's normal now though, they just changed out red/pink lips for french-fry haircuts.

Stuff like that definitely wasn't the norm in cartoons even back then; that's the whole reason people remember scenes like it even now while forgetting the vast multitude of shows from the same time period that never had anything remotely sexy in them.

A lot of the screenshots we see in these types of threads basically hid the TnA in individual frames that weren't noticed until DVD releases and HD TVs decade later.
animaniacs was not supposed to be for kids
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You tell me.
And that's a good thing!
Kids get horny.
I had sexual thoughts from the age of 8
I feel honored to be so personally attacked
Fat bitches took over and get mad at hot women being normalized.
Didn't the voice actor for Minerva Mink get stalked at a con?
>muh fat bitches are taking over the media reeeeee!!!!!
what are you even tallking about faggots? most part of cartoon girls are skinny
Ironically I just came from a /v/ thread calling them porn addicts.
No, they're talking about obese liberal women and obese conservative women hating conventionally skinny attractive women in any media.
Thing about Zoomers and Zilennials is that it's only things that would appeal to red blooded heterosexual men that are bad. They can have all the shitting dick nipples and CBT they want, but big titty babes are from the Devil and you are a serial rape-murderer in the making if you like them.
Unless you troon out first before making your preferences clear. No one will deny an oppressed transbian anything.
Well they're taking over the rule 34
>the idea of a man being physically attracted to a woman is seen as a grievous offense nowadays.
I agree, but I just can't understand why.
Pretty girls have been canceled. They know what they did, I guess.
It was a rumor for years with Tress MacNeille, not Julie Brown, and both hardly ever attended conventions in actuality.
Christians are horny, anon. Hornier than any leftist could ever dream of being.

It's funny. America's ruled by thr repressed horny religious right and the medicallly castrated left. One desires sex but hides it, the other denies sex to others because they can't have it anymore.
Christianity has never held less sway on american culture than it does right now, why would you make this claim?

Because it's to cope with the fact that they are no longer the rebels fighting against The Man. They are THE MAN that they hate so much.

The Consequences of our Actions.
Porn and erotic content are easier to find, so it can't incentivize horny kids to watch your cartoon for hot stuff and horny animators to obsess enough alone with their art
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fat liberal bitches are taking rule 34? I dont know anon, most part of the females artists actually draw pretty hot bombshell girls, ironically male artist are the ones drawing fat bitches
its funny because half the time you put something adult in you keep seeing the zooms going
>no kid would get this
>hur dur groom/they're trying to corrupt
Because the only thing women hate more than men, is other women
Blame the US
Do you think if you went back to 1989 and showed this photo to Tom Ruegger, that would change the future of animation for the worse?
That's borderline obese, yes.
or you are blind or you are a faggot anon, or both
John K was right about the dykes all along.
hungarian cartoons always had tits in them
>Non retarded country
Lmao even
okay american
cope and seethe hungol subhumanoid neanderthal
found the lard lover
Sexy was fun and also fun to draw and animate (still is). A great motivational drive to some animators.
But since now it is seen as a bad thing cause zoomers cant take subtlety and have to point out the obvious like it is some fucking gameshow. And then playpretend they are some critic in their cancelculture fetish crusade.
Some modern animators still need to figure out that the counter to cancel culture is just not having to give a fuck if you play the right dices.
Your gonna say Wakfu does not count? Or is it too old already?
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I'm not seeing enough Mink in this thread.
It used to be that people didn't read too much into innocent things like dancing.
Then younger millennials took charge.
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The episode that changed boys into men.
>bombshells in wafku
I think you even dont know what tha means

I guess you like steaks or somethings if you think that actually think that is obese
Whomst is the artist
Try asking like a normal person and not a retard twitter reddit faggot.
never thought I'd see someone get mad at the word "whomst"
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weird. post your IQ average.
Yes the female figure is a normal part of life you puritan wierdo.
The internet happened.
>animation hierarchy is filled with trust fund kids who are paid for by multinational hedge funds to promote weird shit
>4chan is filled with poor coomers who are paid for by mom & dad bringing tendies into the room to promote anger at weird shit
Why can't modern animators draw curved lines anymore?
People didn't give a fuck back then.
Boys will be boys.
Girls will be girls.
Different sides of the political spectrum seem to be convinced that cartoons were either grooming children in the past or the present.
Don't use IQ as a frame of reference. I'm telling you this as a 141, IQ measures memory and how you function at taking IQ tests.
IQ is like BMI. It is not the be all end all measurement, but it still provides a fairly reasonable baseline for most of the population.
Since no one wants to say anything, here's the artist: https://x.com/YinyangGio14
I don't remember this episode.
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A shame, it was peak.
then by what metric is hungary retarded?
I'm not the "Hungary retarded" Anon, but Post Soviet states have...issues carried over from being one of Russia's many abused side hustles.
I remember seeing an IQ map of Europe where Kosovo's average IQ was higher than Albania's.
No. France still wants their kids to be hetro.
Same, any time I hear Minerva, my dick stiffens with minky thinky
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>Booba isn't appropriate for pre schoolers!
>Now kids, lets talk about "Bonus Holes!!!"
Sounds like a heroine speech

