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What should Joker's relationship be with the other villains?
Also give me a logical reason for why they wouldn't just kill him.
If he's a threat for Batman, he should be a threat for everyone else too.
He has his role in the crime ecosystem, like keeping Batman busy for example.
I never get why Gorilla Grodd and Sinestro job for Luthor's petty shit. Don't they have bigger ambitions than that?
Luthor made them offers they couldn't refuse.
Cheetah is amused.
I want him to be total bros with Sinestro
If you kill joker the bat comes after you. Best to leave the schizos to each other
Batman has a special alarm attached to Joker that activates when the clown gets hit or anyone gets too close. He'll drop everything to deliver an ass-beating right away.
Cause they fear him. He bashed in some villain's head with a rock and everyone, including the meta humans, freaked the fuck out and made him their leader. Including Giganta.
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>be me
>working at new job
>it's 8:00 am
>enter the building and walk by the receptionist
>say to her "good afternoon!"
>she replies with "good mor-" and immediately looks at me clearly confused
>I enter the elevator with a big smile on my face
Good to know someone appreciates Joker's group cosplay.
Sinestro's bro is already Black Adam.
Sinestro REALLY hates Hal Jordan. In such a way that he is obsessed with Hal and willing to do literally anything that he thinks will piss off or inconvenience Hal Jordan.
it annoys me that, cause of the way it is set up like that for the panelling, the way they are situated means they aren't actually across from their counterparts in universe
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Joker and Lex Luthor are legit best friends, just like Batman and Superman. Joker's fun is infectious and he makes Lex Luthor love being evil and have more fun than usual doing it.
The real reason Joker is tolerated by other villains is because Lex Luthor is always the one organizing team-ups and he insists on inviting his retarded friend.
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>Be me, Playing game online
>Go against a total noob
>Destroy his sorry as hard as fuck
>Message him "GG" after the game

When did Joker go from a simple mobster with a gimmick to the evil analogue of BatGod?
When Batman became BatGod, as his archenemy, Joker had to keep up.
Maybe I misspoke. What I'm wondering is when he went from a bank robber and mob boss with a silly gimmick to the earthly avatar of primordial evil that even Satan himself is scared to talk to.
he started off a serial killer who killed police, civilians and mobsters alike. Bank robbery came later when the stories were sanitised to remove death. Serial killing came back later when O'Neill made him popular again in Joker's Five Way Revenge (bank robbery and pies made him lame and he fell out of popularity and out of publication). Serial Killing got a boost when Dark Knight Returns made him basically worship death for the purpose of tormenting Bruce ("I don't count the bodies...but you do, and I love you for it")
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This anon gets it.
Like in Underworld Unleashed where they both gleefully betrayed every other villain, but hadn't actually considered betraying eachother because they were so busy being best friends.
I guess kinda like Bats and Supes respect that they're similar guys in different positions, Joker likes that Lex is as deranged as he is (though he would deny it)
Was gonna say this. He distracts Batman from all the other crime.
Kek your right
One time I stole a sticker from some kid.
One time, in college, I drew a swastika on a bathroom wall in my own poo. And right next to it, I wrote POOP in my own poo.
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I love threads like this. See Joker sticks around because Lex is smart enough to know that sometimes you need a wildcard, and arrogant enough to think that he can work within Joker's insanity as a means of control. Joker will occasionally listen to Luthor because he's just so much fun to torment/aggravate. If you can just point Joker at an obstacle, chances are he'll get shit done due to his out of the box thinking. Luthor knows this, and is willing to play with fire. Not to mention Luthor would like to keep a close eye on a potential complication. Would you exclude Joker from a party, and face the consequences?
Grodd has a professional respect for Luthor given similar intellect. While Grodd would like nothing more than ape dominance on the planet, he's willing to cooperate for mutual gain. Sinestro wants a footing on Earth not only due to the cosmic importance, but as a means to keep tabs on Hal. Luthor is the best contact you could ask for
Jesus...they don't know how to draw gorillas. That's a goddamn Sasquatch. But Cheetah's lookin FINE!! What book/issue is this?
Besides his cold gun, I like to think Captain Cold has a seat on the senior Legion of Doom staff because of his skills as a professional thief. Want a heist done? You call Snart. Luthor likely respects his resourcefulness, and just being human.
>I love threads like this. See Joker sticks around because Lex is smart enough to know that sometimes you need a wildcard

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I've actually never read this one, thanks for the recommendation anon.
I love a classic Luthor/Joker story. The way they trade compliments in that screenshot reminds me of classic World's Finest Comics.
Not that anon, but did you read the Waid World's Finest annual with Joker and Luthor?
>What should Joker's relationship be with the other villains?

Someone that they invite to their teamups exactly one time, and then immediately clock that he's a mad dog that they cannot trust. You never fully trust other villains because everyone is some kind of asshole or criminal, but at least for normal villains you can trust them to operate in their own self-interest and as long as you have leverage on each other or have the means for mutually assured destruction you can cooperate with minimal risk of betrayal. Joker doesn't care about that, he'll blow up your whole plan for no reason at all even if it screws over himself too, just for a gag. There are no consequences for him and he knows it.