>stand aside and gaze upon my Ursine Udders!
It isn't the 90s anymore faggot.
I still can't believe there are trannies who get offended by actual vaginas being called vaginas.
It's because even they can't pretend the gaping, infected axe wound the doc made in their taint is an actual vagina and they want everyone else to suffer with them.
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Can we have ONE fucking thread where you faggots don't bring up trannies out of nowhere? Jesus christ you are obsessed.
Except they still want the holes drilled into their taints called vaginas.
My honest interpretation is that "the christians" have always been a niche punching bag that are over-emphasized by the media.
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Mink rhymes with kink.
Zoomzoom hands wrote this post.
each-other rubbing hands wrote your post.
Well that was a let down. I was expecting an entire lingerie suit, not just a 2 piece.
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It's still cute, but yeah would have been better with a bit more.
Bored and have a bit of time before lunch is over; any Minerva reqs?
Big boobed Minerva doing the Mega Milk meme, but it says Mega Mink.
Niche? No. Acceptable religious target for everyone to shit and meme on? Yes. Notice how other, non Christ oriented religions never get it as bad in the media.
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Reminder to all of you claiming her as your waifu.
Doesn't mean I can't win her heart somehow.
Do...do people understand how it works?

That guy used his powers of SHE LOVES ME BECAUSE I SAID SO tardmind to will it so. But just for him, no one else believes it.
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>It isn't the 90s anymore faggot.
Because they're all squares in real life.
>no christians are actually cool!
Yeah no after many moral panics you lost all credibility
When people say that society is becoming more adverse to seeing to sexual content on TV, I'm just like: yeah, is that even surprising?

Have you ever considered that what you call "puritan" is really just the normal state of humanity that has always existed, and the modern hyper-sexual world (especially since the internet) is the enigma?
A certain form of marriage was legalized. That's around the time the attack on heterosexuality and normalcy began.
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I just want a show with these two together.
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There's this
Doesn't mean i can't draw her getting fucked by me against her will
You people are more prudish than the Silent Generation but only when it comes to stuff heterosexual men like.
>When people say that society is becoming more adverse
Just a heads up.
>you call "puritan" is really just the normal state of humanity
anon, we are are supposed to be animals, you know, we mating and stuff, what you call hyper sexual is the normal state of the living being

just because you had zero sucess in mating is not fault of society
Anon, who currently runs the animation industry? Because it's not a bunch of fucking fundamentalist Christians.
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It's furries. Always has been.
>What happened?
Times and tastes changed.
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My bad, clicked the wrong pic.
go away, tranny.
You're the one posting a literal tranny character.
>You're the one posting a literal tranny character.
I haven't posted any characters you schizophrenic retard
you're the one that posted >>144273733 pretending to be >>144273695
I posted >>144273695

>You're the one posting a literal tranny character.
>sexy effeminate robot woman
>"tranny character"
Good job outing yourself as a faggot.
Minerva Mink is pretty much a white women though.
There's no "pretty much". Look at her, she's pure white.
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The default stand of humanity is cave men and cave women, living as animals, fucking as animals. The only people who have a problem with sexual content in media are people who wanna cockblock boys and men via lying by omission, for the sake of trying to groom them into having a family.
>nooooooo you arent allowed to get good pussy and head UNLESS you pay your dues by getting married and having kids =)
Blow me.
Kinda had a idea of how maybe a show could work basic plot line is that Minerva gets evicted or kicked out of her log house for what ever reason then has to stay with slappy could play up the "aunt "angle and have them be somehow related slappy only rule for Minerva is she has to learn to be funny in a toon way like how slappy shorts are compared to hers also some /ss/ shenanigans with skippy
I love you Shawn Keller
You too Dave Alvarez, even tho you turned me into a footfag
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I knew I was obsessed with boobs at the age of 7. I didn't know why until five years later, but I knew early on I wanted to be pic related.
oh yeah, definitely the same thing
A new generation got into the animation business that wasn't as sexually charged as the previous.
The increasing desire to pander to female consumer bases and women's bigger sway within the sociopolitical zeitgeist is the only actual correct answer and anyone saying otherwise is in denial and not paying attention.