As for why they don't kill him, they would if they thought they could get away with it. Joker mostly coasts on his reputation as Batman's greatest nemesis. They ask themselves "do I think I could beat the Bat?" and if the answer is 'no' they assume by transitive property its a bad idea to fight the Joker. Most of them absolutely could take Joker in a fight, but they don't THINK they can take Joker in a fight and Joker is good at playing head games to keep it that way. Because thats always been Joker's greatest strength, and what makes Bruce feel so threatened by him: Joker is excellent at keep people off-balance and second guessing themselves. He's not actually unpredictable, but he's excellent at making people feel like they don't have all the information and misdirecting them even if the secret reveal is that there was never a mystery to begin with he just made you think there was.
Joker's plot armor is greater than Batman's plot armor. One of the major reasons I refuse to read anything involving Joker if it's outside a Batman book.
Is this real? if so this is the funniest shit Joker's done in decades.
No, I generally don't read many post-Crisis comics these days, but I like Mark Waid. I'll check it out!
Cold also has a lot of sway in the supervillain scene, alot of villains respect and listen to him, he's a good friend to have. When Libra's secret society cut him out him and his boys mercilessly ganked their replacements.
Cold is just a solid professional in his industry. He's good at what he does, maintains a high quality standard, works well on a team and has history tangling with a super that most villains would get bodied by before they could finish blinking. He's pretty much the ideal villain teamup partner that you can trust not to fuck with you as long as you don't fuck with him first, and when he talks its a good idea to take what he says seriously.
I dunno, i don't see Cold really liking to work with all these maniacs and would-be dictators. Seems to go a bit off of his moral code
Competent, smart villains who are in it either for profit or their own grand goals like Cold, Luthor, Deathstroke, and the Penguin should want nothing to do with him. They know he is a wild card that cannot ever be trusted to follow a plan and might just turn on you.

Greedy villains or those who are too full of themselves, like Grodd, Black Mask, Poison Ivy, the pre-Batman Gotham crime families, the Court of Owls, etc. could dismiss the Joker and try to control him, but it'd be prone to backfiring.

Fascists like Black Adam, Savage, Sinestro and Ra's should just want his head on a spike and downright look down on Batman for not killing him.

Villains who are in it for the thrills/hate like The Riddler, Reverse Flash, Mr Mxyzptlk, Dr Psycho, Black Manta, etc. could have some appreciation for the Joker and look at him as a fellow archnemesis, but also probably avoid directly working with him if they can, unless they are dumb/inexperienced.

Small down-on-their-luck villains like Firefly, Killer Moth, Killer Croc, maybe occassionally Catwoman, etc. Could collaborate with the Joker if they absolutely need it, but they should also be wary of getting backstabbed by him.
i hate joker so much
should be dead million times over
I really hate how Joker is written in modern stories. I lack the verbosity to describe fully why I think whoever started calling him an "agent of chaos" should be strangled to death. If your Joker is too "ku-raaaazy"and "chaotic" that other villains are afraid of some guy with laughing gas then your Joker is fucking cancer. That Salvation Run page makes my blood boil.
This is how the Joker should be written.
That's nothing, one time I stole a report card from a kid!
He doesn't kill unless it meets his code, and isn't responsible for the others. He's there to do a job and get paid
Given my take is that the Joker isn't actually crazy, he's perceptive enough to read the room. OP's pic is low-effort and low-impact, he knows no one there is going to be offended enough to take a shot over it.
This. I genuinely love the Joker/Luthor partnership. It's so classic, and their dynamic is unmatched, I like to think they bring out both the best and the worst in eachother simultaneously.
So their on-call magic expert is Circe, right? I doubt anyone wants to deal with Felix Faust
It would be if DC writers at large paid any attention to Wonder Woman comics. She's versatile, very powerful, would do anything to fuck over Diana, and has no scruples about working with mortal supervillains. And plus she's a very fun character because she's just a petty bitch of a villain.
Slightly related but I much prefer Joker doing things because he thinks it funny rather than chaotic or evil
Like that one issue with cab driver thinking he was gonna kill him and Joker tells him truthfully not to worry at all as it wouldn't be all that funny to kill him so why bother.
I think Joker should be motivated by both personal gain and personal amusement. He robs banks and shit because he needs and wants money, and the more blowing shit up/releasing Joker gas type crimes because it's funny to him.
Joker should be an artist, every scheme framed around a sick joke for his own amusement. Stealing, explosions, whatever. Death and destruction is just a bonus
Read the Black Ring if you haven't. It is kino, I don't care what anyone says. It's an exploration of how Lex Luthor gets along with his fellow villains.
>Basically, Joker's specific kind of super sanity insanity makes him very useful to find an angle you haven't thought of
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>super sanity
That's an excellent way of putting it.
Werner Herzog is "super sane" and trust me, it is insanity.
That's just autism.
The Joker The Man Who Stopped Laughing #3
.....How did I miss this? Joker hanging out with a Batman knockoff sounds fun
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They had a fun dynamic.
More importantly, Supe won't touch him with 10 foot pole
Bruce already despises Clark as-is, could you imagine if Clark laid a finger on his boyfriend?
>Bruce already despises Clark as-is
What the fuck are you talking about? Bruce respects Clark, and wishes he could be a man like him
Despite what some might say, autism isn't a super power.
Someone should have told Shane Black that on the set of The Predator
i think most villains are scared to try to kill him
he's unpredictable and calculating
joker would have contingency plans for any potential threat in the form of a bomb or death trap of some kind
you can't reliably get the drop on him cause at any time he's got 6 different plans to kill you in the funniest way he can
it's best just to leave him alone and stay out of his attention cause if he gets mixed up in what you're mixed up in he's likely to kill you or get you caught
he's a tornado of a man
genuine question
is there any reason other reason besides "there'd be no story" as to why nobody just shoots these guys?
I wish they kept Killer Moth as the anti batman like in his first appearance.
I don't have to. We have an absolutely godawful Batwank AU that answers the question "What If? Superman Took Away Batman's Gay Clown Husbando."
>"Hello Crystal"
>Crystal is my moms name
Would it be wrong would it be right
if I lose my life tonight
Chances are that I might
yeah but most villains have actual powers and superhuman durability while he is just a guy, they could paste him if wasn't for out of universe popularity
you're right
if they get him alone in a room without weapons or bombs or traps they absolutely win that fight
picture yourself as a villain in gotham and you're a meta human, no push over. but you know this guy, you know what he has done, what he can do. you know if you get the drop on him you got him dead to rights, but what if you don't? what if he sees you comin? what if you miss? you really want the joker of all people to have a reason to come after you?
most villains would say "fuck that"
I'd do it, Joker's a fucking tryhard, dude's no style or effort. Guy's a repeated punchline that lost all context, wit or actual comedy. Little more then a brightly coloured Zsasz nowadays
are we writing a comic right now?
what's your young cocky hero's name?
what are your powers?
and do you have a reason to go after joker? or is it just for street cred?
>Joker mostly coasts on his reputation as Batman's greatest nemesis. They ask themselves "do I think I could beat the Bat?" and if the answer is 'no' they assume by transitive property its a bad idea to fight the Joker. Most of them absolutely could take Joker in a fight, but they don't THINK they can take Joker in a fight and Joker is good at playing head games to keep it that way.
This is the only good explanation to "why doesn't someone just fucking kill him" that I have ever seen.
So of course they don't use it in the comics.
Uhhh well was thinking more just a up coming supervillain, young though, and suppose powerwise could be hydro enhancement where absorbs water to strengthen up/gain durability or perhaps just has an extremely lubricating body to deflect blows or enter places and maybe has a wrist device to spray it as a weapon. Could be themed on a sea animal like a Moray eel or Mollusk. Motive wise figuring would be more maybe they just think Joker is a putz and maybe joins with some C or D list villains and thinks taking the big clown down would look good on his mates by association
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Joker is only a good villain when his goal is either to psychologically screw with someone or to be legitimately twistedly funny. The main thing modern Jokers miss is an actual sense of humor.
>Turn beauty products into ugly products
>Harass artists for the sake of art
>Cuck her boyfriend
Burton got the character right. Should be the standard.
moray or eel would be best i think "the mollusk" would get you laughed out of gotham before you got to the joker
what kind of C/D listers were you thinking? they gotta be pretty nuts to go after joker. the only gotham villain that i can think of that definitely wouldn't be afraid of the joker is mr. freeze, but i also don't know how you would convince him to bother with it.
Exactly, cartoon Jokers are so often good because they actually focus on him being funny and theatrical with his terror being comedy themed with over the top devices or weaponised comedy bits and not just a nasty serial killer
Did he just call Lex a jogger?
It works for some villains, but you'd need to be very careful in application because there are plenty of villains who absolutely would answer "yes" to that question. Funnily enough, such an explanation would completely exclude the Gotham stable of villains because they obviously think they can beat the Bat.
Too bad Martian Manhunter doesn't have any enemy notable enough to be part of the Legion of Doom.
Maybe Malefic, Doctor Trap, Despero, or perhaps even a reworked version of the Human Flame could work.
Headmaster would probably fit best for a Legion of Doom story.
I figured mainly faves of my own mainly Orca, Roxy Rocket, Killer Moth and Mouse. Figuring he mostly approached them for tips in case of Killer Moth knowing he is a vet in the game and the other 3 probably has crush on. I'm figuring he suggests they rob Joker since he probably has amassed a massive wealth to fund his schemes but puts on the pretense of not valuing it so while he aims to take him down the others are ignored but get the funds from it and have deniability if being considered to small time to dare do it
It was a fun dynamic. And made Barbara having a crush on him funny.
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I always have a hard time remembering this guy cause he only showed up in one single issue.
>"Accidentally" mix up prop gun with real gun
>Shoot henchman and prank Batman
Not once have I ever tired of this gag
I'm always partial to the acid squirting flower and the comically long revolver
Drury made the best straight man for Joker. Hope he got that 2 million.
Penguin or two face should have hired someone to kill him long ago and bueno excellente should have raped him to death
Everything else is plot armor
How so?
The Legion of Doom could use more girls, it's usually just Cheetah.
Joker benefits from Batwank. There's no good reason why the Legion of Doom wouldn't take his head off simply because he's a lunatic
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The reason for that is:
>The Justice League could use more girls, it's usually just Wonder Woman.