The increasing desire to pander to the LGBT is another reason but way lesser than the former.
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Guys be getting stuck between women's breasts a lot in the 80s and 90s.
Got a full body Webm?
>moral panics
Honestly I'm an athiest but they were entirely right about everything on tv messing kids up. Just look around this board
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>thread asks why sex appeal (mainly, the one that appealed almost exclusively to hetereosexual men) either disappeared, lessened or heavily discouraged due to sociopolitical babble
>bringing up any faction of the LGBT is somehow "out of nowhere" to the question OP asked
I can't go a week at work without them being brought up out of nowhere, so no.
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that anon actually believed this was a furfaggotry thread
Why would you need a "furfaggotry" thread when the whole board is furry?
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Thanks, my man.
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my gf has accepted that this is my fetish and does this with me
Loona wishes she had a quarter of what Minerva has.
Voluptuous overtly-sexy Jessica Rabbit-esque 90s furry girl meets overly-detailed 2000s Hot-Topic era furry OC girl
Don't wanna dump the thread, but the artist had her, Loona and later Lola Bunny duke it out.
Minerva winning was the only possibility.
Second place is the first loser.
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That pitch for the reboot to have segments of Minerva and Slappy together sounded adorable. Kind of glad it didn't happen so I had no reason to watch that shit

that's only partly true years ago, but not true nowadays. it's the fact that liberals are pushing for sexual repression even more than evangelicals now
I’d offer 50 drinks to Slappy and 49 to Rita before Minerva.
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great pics great comic i saved it all in a folder
i knew loona was gonna fuck them up from the beginning, anyone who watches the show knows what loonas capable of, minerva and lola never stood a snowballs chance in hell
Corporations like to play it safe more-so than ever before, and everything these days is scrutinized heavily by various parties with differing agendas. So things don't just fly under the radar anymore?
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The male sex drive wasn't villainized yet. It was openly mocked and used as a base for humor since forever though. The nurse is a walking excuse for the Warner Bros to be horny. Jessica Rabbit is just an absurd caricature of what men find attractive, she's seductive just by existing in the scene (subtext: because the average man is too horny to control himself around visual sexual stimuli).

Now just the fact that men even want to look at beautiful women is because they are bad people with criminal, sociopathic minds that exploit women. Just the notion of creating a character to mock their sex drive is bad, exploitative, and sexist. Hello Nurse now needs to have agency, a power dynamic over the Warner Bros, and an in-depth explanation of why she looks the way she does (it's not for men's enjoyment, of course).

TL;DR feminists hate the idea of bimbos and seek to "undo" the concept.
That's why Minerva is better than Hello Nurse. Hello Nurse is just a bimbo while Minerva is the perfect Stacy.
Not even Hungarian though
Social Media gave power to people with dumb opinions
Yep, not great friend material, but good for a romp. Wish she was more goofy tho.
She is best when she goes a bit wild.
We grew up

man /co/ really is just the twitter board huh
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This image is too true.
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Translation: We gained estrogen
>its now leftist to be socially conservative and prude visually
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They even compared it t the ability to get laid and put inherent value in being able to get laid and made it the point of said stances, it's literally that generational 'I've got the cool-kid attitude' thing.


Dont recall him doing stuff like this
Sorry your memory is bad.
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You don't watch the shows that have them.
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it was okay to be heterosexual instead of it being heteronormal
its always been about politics and the optics of media in it
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>This used to be normal in kid's animation
Was it? other then warner bros who took account older fans, it seems like there have always been little titillation in western animation
Mothers got more involved
Nigga i dont see those in his profile and his NSFW account all it has its a homo Spongebob picture.
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Yeah, these threads are always about the same few characters over and over again. Hello nurse and such were the exceptions to the rule, and the rule has always been there. Sexy women = bad.


Fucking mothers are the reason why they made lord Zedd less evil and more comedic in power rangers.
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But then on the other had, when they draw teenagers or anthro animals, we now explain why everyone is like they way they are.
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What were kids supposed to take away from this?
wtf, that's very rapey and creepy. this should be cancelled for objectifying males.
many faggots complain about muh feminists, but what if times have changed? what iif what is considered hot now is different to the 90's?
t. sexless virgin

See, they are just like us, just irony-poisoned.
Man I wish that were Dot's canon clothes, she looks so cute
>muh gays

Dude I am a lesbian and I appreciated this (Hello Nurse and Minerva Mink) as a little girl for uuuh fairly obvious reasons.