Male heroes rarely have a female villain as one their main villains so it would be best to just shove more women into the Justice League.
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Do they really?
Cause he's so CRAAAAAAAAZY
I've always had it in my head that Despero should take Grodd's position in the LoD opposite to J'onn. They have more of a rivalry going on, almost the same powers and it doesn't seem like a big stretch for him to be bumming around on Earth.
This is my favorite comic related meme by far
Joker's Sinestro is sitting on another henchmen's shoulders because he can't actually fly.
That legitimately funny
He's le crazy
Very pragmatic. Joker is pure evil and does not value anything, even his own life.
He's just differently sane alright
Wasn't he on the og suicide squad? Early run?
Sometimes this chapta makes me laugh
He was never on the squad
last time Joker was good was Marini dark prince charming series.
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I think playing DCUO gave me an inflated sense of Circe's importance. She was presented like Wonder Woman's archenemy, up there with Lex Luthor and Joker. I was surprised when I read actual comics and it was not so.
He's a techbro who is going to make the Adeptus Mechanicus real by utilizing the homeless as a renewable resource.
Circe is a big deal in WW comics and typically splits archenemy position with Ares.
He's usually an enemy of them
I'd say Bane, Ra's, Poison Ivy and Clayface wouldn't be that scared of him either
Yeah, but how does that work best for the Legion of Doom?
As bad as it was for comics, I genuinely liked how much Joker objected to the Batman Who Laughs as something that intrinsically should not be.
As much as I hate that they made him a villain, it would make sense for Max Lord to be J'onn's alternate. He's got the mind control, yes, but he's also a very personal enemy for J'onn in that he's uniquely tied to the one iteration of the League that is most like J'onn's actual family as far as any is.
I only hate that idea a little less than him being a WW villain.
Brings in a transhumanist and evil industrialist element along with an army of cyborg henchmen.
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Bring back Giganta, I know she's a bit of a jobber muscle, but still, she was part of the original LoD roster.
Also Circe, why not?
Riddler is probably absolutely hated by everyone due to how obnoxious he is.
Expect for the Penguin surprisingly
Did he ever explain why he gave it over to Riddler specifically?
Seems like a weird pick since Riddler isn't involved in the organized crime thing very much at all, and certainly doesn't know how to run a business.
It does seem like a weird choice, Riddler is super smart and his crime is definitely organized, but he's also extremely weird and eccentric.
Realistically, he probably just did because they're both old classic Batman villains really.
Fucking sick design.
yeah those lot seem hateful at least to him but not fearful since one is a literally a pile of clay that wouldn't have to worry about his antics while the rest are utterly hardened and high tier threats who rival his threat
Bane has never been scared of Joker

He treats him like a nuisance
>Bane has never been scared of Joker
He blew Arkham Asylum and faked his death to get away from him.
sounds like bullshit
Maybe he didn't feel like giving it to any of the mob-bosses or Joker, so Riddler might've been one of the only choices left for him?

For most of them? Kill on sight because he's a liability.
On a side note, Lex liking him makes zero sense and exists purely because they're their respective heroes' archenemies.
When was that?
Infinite Frontier, Joker was pissed at Bane that he wasted Alfred's death on Damian, so he threatened Bane while he was in Arkham, saying he'd go after him when he would least expect it.
Later, Arkham Asylum was supposedly blown up and gassed by Joker, with one of the casualties being "Bane".
Of course it was later revealed that Joker didn't blow up Arkham at all, he was taking a vacation at the time, and that Bane was actually alive and conspiring with the Court of Owls to get Joker killed.
I think it should be something like this:

>Joker is largely disinterested in things outside of Gotham. He's not particularly interested in the greater supervillain "community", and doesn't really care about most supervillains other than Batman.
>For some reason, though, he likes Lex and will do him the odd favor or two. Lex finds Joker's antics insufferable, but he does find value in his unique mindset. Occasionally, Lex will throw a job his way, though Joker will only take the ones he finds amusing.
>On the rare occasion he's in a team-up, the others will question what value he brings to the team. But depending on the situation, Joker will show that he's every bit as able and dangerous as Batman is in the context of the League. That said, these team-ups are very rare as Joker is usually disinterested and Lex knows tgat he's too much of a wildcard.
I thought Scarecrow blew up Arkham Asylum.
2 most dangerous men in DC are mortal men
>be me
>beat dog to death with a shovel
>be me
>rent movie from blockbuster
>be kind and rewind sticker
>return it
It happened. Mr. Freeze, Giganta, Clayface, Mad Hatter, Cheetah, Atomic Skull and several others ran for their lives after he beat some bald fucker's head in.
Penguin, Catwoman, and, surprisingly, Harley, all get along with Eddie.
I like to think that Joker can only get henchmen because the economy is so shit in Gotham. He's priced out of everywhere else.

>So you get one grand up front and two grand on completion, with a 1% cut of the earnings. You have to provide your own thematic costume.
>Blacksmith is offering $5k for that kind of gig with half up front and a 2% cut that pools if another goon eats it during the job. No costumes required.

>Alright, your payment is one grand up front an-
>Intergang pays one-five a week, a bonus capped at 10% of the take split evenly, and if you do a good job they let you keep the ray gun.

>What do you mean "Star City has a henchperson's bill of rights?" Let me see that: per diem, travel reimbursement, veto power over novelty costumes, temporary housing for laying low! Binding arbitration at venue of henchpersons' choosing! WHAT THE FUCK IS A DOULA AND WHY DO I NEED TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO ONE?
>Also give me a logical reason for why they wouldn't just kill
I won't because there isn't one. Joker should always be dead or have no less than two dozen different dudes actively chasing him to murder him. Frankly, the joker defense should be a thing where any criminal activity can be moderately justified as pursuing the joker or idiots trying to revive him.
Aren't we all?
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The Injustice Society arc in JSA Classified was great
Batman shouldn't be a threat to anyone above street level though.
Well too bad, Batman is the most OP character DC has, therefore Joker has to become just as OP.
>What should Joker's relationship be with the other villains?
Grounded practical Joker that just wants to see the world burn with a smile? They'll just let him do his thing.
Le reddit super OP chaos agent Joker eats babies for fun? Kill on sight.
>Also give me a logical reason for why they wouldn't just kill him.
I like to imagine that each of Batman's villains share something similar to him, and Joker in particular shares the same fear-inducing "what if" scenario.
For example if you manage to take the Bat by surprise, beat the fuck out of him, tie him to a massive rock and throw him in the river, by all logic he should be dead and cease to be your problem. But are you sure he's DEAD dead? There's always a small part of your brain that knows he's somewhere out there and you end up looking back in fear until one day you look back and see him standing there.
Same with Joker. You can do all you want but are you sure you took him out for good? There's always a tiny chance that he's coming back and this time with you as his prey. You will live your life uneasy and in fear and one day you turn back and see his clown gun pointed at you.
Which is why most villains stay out of his way. It isn't worth it, just let the Bat handle him.
It wasn't very clear.
Why is Black Manta's neck so long? He probably can't even see.
Honestly do not see why any villain would give a shit about Joker, or the other way around.