I don’t know what to tell you if you don’t get that.
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Made for Wilford wolf
>Dude I am a lesbian
i'm glad you won't reproduce.
it teaches them toxic femininity, it should be banned or updated to exclude the backwards outdated ideas.
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You're still a guy, and no one cares.
#metoo happened
> I am a lesbian
>a woman
cmon anon
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This needs to be normal again.
And now that you cant have that anymore kids are fags

You really have to come down to the most brain-dead take in what is just a venting thread for cartoon booba enjoyers?
Feminists shouldn't be making cartoons. They just hate sexy women. There's not even hot women in the ren and stimpy reboot.
It use to be very normal to see fan service in kids shows back in the day.
>iqtest dot com
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Dot was such a whore.
Pearl-clutching parents, out of touch executives, placating to territories and markets with regressive views on sex, let’s not forget zoomers who’ve have ‘male gaze bad’ hammered into their heads so now they’ve become total prudes.

Take your pick.
I mean me too, but if I wanted to sperm bank it, it’d be pretty damn easy to. It’s gay dudes who have a complicated road if they want kids, for gay women it’s a piece of cake. I just don’t give a shit about kids. And I already have younger gay relatives some of who are reproducing, but I also don’t give a shit about that. 4chan is so fucking weird and terminally online about this (pot kettle black I know).

Anyway it’s fucking hilarious that you snowflakes whine that women don’t want to have any hot chicks in cartoons and then when we do (not a tranny btw) you’re all fragile and offended but imma peace out since these convos are always dumb and retarded as fuck.
Bimbette is probably double Fifi’s age.
It’s literally just women complaining so the standards don’t get raised
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Kek modern 4chan will revise this history and pretend it's all the fault of leftroons but you're absolutely right.
My girlfriend only lets me do this if I'm clean shaven, won't do it if there's even a little bit of stubble
>then when we do
Those that do are a extreme minority (or more accurately, lack political sway). The majority have guzzled propaganda believing these depictions of women lead to violence/discrimination and must be purged. Not just leftists either, right-wing conservatives generally agree with this viewpoint too.

Exceptions for leftists are:
>if it pushes progressive social politics
hence why you get hypocrisy if the "problematic" depiction of a woman is let slide because they are a lesbian/queer, a minority, or something

Exceptions for rightoids are:
>if it pushes back against progressive politics
hence why you have some anti-SJW RW women defending these depictions if it makes leftist women mad
Animaniacs groomed a generation
>hot girls

Will only ever appear in family guy type stuff, and in those shows art-styles so it doesn't count

>cute girls

Only in shows geared towards younger audiences

So... everything boils down to the general state of animation in the west more broadly. With animated movies and some indie stuff things are a bit different but we are talking about cartoons here.

No wonder anime is way more popular.
Shut up weeb.
How is Hollywood animation even remotely Christian in any way though? Both on a corporate or creative level.
How come she attract these types?
Any remotely attractive female character that's decently popular will attract the brainrotted NTR fetishists
What's an NTR and what does it have to do with minks or wolfs?
NTR is weeb for cuckold fetish, or someone who likes to watch another man do a woman
Can you rephrase that again?
>since when do elites in power have their hands in popular media?
PLEASE tell me you wrote this ironically
Not called /co/mblr for nothing

How am I wrong?!
That doesnt make sense.
tits or gtfo
I'll never forget what they've took from me. But at the same time, I'm also grateful for what they've made.
It may have been in the past, but now it's activists of identity ideologies who have taken the waves of the imposition in a way ironically similar to a belief group.

As if that weren't evidenced in reality with the impositions of groups and companies of this ideology.