he's just a stupid mafia clown man that robs banks and occasionally poisons the water or something. Guys who have world domination plans or want to change the color of the sun would not give a damn about the clown man in that one ghetto city.
>he's just a stupid mafia clown man that robs banks and occasionally poisons the water or something
And Batman is just a detective that beats up gangsters with gimmicks, when was the last time you read comics?
Sinestro definitely. The man has one of the universe's most powerful armies at his call and can take over any world he wants in minutes. He has no reason to hang around on Earth and goon for some petty normal human guy that wants to rob something or fight Superman. It's all incredibly small for him to bother.

If a crossover event really needs to have a evil power ring guy in the Luthor goon squad, just make that guy the current 2814 Sinestro Corps member already. There hasn't been one since Amon Sur died back in 2010.
Sinestro is already bros with Black Adam. You would think that is his main angle for getting a decent contact with Earth related things. Also Sinestro is a control freak that does not think of himself as a villain or criminal. It does not make sense for him to hang with guys like Joker, Grodd, or Captain Cold. He would hang with Adam since he is also another guy that believes in being a strong leader that makes the hard decisions that need to be made etc.

He wouldn't hang with the actual criminals and bank robbers, he would hang with the leaders and generals who consider themselves to the the REAL leaders of the world.
...he's a fucking clown man that shoots people and robs banks anon. The fact that you worship him as le funny agent of chaos fanboy bullshit does not matter. He is a clown man that shoots people and sprays laughing gas on crowds.

Quit trying to add in your own headcanon fanboy shit.
So did the clown guys horribly die in less than a minute here? I cannot see them being a speedbump to Sinestro or Cheetah.
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>Guy A built an atomizer and denigrated his rival's molecules
>Guy B slapped his rival with a metal coil
It would make more sense if Joker was an employee of Luthors to keep Batman off his ass and remaining in Gotham. When Joker dies from some scheme going bad, Luthor just has a new one set up and sent to Gotham to continue distracting Bruce from his bigger schemes.
Mirror Master seems like a much better guy to call if you need a thief that can break into anywhere and grab anything without trouble.
All the evil genius types would hate actually having to deal with some mystical magical weirdo. Plus the magic guys seem like they would be the hardest wild card to control if needed, or they are somehow demon related and will very likely fuck over any major plans so they can resurrect some dark god or release some demon to destroy the world. It's just not worth it.

Sinestro, Black Adam, and Zolomon need to make their own team of villains who think they are not really villains but REAL heroes who know they have to make the hard decisions because they are better than the guys calling themselves heroes. Zod might join in too.
Court Of Owls could take down Krakoa.
He may be a Master, but he ain't a Captain, if you know what I'm saying.
>villains who think they are not really villains but REAL heroes who know they have to make the hard decisions because they are better than the guys calling themselves heroes
Wouldn't some depictions of Luthor also go there.
Every villain is the hero of their own story, some just embrace evil or see it differently from others.
The Iceberg Lounge is about money laundering and entertainment, who better to care of it than a Game Show host themed villain who's good at math, can make billions appear out of his pocket at any vive minute and has no other intentions other than making Batman look bad?
Ultra-Humanite is based.
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Zod did nothing wrong, the Els are all little bitches.
Based ultra-humanite. Don't hide behind 5 dollar words to pretend you're something you're not. Be a man (or ape) and accept what you are then either change or embrace it and the consequences thereof.
Confirmed for having never read comics

fuck off nonfan
He wasn't there to fight, he needed their help but they told him to fuck off.
>...he's a fucking clown man that shoots people and robs banks anon.
There was also that time he tricked a fifth dimension imp into giving him almost all of his reality warping powers and Joker's obsession with Batman is the only thing that stopped him from wiping out all of reality.
Always assumed it was because his standarts for henchmen were the lowest.
The mobsters won't take any desperate shmuck into a position where they get anything more than a pittance
A lot of the crazies are solo operators anyway who only hire out when needed or are basically just as crazy as the Joker in some way anyway
The only qualification for being a Joker minion is willingness to put on a clown mask/make-up
Sinestro explicitly got regressed back to his 70s era persona AND costume, due to Andy Khouri having a huge god-damn hate boner for EVS and wanting to erase his contributions to the Green Lantern lore, but especially Sinestro and the Sinestro Corps stuff and the character development he had with it.

As for Grodd, he has no real character development arc so he was easier to regress. IIRC Snyder DID give him some sort of motive for henching for Lex; Lex gave him the golden age Flash villain the Turtle (retconned to being forever dying and being reincarnated), who had just died again and been reincarnated as a baby, to carry around as a force shield to paralyze Flash if he came near God.
No they aren't.

It's explicitly stated over the years that Lex is legit scared of Joker and tolerates him/invites him to his team-ups because he knows Joker will go after Lex to fuck his shit up and cost him victory if he isn't allowed in on the "fun" of Lex's big schemes.

At best, Lex tolerates Joker purely because Joker's one of the few villains who will tell Lex uncomfortable truths but Joker's utter lunacy and axe craziness forces Lex to constantly have to tard wrangle him, allowing heroes to beat Lex and his team of villains.

Meanwhile Joker loves to annoy Lex purely for the lulz and would kill him in a heartbeat if he thinks it's funny or if Lex tells Joker an uncomfortable truth that pisses Joker off (as unlike Lex, Joker doesn't like it when you tell him uncomfortable truths).
Joker gets henchmen three ways:

1. he recruits mentally ill people out of Gotham who are so crazy they don't know or care that Joker's a bad boss who will kill them on a whim

2. greedy thugs who know working with Joker is a 50/50 chance of being killed by him, but who do so because, when Joker is contracting out for henchmen, he pays the most money of all of the various Gotham villains so it's a risk/reward deal where if you survive AND avoid being sent to jail by Batman, you can make a huge amount of money for a couple of jobs.

3. People who are blackmailed into working for Joker because he threatens to murder your wife, kids, parents, and every single relative and person you love

Also, for the second group of people, if Joker hires you for a gig, it's been established that Joker WILL require you to give up the names and addresses of every family member you have so he can kill them if you betray him or fuck up something. And after the caper (if you don't fucking get out of dodge immediately), will basically blackmail you into continuing to work for him for free by threatening to murder everyone you love if you try and leave his crew.
And that's a good thing!
The two reasons I like are >>144270083 and that he's capable but largely wants for nothing. He's in it for the love of the game, he's not a mercenary like Deathstroke or a bankrobber like Captain Cold. The only time Joker will fuck you over is if he thinks it'd be funny, so long as you keep him occupied he won't bust your balls over minutiae or dime on you to the authorities because he's afraid you're going too far.

I do like the idea that every villain pretty much hates his guts while he thinks having an organized Legion of Doom is an incredibly gay concept.
They're egotistical but they can also accept that three guys punching the Justice League gives them better odds of success than just one guy punching the Justice League.
Headcanon that Cheetah is generally all business but unironically finds the Joker funny

Just really appreciates a good pie in the face gag
This is a fun idea specifically in a Batman-centric universe/story where the Joker is the ultimate antagonist.

I'm a sucker for supervillains who basically just arch because it's a job. Like Giganta fights Wonder Woman because she's Giganta and that's what she does. But then Joker shows up and just acts like a subway crackhead and violently murders someone because he thinks it's a fun bit and everyone else has a moment of clarity, like "oh man I'm almost 40, I just wanted to release a bunch of zoo animals in an art museum, this is getting too heavy for me let's bail dude".

In a greater shared DC universe however there is absolutely no reason someone like Black Manta or Sinestro would ever be intimidated by the Joker.
>that scene from The Office where Todd Packer shows up but it's Joker walking into the Legion of Doom
I like the idea that Cold is the Flash of the Legion of Doom. Like he's the closest thing to a moral center that they have, he's the one who ensures that they're not just fucking around like common thugs.
The problem is people saw The Dark Knight and were so taken in by Ledger's performance that they missed all the times he was fucking hilarious
The ideal Joker is literally just a clown. He does the shit he does because he thinks it's funny, that's it. Trying to explain the Joker is like trying to explain why a joke is funny, it sucks all the fun out of it and makes you look like a retard. The Joker keeps his philosophies to himself because what's so funny about that? All these writers think the key to writing Joker is to just make him a brooding edgelord, but he needs a punchline to be effective. There has to be a rimshot or a bicycle horn to punctuate the horror, that's what separates him from Hush or Pyg or any of the thousands of other "serial killer with a *blank* motif" villains out there. He's the Road Runner to Batman's Coyote.
Honestly if they ever did a Death of Joker story, it'd be great if Killer Moth took him out
It'd be kind of a cool What If scenario if someone from the Legion just got pissed off and killed the Joker over nothing. Like if Black Manta just stabbed him during a meeting because he made a crack about his helmet, then watch the fallout of that one death.
>Joker gets killed
>Batman is conflicted whether he wants to hunt down the villain that did it (potentially punching way above his weight class) or ignore it since there are more pressing matters (but also maybe he's kinda happy it happened?)
>all the lower tier villains go "wait we can just do that?" and suddenly Luthor and Grodd are dodging assassination attempts from every Tom, Dick, and Crazy Quilt who wants to be the new head of the table
>civilians basically canonize the villain that did it, organize marches and parades (which inevitably clash with the "Joker did nothing wrong" protestors)
>Gotham falls into anarchy as all the big villains (plus a few out of towners) scramble to divvy up Joker's territory and fill the power vacuum
>the League is concerned with the increased lethality of the Legion, starts having meetings about whether or not they should use deadly force
>Luthor puts a spin team on it, tries running for president on a "tough on super crime" platform
>maybe the villain who did it is someone like Captain Cold who generally doesn't kill and has to struggle with what they've wrought
>some hero goes too far and kills one of their villains and gets publicly crucified for using excessive force
>the one thing everyone can agree on is that the Joker would find all of this hilarious
I always said they should do a Joker story where it's one of those "dear Batman I have really actually snapped this time and I'm gonna for real murder your family come stop me hehehaha xoxo Joker" stories with a dead serious tone, only to reveal that it was all a ruse so Joker could pants Batman on live television or something.

Like just do one very silly juvenile gag, have a lol, then hold out his hands and go "okay okay lmao I'm done, you can take me back now"
I like that Giganta bit where she's dating The Atom. We need more villains where villainy is more a bad habit than the reason they live and breathe. Not everyone needs to be a global threat or a manifestation of chaos, sometimes they're just sort of a prick with a costume and abilities.
He's an autismo who would 100% think "what would Oswald do?" before changing the brand of tampons in the ladies room
>Also give me a logical reason for why they wouldn't just kill him.
He's been coming back from the dead since 1940, one he did so twice in the same goddamned book and is a serial killer.
That was weird how that story established Mxy as way more powerful than the Spectre and every other being in the universe combined.