That is the irony, they dangerously become what they have criticized or what they have been against.
tragically there was not a single TMS Minerva episode sand the VHS movie and she was redesigned to look, well, not as good.
And so was Duck man…
>t. Raised fundie, now orthobro
That's the good path mate
Based Magyars
Also Totally Spies
Dont mention that name!
did you seriously try to imply that Christians ever had power in Hollywood?
PLEASE tell me you wrote this ironically
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>Bombshell can mean an explosive device, a shocking surprise, or a very attractive person.
You shouldn't have taken his reply seriously. The average Wakfu background babe is hotter than 99% of girls in /co/ today. His reply was retarded and didn't deserve attention.
1940s censorship came back.
Shit, she's like 26? Hag!
coal black is a great piece of animation
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have you seen this, bros? how'd they get away with it!
It really isn't.
Bumpin it
Spielberg was very lax on censorship. The only scenes he personally asked to be removed were when the Warners were torturing some news anchor.
Its not the chrisitans who are running the place, its people who have no sense of humor who are running the place who keep pleasing the audience who has no sense of humor
There may be christian fundamentalist elites but they're certainly not the ones in charge of Hollywood, NBC, ABC, etc... If you genuinely believe this you're absolutely delusional if not engaged in active evil lying
This. Animators, and a lot of computer programmers oddly enough, where actually pretty chill and affable people. That's why a bit of lewdness or fan service was fine. Then a bunch of weirdos who never got any, and put sex on a pedestal, came into the industries and ruined everyone's fun.
yeah you clearly didnt know what the definition means

cope,, zoomer taste fag
Despicable me 3 actually had the balls to give background girls cleavage in the age of today 2016 present where it’s apparently wrong to do that
Any screenshot?
The 40's has lots of hot cartoon girls in cartoons what do you mean?
You got proof?
Trying to find the scene but it’s where the minions are at a beach area dn the girls are checking to see if they’re ok
I think he is referring to this
Yep, that checks out, thanks Illumination!
>Implying that the people who did the sexy animations were not lefties themselves.

The left changed form sex positive to anti-sex in just a couple of decades, they are specially opposed to heterosexuality (or hetero-normativity as they call it). For them making a sexy female character that appeals to straight men is absolutely forbidden now days.
Shit like this and them shitting on AI and NFTs always reminds what I always seem to forget:
Illumination is technically a French studio
France is ground zero for child grooming and homosexuality and the porn industry, not really something to be proud of

>more Christians in Europe
Is this a joke? The majority of Europe is secular and has been for 20+ years. I remember growing up euros constantly mocked America for "stubbornly holding on to dark ages myths and fantasy". They more than anyone were the ones dumping on the 'christian fundamentalists'. It even reflects in their language, where saying damn and taking God's name in vain is allowed on daytime TV because they have much less of a social stigma against it due to their secularism.

The US is the only first world country that's still majority Christian, even Italy-the home of the Vatican-is like only 45% Christian.
They metto'd their way to the top.
Spoiler: the animators back then were all radical leftists too. It's just that 90s leftism was the hippie "make love not war" kind rather than the militant antifa kind that exists today. Hollywood in general has been a gatekept left wing stronghold since the 1930s.
And the reason we have managed to build societies beyond fighting to the death over caves and sabertooth scraps is because we stopped being slaves to our basal instincts. We learned how to control ourselves, and created traditions and myths to teach successive generations how to control themselves. It's no small coincidence that the instant we started rejecting our cultures that things began to fall apart. You can directly trace the collapse of western society to the sexual revolution, and you can consistently see the same decay in every other society that adopts those sorts of lifestyles. You do not "know better than" your ancestors.
You could say that in 1990, they were staunch leftists, with Tiny Toons regularly making fun of Republicans and stuff. But by Pinky and the Brain, they were taking the piss out of the Clintons too. Your interpretation is as valid as any on if they turned into centrists or anarchists, but their politics clearly shifted in one way or the other the longer they spent in the entertainment complex.
Lefties were mocking Clinton back then because he was a 'blue dog' southern democrat which basically meant he was a moderate/centrist. They wanted a yankee radical like Mondale.
Yeah that one it’s ok but still cool for today
I didnt take it seriously but his latest take outed himself even more.
>n-no that doesnt count
The topic is about modern takes and your gonna fucking cry about zoomers. What is your fucking logic behind this?
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>This used to be normal in kid's animation
It certainly wasnt. I remember watching this clip for the first time on TV as a kid and actually wondered if I should be doing so, I guess the only reason it flew over censors was because Macarena was fucking huge back then and nobody saw anything other than a silly parody.
>I remember watching this clip for the first time on TV as a kid and actually wondered if I should be doing so,
Sorry Mr. Hall Monitor sir, I won't be ogling no cartoon boobies no more no how!
Don't pick on this guy, anons. He was head boy!
I remember it too. With my parents, grandma and aunt watching. They all thought it was funny and my aunt even dancing along shortly as a joke.
I didnt said I didnt like it.
>Why aren’t children’s programming no longer pandering horny neet adults who want to jerk off to cartoons?!?
Because cartoons are intended to children, not terminal coomers
Needs to come back
Jessica has style and class.

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