Meanwhile a few years later Superboy Prime beats the shit out of him and is immune to Mxy completely, Then Mxy is fucking terrified of Dr Manhattan.
Homo sapiens are just the apex species of the cosmos
congratulations, you've created a more interesting story/concept for an event then DC has in years
Wasn't this just Kingdom Come?
>It does not make sense for him to hang with guys like Joker, Grodd, or Captain Cold.
You're talking about the guy who formed the Sinestro Corps, a lantern group comprised of intergalactic murderers and psychos because they scare people. Sinestro hangs with the LoD the same reason he started his corp; he thinks he can use monsters to achieve a greater good later
You're thinking about Mirror Master's skill, not strategic mind. There's a reason why The Rogues listen to Cold, and its because the guy always has a plan
bane and clayface might be willing to take a crack at joker, i think ivy probably isn't afraid of him but wouldn't want the hassle of making a real go at him
and i don't think he's on Ra's radar, not afraid just not aware or bother to care
that's a fun team, but i'd be surprised if they would go for it
moth is a vet, but that would mean he would be even more aware of how dangerous joker is, he also doesn't have a good success rate is he cocky enough to take a shot at joker? and the other 3 are opportunists mostly i don't think they would value this as a good tip considering the risk
maybe they all get blackmailed into it keiser soze style, so even if they know it's a stupid idea they are compelled to anyways
i do love the idea of them going for the robbery and realizing joker really doesn't have any money, that he's just blown it all over the years on gags traps and kitschy junk
>Why'd you do it, Walker? Did he threaten your family, go to far with his crimes against the city, take a shot at you?
>He owed me 2 million dollars.

It's the same inciting incident to the background of KC but with completely different circumstances and context.
The only damn time I saw Joker ever interact with Ra's was in the Lego DC Supervillain game, and it was only because Batman and Flash took Joker to recruit Ra's against Darkseid and the Crime Syndicate. And all Joker did was zap Slade and wear a funny pilots helmet behind Batman in the Batwing and go 'I'M THE CO-PILOT'
Cannon and Sabre are cool, I wish they showed up in more stuff
Same reason nobody just shoots lex luthor through the head. He's smart enough to avoid it on a near constant.
>Lego DC Supervillains
That was a fun game
Mxy full power has always been > Spectre
Thats not even weird, spectre lives to job
In DCeased Mxy was on par or stronger than him too. And in Worlds funnest

SBP is inconsistent af and has plot armor
Him somehow being a threat to Darkest Knight was even worse

Manhattan got a major power upgrade from DC, he was treated like a supergod and on par with 6-th dimensionals and even Perpetua
>Manhattan got a major power upgrade from DC, he was treated like a supergod
Was this a good thing?
NObody should trust or work with him since he kills so casually and many times, for no reason. He is the most unpredictable fucker out there.
And the fact that they didn't try to kill him should tell the normies here how dangerous he is. All they can do is tell him to stay the fuck away from them instead of leaving hs corpse in the dumpster. He's more dangerous to them just having fun than a Batman who is willing to kill for past crimes. They'd lose to both of them, but the way Joker would take them out would be horrifying.
This makes me want an arc we're joker breaks his funny bone, and he just stops finding anything funny. He keeps doing the same style of crimes, maybe getting progressively sillier and sillier but he just can't laugh anymore. Until one day, where Batman is trying to take him down but he accidentally trips on a banana peel and the joker just starts laughing, fixing the dynamic
not a bad idea
have batman (or some other character) think it might be good at first as Joker wouldn't be motivated to pursue crime if he didn't find it funny
but then he does more and more erratic shit to the point it gets somehow harder to deal with compared to his normal antics
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I really wish we could get a Year One for the Rogues to see how the OG group got together in modern times. We don't see Hartley enough, and it's been a long ass time since Roscoe and Digger were written with the Rogues.
Maybe he's just that funny
No one can be that funny.
That was just Simone pushing her fetish.
Man, Batman fans really are the death of DC as creative company, as much as they keep it afloat.
No, it's fake, I made it up.
You cannot imagine how much I love seeing how Superhero threads always devolve into absurd and infantile arguing about "my hero is better than yours" "no u", but Supervillain ones are always civil, and have actual discussion with sources from comics and stories.
Truly the best threads on /co/. Cheers
What greater good is there when hanging with a collection of dumb purse snatchers on a backward nothing planet?
That should be known now that overwhelming majority of books out each month are Batman, Bat sidekick, or Gotham character books.
And don't you forget it, bub.
Talking about villains is more fun.
Well, he's so funny
One of the Joker's possible origins is that he's not funny at all.
Why do people pretend Joker has multiple origins? He doesn't. He has one. He fell into a vat of acid. There's never been any more than that.
It's fun to pretend.
It wasn't his old personality, they just wanted an excuse to put him in his old clothes cause that's how he looked in the Super Friends cartoon.
>>He owed me 2 million dollars.
Walker would have just blown it on homing drones or a helmet with spikey antenna and glowing red eyes.

Neither Joker nor Batman should be menacing to anyone with actual superpowers and the fact that DC keeps idiotically overhyping them just because they are the one thing left they have that makes some money - that is one of the things killing their brand.
i like this too
"how joker got his groove back"
where's that from?
Scott Snyder's Justice League, from when Luthor was recruiting members for the Legion of Doom.
I wish Harkness and Snart could get a spin-off together, they're supposed to be best buds, and If Ollie and Hall got adventures together I demand a Captain Cold Boomerang miniseries
was a honor to rob this board of a thread slot, but fret not, today we wont be sent to the Archive Assylum, today we reach page 1!
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>wear a funny pilots helmet behind Batman in the Batwing and go 'I'M THE CO-PILOT'
Unironically, those are the single best Joker moments when he can just step back to look at the absurdity of the situation he's swindled, maimed, and killed himself to get to, deliver a laugh, and say something along the lines of "We have FUN, don't we?" with absolutely no malice in his heart at that moment.
wait, which book is this from?
He often really isn't and has to use personal information he has from being obsessed with Batman to his advantage a lot of the time. This doesn't apply to the other villains.YHXRY
Cheetah's just fine as the token member woman all by herself
Plus, she probably likes the attention
>Killer Frost
>Maybe Silver Banshee
any other big girls for the LoD?
let me have more Red lantern Lyra and I'll be happy
I unironically love how Atrocitus of all things has that soft spot that shows to his Red Lanterns from time to time (particularly to Dex-Starr)
quoting Ralph:
“I’m bad, and that’s good! I will never be good, and that’s not bad!”
“There’s no one I’d rather be, than me!”
Proper villains can't fucking stand him, but have to grudgingly admit his plans are usually weirdly effective and hard for the heroes to predict. Teaming up with the Joker is like gambling: the payout might be huge, but the risk is high.
Most just don't bother.
Also absolutely EVERYONE despises Harley.
Lex is dressed like the Joker not the other way around.
Also the only reason they don't just kill him is that everyone who's tried winds up dead instead. Funny how that works.
Top tier taste she has
>everyone on the Legion claims they like working with Punchline way more
>it's not strictly true, but they say it just because they know it pisses off Harley
Villainous bump
>Why'd you bump?
Cus I'm Evil
i agree
that's a good character trait for atrocitus that shouldn't work, but instead really does
he's ravenously hateful to everyone except his lanterns who he's incredibly protective of
Sinestro is a legacy member of the Legion of Doom from a time that long predates his elevation in modern Green Lantern lore. It's an awkward throwback, but the Joker being treated like an evil god due to the opposite effect is worse.
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Hell yeah.
The Jeff Bennett Joker from the Brave and the Bold cartoon just might be my personal favorite take on the character, even though I have no problem admitting the Mark Hamill BTAS Joker is the best one.
This is somehow really damn hard to find on readcomiconline. It's from March of this year, right? Nothing.
>Read the Black Ring if you haven't. It is kino, I don't care what anyone says.
I've never seen anyone say it was anything but kino and wouldn't even finish reading a post that claimed otherwise. I remember eagerly downloading each issue from the Win-O-Thread on release. Those were the days.
The best Martian Manhunter villain was Marvin the Martian from his DC/Looney Tunes crossover issue.
Did they ever explain how Batkek can see?
Nth metal bullshit magic, he can see fine, and even through dimensions.
More importantly how does Luthor keep Vandal Savage in check?
I only really know him from that Christmas episode of JLU where he breaks into an art museum to get rid of that atrocious modern "art," but that portrayal really stood out to me. My favorite style of villain.
I'm sorry, it wasnt an annual, it was an oversized #25
Much appreciated. I haven't read Big Two in over a decade but I always loved villain-centric comics from them.
Earth is a key position of importance in the universe. To control it is to have a tactical advantage
You're welcome. Let me know what you think
>could you imagine if Clark laid a finger on his boyfriend?
We're just going to sit here and pretend that the Injustice comics never happened?

I unironically love that idea. How many people can we get in on this?
I really liked it. Their dynamic was on point and nostalgic. It's always a pleasure when Lex breaks out the daily dose suit. Their little adventure was engaging. Exactly what I'd want out of a story where they work together, more or less. I will remember Waid. I'm not used to cape comic authors being named directly on this board in a positive light.
The entire B/S Worlds Finest book is great
It really is.
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Batman: Last knight on earth
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He honestly works better in that framework. It's fine for him to help out in big events, but him being prepared to handle every meta, alien, or god being is retarded.
Luthor doesn't need to. If Savage is working with the Legion it's because he finds it beneficial to do so, if he doesn't then he'd not going to be there.
I think a more Silver Age-styled Batman can more acceptably punch above his weight class, but anything else just feels too silly at best and blatantly forced at worst.
Luthor usually brings him in exactly because he's a wild card and its easier to throw him at something than the risk of Joker feeling left out and fucking them all over.

Think of it as a formality to not get laugh gas mailed.
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In all honesty. You know how you dont look at or make eye contact with homeless people screaming in the street? Not because they are particularly more dangerous that any other cunt (well i guess they are) Its because you don't know what they might do. A sane asshole you can predict. So you just avoid them, it's an easier mental load and you don't gatta be on guard.
Everyone would avoid the shit out of J and he would be alone constantly
I think most are tired of his shit but they know if they don't invite him and he finds out then he'll be an even bigger headache so they just let him be on their team
So who's the Wonder Woman rep for the Villian Trinity with Lex and Joker? Cheetah or Circe
Joker's kind of like Maleficent in the original Sleeping Beauty. Inviting him to the party to give a gift could be disasterous, but possibly not as disasterous as not inviting him at all.
If Joker is Maleficent, which supervillain is the fairy from the version of Briar Rose where the fairy who cursed the princess wasn't invited to the christening because she was an elderly recluse who everyone assumed was dead?

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